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Conspiracy Theories & The Media: JFK & Beyond ....


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5 hours ago, Paul Bacon said:

There is a vast array of problems facing humankind that would be solved with population control.

Sigh... this very old and very non-scientific idea is very cynical and narrow minded, not to mention great psychological cover for those that hold the resources in society. It has been pushed in various forms for hundreds of years and always fails to consider the fundamental structure of society in any possibly democratic way other than the currently perceived “normal”. But seeing the comments here, I won’t even bother going further. The US Constitution was an amazing document and really illuminates just how un-American much of this vaccine passport talk is. Btw, despite the apparently attractive misinformed idea that anyone disagreeing with the current corporate messaging is under the influence of fox news is really ridiculous. Imagine if Trump delegated $1.5 billion to create propaganda for criminally convicted private companies that have a product that has not been approved by the FDA and is immune from liability? You really need to buy the CDCs credibility unquestionably in order to swallow that down. 

Paul, if you really believe what you say, I hope you demanded no procreation amongst your family, otherwise, who should we eliminate first? Poor black Africans? Who makes this decision? What gives them that right? 

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The definition of herd immunity (like other things) has been changed to exclusively mean vaccines. The next part of the propaganda will seek to blame non vaccinated people for the continuing “crisis”. So healthy people who never got sick, or even people that did and recovered who have immunity, will become the enemy. A few simple pseudo scientific industry articles about how the vaccine is the only way to live and voila. The desperate populace will go along. Don’t question its origins or real epidemiology, or many non vaccine treatments, go with the unproven nano tech whose companies refuse to tell you the bio-distribution (bmj article based on EMA leak) of even though you paid for its development. There are many “reputable” news sources to advise that exact course of action. They also tell you Oswald shot JFK 🤣

In my state, out of 17,000 deaths of people “with” covid, 149 had no pre-existing conditions that they know of. Thats official MA CDC data. So 610k cases, 149 deaths for healthy people. Even on this vanilla level, it makes no sense. When the Constitution starts to sound revolutionary again, look out. Democrats aren’t interested in Constitutional freedoms anymore though it seems. Remember that great Franklin quote about those who would trade liberty for “security”? 

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A form of “social credit” is already with us in the western countries, though in the main enforced by ostensibly private companies.


These trends will probably accelerate as the protracted crisis faced by our countries inevitably expands.

The planet’s current population could be sustainable if the form of capitalism known as neo-liberalism (aka laissez-fair/ free market) could be abolished, as it is by far the largest promoter of unsustainable activity. I once attended a lecture by a prominent British scientist who believed humanity could in fact double in population provided a strict switch to vegetarian diets. Elite fascination with population control - which goes back a hundred years or more - is as much about maintaining their privilege as it is anything else.

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2 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

The definition of herd immunity (like other things) has been changed to exclusively mean vaccines. The next part of the propaganda will seek to blame non vaccinated people for the continuing “crisis”. So healthy people who never got sick, or even people that did and recovered who have immunity, will become the enemy. A few simple pseudo scientific industry articles about how the vaccine is the only way to live and voila. The desperate populace will go along. Don’t question its origins or real epidemiology, or many non vaccine treatments, go with the unproven nano tech whose companies refuse to tell you the bio-distribution (bmj article based on EMA leak) of even though you paid for its development. There are many “reputable” news sources to advise that exact course of action. They also tell you Oswald shot JFK 🤣

In my state, out of 17,000 deaths of people “with” covid, 149 had no pre-existing conditions that they know of. Thats official MA CDC data. So 610k cases, 149 deaths for healthy people. Even on this vanilla level, it makes no sense. When the Constitution starts to sound revolutionary again, look out. Democrats aren’t interested in Constitutional freedoms anymore though it seems. Remember that great Franklin quote about those who would trade liberty for “security”? 

That’s a good point. I have only thought of ‘herd immunity’ in the original context. Even the term ‘’magic bullet” seems to be used in modern day as something that explains something improbable. 

That’s exactly what will happen, anyone who opts out will be made scape-goat. 
That’s exactly the same logic I use, the same fact-checking sites do say Oswald acted alone and give a fairytale version of 60 years of US foreign policy including all those coups and regime changes. A pal in the pub said last night, that he couldn’t even begin to explain the new Amazon film “The Mauritanian” and what was practiced at Guantanamo to most people, they’d think it was pure fiction. 

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35 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

A form of “social credit” is already with us in the western countries, though in the main enforced by ostensibly private companies.


These trends will probably accelerate as the protracted crisis faced by our countries inevitably expands.

The planet’s current population could be sustainable if the form of capitalism known as neo-liberalism (aka laissez-fair/ free market) could be abolished, as it is by far the largest promoter of unsustainable activity. I once attended a lecture by a prominent British scientist who believed humanity could in fact double in population provided a strict switch to vegetarian diets. Elite fascination with population control - which goes back a hundred years or more - is as much about maintaining their privilege as it is anything else.

Yes, in India I was surprised that almost every transaction was being made by two payment Apps. I was astounded how much data capture there was, how often you are asked for ID to do relatively rudimentary things. 
It may have escaped the attention of many but, when Covid really started hitting the news, congress was trying to push through a digital dollar. There are of course various reasons for this but, it does feel like the walls are closing in. 
its true it could he increased (population) but, we’d need to change our ways, dramatically. The way we are living now it isn’t sustainable. 
One deeply worrying thing is the reporting or micro aggressions and other behaviours in London. The authorities are actively recording things that are open to interpretation and that are not breaking any laws. Employers can then check and reference the database to see the behaviour of an individual. If you’re not on board with certain narratives and you are busy debating them, you may well be on that list and it will count against you. 
The internet is where public discourse is taking place and that’s like a soft censorship, silencing opinion. 
It’s all getting a bit “Minority Report”. 

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Chris, You brought up some interesting stuff, which I'll address later.
Dennis said:The next part of the propaganda will seek to blame non vaccinated people for the continuing “crisis”.
Well of course, they will, and you'd be silly naive to think otherwise. Anybody who accepts any responsibility for their actions has to be aware of that. It's also fair to say, the great majority of people will neither sympathize with your feelings of victimization, nor find your defiant acts as courageous as you do. You're in a very low risk group who could still conceivably lethally infect someone from a high risk group, but you choose to do nothing  for reasons of your own health!!  I'm not sure in what alternative universe that you guys envision where that would be considered "noble".
So what's a little ostracism? At least nobody's forcing you to get vaccinated.
Maybe in your mind , you'll be a modern day LHO, but you'll live!  Maybe the best of both worlds!
Maybe because of this, you'll find others of like mind, who you'll be friends with the rest of your life!!
heh heh
Let's elevate this beyond anything petty, or  personal. 
This isn't just a matter of polite/or even impolite  disagreement.
These are facts.
When you error on the side of caution, the worst that can happen is that it will peeve Paul and I off, Paul because he won't be able to see the face of his date from an online dating service because she insists on wearing masks. I'd tell her to walk Paul. What is a woman like that doing in an online dating service? JMO .
And I'm peeved because I dread the idea of wearing a mask indoors for  at least the first few days I'm visiting my friend who just recently got his second vaccination.
But these days when you bring up baseless allegations that you can't back up. And you're giving that license to others for that attitude, you kill people. Ok maybe you aren't killing people but how would you truly know the effects of your actions? It's not too far fetched to say this could be a whole group of peoples "real life moment". But of course, in the present, that's so disappointing to their high expectations, they'll never seize it.
 I've never seen anything like this in my life. The action of everyday people, and particularly some" influencers" are given the power of life and death. We see a lot of people who don't see the importance of things that may seem small to them. Some people are very selfish and careless. Some people just surrender to whatever they habitually do, no matter what the consequences. Some people are so much in fear, they just shut the world out, or escape in destructive behavior.
I do wonder if approaching the pandemic as a conspiracy or a "plandemic" is just a nervous adolescent way of avoidance and not stepping up to the plate, because I'm certainly hearing no real substance to put any faith in, at a time when bul-s-it walks, and it's very important that people think clearly.
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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On 4/5/2021 at 11:36 PM, W. Niederhut said:

Here's a fairly recent M$M article on Yeadon.*   He is, apparently, the guy who launched the unsubstantiated, widespread rumor that COVID vaccination causes infertility in women.  Terrific.  🙄

Yeadon also postulated last year that up to a third of humans had pre-existing immunity to COVID-19 as a result of prior exposure to SARS/COVID variants.  That has been proven untrue, (JAMA/November 2020) but it was the basis for Yeadon's claim that the COVID pandemic would, essentially, disappear last year-- and that people did not need to get vaccinated.

On the contrary, the scientific consensus is that achieving gradual COVID-19 "herd immunity" without vaccinations would result in significant, protracted mortality and morbidity.

Meanwhile, COVID death rates in vaccinated populations (e.g., nursing home residents) have already plunged dramatically.

*   The ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax hero. (reuters.com)


I guess this is why our daughter is not getting vaccinated.  She says they have not done enough research yet on the effects on having more children.  Sharing it with her may well just tick her off.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd highly recommend you have a listen to this podcast. 

NYU Professor Marc Crispin Miller has been teaching 'Mass Persuasion & Propaganda' for 20 years. The purpose of his course isn't to teach remote historical phenomenon, it is to teach students to recognise it in real time. He maintains that its much easier to recognise it when it goes against your beliefs and much harder to see when it pushes your buttons and that we have to make an effort to research the opposing points of view thoroughly before settling on a view. Sounds logical I know but, it's almost a redundant practice in modern times. 

He talks us through his experience at NYU and the lawsuits that are ensuing, he is suing 19 other professors for libel. 

Show Notes:

Are academic institutions teaching obedience and compliance? Do we have a society filled with myrmidons as a result? 

He cites the CIA's 1967 weaponising of the term 'conspiracy theory' to deflect critics of the Warren Commission in regard to the murder of the 35th US President, John F. Kennedy. 

"It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accepting it." 

"Higher education in the USA is teaching students how to take offence."

"it's easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been fooled." 
Mark Twain

"I can't imagine a more important moment for the study of propaganda than the present."

"We have to say; yeah, we're conspiracy theorists, if the alternative is swallowing this preposterous narrative that you're trying to push. That's a badge of honour as far as I am concerned. It's people like us who insist on telling the truth that are essential to the survival not just of democracy but, humanity itself." 

Is he right? Or does this support what is being said in this thread regarding propaganda? Doesn't matter whether you are on the left or the right, it's reason. 


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On 4/23/2021 at 7:34 AM, Chris Barnard said:

I'd highly recommend you have a listen to this podcast. 

NYU Professor Marc Crispin Miller has been teaching 'Mass Persuasion & Propaganda' for 20 years. The purpose of his course isn't to teach remote historical phenomenon, it is to teach students to recognise it in real time. He maintains that its much easier to recognise it when it goes against your beliefs and much harder to see when it pushes your buttons and that we have to make an effort to research the opposing points of view thoroughly before settling on a view. Sounds logical I know but, it's almost a redundant practice in modern times. 

He talks us through his experience at NYU and the lawsuits that are ensuing, he is suing 19 other professors for libel. 

Show Notes:

Are academic institutions teaching obedience and compliance? Do we have a society filled with myrmidons as a result? 

He cites the CIA's 1967 weaponising of the term 'conspiracy theory' to deflect critics of the Warren Commission in regard to the murder of the 35th US President, John F. Kennedy. 

"It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accepting it." 

"Higher education in the USA is teaching students how to take offence."

"it's easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been fooled." 
Mark Twain

"I can't imagine a more important moment for the study of propaganda than the present."

"We have to say; yeah, we're conspiracy theorists, if the alternative is swallowing this preposterous narrative that you're trying to push. That's a badge of honour as far as I am concerned. It's people like us who insist on telling the truth that are essential to the survival not just of democracy but, humanity itself." 

Is he right? Or does this support what is being said in this thread regarding propaganda? Doesn't matter whether you are on the left or the right, it's reason. 


Really interesting and important - thanks 

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Everyone has the right to refuse vaccination. (Just keep out of my country, you filthy slobs!..heh heh) And people who might be ashamed to disclose they're not vaccinated or fear some reprimand certainly don't have to reveal their choices under everyday circumstances. But if you're a public figure, that's out the window!  If President or even non President Trump gets vaccinated, the public has a right to know and he's a bum for not revealing it when it happened!

Similarly, we have a whole group of Fox newscasters who have now been eligible for vaccine who, for a year now have been poking fun at the covid mitigation efforts. Tucker Carlson, have you been vaccinated? Sean Hannity, Mark Levine, Ingraham, Brian Kilmeade (what a joke!), where are they at? If they don't have the courage of their convictions, they should be outed! Stop obfuscating and go on public record for all time!

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For those of you who are not familiar with Zelicow (National Security Council), after Henry Kissinger (Council on Foreign Relations) was rejected by the public as the appointed 9/11 commission executive director, because in part of his dubious history and because it turned out he had Bin Laden family members as clients, Zelicow was appointed as his replacement. 

Zelicow, ran the commission not to prove who committed 9/11 but, to prove Al Quaeda were responsible. We have the news that this guy is now going to be the architect of a Covid 19 Commission. 

Watch: 00:00 - 11.00 mins

The 9/11 Suspects : Phillip Zelicow


"We think that the commission in many ways was setup to fail". 

Underfunded, rushed. does that sound familiar? Sounds like the HSCA. 

For the 9/11 Commission Zelicow picked the areas of investigation, he briefing materials, the topics for hearings, the witnesses & the lines of questioning for the witnesses. He was a Bush administration insider and he was the author of the national security strategy for the US to go to war with Iraq. He had multiple conflicts of interests. He hired all of the staff for the commission and had complete control. 

"The fix is in, could anyone have a more obvious conflict of interests than Zelicow."
Richard Clark, Counter Terrorism, Clinton era. 

The part at 8:27 is astounding, he'd draft written an outline of the final 9/11 commission report, before the investigation had even begun. One member of staff mocking this wrote: "single bullet, we haven't seen the evidence yet but, really, we're sure". 


This video talks more about Zelicow and the 9/11 Commission and the bias. 


He also advises the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Global Development. 


And this guy will be the architect/planner of a Covid 19 Commission. Anybody seeing a pattern here? 


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34 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

(Just keep out of my country, you filthy slobs!..heh heh)

That's what the Nartzee's did, dehumanised people with disparaging remarks who made different choices to their own in life. Are you a Nartzee Kirk? 


Edited by Chris Barnard
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