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RARE: Jim Garrison response to the NBC whitewash "The Case of Jim Garrison"

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Thanks Vince.  I thought this was pretty good.  It was FCC mandated since NBC had done a hatchet job on Garrison in June of 1967.

It drove Tony Summers over the edge, Paul Hoch style, at the AARC conference in 2014. 

He bitterly attacked Andre Kreig for playing it.

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Good stuff. It's been a few years since I watched this video. I will add a link to this video to my new JFK site. 

As much as I respect Anthony Summers' JFK research, I'm disappointed that he has such a blind spot when it comes to Jim Garrison. To be sure, Summers has done great, important work on the case. Some of his interviews have been historic and crucial. But, yes, he has a serious blind spot when it comes to Garrison. So does David Kaiser.




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I watched Jack Ruby whack Lee Harvey Oswald on live national TV on 11,24,1963

I watched the NBC investigation hatchet job on Jim Garrison ( in living color ) in 1967.

I watched Jim Garrison's rebuttal broadcast to the NBC hatchet job special on NBC on July 15th, 1967.

I watched the Johnny Carson hatchet job interview of Jim Garrison on January 31st, 1968.

I was only 12 years old on 11,24,1963 when I watched Jackie Kennedy avenging Jacob Rubenstein deal his death shot into Lee Oswald.

And I was only 16 years old for the later three television broadcast shows centered around Jim Garrison.

Rewatching this 1967 Jim Garrison NBC television rebuttal video tape Vince Palamara has gifted us with in this thread, I appreciate more how much I actually personally witnessed regards the JFK/ Lee Harvey Oswald/Jack Ruby and Jim Garrison investigation story events despite being so young at the time.

I also am reminded again how this Jim Garrison NBC television rebuttal talk to the entire nation on July 15th, 1967 is as amazingly profound today as it was on the actual day of broadcast.

Here we have one man (Jim Garrison ) telling the entire nation ( hundreds of millions of Americans ) things which proclaim that they as a society have been lied to and deceived regarding the JFK assassination by our own government...and that our vast main national media has been an equal and willing partner in this grand deception!

Jim Garrison put everything on the line with this amazing broadcast as well as his years of JFK truth finding effort commitment..."everything!"

Sacrificing his reputation, career, family and even his personal safety all that time and beyond.

Garrison endured through many major acts of stressful and vile retribution against him by the most powerful of entities that included set up entrapments and even phony criminal charges. 

Yet, he was background education and career credible enough, well spoken articulate enough, moral integrity right enough and incredibly courageous enough to be taken seriously to the point of national TV coverage many times throughout his many JFK truth seeking years.

Garrison was a giant in more ways that just his imposing 6 foot, 6 inch physical stature.

Imo he had an almost Shakespearian eloquent grandness and gravitas.

Yet, a grandness grounded in a virtuous (and as he stated maybe a naive ) belief and faith in the grandest common man and woman protecting societal governing experiment in the history of mankind...our U.S. constitutional democracy.

Garrison saw the JFK assassination as an attack upon the only thing that set us apart as a real hope shining light for future generations of all of humanity.

IMO anyway.








Edited by Joe Bauer
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19 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks Vince.  I thought this was pretty good.  It was FCC mandated since NBC had done a hatchet job on Garrison in June of 1967.

It drove Tony Summers over the edge, Paul Hoch style, at the AARC conference in 2014. 

He bitterly attacked Andre Kreig for playing it.

Wow--I had no idea that Summers did that!

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