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Jean Rene Souetre expelled from the US 18hrs after JFKA?!


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Evan menions JM Wave, which had  about 300 to 400 people in it  at the time of the Big Event.  Here is  a brief  description of JM Wave from Wikipedia.

"The station's activities reached their peak in late 1962 and early 1963 around the Cuban Missile Crisis. Under Ted Shackley's leadership from 1962 to 1965, JMWAVE grew to be the largest CIA station in the world outside of the organization's headquarters in Langley, Virginia, with 300 to 400 professional operatives (possibly including about 100 based in Cuba) as well as an estimated 15,000 anti-Castro Cuban exiles on its payroll. The CIA was one of Miami's largest employers during this period. Exiles were trained in commando tactics, espionage and seamanship and the station supported numerous exile raids on Cuba.[2][3][10]

The main front company for JMWAVE was "Zenith Technical Enterprises, Inc." In addition, about 300 to 400 other front companies were created throughout South Florida with a large range of "safe houses", cover businesses and other properties. With an annual budget of approx. US$50 million (in 1960s dollars; US$50 million in 1962 dollars are worth US$403 million in 2017 dollars (PPP)[11]), the station had a major impact on the economy of South Florida, creating a local economic boom - particularly in the real estate, banking and certain manufacturing sectors. It also operated a fleet of aircraft and boats - this has been described as the third largest navy in the Caribbean at the time after the main US and Cuban navies. JMWAVE's activities were so widespread that they became an open secret amongst local Florida government and law enforcement agencies.[2][3] "


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14 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I don’t think Souetre and elements of JMWAVE are mutually exclusive. 

Not hardly.  If you consider the Angleton-Skorzeny-Soutre then Harvey Rhome/Morales and more.  More detail others on here more knowledgeable than I can provide.  Including you Paul, whose word and opinion I respect, FWIW.

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12 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Not hardly.  If you consider the Angleton-Skorzeny-Soutre then Harvey Rhome/Morales and more.  More detail others on here more knowledgeable than I can provide.  Including you Paul, whose word and opinion I respect, FWIW.

The feeling is mutual - thanks


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Trust me. They wouldn't need him. Go to Mary Ferrell's sit and download "Tipping Point". Larry has the best idea about the actual shooters. Independently, I talked to a Vietnam era spec ops sniper who was in the Dal Tex building as a backup who was unneeded. A close friend of mine who was a Green Beret A Team leader in Vietnam before joining CIA has verified the backup sniper's bone fides to me. Since none of the books I'm currently working have anything to do with JFK I've simply satisfied my own curiosity.

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11 hours ago, Evan Marshall said:

Trust me. They wouldn't need him. Go to Mary Ferrell's sit and download "Tipping Point". Larry has the best idea about the actual shooters. Independently, I talked to a Vietnam era spec ops sniper who was in the Dal Tex building as a backup who was unneeded. A close friend of mine who was a Green Beret A Team leader in Vietnam before joining CIA has verified the backup sniper's bone fides to me. Since none of the books I'm currently working have anything to do with JFK I've simply satisfied my own curiosity.

Evan, are you at liberty to name names? 

I've discussed Souetre with Larry Hancock, a gentleman and a scholar, and we disagree that Souetre was misidentified as having been in Dallas.

The records of Pierre Lafitte — a longtime contract agent for FBN, CIA, FBI, and personal friend of George Hunter White and James Angleton, as well as Charlie Siragusa and Sheffield Edwards — indicate Soutre was flown into Dallas in mid-November where he remained until being flown out on November 23. Souetre was in Dallas at the behest of Otto Skorzeny, Hitler's once Favorite Commando, who according to Lafitte was the strategist for the assassination in Dallas. Souetre was among the preferred trainers in Otto's assassination camps.

If your Vietnam era spec ops sniper was in the Dal Tex building as backup, who do you think directed him to act as backup, and backup to whom?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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On 3/14/2023 at 9:35 PM, Paul Brancato said:

I don’t think Souetre and elements of JMWAVE are mutually exclusive. 

The uniqueness of the datebook maintained by Lafitte throughout 1963 is that it cuts through the morass of three letter agencies, cryptonyms, agency and military structures, and simply identifies individuals who were operating outside structure for a one-off operation identified as Project Lancelot by James Angleton with the intention of assassinating John Kennedy in Dallas. 


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5 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

The uniqueness of the datebook maintained by Lafitte throughout 1963 is that it cuts through the morass of three letter agencies, cryptonyms, agency and military structures, and simply identifies individuals who were operating outside structure for a one-off operation identified as Project Lancelot by James Angleton with the intention of assassinating John Kennedy in Dallas. 


Where in 'Coup in Dallas' is that reference to Project Lancelot?

I've followed the Index pages linked to Angleton but have drawn a blank.

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5 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:


Where in 'Coup in Dallas' is that reference to Project Lancelot?

I've followed the Index pages linked to Angleton but have drawn a blank.

Chapter 9 — Dallas . . . Lay of the Land
A Look Behind the Curtains

A well-known, highly regarded oil “expert” by the name of Jack Crichton returned home to Dallas from a three-week, State sponsored tour of Romania sometime between October 15th and October 19th, 1963, a span of time that appears highly relevant to our investigation according to entries in the Lafitte records:

October 17

JA call yest. Says High-level gathering in DC

Lancelot – Go-ok-Oswald-others.

October 28

Lancelot Planning

October 29

Lancelot Planning


From Alan Kent's essay on the enigmatic "T"

3.) That T acts as a conduit of instructions from Angleton—and is mentioned in the December 5 entry with Angleton (“JA – close out Lancelot – T”)—indicates that this person is very close to Angleton; probably a long-time colleague of Angleton’s.

And, Dick Russell writes in his limited analysis of the Lafitte datebook (note his emphasis that if the datebook was a hoa, at least this entry was logged in at earlier a decade after the assassination, and preliminary examination of ink and paper indicates otherwise.) 

ANGLETON: Listed in the datebook by his last name as well as initials (JA and JJA), the then-head of Counterintelligence for the CIA appears to have been involved in “high-level gathering in DC'' during which “Lancelot planning” was discussed. The Lancelot reference is to a plot to kill JFK. The datebook’s final mention of James Angleton, (December 5, 1963) states: “JA – CLOSE OUT LANCELOT.” Angleton’s name was not generally known until the mid-1970s, when he was forced out of the CIA following revelations that he’d organized an illegal domestic spying program. 

Here, Dick emphasizes that if the datebook was a hoax, the entry would have been logged more than a decade after the assassination. Preliminary examination of ink and paper indicates that is not the case.

[And, Peter, we share your frustration with the index. I won't make excuses but explain that turning around an index for a 600-pg. book in 48 hours is not recommended. (we didn't index the essays.]


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As I said I simply wanted to satisfy my own curiosity. I'm not going to name names as I promised not to. Besides the shooters are not the important ones. Who hired the shooters is what counts.

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44 minutes ago, Evan Marshall said:

As I said I simply wanted to satisfy my own curiosity. I'm not going to name names as I promised not to. Besides the shooters are not the important ones. Who hired the shooters is what counts.

The shooters lead to those who handpicked them, saw that they would be safely extracted, paid them for their services. Those who handpicked them lead to those who made the decision.  

The scene of the crime is the cornerstone of any investigation so of course the mechanics must be identified.  

It's unfortunate you can't, at this late date, name names yet you feel comfortable stating that you know, personally, at least one individual who claims to have been involved in the plot. Not wishing to be contentious, but a bit of cat and mouse from my perspective, although I hope that's not your intention.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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