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Where are the "research communities" of other historical conspiracy theories, e.g. WTC93, OKC, 9/11, 7/7, etc.

Micah Mileto

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Why does the JFK assassination seem to STILL TO THIS DAY have a robust community of people who research and discuss the primary sources and hone their skills, while it seems like very few people in the world are spending an equal time on other issues like 9/11, etc?

Non-JFK conspiracy theories popular today are mostly just style over substance.

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21 minutes ago, Micah Mileto said:

Why does the JFK assassination seem to STILL TO THIS DAY have a robust community of people who research and discuss the primary sources and hone their skills, while it seems like very few people in the world are spending an equal time on other issues like 9/11, etc?

Non-JFK conspiracy theories popular today are mostly just style over substance.

Somebody should look into the Las Vegas massacre.

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Just now, John Butler said:

Somebody should look into the Las Vegas massacre.

There used to be quite the number of Youtube videos on Vegas, but then Google was Google and a lot of that content is either lost or forgotten now. Blackstone Intelligence did this amazing short film interviewing homeless people in the underground Vegas tunnels, but that was deleted.

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Right.  The one or ones that was most convincing to me was the videos where you could hear a M-60 machine gun in the background.  It's slow (for a machine gun) rate of fire is very distinctive and recognizable.

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2 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

Why does the JFK assassination seem to STILL TO THIS DAY have a robust community of people who research and discuss the primary sources and hone their skills, while it seems like very few people in the world are spending an equal time on other issues like 9/11, etc?

Non-JFK conspiracy theories popular today are mostly just style over substance.


     The scientific research of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is very substantial, and quite convincing to anyone with a basic knowledge of physics and chemistry.

     The World Trade Center skyscrapers were, obviously, demolished by explosives on 9/11.  That is now a well established scientific fact.

     So, why do most people in the U.S. still not realize that fact?

     The answer is that the perpetrators of 9/11 have aggressively controlled the mainstream and social media in the U.S. for the past 20 years to suppress and mis-characterize all of the damning evidence about the 9/11 op.  This includes a wide array of websites that surface at the top of Google searches about 9/11, with skillfully-crafted names like, "Rational Wiki, 9/11 Myths, Metabunk," etc.  They are the 9/11 equivalent of disinformation websites like Mcadams.edu in the JFK assassination field.

     And, as in the case of the bona fide JFK assassination researchers, the 9/11 Truth researchers are independent, poorly-funded, non-government scientists and scholars who have been blacked out of the mainstream media and denigrated on government-funded social media as kooky conspiracy theorists.

     The most striking recent example of this was the orchestrated U.S. mainstream media attack on Spike Lee for interviewing the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth in his new HBO documentary.  It was like something out of Stalinist Russia or Orwell's 1984.

     The M$M also completely blacked out any coverage of the University of Alaska engineering study that debunked the Bush-Cheney NIST Report on 9/11.

     The U.S. M$M has also blacked out any stories about Cheney, Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby, and the Project for a New American Century for the past 20 years, and their 2000 PNAC strategizing about needing a "New Pearl Harbor" event to mobilize popular U.S. support for military interventions in Central Asia and the Middle East.

The Project For a New American Century


Edited by W. Niederhut
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25 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

OKC stinks as much as 9/11. 7/7 has some coincidences that exist in other big events. 


     9/11 was PNAC's New Pearl Harbor.

     That's as close as I can come to formulating a basic mathematical equation for 9/11.

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42 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     The scientific research of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is very substantial, and quite convincing to anyone with a basic knowledge of physics and chemistry.

     The World Trade Center skyscrapers were, obviously, demolished by explosives on 9/11.  That is now a well established scientific fact.

     So, why do most people in the U.S. still not realize that fact?

     The answer is that the perpetrators of 9/11 have aggressively controlled the mainstream and social media in the U.S. for the past 20 years to suppress and mis-characterize all of the damning evidence about the 9/11 op.  This includes a wide array of websites that surface at the top of Google searches about 9/11, with skillfully-crafted names like, "Rational Wiki, 9/11 Myths, Metabunk," etc.  They are the 9/11 equivalent of disinformation websites like Mcadams.edu in the JFK assassination field.

     And, as in the case of the bona fide JFK assassination researchers, the 9/11 Truth researchers are independent, poorly-funded, non-government scientists and scholars who have been blacked out of the mainstream media and denigrated on government-funded social media as kooky conspiracy theorists.

     The most striking recent example of this was the orchestrated U.S. mainstream media attack on Spike Lee for interviewing the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth in his new HBO documentary.  It was like something out of Stalinist Russia or Orwell's 1984.

     The M$M also completely blacked out any coverage of the University of Alaska engineering study that debunked the Bush-Cheney NIST Report on 9/11.

     The U.S. M$M has also blacked out any stories about Cheney, Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby, and the Project for a New American Century for the past 20 years, and their 2000 PNAC strategizing about needing a "New Pearl Harbor" event to mobilize popular U.S. support for military interventions in Central Asia and the Middle East.

The Project For a New American Century


Not denying any of that. But, there are more people on forums actively discussing the evidence surrounding JFK on 11/22/1963 than there are for 9/11.

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32 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     9/11 was PNAC's New Pearl Harbor.

     That's as close as I can come to formulating a basic mathematical equation for 9/11.

100%, it was the modern "day of infamy". Perhaps while we are at it we may look at the attack on the Phillipines, Guam and Hawaii, with a more critical eye. It's another where intelligence was ignored of the coming attack. Roosevelt did 3 drafts of his public announcement, the term "Pearl Harbour" was seen as more catching and relatable to the average white American. Historically, we remember the event as an attack on a US base in Hawaii, not on the Phillipines and Guam. The USA stopped selling the Japanese oil, just 3 days before the attack. 


- Passed the patriot act (anti terror laws in Europe), the public lost freedoms and the state could legally surveil us and view our data. Also we could hold terror suspects indefinitely and have secret courts ruling over peoples fate's. 

- 20 years of war waged for profit, for any spurious reasons or loose connections to figments of the security apparatus' imagination. 

- Banking systems changed in those countries that experienced regime changes. The Bank of International Settlements and Co were straight in. Along with all manner of globalist organisations expanding their markets. 

And so on ....

The World looks very different after this event. Anyway, that's me done for the evening, off out fishing. 

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FoxNews is "leaking" a newly released FBI doc that shows a Saudi connection to 9-11, claiming they were in touch with some of the conspirators.  That makes me wonder about "Bandar Bush" and whether or not W covered this up at the time...

Apparently, the family members of the fallen refused to allow Pres. Biden to attend the services unless this was done...

About time. Good for them...

Edited by Pamela Brown
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On 9/11/2021 at 7:23 AM, Micah Mileto said:

Why does the JFK assassination seem to STILL TO THIS DAY have a robust community of people who research and discuss the primary sources and hone their skills, while it seems like very few people in the world are spending an equal time on other issues like 9/11, etc?

Non-JFK conspiracy theories popular today are mostly just style over substance.

I think one of the biggest problems facing research for other events is that it seems today people just do not read. They don't read, write, or analyze or dig into things. They just make videos. 

Look to 9/11 and some of the best research I've seen there comes from "DJ Thermal Detonator" (see video "BOJINKA MAXIMUM") which is a video containing many, many primary source citations of things that aired in the newsmedia that just went down the memory hole. However, there is no existing written record that is comparable to that. Maybe Paul Thompson's "The Terror Timeline" but that's almost 20 years old now.

When I do see people talking about, say, the Oklahoma City bombing, I find that overwhelmingly people are low-information on that. Just yesterday I saw someone write "OKC was a random nut" -- and nothing can be further from the truth as the record of that case proves, McVeigh was part of a network of white supremacists which even today still threaten us, as evidenced by Atomwaffen Division, the Proud Boys, the January 6th insurrection.  So if people continue in their low-information ways, just refusing to read or examine readily available records, they cannot complain when later down the line we see another horrific attack by a white supremacist, at least they can't say "why didn't we see this coming?" -- if people were paying attention to the record they would realize that this is a very real threat and that Oklahoma City was anything but a "random nut" but rather it is a chilling example of what these people can do, and to a larger extent, how they got away with it. You won't find McVeigh's accomplices in prison today and his chief co-conspirator was never captured. Just a few years before the bombing, you'll find the 1988 Sedition Trial where the defendants also got away with it: found NOT GUILTY. Acquitted of all charges. Which emboldened them. 

For some reason people just don't research other events with the same level of scholarship and seriousness you see with JFK. At least, if they do, there does not exist an online community where the scholars interact. Instead you just find people online arguing about whether or not the 9/11 planes were holograms and other nonsense. That community has been entirely compromised but that is another story.


Edited by Richard Booth
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6 hours ago, Richard Booth said:

For some reason people just don't research other events with the same level of scholarship and seriousness you see with JFK. At least, if they do, there does not exist an online community where the scholars interact. Instead you just find people online arguing about whether or not the 9/11 planes were holograms and other nonsense. That community has been entirely compromised but that is another story.


Richard, and all: useful 2002 article on the 9/11-connected Israeli "art students."  This is what used to come out of Salon.com before today's dilapidated days, where Salon has twice accused 9/11 truthers of fostering QAnon:


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22 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

Richard, and all: useful 2002 article on the 9/11-connected Israeli "art students."  This is what used to come out of Salon.com before today's dilapidated days, where Salon has twice accused 9/11 truthers of fostering QAnon:


Hi David,

I've read that piece - absolutely fantastic journalism there on a truly befuddling and bizarre story. You would never see reporting like that today. 

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4 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

Thanks for hipping me to Bojinka Maximum.  I'm watching now.

Came across that about a week ago. Very well done piece. I remember seeing some of the stories it cites--the two guys pulled off the train for example. Shocking how much of that went down the memory hole. 

Another piece I came across last week:


This one is briefly mentioned in Bojinka Maximum, worth a read.

You mention Israeli espionage in that art students story. If you're interested in Israeli espionage and history I recommend reading "The Killing of Karen Silkwood" by Richard Rashke. Bottom line is that the companies NUMEC and Kerr-McGee were diverting fissile nuclear material to Israel for use in their nuclear program. Enough material was diverted from Kerr-McGee to make several nuclear weapons, and at the time whistleblower Karen Silkwood's work was putting her on a path to discovering, and publicizing that missing nuclear material.

Consequently, it's no surprise that she was murdered. The NUMEC/Kerr-McGee nuclear material diversion was tied to James Angleton (see 'The Ghost' for additional details on Angleton and NUMEC) and the Mossad, and I think that Karen Silkwood's murder was a direct result of James Angleton protecting his operation. 

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