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Unveiling The Limo Stop

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Why would an investigative body use the same bullet hole location (think chalk mark elevation) when determining the ballistics for a shot that hit JFK in his head?

Once you realize how preposterous that is, the following might be much easier to understand.

The difference in JFK's head height at z312 was 3.54" lower than when he was sitting upright.

Where did the other 10" go?

Please don't fall victim to the vehicle height difference BS.

btw,  the extant zframe  is rotated 3.13° clockwise (slope of Elm St at this location) to fit the recreation.

13.54.png    z312-head-height.gif




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On 5/18/2020 at 10:22 AM, Chris Davidson said:

At least in trying to create the overall WC fantasy:

The pylons were supposed to represent the limo front end(bumper edge) when JFK was hit by a bullet.

The rear bumper edge was supposed to represent JFK's position in the limo(Station#) when hit by those same bullets.



Since the early investigations were also trying to manipulate 10", I'll give you a tie-in to the previous post.

A ten inch elevation difference on a sloped road of 3.13° = 15.25 horizontal feet.

The distance between JFK's position in the limo and the front end equaled 15.11ft or a difference in distance of 1.68 inches = close enough match for their task at hand.

The chalk mark designating a throat shot would be at the limo's front end(elevation 10" lower) location when a headshot (10" higher than a throat shot/chalk mark) occurred at JFK's physical location in the limo.

Simply put, the above describes the elevation difference between 3.27 and 4.103ft = 10"



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The rifle barrel end elevation (upper right red box) was set at 492ft for extant 313.

The z313 street elevation (lower red box) was 418.48.

492 - 418.48 = 73.52ft

Remember, you still have to subtract JFK's height above the street = 52.78" - 3.54" = 4.103ft

73.52 - 4.103 = 69.417ft

As can be seen, a difference of 10" versus what the original survey shows @ 70.25ft

You think they were "boxed" in to that location.



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Moving along, please remember I am using the info/data supplied by an entity that was intent on connecting all the dots/shots back to the TSBD 6th floor SE window.

The false information supplied allows this to happen.

For example, when the testimony states that JFK's head height above the street was 52.78", this was used in accordance with the rest to end up back on the 6th floor.

Don't assume for a second that this is an accurate measurement.

That said, I believe by "picking out info between the lines" and explaining it in the context of the WC fantasy, hopefully you're gaining a better understanding of how they went about it.


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On 5/11/2020 at 3:22 PM, Mark Tyler said:

Thanks Daniel, I think you are right.  Here are a couple of photos of the 1964 Mercury Colony Park Station Wagon:



The license plate, lights, corners above the lights, and the small circular area beneath the rear window seem to match.  This also looks to be a match for the VIP car in the motorcade as seen in the Willis 6 photo:


Credit to Todd Wayne Vaughan's motorcade reference for confirming this car model:

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/M Disk/Motorcade Route/Item 15.pdf

Now we just need to find a few videos of this car model signalling to turn.  I've not found any yet, but if any reader does find a video please share the link so we can try and confirm the Wiegman film frame rate!

If I remember correctly, wasn’t the car in this last photo registered to Mary Ferrell and her husband? They were driving through Dealey Plaza that day. Did they drive all the way to the hospital? 

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The limousine had a feature installed shortly before JFK took possession of it that would raise the back seat about 10 inches at the push of a button from the back seat or from the front passenger dashboard, "to improve the President's visibility during motorcades."  I recall reading that Kellerman was "pushing buttons" on the dashboard during the killing in DP.  I wonder if the throat shot may have been the result of JFK seeming to "jump up" (as at least one witness reported) during the shooting because the seat was abruptly raised to make JFK a better target.  Food for thought, at least.

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On 6/6/2020 at 9:02 AM, Steven Kossor said:

The limousine had a feature installed shortly before JFK took possession of it that would raise the back seat about 10 inches at the push of a button from the back seat or from the front passenger dashboard, "to improve the President's visibility during motorcades."  I recall reading that Kellerman was "pushing buttons" on the dashboard during the killing in DP.  I wonder if the throat shot may have been the result of JFK seeming to "jump up" (as at least one witness reported) during the shooting because the seat was abruptly raised to make JFK a better target.  Food for thought, at least.

Thanks Steven.

Duly noted.

I was aware of the control from the backseat but not the front.

Your comment about "thin slices" is very apropro, I agree that attention to minutiae is the key.

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On 6/4/2020 at 3:19 PM, Chris Davidson said:

The rifle barrel end elevation (upper right red box) was set at 492ft for extant 313.

The z313 street elevation (lower red box) was 418.48.

492 - 418.48 = 73.52ft

Remember, you still have to subtract JFK's height above the street = 52.78" - 3.54" = 4.103ft

73.52 - 4.103 = 69.417ft

As can be seen, a difference of 10" versus what the original survey shows @ 70.25ft

You think they were "boxed" in to that location.



The next step is to run a comparison calculation based on where a 3.54" height difference would put JFK, allowing you to compare the slant distance difference.  


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On 5/20/2020 at 11:06 PM, Chris Davidson said:

Added on Edit: Addition to graphic below in white boxes.







265.26 - 262.23 = 3.03ft

3.03ft + 2.37ft(for sake of confusion) = 5.4ft horizontal ft.

Now you know why Specter eventually changed the original elevations from the Dec5, 1963 plat.

Elev 418.48 - 418.35 = .13 x 18.3 = 2.379 horizontal ft.




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On 5/11/2020 at 11:40 AM, Chris Davidson said:

Those top two entries were then changed from z161-z166 to z168-z171, right away an obvious frame change at the same distance, which adversely affects the speed.

The speed for z168-z171 = 18.3/3 = 6.1 x .9ft = 5.49ft per sec = 3.74 mph = .3ft per frame

The limo wasn't traveling at 3.74mph at this point either

Removing alternating frames from a film where a vehicle is traveling at 3.74mph = .3 ft per frame(near the headshots) will increase the vehicle speed to 7.47mph.

This would be an example of an "instantaneous remnant" adjustment used in calculating the alteration of the original film.z168-z171.png




In case you had forgotten what the connecting importance of a 5.4ft horizontal distance was, above is one reminder.

btw, the conversion from 18.3fps to 18(dealing in whole frames) = 18/18.3 = .9836 x 5.49ft = 5.4ft

A direct link between the manipulation of earlier CE884 data to accomodate the later alteration of the extant zfilm.




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Just now, Chris Davidson said:

In case you had forgotten what the connecting importance of a 5.4ft horizontal distance was, above is one reminder.

btw, the conversion from 18.3fps to 18(dealing in whole frames) = 18/18.3 = .9836 x 5.49ft = 5.4ft

A direct link between the manipulation of earlier CE884 data to accomodate the later alteration of the extant zfilm.




And just as important in understanding the semantics is the conversion of the elevation 3.54" difference from JFK upright to his slumping at extant z312:

3.54"/ 12" = .295 x18.3(3.13° street slope) = 5.4ft horizontal = synchronized match.




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Final confirmation for a 5.4ft sync will come via the "official" WC  CE884 version.

If you refer back to my "Math Rules" topic, I supplied the following to help you figure out what the limo speed was on the extant zfilm from z156-z166, bypassing the BS speed of 2.24mph.


The speed was 1.08ft per frame.

The span was 5 frames from z161-z166

5 x 1.08 ft per frame = 5.4ft.




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On 6/8/2020 at 11:39 AM, Chris Davidson said:

The next step is to run a comparison calculation based on where a 3.54" height difference would put JFK, allowing you to compare the slant distance difference.  


Once again, referring back to a "Math Rules" posting and filling in more of the illusion:


If you want to connect Shaneyfelt's "shell game" to the Altgen's designated shot, just convert(along with the correct data) from the Specter plotted/surveyed slant distance of 265.26 location from station# 465.3 = extant z313 shot.

465.26 - 462.23 = 3.03ft + 2.37 = 5.4ft

39.66ft - .9(z161-z166) - 10.2(z207 elevation / station# adjustment) = 28.56ft

462.23 + 5.4 = 467.63 + 28.56 = 496.19

I can see why Shaneyfelt was having troubles keeping this whole charade in sync.






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On 6/8/2020 at 2:29 PM, Chris Davidson said:

265.26 - 262.23 = 3.03ft

3.03ft + 2.37ft(for sake of confusion) = 5.4ft horizontal ft.

Now you know why Specter eventually changed the original elevations from the Dec5, 1963 plat.

Elev 418.48 - 418.35 = .13 x 18.3 = 2.379 horizontal ft.




Two shots as one.


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On 6/10/2020 at 10:17 AM, Chris Davidson said:

Once again, referring back to a "Math Rules" posting and filling in more of the illusion:


If you want to connect Shaneyfelt's "shell game" to the Altgen's designated shot, just convert(along with the correct data) from the Specter plotted/surveyed slant distance of 265.26 location from station# 465.3 = extant z313 shot.

465.26 - 462.23 = 3.03ft + 2.37 = 5.4ft

39.66ft - .9(z161-z166) - 10.2(z207 elevation / station# adjustment) = 28.56ft

462.23 + 5.4 = 467.63 + 28.56 = 496.19

I can see why Shaneyfelt was having troubles keeping this whole charade in sync.






I encourage you to incorporate one other "Math Rules" graphic into fully understanding the connection between the "two shots as one" WC coverup.


The slope on Elm St to 3.13° starts at PositionA ( WC had to keep elevation/trajectory data in mind)

The relational street distance between the "TSBD snipers nest and PositionA" = The same distance as the "Altgen's determined shot to the 2nd headshot" at 2.37ft past the first extant z313 headshot.

The WC adjustments have been connected for you.







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