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Food for thought for the administrators and other posters on the forum.

I know it's a fact of life here that posts get buried in a hurry.  Being a conspiracy realist regarding the JFK Assassination I'm naturally suspicious.  Occasionally I wonder if it is at times deliberate.  They get buried by both long diatribes and repetitive posts by a given member.  Both are distracting from a given topic. It gets frustrating, why waste your time trying to be relevant?

It's called the JFK Debate.  Debates are timed.  Might a word limit per post be appropriate?  500 or so?  Less?  If you can't be concise use links.  Who here has anything relevant to say cannot do so in say 5 or so post's a day? 

Off my soap box, sorry to rant.  Thought this might encourage discussion by other members.

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Speaking of buried.  Singing of pines in Anderson County, Tx, yet the video is set in more desolate country.  The ending nails it, the music outstanding.


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But Ron, you’ve just ‘buried’ your own post beneath a music video!!

what twists my melons most is the irrelevant political ranting threads that have NOTHING to do with a JFK assassination debate.

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16 minutes ago, Sean Coleman said:

But Ron, you’ve just ‘buried’ your own post beneath a music video!!

what twists my melons most is the irrelevant political ranting threads that have NOTHING to do with a JFK assassination debate.

I mildly disagree with you---with a caveat. 

One reason to study the JFKA is to learn context---the role of Shadow Government and a compliant media. 

Observations about other events, such as Watergate, 9/11 and 1/6 I think are worthy when looked at through the lens of the Deep State, using lessons learned in 11/22. But these posts should be brought back to the JFKA. 

What is mildly annoying is the ad hominem arguments some put forth.  

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Ben, most know of shadow govt. & compliant media involvement in the JFKA- that’s how it was (attempted to be) pulled off. Isn’t that common knowledge?

What bugs me (for example) is In ‘The Inevitable…’ thread JFK is mentioned 4 times in the first 10 pages- that’s JFK as a person mentioned in passing, nothing at all to do with the assassination. Should this thread have been moved to an ‘American politics past & present’ listing? Most replies seem to be exhaustive psuedo highbrow rants designed to belittle others or showcase one’s own fantastic unlimited knowledge on something……that’s NOTHING to do with the JFKA.

I guess I’m more interested in the nuts n bolts of the subject - wallets, bullets, Mexico, rifles, pistols etc.,….that walking Cheeto Trump don’t even enter my JFK thought orbit. 

…..but I still read the posts, and here I am burying Ron’s thread.

Shame on me.


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On 7/4/2022 at 3:36 AM, Sean Coleman said:

But Ron, you’ve just ‘buried’ your own post beneath a music video!!

what twists my melons most is the irrelevant political ranting threads that have NOTHING to do with a JFK assassination debate.

We have "one" thread ( Joseph McBrides's "The Inevitable End Result Of Our Last 56 years " ) that I assume has and is being allowed to provide for the discussion/debate/ whatever of current event political and social matter concerns besides the JFK education and debate directly.

This allowance started when the Corona virus took over "everyone's" lives in America to such an overwhelming anxiety and daily life changing degree ( mind boggling ) it was hard to focus on much else ( even our JFK truth seeking forum here ) without some release of discussion about it here and there.

Of course this Corona Virus anxiety relief thread has morphed into a current political and social concern one. One which I have posted on many times myself.

The long winded political rantings SC refers to are on this one thread no?

If our moderators keep allowing this one thread to exist here I will continue to contribute my thoughts on it.

Personally, this "one" thread keeps me more engaged with the forum and I appreciate it's presence as my JFK truth seeking passion has always been aligned with and linked to the continuum of our highest governmental power lineage since 1963. What's going on now at these highest levels is borne of and still connected to the JFK event of 11,22,1963 imo.

I'm not sure to what degree it compromises or distracts from the strictly JFK Education Debate forum focus and integrity myself.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Just now, Joe Bauer said:

We have "one" thread ( Joseph McBrides's "The Inevitable End Result Of Our Last 56 years " ) that I assume has and is being allowed to provide for the discussion/debate/ whatever of current event political and social matter concerns besides the JFK education and debate directly.

This allowance started when the Corona virus took over "everyone's" lives in America to such an overwhelming anxiety and daily life changing degree ( mind boggling ) it was hard to focus on much else ( even our JFK truth seeking forum here ) without some release of discussion about it here and there.

Of course this Corona Virus anxiety relief thread has morphed into a current political and social concern one. One which I have posted on many times myself.

The long winded political rantings SC refers to are on this one thread no?

If our moderators keep allowing this one thread to exist here I will continue to contribute my thoughts on it.

Personally, this "one" thread keeps me more engaged with the forum and I appreciate it's presence as my JFK truth seeking passion has always been aligned with and linked to the continuum of our highest governmental power lineage since 1963. What's going on now at these highest levels is borne of and still connected to the JFK event of 11,22,1963 imo.

I'm not sure to what degree if any it compromises or distracts from the strictly JFK education Debate focus and integrity myself.




I probably agree with you on this one, but even within the "Inevitable End" thread I wish there was more emphasis on the possible roles of the Deep State and compliant media in current events, or recent events, such as 9/11, Watergate and 1/6. 

As I have said, modern events, as defined by a compliant media, are shoved into the "red v. blue" paradigm.

I will even go so far as to say the M$M highlights and amplifies diversionary divisiveness, by highlighting red v. blue, ID politics, abortion, guns and other divisive issues...while burying the fundamentals, like the $1.4 trillion-a-year military complex and the evaporating middle class. 





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4 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I probably agree with you on this one, but even within the "Inevitable End" thread I wish there was more emphasis on the possible roles of the Deep State and compliant media in current events, or recent events, such as 9/11, Watergate and 1/6. 

As I have said, modern events, as defined by a compliant media, are shoved into the "red v. blue" paradigm.

I will even go so far as to say the M$M highlights and amplifies diversionary divisiveness, by highlighting red v. blue, ID politics, abortion, guns and other divisive issues...while burying the fundamentals, like the $1.4 trillion-a-year military complex and the evaporating middle class. 





Stop it!! Haha you’re doing it here!! 🤭

The ‘Inev.’ thread not that bad really, interesting facts & amusing to see whose soapbox is the largest and who can shout down a traffic cone the loudest!


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The JFK assassination ( as well as the Lee Harvey Oswald assassination ) rocked our entire American society to such a degree that it changed our perceptions of everything going on in the world around us, including trust and faith in our highest levels of government. 

And even now, 59 years later, it still is!

The majority of Americans STILL do not believe nor accept the official government WARREN COMMISSION final report stating JFK died as a result of one poor minimum wage earning lone gunman just getting lucky and not only defeating an army of security with his junky cheap rifle out a brightly illuminated open window just 75 feet above the ground with hundreds of bystanders right below, but his running down some stairs, stopping to buy and sip a Doctor Pepper and then simply walking away to catch a bus to escape...which he successfully did!

To me, the January 6th storming of our Capital Building with all our congress persons and their aides inside to confirm the 2020 election, by a massively large and Trump worked up violent mob who attacked and injured dozens of our capital police protecting them, and who then terrorized and traumatized our congress persons inside for hours, is the worst most reality perception changing event since 11/22/1963 imo.

Watching this super violent attack on our most sacred democracy symbolizing building was not just surreal and sickening, it was ominously scary. Truly it was.

"What is going on here?" my wife and I kept repeating in shock and disbelief!

We were actually contemplating that our entire democratic republic was on the verge of being overthrown ... right in front of our eyes!

That if Trump's "hang Mike Pence" screaming mob had succeeded and Pence and others may have been injured and even killed, we honestly believe we could have been thrust into a chaotic and enraged civil war!

The left in this country ( which has always been "less organized" violent than the right) might have finally been inspired to go into the streets to defend what they were seeing as the ultimate act of violence against our constitutional abiding and duly elected form of democratic principles government...a deadly coup!

My deep feelings of fear, governmental mistrust and injustice about the JFK event were felt again watching the mind boggling, almost unbelievable 3 hour long attack upon our 2020 election ratifying congress persons inside the Capital building on 1,6,2020.

Again ... "What is going on here?" "Are we losing it all?" 

That's what Trump's insurrection made me feel.

Still, as hugely concerned about the democracy threatening insurrection and Trump himself as I am, if we can't express these concerns here on the main JFK subject forum ( in one thread ) , so be it.

I would accept such a change without an argument. Don't we already have a separate TRUMP discussion board already?

I have posted there myself.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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11 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I mildly disagree with you---with a caveat. 

One reason to study the JFKA is to learn context---the role of Shadow Government and a compliant media. 

Observations about other events, such as Watergate, 9/11 and 1/6 I think are worthy when looked at through the lens of the Deep State, using lessons learned in 11/22. But these posts should be brought back to the JFKA. 

What is mildly annoying is the ad hominem arguments some put forth.  

Newsflash, Ben.

We've had a 9/11 Education Forum board here for years.

I have been one of the few contributors to that board.

As Joseph McBride pointed out, 9/11 is the ultimate third rail in American political discourse.

As for eschewing ad hominem arguments, does this mean that you are finally going to stop incessantly accusing other members here of drinking the kool aid when they poke holes in your theses?

Edited by W. Niederhut
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As one of the moderators here, I'm going to speak for myself only. The other mods may agree, or they may disagree.

My personal opinion is that the JFK assassination, the MLKjr assassination, the RFK assassination, the George Wallace shooting, and Watergate are all related.

We have a separate board here for Watergate. I do read every post from Douglas Caddy that I can, because he was an attorney involved in the case. But I often move his posts about Watergate to that specific forum because...that's what that forum is about. I don't particularly want a significant Watergate-related post to get "lost" here on the JFK forum. 

As far as the "deep state" posts, I generally leave those alone. I have opinions that might make me biased in my judgements, so I defer to other mods on that topic. [I think MANY of us may agree on a "deep state," but we likely disagree on which political side they represent. For all I know, they may not represent ANY particular political side, but may instead simply be two sides fighting over the steering wheel while the car is speeding ahead.]

As moderators, we try not to restrict free speech. But we do expect a level of decorum. Often that level of decorum is violated. Honestly, there are several threads here that I purposely avoid because they deteriorate to two or three members repeating the same things over and over, interspersed with snark and the frequent ad hominem. While our official policy is to not allow ad hominem attacks, it's often difficult to determine who's responsible, or "who fired the first shot," and who then responded in kind. Some of the other mods may not tell you this, but the fact remains that we do attempt to be fair and even-handed.

Limiting the length of posts will invariably simply cause some to make their statement in multiple consecutive posts. And limiting the number of daily posts is generally only done as a disciplinary move, if it seems a certain member is "flooding" the forum.

I'm sure the other mods will see this thread, and if one or another decides we need to discuss a policy change, we will discuss it.

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On 7/4/2022 at 5:16 PM, Mark Knight said:

As one of the moderators here, I'm going to speak for myself only. The other mods may agree, or they may disagree.

My personal opinion is that the JFK assassination, the MLKjr assassination, the RFK assassination, the George Wallace shooting, and Watergate are all related.

We have a separate board here for Watergate. I do read every post from Douglas Caddy that I can, because he was an attorney involved in the case. But I often move his posts about Watergate to that specific forum because...that's what that forum is about. I don't particularly want a significant Watergate-related post to get "lost" here on the JFK forum. 

As far as the "deep state" posts, I generally leave those alone. I have opinions that might make me biased in my judgements, so I defer to other mods on that topic. [I think MANY of us may agree on a "deep state," but we likely disagree on which political side they represent. For all I know, they may not represent ANY particular political side, but may instead simply be two sides fighting over the steering wheel while the car is speeding ahead.]

As moderators, we try not to restrict free speech. But we do expect a level of decorum. Often that level of decorum is violated. Honestly, there are several threads here that I purposely avoid because they deteriorate to two or three members repeating the same things over and over, interspersed with snark and the frequent ad hominem. While our official policy is to not allow ad hominem attacks, it's often difficult to determine who's responsible, or "who fired the first shot," and who then responded in kind. Some of the other mods may not tell you this, but the fact remains that we do attempt to be fair and even-handed.

Limiting the length of posts will invariably simply cause some to make their statement in multiple consecutive posts. And limiting the number of daily posts is generally only done as a disciplinary move, if it seems a certain member is "flooding" the forum.

I'm sure the other mods will see this thread, and if one or another decides we need to discuss a policy change, we will discuss it.

Thank you Mark for your response.  As I mentioned I get frustrated with what you call flooding the forum.  I've violated that level of decorum you mentioned in frustration, more than once, thanks to all the administrators for understanding.  I greatly appreciate the forum as it is.  It was food for thought.  Maybe we should pretend this thread never happened.  


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On 7/4/2022 at 7:10 AM, Sean Coleman said:

Stop it!! Haha you’re doing it here!! 🤭

Sean's right. You guys just want to start another "inevitable" thread with 500 words or less! We're hep to what you're trying to do!


On 7/4/2022 at 6:32 AM, Sean Coleman said:

Ben, most know of shadow govt. & compliant media involvement in the JFKA- that’s how it was (attempted to be) pulled off. Isn’t that common knowledge?


On 7/4/2022 at 3:16 PM, Mark Knight said:

As far as the "deep state" posts, I generally leave those alone. I have opinions that might make me biased in my judgements, so I defer to other mods on that topic. [I think MANY of us may agree on a "deep state," but we likely disagree on which political side they represent. For all I know, they may not represent ANY particular political side, but may instead simply be two sides fighting over the steering wheel while the car is speeding ahead.]

And I agree with what I think both Mark and Sean are saying. There's absolutely nothing, no "deep state"  secrets in the JFKA that are to be learned that have any direct relevance.to today. Except maybe the "7 deadly sins" and "absolute power corrupts absolutely". Who doesn't know that? Read Shakespeare! 60 years might as well be 600!

Maybe you guys should just mellow out!


heh heh


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I personally think character limits are a disaster for free and open discussion. One of the reasons podcasts are so popular is because they are a long form discussion, largely uncensored. In contrast news interviews discussion a particular subject have constraints, they are very abbreviated and pushing a set agenda. 

I also think we all can be more responsible. As much as many don’t want to see each thread twisted into a deep state back and forth, some also don’t want to see it being all about Dems or Republicans and so on. There is an element of give and take, it’s a forum that we chip in to keep It going. Whilst we may want to monopolise discussion with what interests us; we should also step back at times and let others have their time. If it was face to face, it wouldn’t be welcome if one or two members monologued throughout a dinner party, always talking about what they desired. A lot of people are selfish by nature and seek confirmation bias material, IMO we could all do better here at times. 

As for ad hominem, many are guilty of it at times, sometimes its subtle, sometimes its not, it certainly isn’t in the spirit of getting on or constructive debate. It shows weakness in our characters. I hold my hands up for whatever role i have played in that at times. Emotions do run high here, because people care and are passionate about topics. They shouldn’t take precedent over rationality and logical thought. 

In many ways; we are more similar than we are different. The forum is a good thing, we should welcome those who provide opposing arguments, as at times it stretches out own minds, and helps us develop. 

PS Thank you to the Mods and Admin’s for all of their efforts to keep the forum running smoothly. 


Edited by Chris Barnard
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