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No one asks this question of Paine or Marina

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They lend the car to a friend that afternoon and couldn't go themselves, that car was a Nash Rambler....

😎 😇

No seriouys, Marina would probably be interested, but would Lee like them to visit him ? Don't think so.



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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

But, Cory, to repeat....

Neither Ruth nor Marina were aware that Lee worked along the route of the motorcade....

Ruth Paine testified that she thought Lee probably worked at the OTHER Depository building (the warehouse on Houston St.). Therefore, the building that Ruth (and probably Marina too) associated with Lee's workplace would not have been along the motorcade route.

ALBERT JENNER -- "I heard you mention the Texas School Depository warehouse. Did you think the warehouse was at 411 Elm?"

RUTH PAINE -- "No. I had seen a sign on a building as I went along one of the limited access highways that leads into Dallas, saying "Texas School Book Depository Warehouse" and there was the only building that had registered on my consciousness as being Texas School Book Depository. I was not aware, hadn't taken in the idea of there being two buildings and that there was one on Elm, though, I copied the address from the telephone book, and could well have made that notation in my mind but I didn't. The first I realized that there was a building on Elm was when I heard on the television on the morning of the 22nd of November that a shot had been fired from such a building."


Now, sure, the fact that neither Ruth nor Marina knew that the TSBD building that Lee worked in was, indeed, on the exact motorcade route doesn't have to automatically mean that they would have no interest at all in going somewhere downtown to watch Kennedy in the parade. But that testimony I cited above certainly must be considered and taken into account (at least with respect to the ladies meeting up with Lee and having lunch together, etc.). And then when we add the "dental appointment" into the equation, that combination of things probably answers your question of why Ruth and Marina didn't go downtown on 11/22/63.

Exactly David, and Ruth also thought that Oswald was going to kill that OTHER Kennedy. So she didn’t go down to the march since that other Kennedy was still in Washington DC, and his assassination wasn’t scheduled to happen until 1968.

Edited by Allen Lowe
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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

Another (related) thought that just came to me....

I've often heard the very same question asked when talking about Jack Ruby too. Many people ask: Why didn't Ruby, who was a big Kennedy fan and supporter (not to mention a person who always liked to be "where the action is"), have any desire whatsoever to go downtown to see at least a portion of the Dallas motorcade on 11/22?

It's certainly not a bad question at all. And it's not a bad question as it pertains to Ruth and Marina too. Cory Santos, in fact, in this thread today, is the very first person that I am aware of who has ever asked that question (as it pertains to Ruth & Marina).

Maybe somebody can ask Ruth directly about this. (Does Max Good still have her ear?)


Thank you DVP.  

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4 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Another (related) thought that just came to me....

I've often heard the very same question asked when talking about Jack Ruby too. Many people ask: Why didn't Ruby, who was a big Kennedy fan and supporter (not to mention a person who always liked to be "where the action is"), have any desire whatsoever to go downtown to see at least a portion of the Dallas motorcade on 11/22?

It's certainly not a bad question at all. And it's not a bad question as it pertains to Ruth and Marina too. Cory Santos, in fact, in this thread today, is the very first person that I am aware of who has ever asked that question (as it pertains to Ruth & Marina).

Maybe somebody can ask Ruth directly about this. (Does Max Good still have her ear?)


Ruby did watch the "fireworks" to use his own words.  This has been discussed elsewhere before.  FBI informant Bob Vanderslice. 1977.  From in front of the postal annex, I.E. the corner of Houston and Commerce, an elevated view of the lower parts of Dealy Plaza.  I know you'll say he didn't speak up until 1977, but the FBI considered it important enough to make a record of their informant's statement (at the time of the HSCA).  That document was kept secret from us by Our government until it was released to NARA in 1995 (because of the ARRB?).  Where it still remained classified until November 2017.

 FBI Informant: Ruby Knew JFK Would Be Shot | Newsmax.com

I read somewhere in the last year or two that Vanderslice further related afterwards that he was at either his or Jack Ruby's attorney's office when Ruby came in and invited them to "go watch the fireworks".  He accepted; the attorney declined.  I'll have to dig to find a source on this part.

You can see the original document on page two ot this thread in Jim Hargrove's post.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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It sure seems that a dentist appointment is a great alibi.  What if she didn’t go because she didn’t care for Kennedy’s policies.   Whoops don’t go down that street.   

Edited by Cory Santos
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Another thought, she testified people came by her house and kids played there obviously.   Yet a rifle was in her garage.  She never noticed it of course- great alibi-but isn’t that kind of odd and dangerous with people going in and out of the house?

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And really, isn’t it odd that she did not know where the TSBD was located-allegedly- yet she was able to correctly call it.  I suppose she did not look up the number in the phone book and notice the address.  
her testimony in the Shaw trial clearly notes she called inquiring about a job    


Edited by Cory Santos
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Hey, if RP helped LHO pack to go to New Orleans, wouldn’t he have the rifle then?  Isn’t it odd she would not notice it or was it cleverly wrapped then too like it allegedly had been hiding in her garage?   Wow just wow.   

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