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Max And The Paines

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Max Good currently works as a freelance producer, cinematographer, and editor. His new documentary called "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine" a provocative portrait of 85-year-old Ruth Paine and her inescapable connection to the JFK assassination. As a key witness and benefactor of Marina and Lee Harvey Oswald, conspiracy researchers have long suspected Ruth of a sinister role in a wider plot. Today, even as an anonymous resident of a Quaker retirement home in northern California, Ruth is still haunted by those who are convinced that she holds a secret to the crime of the century.

Out Of The Blank #1184 - Max Good




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11 hours ago, Robbie Robertson said:

Max Good currently works as a freelance producer, cinematographer, and editor. His new documentary called "The Assassination & Mrs. Paine" a provocative portrait of 85-year-old Ruth Paine and her inescapable connection to the JFK assassination. As a key witness and benefactor of Marina and Lee Harvey Oswald, conspiracy researchers have long suspected Ruth of a sinister role in a wider plot. Today, even as an anonymous resident of a Quaker retirement home in northern California, Ruth is still haunted by those who are convinced that she holds a secret to the crime of the century.

Bill Simpich, who may be the conspiracy researcher in the film with whom Max Good seems perhaps most aligned in viewpoint (to the extent that is discernible), says in the film, 

"I don’t know anybody who thinks that they were part of the plot to kill the president. But a lot of us, including me, think that they might have been manipulated to do certain things . . ." 

If nobody among conspiracy researchers thinks Ruth or Michael Paine were part of the plot to kill the president, what plot is it in which the Paines are suspected of playing a "sinister role" by conspiracy researchers?

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18 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

Bill Simpich, who may be the conspiracy researcher in the film with whom Max Good seems perhaps most aligned in viewpoint (to the extent that is discernible), says in the film, 

"I don’t know anybody who thinks that they were part of the plot to kill the president. But a lot of us, including me, think that they might have been manipulated to do certain things . . ." 

If nobody among conspiracy researchers thinks Ruth or Michael Paine were part of the plot to kill the president, what plot is it in which the Paines are suspected of playing a "sinister role" by conspiracy researchers?

You are kind of missing point. I agree that they didn’t know to what end, but they were handling Oswald. And when it happened, they knew immediately that it was part of a deeper plot. So they are accessories, and all the more evil for failing to acknowledged what they know. And Mrs. Paine continued, after the assassination, to help frame Oswald. Which not only implies some deeper knowledge of the plot, but which makes her all the more despicable.

Edited by Allen Lowe
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9 hours ago, Allen Lowe said:

You are kind of missing point. I agree that they didn’t know to what end, but they were handling Oswald. And when it happened, they knew immediately that it was part of a deeper plot. So they are accessories, and all the more evil for failing to acknowledged what they know. And Mrs. Paine continued, after the assassination, to help frame Oswald. Which not only implies some deeper knowledge of the plot, but which makes her all the more despicable.

Of course there is no hard evidence ever come forth for any of that and Ruth Paine strenuously denies these things. 

This reminds me of inquisitor logic: we know you know why the crop failed, tell! (But I don't know!) Turn those screws until the witch tells!!!

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1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:

Of course there is no hard evidence ever come forth for any of that and Ruth Paine strenuously denies these things. 

This reminds me of inquisitor logic: we know you know why the crop failed, tell! (But I don't know!) Turn those screws until the witch tells!!!


Still, if only Ruth and Michael didn't have such intriguingly different family lineages.

No sister that may have worked for the CIA.

No mother that was very close friends with a long time mistress of Allen Dulles.

No wealthy fathers connected to and heavily involved with humanitarian organizations  that some suspected were fronts for others with more nefarious agendas.

No contact with the White Russian community and especially the intrepid crazy cross connected and world traveled multilingual suspected poopoo sympathizer George DeMohrenschildt who just one day decided to machete his way through the jungles of Central America for the healthy fun of it. With a coincidental stop at an obscure airport to join a crowd greeting an incoming Russian official?  Oh PLEASE!

No extra curricular activities of the part of Michael Paine such as engaging young men in political ideology conversation and attending both ACLU and extreme right political talks at the same time.

Still, I have mixed feelings about Ruth Paine. No matter the debated motivations she took care of Marina and her two babies to a degree that was incredibly magnanimous and worthy of legitimate praise and credit.

Both her and Michael were choir singers. They listened to folk music. They probably liked Harry Belafonte and Peter, Paul and Mary!

Michael made helicopter models.

Ruth dedicated herself to Quaker causes. She was a school psychologist and even an elementary school principal! She was active in civil rights movements right in her home town of Irving regarding their public library.

Just looking at her back in 1963 with her page boy haircut and Carol Burnett likeness I just didn't "feel" anything too sinister.

Ah...but who knows?

The whole JFK/Marina and Lee Oswald/Ruth and Michael Paine affair ...  is like the last line in one of my favorite movies ever... "Forget it Jake...It's Chinatown."




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Everyone owes Max Good a debt of gratitude for doing what he did.

It took him a long time, working on a shoestring, hope against hope, to finally put these intriguing but ignored questions to the witness.

The WC was not going to do it.  Incredibly, Ruth Paine and Michael were not called to give depositions by the HSCA.

And even though many wrote the ARRB to do so, they did not either.

From the mini furor that Max's film has created, he did the right thing. In spades.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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3 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

Of course there is no hard evidence ever come forth for any of that and Ruth Paine strenuously denies these things. 

This reminds me of inquisitor logic: we know you know why the crop failed, tell! (But I don't know!) Turn those screws until the witch tells!!!

Reminds me a little bit of the Jane Roman situation. When Newman brought out documents Roman admitted it looked like she was falsifying but then didn't believe a conspiracy was involved. Same thing with Paine who knows all these facts now but still believes Oswald shot Kennedy.

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9 hours ago, Paul Cummings said:

Reminds me a little bit of the Jane Roman situation. When Newman brought out documents Roman admitted it looked like she was falsifying but then didn't believe a conspiracy was involved. Same thing with Paine who knows all these facts now but still believes Oswald shot Kennedy.

An astute observation Paul, imho.

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What a bookshelf: Posner, Mailer and Bugliosi.

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