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Nixon Vs Helms: 1971

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To be honest, I was unaware of this discussion between Helms and Nixon about the JFK case.  Pretty interesting.

Also, what will Biden do with the last of the classified and/or redacted docs.  Our own Ben Cole said, on past performance, not encouraging.



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2 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

To be honest, I was unaware of this discussion between Helms and Nixon about the JFK case.  Pretty interesting.

Also, what will Biden do with the last of the classified and/or redacted docs.  Our own Ben Cole said, on past performance, not encouraging.



Biden is not going to release  the files to the public. He is too naive and too lenient on CIA.

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Well, I hope that is not correct, but in may very well be.

If such is the case, then I guess we have to go the legal route.

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Yep, you are probably correct.

Biden on Assange and Snowden is not encouraging in this regard either.

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Great read. 

Should that be 1961:

"Many JFK assassination researchers have concluded the anti-Castro death squads, possibly in cooperation with elements in US intelligence agencies, then turned on Kennedy after the failed CIA-sponsored 1962 Bay of Pigs invasion by Cuban exiles, in retribution for Kennedy’s decision to not provide air support for the beleaguered invaders."

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Thanks Chris.  Will correct.

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Benjamin, I like your work on Nixon v. Helms 1971, although I'd add that Nixon tried 3 times to get the files on the Bay of Pigs, the assassination of Rafael Trujillo in the Dominican Republic, and the overthrow of Diem in So. Vietnam -- soon after he came into the White House in '69, Oct. '71 and May '72.  Helms stiffed him him each and everytime.

I think Nixon would have learned more about the Kennedy Assassination from the Diem files, but who knows?

I'm less enthusiastic about your take on Trump.

Benjamin Cole's text in italic, my response in bold.

Come October, President Joe Biden will make a decision on whether to release the remaining 15,834 still-repressed files that were supposed to have been released under the JFK Records Act of 1992.

The JFK Act required that all the JFK files be made public in their entirety within 25 years, which of course, was 2017.

But back in October 2017, President Donald Trump caved to the warnings of then-CIA director Mike Pompeo, FBI director Christopher Wray, and the National Security State, and left the remaining 15,834 files either redacted or totally under wraps.

However, the mercurial Trump then also ordered the withheld files to be reviewed again within four years, perhaps seeking leverage over his adversaries in the intelligence communities.

Fast forward to present, Trump has been booted from office and the betting is that Biden will also cave before the National Security State, despite the JFK assassination having happened 58 years ago.

Yeah, my money's on non-disclosure.  I'd also bet there's nothing in those files that would tell us anything about the murder of JFK.  The cover-up, yes, but nothing about the murder itself ever made paper.

History is full of confounding realities. For all of his weaknesses, Trump was probably the better hope for full disclosure of the JFK records than Biden.

For Trump was often, perhaps usually, at odds with the National Security State, variously called the “invisible government” or the “shadow government,” and, of late, “The Deep State.”

The Deep State installed Trump into the White House.  In late October '16 the FBI had hundreds of thousands of H. Clinton e-mails on the laptop of a sex pervert married to a top Clinton aide.  They knew these e-mails were duplicates of what they already had. 

They also had the Steele Dossier, as did the rest of the US intel community.

On Oct. 28 FBI head James Comey announced a re-opened investigation into Clinton's e-mails which set off a media firestorm that lasted until the election.  Cable news was Bash Hillary TV 24 hours a day for 11 straight days.  If the Deep State wanted to take down Trump why wasn't the Steele Dossier dropped?

In one of his seemingly ubiquitous running battles, Trump in 2019 detailed then-US Attorney General Robert Barr to investigate the nation’s investigative agencies, to ascertain whether elements of the Deep State illegally colluded to first try to prevent his ascendance to the White House, and then to undermine his presidency.

"Prevent his ascendance"?  They greased his ascendance!

"Undermine his presidency"?  RussiaGate was entirely driven by Trump himself.  The Mueller investigation came about because Trump fired James Comey.  Mueller treated Trump with great delicacy.  He didn't go after the kids, didn't go after the finances, allowed Trump's lawyers to give non-answers to written questions, allowed Bill Barr to publicly misrepresent the Mueller Report for 2 months before giving a low-energy testimony to Congress.

The Mueller Report was a limited modified hang-out that had no repercussions.  The surveillance of Carter Page went no where, ditto the Steele Dossier.  Neither were reported on cable news prior to the '16 election.  The Deep State installed Trump and then covered his ass after he screwed up.

At present, the criminal investigation into what is called “Russiagate” is led John Durham, now special counsel to the Justice Department and the former US Attorney for the District of Connecticut (2018–2021).

Durham, originally tasked by Barr in May 2019 to investigate whether the invisible government had it in for Trump, has left the US Attorney’s Office with the advent of the Biden Administration, but has stayed on and is leading the criminal Russiagate investigation, as special counsel.e.  There;'s nothing to it.

The Dunham Probe was a Trump PR move.  There's nothing to it.


Like so many modern-day Washington look-sees, the Durham inquiry promises to be interminable yet inconclusive and spun thereafter by party-based PR machines and media mouthpieces.

Even a synopsis of the National Security State vs. Trump could consume a book. The famed Mueller investigation ended in a muddle, followed by a December 2019 report by the Department of Justice Inspector General that concluded that the FBI copiously lied to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, aka the FISA court, to gain permission to spy the former Trump campaign staffer Carter Page during the 2016 election.

So what?  Nothing came of it.  Zero.

To critics, Trump’s directives to Barr and Durham were the actions of a paranoid, or rank political theater. That could be. To put it mildly, Trump was and is a man of manifest flaws.

But then, what other aspiring presidential candidate had contemporaneously written about him in the op-ed section of The New York Times, by a one-time director of the CIA: “Donald J. Trump is not only unqualified for the job, but he may well pose a threat to our national security.”[2]

That line was penned by Michel J. Morell, professional lifer in the CIA, a onetime deputy director, and occasional acting director until his retirement in late 2013. 

The Morell missive was run in The New York Times even before Trump became President.

You don't have to be a Deep Stater to notice that Donald Trump has the emotional make-up of a hyper-spoiled 8 year old.


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Nixon was subservient to Dulles under Eisenhower just trying to get along.  He wondered if he was implicated himself in the BOP, in turn the JFKA, and more.  Just a thought, partial speculation.

Prescott Bush was Nixon's mentor.  Allen Dulles was Prescott Bush's lawyer.  And I'd guess an associate of his son.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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I did not know about that conversation Nixon had with Dirty DIck about the JFK case.

In my view, here you had one guy who did not know what happened (Nixon) talking to someone who almost had to know what happened (Helms).

And  it is interesting that Helms was  determined not to give Nixon the secret Bay of  Pigs report. In fact, that was not completely declassified until just a year or two ago.

So the idea that somehow the CIA obeys presidents is again undermined by this.

Finally, just remember:  the ARRB closed its doors in 1998. That is going on 24 years ago. Yet there are still over 15,000 documents redacted in full or part.

There is little doubt in my mind, due to the work of attorney Mark Adamczyk at K and K, that the law is being broken.  When Trump backed down and extended the deadline not once but twice, the law required an explanation  for each document's continued classification. To Mark's knowledge, there was none. So, the MSM which made such a big deal at the upcoming moment of final declassification, suddenly disappears when Trump defies the law.  They don't even tell the public what he is doing to void the JFK Act.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Nixon was subservient to Dulles under Eisenhower just trying to get along.  He wondered if he was implicated himself in the BOP, in turn the JFKA, and more.  Just a thought, partial speculation.

Prescott Bush was Nixon's mentor.  Allen Dulles was Prescott Bush's lawyer.  And I'd guess an associate of his son.

John Loftus stated in Secret War Against Jews that George HW Bush was Nixon's protege.

Also, Nixon was extremely close to Nelson Rockefeller, who was good friends with Prescott Bush

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6 hours ago, Calvin Ye said:

John Loftus stated in Secret War Against Jews that George HW Bush was Nixon's protege.

Also, Nixon was extremely close to Nelson Rockefeller, who was good friends with Prescott Bush

Wasn't Nixon Prescott Bush's protoge? 🙂

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Alot of the same names keep popping up over and over in this case and many of them just lead right back to Texas, lol! There is a picture you can find online if you Google it of Prescott Bush and Richard Nixon, I believe it was in 1947 if I remember correctly, and a young Jack Ruby is behind them. It is known that Jack Ruby was an informant for Nixon back then when Nixon was on the House Committee of Unamerican Activities or whatever it was called. I believe it was Roger Stone who said that Ruby was an LBJ man and was reccomended to Nixon by LBJ. From the Bay Of Pigs to Watergate and beyond you keep seeing these same names pop up over and over again.......LBJ, Nixon, Hunt, GHWB. It's obvious all of these events are interconnected. And all those damn anti-Castro Cubans..........Bay Of Pigs to JFK hit to Watergate.

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