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Stone, DiEugenio, Bleau: The Quebec JFK Panel

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This is a must see. 

This was the second night's event, by invitation only for 83 members of the academia and media. 

Quebec is the 7th largest city in Canada. So it would be like a media/Academia event in San Antonio in the USA. 

The event went over so well that the host asked us if we wanted to take it on a tour of Canada.


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33 minutes in on the video.

I've heard is said that 2 mysterious men stopped the call from going through to Raleigh. In the video you say it was the Secret Service that was controlling Oswalds call and that it was they who blocked the call to Raleigh. Are we to take it then that the 2 mysterious men were Secret Service men? That would significantly narrow down the identities of these men. 

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I believe it was Secret Service.

But I would have to double check to be sure.

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1. Lansdale was in charge of Mongoose

2. Lansdale suggested Northwoods before Lemnitzer did

3. Lansdale was in Dallas-Fort Worth on 11/22/63

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49 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

3. Lansdale was in Dallas-Fort Worth on 11/22/63

Wow, I've never heard/read anybody say that Lansdale was in the area on 11/22. Only that Prouty thought it was him in the tramps photo.

Jim, is there documentary proof that Lansdale was in the area? Is there any evidence that his being there was related to the assassination?


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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

1. Lansdale was in charge of Mongoose

2. Lansdale suggested Northwoods before Lemnitzer did

3. Lansdale was in Dallas-Fort Worth on 11/22/63

1. Nobody is disputing that...it failed.

2. Has nothing to do with this thread.

3. Prove this...also he was retired by then.

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While John Newman was working for Oliver Stone on the feature film, he traced Lansdale's itinerary at the time of the assassination.

He was visiting a friend in the southwest area and was staying at a hotel at the time. I think John said it was in Fort Worth.

John was thinking of writing a book on Lansdale back then, that is why he had his itinerary. And that is what he told me.

BTW, who can say what has anything to do with this thread?  That was quite a wide ranging talk up in Quebec.  One of the questions was the circumstances of JFK's murder. Kennedy would not go along with Northwoods, which got some people perturbed.

Also, Lansdale was very much invested in the viability of South Vietnam, since it was kind of his baby.

Does this mean, he was in on it?  No. Maybe, maybe not.  

As for being retired, so was Dulles. 

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Isn't it amazing how many CIA guys were in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area, or reputed to be, in the days leading up to Kennedy's assassination, or the day he was there?

Can it all just be a coincidence?

Its about eight of them if you add it all up.

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That's quite interesting that Lansdale was in the Dallas / Fort Worth area on 11/22/63. That makes THREE pieces of evidence suggesting that the guy in the tramps photo is Lansdale:

  1. Prouty's identification of Lansdale.
  2. Lansdale's itinerary.
  3. No shadow from the glasses worn by the guy in the tramps photo.*


*Prescription glasses cast a shadow. No shadow indicates non-prescription glasses. Why would the guy be wearing non-prescription glasses? Only reason I can think of is to help hide his identity.

I wouldn't bet the farm on it, but I do now believe the guy is indeed Lansdale.


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On 10/3/2022 at 10:37 AM, Rob Clark said:

Interesting that Stone doesn't buy Prouty's BS about Ed Landsdale either....




Good one Rob. John Newman never said with conviction that Ed Landsdale was in Fort Worth on 11/22. It's another Prouty myth. 

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