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What could Lee Bower see from his tower?

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I didn't say or bury anything about what Bower's could/couldn't see.

That's me on the pedestal filming (inset).

Fortunately at some point, my brother photographed me filming.

Somewhat of a reverse perspective.




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7 hours ago, Mark Stevens said:

Since this thread started I've been looking for a video I saw with footage from the tower.

I haven't found that footage, but I did find the below video. I'll keep hunting for the video I saw.

There are two sections with footage from the tower in this video. (one of those views is the video image)

There also a few things I've never heard regarding Bowers, one of which was that he disappeared for a few days and when he returned he was missing a finger...

Seems of interest. Anyone familiar with this?

I don't know about familiar but I've read about the finger incident before.  Basically what Rischel says in the interview above on Geraldo.  Bowers disappeared for a day to two, came back with the tip of a finger or up to the first joint missing.  Told his brother/others he cut it off with a saw in an accident.  Yet the brother doesn't believe him to the point of checking with area doctors and hospitals?  

I guess the Geraldo interview caused enough of a stink to bring out Warren Omission defender Dave Perry to write a lengthy article discrediting Rischel, saying Bowers saw little of nothing, and he ran into the culvert abutment unaided.  Think I'll just bump another thread than go further here.  

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I watched the video provided by Mr. Stevens.  IMO, it provided little that we didn't already know.  There is an argument here.  Lee Bowers may have had two very fleeting glimpses of the p. limo as it passed the Pergola.  You can see those areas in the video.  I think Elm Street is to low to be adequately seen from those views.  My point in his testimony for the WC is that he was referring to Houston Street, the intersection of Elm and Houston,  and in front of the TSBD.

You mention the cut off finger of Bowers.  Do you think he was tortured by the government?  FBI?  or CIA?  Maybe CIA Cubans or some other bad boys they were using at the time? 

I would seem to me if the story is true he would shut up and never speak again.  Or, on the other hand this could have infuriated him and he was going to tell what he really saw.  Hence, he had to be murdered.  I believe before he died he said he was run off the road.



Edited by John Butler
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11 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:


I didn't say or bury anything about what Bower's could/couldn't see.

That's me on the pedestal filming (inset).

Fortunately at some point, my brother photographed me filming.

Somewhat of a reverse perspective.




I think that kind of oak is called a live oak.  I has grown quite a bit since '63.  I don't know what the smaller tree near Zapruder is called. 

I was there in 2015.  I hope to make another trip this fall and spend more time there. 

As a dead-headed 21 year old kid in 1969, I was there in a hotel just several blocks or up the street.  I was on my way to Ft. Hood and that was all I had on my mind.  I wish I had been more aware.

Nice photos. 

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