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JFK Assassination Film GIFS

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Over the years i have created many JFK Assassination Film GIFS

I will now share them here so that all may have access.

Bronson GIFS

Original source for Bronson frames: 6th floor museum


Edited by Robin Unger
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1 hour ago, Robin Unger said:

 Nix GIF


Thank you Robin.  I've never seen this so clearly.  They motorcycles stopping, Hill sprinting as the limo visibly speeds up.  After the shots. 

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2 hours ago, Robin Unger said:

 Nix GIF


I've seen this one before with the gradient corrected. The above film has the limo appearing to go uphill. To bring that limo to a crawl going downhill certainly involves a good amount of brake pressure.

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20 minutes ago, Tony Krome said:

I've seen this one before with the gradient corrected. The above film has the limo appearing to go uphill. To bring that limo to a crawl going downhill certainly involves a good amount of brake pressure.

Yes i did make a GIF with the gradient corrected a couple of years ago but i am having trouble located it.

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1 hour ago, Robin Unger said:

This Nix GIF clearly shows that the limo did NOT stop.

The Limo did however slow to a crawl before it sped off.

In that Nix gif, the limo looks like only going a few miles an hour. On the day, further back up Elm St, it would certainly look as if the limo stopped due to not seeing the profile view of the crawl. In other areas of the Plaza, one could easily state the "motorcade stopped" due to the sudden braking of the motorcycles, the obvious braking of the limo and back-up car. Whenever I see that in witness statements, I know what they mean.

The takeaway, for me, is that at the Limo's slowest point on Elm St, the moment Greer's foot is on the brake, the flurry of shots poured into the car. Greer's actions were an assassin's dream.

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16 hours ago, Robin Unger said:

Nix GIF frames rotated showing the downhill slope of Elm St .


Thanks, thats better, you can actually see the limo braking, then the front lifting slightly on acceleration. Simply lifting ones foot off the accelerator would in no possible way cause that heavy automatic vehicle to slow down that short a time frame while descending a slope. The Queen Mary has to brake in a similar manner. The cops had to slam on their brakes, they did not expect that! 

Edited by Tony Krome
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