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Oswald's Escorts: The Garrison Files

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The earliest reference I can find is the 1988 edition of Rights magazine. Seems like a right wing type deal.  Unfortunately Google Books gives only a snippet view of the page.


Edited by Stu Wexler
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Looking further the above essay was written (I think) by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, who sure looks zany. But at the same time he appears to be sourcing it to *something*  1988 or before. Just without footnotes or endnotes!  

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6 hours ago, Stu Wexler said:

Looking further the above essay was written (I think) by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, who sure looks zany. But at the same time he appears to be sourcing it to *something*  1988 or before. Just without footnotes or endnotes!  

Unless we have a major case of plagiarism, that looks like the same Bush-did-it article I posted from MFF. That must be the original source before it went on the internet: 

…Quintero. Quintero has said publicly that if he ever told what he knew about Dallas and the Bay of Pigs, "It would be the biggest scandal ever to rock the nation." 

Meanwhile, in 1960, Preston Bush was running Nixon's campaign… 

Same quote. Was JFK already in production in 1988? I’m thinking since it says volumes 34-42 it might’ve been in one of the later ones. 

However, the Bush article says it was written by a Paul Kangas for The Realist: 


by Paul Kangas



Edited by Tom Gram
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Paul's number 11 escort:

Other descriptions by Andrews of the escort:

“During the summer of 1963, OSWALD came into the office of attorney Dean Andrews from three to five times (XI, 325 et seq). On each occasion he was accompanied by a Latin who was stocky, fairly short and who had an “athletic build” and a “thick neck”. Andrews describes him as having “flat” hair. In Andrews’ parlance, this man “could go to ‘Fist City’ pretty good if he had to”. This man spoke little and then only in Spanish.”

“But anyway, to give you more of the picture, the description given by Dean Andrews of the Cuban who was always with Oswald. He was about 5 feet 4 inches which is very short, very muscular and strong and unusually dark like an Indian.”

Harold Weisberg thought the 5'4" guy might have been Antonio "Tony" Soto. Soto was a pilot for the BOP Air Force and handled himself admirably. He was 5'4", muscular but not "dark like an Indian." Tony Soto below in the Congo. Soto briefly became a member of the AMWORLD project before going to the Congo by the end of November 1963.


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A better candidate for the 5'4" muscular guy that was dark like an Indian would be Acelo Pedroso. Pedroso was also involved in the BOP and was 5'4" and was in New Orleans during the summer of 1963 along with his friends Victor Espinosa, Carlos Hernandez, and Miguel Alvarez at McLaney's. Pedroso became one of Rafael Quintero's "Commandos" for the AMWORLD project along with Carlos Hernandez before being assigned to the Congo.

Pedroso in the Congo below.


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Paul's number 28 escort.

Here are some of their WC testimonies:

Mr. Floyd Davis Floyd Davis intervened after a complaint from a client about Oswald shooting at his target:

“Mr. DAVIS. There was a fellow with a black beard in that booth No. 7, at the same time. I remember him because he was outstanding, you know, and I went to these fellows in booth No. 8. and was giving them heck about shooting at the wrong target. And this other fellow, I remember him because he wouldn’t say anything to me. I tried to speak to him two or three different occasions, because he had a lot of guns, and I thought he would be a good customer.

Mr. LIEBELER. The fellow with the beard?

Mr. DAVIS. Yes.

Mr. LIEBELER. He was how tall, approximately?

Mr. DAVIS. He was over 6 feet and he weighed a good 250 pounds. A big bruiser.

Mr. LIEBELER. I think we can assume that was not Lee Harvey Oswald.

Mr. DAVIS. They were trying to find him. Charlie Brown was trying to find this person, and 2 weeks ago on a Sunday morning I saw him in an automobile out on Davis, I believe it was.

Mr. LIEBELER. The big fellow with the beard?

Mr. DAVIS. The big fellow there with the beard. And I got the license number on the car and the type of car it was and called it into the office. I haven’t heard anything from Mr. Brown since then, whether he got the information, but I am sure he did when I turned it into the office…”

Davis even gave the plate-number of the car they drove off in to law enforcement!

Virginia Davis who helped manage the shooting range describes the following peculiar character causing a ruckus:

“Mr. LIEBELER. Was this man with the beard there at that time, do you know?

Mrs. DAVIS. No; that was on a Sunday afternoon or a Saturday. It was a Saturday or a Sunday, and the reason I remember him, it was the same day they said Oswald was out there, and I tried to talk to him, which I talked to everyone that comes in, and he was noticeable because he looked like the Castro type. He had this big beard and he was heavy set and big broad shoulders, and well, he was just outstanding in his appearance. He had big red earmuffs on and I couldn’t help but notice him.”

Garland Slack, Mr. Slack, who made the complaint, and his wife corroborate:

“Mr. Slack furnished information to the effect that he had seen a man believed to be identical with Oswald at the Sports Drome Rifle Range on November 10, 1963, and believed that he was accompanied by another man described as tall, having a lot of dark hair, dark complexion, and a full beard.”

“Mrs. SLACK advised she recalled seeing a great big man with a beard, who was wearing ear muffs, a red plaid shirt, and green pants. She stated he was shooting "big guns" and was shooting from stall No. 4 or 5. She stated she did not see anyone with this person and believed that he was alone at the rifle range .”

Sticking with the theme that whoever was providing these escorts didn't have a big stable to draw from: 


Rene was Victor's brother and was involved with Carlos Hernandez and Victor in their first aborted mission to bomb Cuba. Rene and Carlos were stopped by Immigration in a truck. I don't have any pictures of him.

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On 3/20/2024 at 7:18 AM, Tom Gram said:

Meanwhile, in 1960, Preston Bush was running Nixon's campaign… 

I don't think I ever knew this.  Not to detract from the thread topic or hijack it but I think it could be important.  Maybe I've read it, and it went right over my head or I've forgotten it.  First, are we possibly talking about Prescott Bush here, father of GHWB?  If not, is Preston related to those two, how so?

Prescott helped finance RMN's first Congressional (smear) campaign in California.  If he was possibly still financing him in 1960 or "running Nixon's campaign" (through a surrogate?).  Defeat by JFK by 1% would have still stung when he said he never forgave JFK for firing Dulles.

The Nixon-Bush Connection Runs Deeper Than You Know | Business Insider

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