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From JFK To Donald Trump-- Profiles In Eloquence

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President Trump addresses the nation from Mount Rushmore on July 3, 2020... 🤥


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Good one William.  Hard to imagine he screwed this up that badly.  And did he not praise Bugsy Siegel for discovering Vegas? But left his name out.

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Good one William.  Hard to imagine he screwed this up that badly.  And did he not praise Bugsy Siegel for discovering Vegas? But left his name out.

I don't know if this film clip has received any coverage in the M$M since Friday, but it is truly concerning.  The President's brain is missing.

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Eloquence and the current prez don't belong in the same sentence.  He has trouble stringing together 2 or three of them coherently.  

This is almost 30 minutes of eloquence.


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3 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

I don't know whether to laugh, or to cry. 

Trump is so firmly convinced of his own marvelous, un-presidented grandiloquence that it doesn't even faze him to give a speech this ridiculous.

He probably thought that his blatantly fascist, divisive Mount Rushmore debacle was a triumph.

Trump’s ‘Toe-tally-terry-tism’ speech


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15 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Trump is so firmly convinced of his own marvelous, un-presidented grandiloquence that it doesn't even faze him to give a speech this ridiculous.

He probably thought that his blatantly fascist, divisive Mount Rushmore debacle was a triumph.

Trump’s ‘Toe-tally-terry-tism’ speech



Thanks, I was going to bring that up in response to your thread title.


I was reading a fascinating piece the other day from a speech coach (I'm sorry, I don't remember who).

He was saying that Trump can't read.

If you close your eyes and listen closely to Trump's, Mount Rushmore speech, you can hear him pause every two or three words, many times at very inappropriate places before he goes on to the next two or three words. The timing is way off.

I can remember my mother telling me when I was just a little kid struggling with a big word, "Sound it out".

That's what Trump is doing. He's sounding words out in his mind before he verbally expresses it.

His speech writers have to put his speeches on a teleprompter because otherwise he would take off on his usual stream-of conscious psycho babble, but he can't pull it off because he can't read.

Steve Thomas


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7 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


Thanks, I was going to bring that up in response to your thread title.


I was reading a fascinating piece the other day from a speech coach (I'm sorry, I don't remember who).

He was saying that Trump can't read.

If you close your eyes and listen closely to Trump's, Mount Rushmore speech, you can hear him pause every two or three words, many times at very inappropriate places before he goes on to the next two or three words. The timing is way off.

I can remember my mother telling me when I was just a little kid struggling with a big word, "Sound it out".

That's what Trump is doing. He's sounding words out in his mind before he verbally expresses it.

His speech writers have to put his speeches on a teleprompter because otherwise he would take off on his usual stream-of conscious psycho babble, but he can't pull it off because he can't read.

Steve Thomas



      I think you are correct on this one.  All of the circumstantial evidence (and now Mary Trump's direct allegation) points to Donald Trump suffering from a congenital learning disability.

     It's no accident that he gets his information (and "intel briefings") primarily from television.

     I have often wondered if Trump has ever read a book in his life-- other than perusing the copy of Hitler's speeches that he used to keep on his nightstand (according to the Vanity Fair interview of Ivana Trump.)

     His knowledge of history, science, and even basic geography, is minimal.

     When word got out recently (from John Bolton's book) that Trump thought Finland was under Russian control, the Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin, said, "To be fair, we thought the same thing about the United States."  🤥

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9 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


      I think you are correct on this one.  All of the circumstantial evidence (and now Mary Trump's direct allegation) points to Donald Trump suffering from a congenital learning disability.

     It's no accident that he gets his information (and "intel briefings") primarily from television.

     I have often wondered if Trump has ever read a book in his life-- other than perusing the copy of Hitler's speeches that he used to keep on his nightstand (according to the Vanity Fair interview of Ivana Trump.)

     His knowledge of history, science, and even basic geography, is minimal.

     When word got out recently (from John Bolton's book) that Trump thought Finland was under Russian control, the Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin, said, "To be fair, we thought the same thing about the United States."  🤥

I've wondered about his understanding and usage of the term fascism, even his pronunciation of the term antifa.  'faSH izem', how does he get Anteefi out of it?  The liberal left anti facist's?  If it comes to the USA such a dictatorial movement would not come from the democratic left but from the right.  Mussolini was not a fan of Democracy.  It's all about labeling, framing ones opponents.  

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Trump tells Hannity that he "very recently" "aced" a cognitive test: "I took it at Walter Reed, a medical center, in front of doctors, and they were very surprised"



- Donald Trump -

“I’m under tax audit, I have been for a long period of time,” the president told Hannity. “Once I ran for politics that deal was like we didn’t make it. So I’m under a continuing audit, and anyone that did that or showed that before you have it finalized, but they treat, they treat me horribly, the IRS. It is a disgrace what has happened. We had a deal done, I guess it was signed even. Once I ran or once I won, somewhere back a long time ago everything was like let’s start all over again.”


If I was a doctor, I'd be surprised too.

It’s too bad the guy Trump paid to take his SAT tests for him isn’t around anymore.

Steve Thomas

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- Donald Trump -

“For the 1/100th time, the reason we show so many Cases, compared to other countries that haven’t done nearly as well as we have, ..."

Some guy pointed out, 1/00th time? That's .01 times, and who are all these people named Cases?

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

- Donald Trump -

“For the 1/100th time, the reason we show so many Cases, compared to other countries that haven’t done nearly as well as we have, ..."

Some guy pointed out, 1/00th time? That's .01 times, and who are all these people named Cases?

Steve Thomas

I'm not sure which is more worrisome-- Trump's faulty understanding of basic arithmetic, or his notion that our COVID catastrophe in the U.S. is merely a result of increased testing.

Paul Krugman's latest op-ed at NYT entitled, "The Deadly Delusions of Mad King Donald," pretty much nails it.



Edited by W. Niederhut
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