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General Edwin Walker, Lee Harvey Oswald, the Bad Shot, and The Dog That Didn’t Bark 

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On 3/27/2021 at 1:34 AM, Benjamin Cole said:

Tony K: 

General Walker was mercurial, to put it mildly. Evidently he always believed something larger was afoot than a lone assassin, in his case or the JFKA case. 

In 1991, Walker authored this letter to the DPD, suggesting JFK knew LOH had taken a potshot at Walker, but set him free. 


In a strange way, Walker's knowledge of the military and government may have led him in the right direction, but down the wrong path. 

It truth, the executive branch of the US government, likely elements of or connected to military intel, put LOH up to shooting at Walker, and then set LOH up as the patsy in the JFKA.  

Walker may have still had sources in the military who related scuttlebutt to him. And the scuttlebutt was that military intel was involved in both the Walker shooting and JFKA. 

In my opinion, Walker erred in surmising that JFK had knowledge of CIA operations, especially an LOH operation of the type that was conducted in the twilight world between government and contractors. 

Side note: Walker had reason to think JFK was out to get him. RFK had Walker put into an insane asylum in 1962, for an intended 90-day observation, primarily due to Walker's extreme (and loathsome) pro-segregation viewpoints.  The ACLU and others had to intervene to get Walker out. 


Walker resigned after being told he was being transferred from his European post. Around that time there were Congressional hearings into Walker’s suspected indoctrination program. Standing up for him as a character witness was Lyman Lemnitzer, who then himself was transferred out of the Joint Chiefs and assigned to head NATO forces. Birds of a feather, and a well located duo, one in Dallas with deep connections to the far right and to the Hunts, the other in charge of NATO’s stay behind forces, or Gladio, where he was well positioned to provide deep cover assassins from the fascist network that Walker himself was connected to. Wasn’t there one story dug up by a Garrison investigator about Jean Souetre or someone using that name visiting Banister in NO and Walker in Dallas in 1963?

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Lets get this stright. Oswald misses walker. who was mere feet away. Yet he hit JFK in a car that was moving away from him ?? I say B.S.


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4 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:
On 3/27/2021 at 3:34 AM, Benjamin Cole said:

Tony K: 

General Walker was mercurial, to put it mildly. Evidently he always believed something larger was afoot than a lone assassin, in his case or the JFKA case. 

In 1991, Walker authored this letter to the DPD, suggesting JFK knew LOH had taken a potshot at Walker, but set him free. 


In a strange way, Walker's knowledge of the military and government may have led him in the right direction, but down the wrong path. 

It truth, the executive branch of the US government, likely elements of or connected to military intel, put LOH up to shooting at Walker, and then set LOH up as the patsy in the JFKA.  

Walker may have still had sources in the military who related scuttlebutt to him. And the scuttlebutt was that military intel was involved in both the Walker shooting and JFKA. 

In my opinion, Walker erred in surmising that JFK had knowledge of CIA operations, especially an LOH operation of the type that was conducted in the twilight world between government and contractors. 

Side note: Walker had reason to think JFK was out to get him. RFK had Walker put into an insane asylum in 1962, for an intended 90-day observation, primarily due to Walker's extreme (and loathsome) pro-segregation viewpoints.  The ACLU and others had to intervene to get Walker out. 


Walker resigned after being told he was being transferred from his European post. Around that time there were Congressional hearings into Walker’s suspected indoctrination program. Standing up for him as a character witness was Lyman Lemnitzer, who then himself was transferred out of the Joint Chiefs and assigned to head NATO forces. Birds of a feather, and a well located duo, one in Dallas with deep connections to the far right and to the Hunts, the other in charge of NATO’s stay behind forces, or Gladio, where he was well positioned to provide deep cover assassins from the fascist network that Walker himself was connected to. Wasn’t there one story dug up by a Garrison investigator about Jean Souetre or someone using that name visiting Banister in NO and Walker in Dallas in 1963?


Walker was nutty as a fruitcake himself.  From spewing right wing propaganda to the troops in Germany to rallying the kkk in Mississippi.  By the time of the JFK assassination he was abandoned by most of his supporters.  Giving rambling speeches in an empty Dallas Memorial Auditorium, which he had filled previously.  JFK also filled it in the 1960 campaign.  The Beatles played there.  I saw Led Zepplin there in 1975, the Eagles opening for Jethro Tull in 1974.  Still have ticket stubs to prove it.

Forgotten Photos Show Happier JFK Visit to DFW – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth (nbcdfw.com)

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Looking for a photo of JFK speaking in Memorial Auditorium I remember but didn't find I stumbled across this.  Some fantastic pictures of him there and elsewhere in Texas in 1960.  Along with some very interesting commentary.  Never seen before, by me at least.  Well worth the read/view if you've not imho.

Interactives: JFK's Forgotten Dallas Motorcade (dallasnews.com) 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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8 hours ago, Mark Wengler said:

Lets get this stright. Oswald misses walker. who was mere feet away. Yet he hit JFK in a car that was moving away from him ?? I say B.S.


Mark W---


Thank for reading. 

Yes, an accurate telling of the Walker episode raises more doubts than it closes off. 

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8 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Looking for a photo of JFK speaking in Memorial Auditorium I remember but didn't find I stumbled across this.  Some fantastic pictures of him there and elsewhere in Texas in 1960.  Along with some very interesting commentary.  Never seen before, by me at least.  Well worth the read/view if you've not imho.

Interactives: JFK's Forgotten Dallas Motorcade (dallasnews.com) 

Great stuff, the old b/w photos, and the picture of JFK with Willy's widow, Willy being a vet who perished with Joe Kennedy, JFK's older brother, in a WWII bomber.

Those were the days when the elites actually wore uniforms, and we had a draft, not a mercenary force. Of course, JFK served in the Pacific. 

You won't see that again. 




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  • 7 months later...

Reading through this. So I don't believe in the two Oswalds, I do believe in the impersonation of Oswald at various times. But I just can't trust Marina, she has changed her stories before. I can't see for the life of me why Oswald takes a shot at both Walker and JFK, who are polar opposites. This incident is so important, like that of the Tippit murder, it presents a narrative. Why shoot once at Walker, why not get closer? I don't think the shooter wanted him dead. Like many aspects of this case, the Walker story fascinates me. If he is a crazy nut, then Oswald does come home and tells Marina what he did. If he is an operative on a mission, he tells her nothing. Or he had nothing to do with it.

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1 hour ago, Derek Thibeault said:

Reading through this. So I don't believe in the two Oswalds, I do believe in the impersonation of Oswald at various times. But I just can't trust Marina, she has changed her stories before. I can't see for the life of me why Oswald takes a shot at both Walker and JFK, who are polar opposites. This incident is so important, like that of the Tippit murder, it presents a narrative. Why shoot once at Walker, why not get closer? I don't think the shooter wanted him dead. Like many aspects of this case, the Walker story fascinates me. If he is a crazy nut, then Oswald does come home and tells Marina what he did. If he is an operative on a mission, he tells her nothing. Or he had nothing to do with it.

Derek T.-

Thanks for reading. 

Much about LHO is a puzzle.  My suspicion is the intentional miss Walker shooting was a practice run, for another intentional miss, the LHO shooting at JFK. 

But you are right, if LHO did tell Marina about the Walker shooting, that would be a mistake. Maybe he never did, and she just said what she thought she should say, when under pressure.  Or maybe he confided on his wife in a pillow moment, things he should not have confided. LHO probably had flaws, the way anyone has flaws. 

Also, if LHO had nothing to do with the JFKA, why did he go home and get a gun, and then draw on DPD'ers in the Texas Theater? 


In the above post, I tried to create a plausible explanation of the JFKA. Many solid researchers take exception to my outline. 

My big contention is that any plot to assassinate JFK was likely very small, no loose ends or tongues. The cover-up, or complicity, was large, and largely unwitting or well-intentioned.  

Well, that's what I think today. Tomorrow is another day. 



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I know I have thought different ways about this for 40 years. My wish is that LHO had nothing to do with it, or he was told he was there to protect the president and was actually set up. His face when he is told he is being charged with JFK's murder is an amazing piece of film. You can almost see in his eyes and expression that he at that moment knows he was set up. Unfortunately, we are never going to know everything. There are a lot of inconsistencies, especially in Oswald's life, that can't be reconciled. I don't trust Marina and I don't trust Paine. Not even sure if I trust Frazier, everyone has an angle on this now.

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4 hours ago, Derek Thibeault said:

I know I have thought different ways about this for 40 years. My wish is that LHO had nothing to do with it, or he was told he was there to protect the president and was actually set up. His face when he is told he is being charged with JFK's murder is an amazing piece of film. You can almost see in his eyes and expression that he at that moment knows he was set up. Unfortunately, we are never going to know everything. There are a lot of inconsistencies, especially in Oswald's life, that can't be reconciled. I don't trust Marina and I don't trust Paine. Not even sure if I trust Frazier, everyone has an angle on this now.

Derek T.

Thank you for your comments.

Yes, LHO became the patsy after the fact. Was it planned that way? 

A clarification: When I say the JFKA cover-up was "well-intentioned" I do not mean by those at the highest levels. I mean the lower-ranking people who followed orders, or thought they were doing the right thing at the time to resolve the JFKA and move forward, or that anyone trying to exonerate LHO must be communist trying to undermine stability in the US and so on. 

Well, there are some solid researchers still pursuing the case, and perhaps documents can be released. 

Stay tuned. 

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