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On 7/6/2024 at 7:16 AM, Jonathan Cohen said:

I bring nothing to the debate? Where is your evidence to support ANYTHING Howard Hunt may have said about aliens and the Kennedy assassination? 

There is no evidence that E. Howard Hunt said that except the word of Doug Caddy.

In my dealings with Doug Caddy, I have found him to be an honest and honorable man.

Have said THAT I think E. Howard Hunt - if he said JFK was killed because he knew about the alien presence on Earth and was about to reveal it - is 100% full of baloney.

You should not be surprised that people affiliated with government agencies or the CIA say or believe nutty things.

I do believe Doug Caddy is honest about his conversation with his friend E. Howard Hunt.

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5 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

In my dealings with Doug Caddy, I have found him to be an honest and honorable man.

Having said THAT I think E. Howard Hunt - if he said JFK was killed because he knew about the alien presence on Earth and was about to reveal it - is 100% full of baloney.

You should not be surprised that people affiliated with government agencies or the CIA say or believe nutty things.

I do believe Doug Caddy is honest about his conversation with his friend E. Howard Hunt.

 Robert your dismissive take on the Alien presence story combined with your great respect for Doug Caddy and his integrity have me confused.

You think the Alien presence story is a "nutty thing?"

Yet at the same time you say you believe Caddy is being honest about his conversation with E. Howard Hunt?

So, Caddy is an honest man who happens to be promoting a "nutty thing" conspiracy?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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18 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

So I was in London around 2011 taking the DLR out to the Limehouse area from the city center.

I got off at the Limehouse station and walked by the boats and houseboats in the docks there toward the Thames.

When I turned on the street at the end of the docks, I looked up and there it was over the river - the Mother Ship - rectangular like 4 football fields put together wide and long and 10-20 feet high with white lights on the corner edges, dark grey otherwise broken up by some black section dividers, etc.  It was about 300-500 feet up.

 I got out my phone - small one but with a camera and ran towards the Thames where the ship got blocked from view by the apt buildings and I couldn't get a snapshot while the phone loaded.

I got to the river and it was gone.  I ran down the stairs to the Gordon Ramsey pub on the River and asked those sitting outside if they had seen it.  They didn't.

I didn't see any reports of a sighting on the news, but I'm a believer now.

I'm interested in any other information about rectangular shaped UFOs.

Bill, I used to work in the hotel business for a few years from 2001 to 2007.

Much of the time I was the concierge at a quaint yet somewhat upscale hotel in Carmel, California by the name of "The Cypress Inn."

Doris Day was a partner in it's ownership.

The hotel had it's own bar and lounge. It's own restaurant. A contained outdoor garden patio with fireplace.

It also had a beautiful " sitting/living room" with a large fireplace. Spanish adobe style architecture with high beam ceiling. Nice old art on the walls. 200 year old standing pendulum clock.

My concierge desk sat in a corner.

I would go back and forth from the desk to what other tasks I was called on to perform.

The guests loved this room. Many couches with tables. They would order wine and cheese and engage each other with conversation. After dinner many guests would retire to this room.

Many of these guests were fascinating people with fascinating backgrounds.

Without engaging in their conversations myself and looking busy at my old rich color desk, I overheard some memorable tales.

The wine really warmed these guests up into uninhibited sharing.

Two stand out in my memory... from the paranormal realm.

One evening someone brought up the "Bermuda Triangle" mystery.

Some light anecdotes followed with some chuckling.

However, one lady who sat by herself and did not speak was asked by another guest if she had any thoughts. This woman was middle aged and very well comported and dressed. After a long pause she reluctantly chimed in and regretfully I later learned.

This woman lived in the North East and I think from a Cape Cod type environment.

She slowly gave bits and pieces about something her and her wealthy husband experienced regarding Bermuda. They would fly down and rent some type of motorized sailing craft and go out in this. I think for an entire day.

This one time they went out with another couple.

At some point later in the day inexplicably all the power went out on the boat. In a split second. They were confused. This power outage included everything electrical on the boat. And scarily, even their communication system stopped working.

This woman paused and then said even their navigational compass went crazy...some spinning?

It wasn't long before all four of this party started feeling freaked out. They drifted powerless for many hours. I mean they were really upset. They had a fear that this strange cut off would never end. 

At some point however, the power on the boat just blinked on as quickly as It had blinked out. Everything was working including their radio and compass.

They raced back to port as fast as they could. This woman said from that day on she and her husband never went sailing again.

Her story was met with silence. Perhaps 8 others in the room besides me.

The woman got up and left to go back to her room.

I had to run a few errands at that time and didn't expect to see this guest again.

However, as I passed the bottom on the staircase going to her second story room I bumped into her.

 I said hello and for some stupid reason I unprofessionally asked her a question.

She reluctantly obliged me.

I told her I had heard her Bermuda sailing story just minutes earlier in our living room. I was so taken by it ( especially because I could see this was a woman of high society status)...and I blurted out " was it all true?" 

She paused and I could see she was irritated by my stupid question.

She straightened up and turned to walk up the stairs, but then paused and turned sightly back at me and said solemnly " I only shared half the story." The rest of it was even more frightening."

Another woman from New York City heard myself and another guest discussing the UFO phenomena. (These two guest conversation stories are the only times I ever engaged a guest with such.)

She sat close by and seemed interested enough to stare at us while we spoke.

This other guest happened to ask her if she ever saw anything unusual like this.

Again, reluctantly she said she had. And it frightened her so much she never wanted to even talk about it again.

She said she saw a large cylindrical shaped object right above her in the sky above the New York City skyline...in broad daylight.

She couldn't help but stare at it and it was visible for a minute or two. She was disturbingly shaken that no one else around her was seeing this large object right above the city.

She ran away and just wanted to forget she ever saw it.


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35 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

She couldn't help but stare at it and it was visible for a minute or two. She was disturbingly shaken that no one else around her was seeing this large object right above the city.

Joe, there's something going on - what it is I don't know.

Those are some really interesting stories.  I've heard one like that sighting in Southern Illinois where a friend who was farmer and his wife had an encounter on a country road where the UFO shone a light and there car would not function any longer.

The one I saw looked like the image below only w lights on the corner edges.

But my attitude is contained in this old song - beam me up.  I'm old enough to chance it now.

Mr Spaceman



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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

 Robert your dismissive take on the Alien presence story combined with your great respect for Doug Caddy and his integrity have me confused.

You think the Alien presence story is a "nutty thing?"

Yet at the same time you say you believe Caddy is being honest about his conversation with E. Howard Hunt?

So, Caddy is an honest man who happens to be promoting a "nutty thing" conspiracy?

Doug Caddy is merely relaying the conversation that he had with E. Howard Hunt. It is not like E. Howard Hunt actually provided any proof of what he said about JFK and the aliens

It does not mean that E. Howard Hunt was accurate. E. Howard Hunt could have been 1) inaccurate 2) lying or 3) nutty as a fruitcake.

If my neighbor told me the Moon was made of green cheese it does not mean that he never told me that, even if you think the Moon is not made of green cheese.

I think E. Howard Hunt was feeding Doug Caddy a load of bull__t. I do think Hunt actually said those things about the aliens and yes, it is nutty.

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For many years many government military/agency/ civilian contract people have used an acronym besides the old "UFO" one.

It is AVC.

Alien Visitation Craft.

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2 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

Doug Caddy is merely relaying the conversation that he had with E. Howard Hunt. It is not like E. Howard Hunt actually provided any proof of what he said about JFK and the aliens

It does not mean that E. Howard Hunt was accurate. E. Howard Hunt could have been 1) inaccurate 2) lying or 3) nutty as a fruitcake.

If my neighbor told me the Moon was made of green cheese it does not mean that he never told me that, even if you think the Moon is not made of green cheese.

I think E. Howard Hunt was feeding Doug Caddy a load of bull__t. I do think Hunt actually said those things about the aliens and yes, it is nutty.

Robert: Would you believe what this Russian government official said about the Alien Presence?


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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Robert: Would you believe what this Russian government official said about the Alien Presence?


My response is: people believe nutty and unfounded things all over the world.

For example, Donald Trump (pretends to believe) that he won the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

I believe "The Aliens are Living With us" is complete garbage. (My opinion.)

And I believe E. Howard Hunt was feeding you a pillow of horse feathers when you had lunch with him in the 1970s.


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1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

My response is: people believe nutty and unfounded things all over the world.

For example, Donald Trump (pretends to believe) that he won the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

I believe "The Aliens are Living With us" is complete garbage. (My opinion.)

And I believe E. Howard Hunt was feeding you a pillow of horse feathers when you had lunch with him in the 1970s.


Dmitry Medvedev - Wikipedia

Former President and Premier of Russia. His statement in the video is the official statement of the Russian Government on the existence of the Alien Presence. I choose to believe his and Howard Hunt's declarations on the subject.



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13 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Dmitry Medvedev - Wikipedia

Former President and Premier of Russia. His statement in the video is the official statement of the Russian Government on the existence of the Alien Presence. I choose to believe his and Howard Hunt's declarations on the subject.



All will be revealed.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Ex-Government insider's new book about information being denied to the public about UFOs and the Alien Presence. This is an article from today's New York Times.




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On 8/20/2024 at 5:56 AM, Charles Blackmon said:

I doubt but for a few members no one here is going to click on this link and read the article.

It is not JFKA related ( except via Doug Caddy's story of E. Howard Hunt's claim that JFK was taken out over the ET secret ) and most people scoff at this ET/UFO subject discussion anyway.

Still, the fact is this guy Luis Elizondo is who he says he is and has held all the extremely high security military and government intel agency positions he has so often stated in his many interviews.

He and his shocking new ET reality paradigm message have been given national coverage in all our media for a few years now. Way more than anything like this before. Beyond measure.

More than anyone ever in the history of the phenomena and who comes from such a high security level of government service and position.

Obvious to me that he has been placed into this position of promoting what he says is the truth of ET visitation and how it's time for the citizenry of our society to know this truth and begin the process of acceptance of it.

I believe Elizondo's years of national media coverage and his message is part of the first serious effort of our most secret and powerful government entities to prepare our society for a gradual acceptance of the truth about the reality of the ET story.

One that hopefully will make the transition less traumatic from a psychological and even spiritual aspect.

Include David Grush's national media coverage as well.

Include the "Tic Tac" national media coverage as well.

The UFO/ET presence reality has just become too obvious to the general population now. Full scale denial of it by the government is no longer trusted by too many.

Steven Greer's massive deep research and strongly documented discloser efforts as well as the discloser efforts by so many other highly placed and credentialed persons of high authority positions ( Paul Hellyer, the former president of Russia, Nick Pope/Lord Hill-Norton, etc. etc. etc. ) and others.

Plus, countless direct U.S. military involved incidents of UFO high strangeness such as the 1980 Brentwaters Air Base/Rendelsham Forest Woodbridge, England incident and the Malmstrom Air Base incident in 1967 and so many others cumulatively just push the envelope of official government denial to an untenable position of defense.


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