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To Tom Gram, the "unbiased" researcher who disputes Dale Myers

Steve Roe

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Tom Gram,

Apparently, you are unaware of Michael Brownlow and his past history as Dale Myers has his criminal history documented.  I understand you do not trust Dale Myers to tell the truth. Well, OK.

The subject of Doris Holan living on Tenth Street, you vehemently object to. Again, you, Tom Gramm place trust in Bill Pulte's and Michael Brownlow's account (interview of Mrs. Holan) that she lived there and reject 100% that Dale Myers that she actually lived at 300-1/2 Patton Steet. Now that's established Tom, let's review Mr. Brownlow.

Those of us that have been down to Dealey Plaza are well acquainted with Mr. Brownlow. Bill Brown said that he had many exchanges with him, and I did as well. Mr. Brownlow is a well-known "personality" that used to hang out around Dealey hawking stuff, giving lectures behind the picket fence to tourists, etc. He used to hang around Bob Groden and others. 

On my last visit to Dallas this year, Michael Brownlow was not there. Sadly, the scuttlebutt was he had health issues. I cannot confirm that and don't wish anything bad about an individual regardless of belief. If you want to see despicable human behavior, check DiEugenio's gloating on John McAdams death, just 24 hours after his death on this Forum. It's nauseating. I can provide the link, but I'm sure you will not request it.

So, Tom Gram, the "unbiased researcher", here is Mike Brownlow filmed by some tourist in 2019 explaining the Tippit murder. I direct your attention to the 10.00-minute mark of this video below.

Explain to everyone here on this forum your observations please. If you want to consult DiEugenio or Greg Parker in your answer, feel free to do it. 




Edited by Steve Roe
Correct Tom's name, correct a potential conceived insult as per Forum Rules.
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  • Steve Roe changed the title to To Tom Gramm, the "unbiased" researcher who disputes Dale Myers
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5 hours ago, Steve Roe said:

Tom Gramm,

Apparently, you are unaware of Michael Brownlow and his past history as Dale Myers has his criminal history documented.  I understand you do not trust Dale Myers to tell the truth. Well, OK.

The subject of Doris Holan living on Tenth Street, you vehemently object to. Again, you, Tom Gramm place trust in Bill Pulte's and Michael Brownlow's account (interview of Mrs. Holan) that she lived there and reject 100% that Dale Myers that she actually lived at 300-1/2 Patton Steet. Now that's established Tom, let's review Mr. Brownlow.

Those of us that have been down to Dealey Plaza are well acquainted with Mr. Brownlow. Bill Brown said that he had many exchanges with him, and I did as well. Mr. Brownlow is a well-known "personality" that used to hang out around Dealey hawking stuff, giving lectures behind the picket fence to tourists, etc. He used to hang around Bob Groden and others. 

On my last visit to Dallas this year, Michael Brownlow was not there. Sadly, the scuttlebutt was he had health issues. I cannot confirm that and don't wish anything bad about an individual regardless of belief. If you want to see how a despicable human being acts, check DiEugenio's gloating on John McAdams death, just 24 hours after his death on this Forum. It's nauseating. I can provide the link, but I'm sure you will not request it.

So, Tom Gramm, the "unbiased researcher", here is Mike Brownlow filmed by some tourist in 2019 explaining the Tippit murder. I direct your attention to the 10.00-minute mark of this video below.

Explain to everyone here on this forum your observations please. If you want to consult DiEugenio or Greg Parker in your answer, feel free to do it. 




Steve, I hate to do this, but I’m gonna have to request a source on this “unbiased researcher” business. I’ve never said that I was unbiased. I’ve literally said the exact opposite on this forum - I’m pretty sure more than once. If you’re referring to my statement that I judge arguments on merit, that’s true. But my interpretations of the evidence are as clouded by bias as anyone else here. It’s inescapable. I just try to be aware of it the best I can. 

Regarding my comments about Myers and the Holan residency issue, I never said I reject 100% the possibility that the Holans moved to Patton St. before the assassination. I actually said the opposite, that the evidence suggests it’s very possible. However, as I argued in that thread, repeatedly, the evidence doesn’t come anywhere close to establishing unambiguous proof. You might disagree, but if we’re limiting the discussion to Myers’ article I think I have a pretty good case on this one. If I see any evidence that changes my mind you’ll be the first to know.

On to misquote number three. I never once mentioned Morris Brownlow, and I’m pretty sure my only reference to the claims of Doris Holan was in response to Greg D. I’ve never even read Doris Holan’s statements. My argument was based strictly on the questionable evidence put forth in Myers’ article for the move occurring prior to the assassination. I have no idea where you’re getting this stuff about Brownlow. 

I pick on Myers because the freakouts on his blog make him sound like a child. How is anyone new to the case with any shred of investigative talent supposed to take that sort of thing seriously? If you want to prevent the development of conspiracy-oriented bias tell Myers to tone down his online rants. 

I know your reading comprehension is a lot better than this, so I’m not quite sure how you came up with any of this stuff. Is this really deserving of it’s own thread, a triple misquote and an irrelevant video?

You seem to want me to pick apart the arguments and/or ridicule the behavior of Jim D. like I do with Myers. If Jim starts posting on K&K the same type of invective drivel that Myers does on his blog I’m all over it. If Jim was really “gloating” over McAdams’ death I don’t support him doing that. Is that what you’re looking for? Is it really worth my time to get mixed up in your feud when there’s someone as fun to criticize as Dale Myers - with his insult extravaganzas, condescension, and unwillingness to discuss his own research? I don’t think so. 

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that calling someone a “despicable human being” probably violates the forum’s rule against insults. Didn’t you just accuse Jim a few days ago of breaking the forum rules for using words like “clowns” and “disinfo agents”? 

Also you spelled my name wrong. 

Edited by Tom Gram
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I have a funny feeling Roe is trying to get at me for my essay on his buddy Myers.

The reason I wrote that article is because of his drive by on my book, and the film Stone directed.

Which is why I brought out the fact that Henry Lee pretty much put Dale to bed on his Single Bullet Fact BS.

As per being a despicable human being.  This is what I wrote.

The worst thing about the obituaries is that they lead with his court case.  And they mischaracterize it.

It was not about free speech.  It was about professional misconduct that was so egregious that it placed a fellow instructor's life in danger.  To the point she was getting death threats, had to be under guard to and from classes, and eventually had to flee the campus.

Marquette should have never agreed to go to the Wisconsin Supreme Court on the case.  It was under the aegis of administrative law.  And that Supreme Court was designed by Rush LImbaugh/Koch brothers crony Scott Walker. It had become infamous in judicial literature, since one of the rightwing nuts actually physically attacked one of the liberal female justices in conference.

The decision was so bad that Marquette redesigned their administrative laws afterwards.  So it could never happen again.

John McAdams was an intellectual thug, plain and simple.

I stand by everything I wrote.  McAdams endangered the life of a novice teacher at his own college.   He then l--d about it in the press. She was getting death threats.  Marquette had to hire a bodyguard for her.  McAdams literally ran her off campus and she had to flee to another college so she could restart her professional career.  At a cost in time, emotional distress and money.  If Cheryl Abbate had been attacked or killed, both Marquette and McAdams would have been held liable for tens of millions.

This is the kind of person Roe wishes to exalt.  It figures.




Edited by James DiEugenio
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2 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

Steve, I hate to do this, but I’m gonna have to request a source on this “unbiased researcher” business. I’ve never said that I was unbiased. I’ve literally said the exact opposite on this forum - I’m pretty sure more than once. If you’re referring to my statement that I judge arguments on merit, that’s true. But my interpretations of the evidence are as clouded by bias as anyone else here. It’s inescapable. I just try to be aware of it the best I can. 

Regarding my comments about Myers and the Holan residency issue, I never said I reject 100% the possibility that the Holans moved to Patton St. before the assassination. I actually said the opposite, that the evidence suggests it’s very possible. However, as I argued in that thread, repeatedly, the evidence doesn’t come anywhere close to establishing unambiguous proof. You might disagree, but if we’re limiting the discussion to Myers’ article I think I have a pretty good case on this one. If I see any evidence that changes my mind you’ll be the first to know.

On to misquote number three. I never once mentioned Morris Brownlow, and I’m pretty sure my only reference to the claims of Doris Holan was in response to Greg D. I’ve never even read Doris Holan’s statements. My argument was based strictly on the questionable evidence put forth in Myers’ article for the move occurring prior to the assassination. I have no idea where you’re getting this stuff about Brownlow. 

I pick on Myers because the freakouts on his blog make him sound like a child. How is anyone new to the case with any shred of investigative talent supposed to take that sort of thing seriously? If you want to prevent the development of conspiracy-oriented bias tell Myers to tone down his online rants. 

I know your reading comprehension is a lot better than this, so I’m not quite sure how you came up with any of this stuff. Is this really deserving of it’s own thread, a triple misquote and an irrelevant video?

You seem to want me to pick apart the arguments and/or ridicule the behavior of Jim D. like I do with Myers. If Jim starts posting on K&K the same type of invective drivel that Myers does on his blog I’m all over it. If Jim was really “gloating” over McAdams’ death I don’t support him doing that. Is that what you’re looking for? Is it really worth my time to get mixed up in your feud when there’s someone as fun to criticize as Dale Myers - with his insult extravaganzas, condescension, and unwillingness to discuss his own research? I don’t think so. 

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that calling someone a “despicable human being” probably violates the forum’s rule against insults. Didn’t you just accuse Jim a few days ago of breaking the forum rules for using words like “clowns” and “disinfo agents”? 

Also you spelled my name wrong. 

So far, I have found Tom Gram's research rather solid. I just wish he did more and published more. 

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6 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

Steve, I hate to do this, but I’m gonna have to request a source on this “unbiased researcher” business. I’ve never said that I was unbiased. I’ve literally said the exact opposite on this forum - I’m pretty sure more than once. If you’re referring to my statement that I judge arguments on merit, that’s true. But my interpretations of the evidence are as clouded by bias as anyone else here. It’s inescapable. I just try to be aware of it the best I can. 

Regarding my comments about Myers and the Holan residency issue, I never said I reject 100% the possibility that the Holans moved to Patton St. before the assassination. I actually said the opposite, that the evidence suggests it’s very possible. However, as I argued in that thread, repeatedly, the evidence doesn’t come anywhere close to establishing unambiguous proof. You might disagree, but if we’re limiting the discussion to Myers’ article I think I have a pretty good case on this one. If I see any evidence that changes my mind you’ll be the first to know.

On to misquote number three. I never once mentioned Morris Brownlow, and I’m pretty sure my only reference to the claims of Doris Holan was in response to Greg D. I’ve never even read Doris Holan’s statements. My argument was based strictly on the questionable evidence put forth in Myers’ article for the move occurring prior to the assassination. I have no idea where you’re getting this stuff about Brownlow. 

I pick on Myers because the freakouts on his blog make him sound like a child. How is anyone new to the case with any shred of investigative talent supposed to take that sort of thing seriously? If you want to prevent the development of conspiracy-oriented bias tell Myers to tone down his online rants. 

I know your reading comprehension is a lot better than this, so I’m not quite sure how you came up with any of this stuff. Is this really deserving of it’s own thread, a triple misquote and an irrelevant video?

You seem to want me to pick apart the arguments and/or ridicule the behavior of Jim D. like I do with Myers. If Jim starts posting on K&K the same type of invective drivel that Myers does on his blog I’m all over it. If Jim was really “gloating” over McAdams’ death I don’t support him doing that. Is that what you’re looking for? Is it really worth my time to get mixed up in your feud when there’s someone as fun to criticize as Dale Myers - with his insult extravaganzas, condescension, and unwillingness to discuss his own research? I don’t think so. 

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that calling someone a “despicable human being” probably violates the forum’s rule against insults. Didn’t you just accuse Jim a few days ago of breaking the forum rules for using words like “clowns” and “disinfo agents”? 

Also you spelled my name wrong. 

Second that.

About DM, I don't know why he is behaving like that on his blog.  I think a lot of people feel, by doing that, he is mostly damaging himself (and the community of both LNT/CT), why not stick to the facts and criticize wherever needed.    No need to be insulting... When the insulting begins I usually stop reading, and I'm not the only one.


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Only wanted to add I do understand it can be very frustrating for those guys that have been on the case for decades.

There is this new kid on the block (again...)  asking - and putting into question - things they have "settled" 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 59 years ago...

So, please be patient...  trying to catch up 59 years... it takes some time...

AND, most experienced researchers are doing an excellent job at this (for one, they understand there is something called EQ next to IQ).


Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I have a funny feeling Roe is trying to get at me for my essay on his buddy Myers.

The reason I wrote that article is because of his drive by on my book, and the film Stone directed.

Which is why I brought out the fact that Henry Lee pretty much put Dale to bed on his Single Bullet Fact BS.

As per being a despicable human being.  This is what I wrote.

The worst thing about the obituaries is that they lead with his court case.  And they mischaracterize it.

It was not about free speech.  It was about professional misconduct that was so egregious that it placed a fellow instructor's life in danger.  To the point she was getting death threats, had to be under guard to and from classes, and eventually had to flee the campus.

Marquette should have never agreed to go to the Wisconsin Supreme Court on the case.  It was under the aegis of administrative law.  And that Supreme Court was designed by Rush LImbaugh/Koch brothers crony Scott Walker. It had become infamous in judicial literature, since one of the rightwing nuts actually physically attacked one of the liberal female justices in conference.

The decision was so bad that Marquette redesigned their administrative laws afterwards.  So it could never happen again.

John McAdams was an intellectual thug, plain and simple.

I stand by everything I wrote.  McAdams endangered the life of a novice teacher at his own college.   He then l--d about it in the press. She was getting death threats.  Marquette had to hire a bodyguard for her.  McAdams literally ran her off campus and she had to flee to another college so she could restart her professional career.  At a cost in time, emotional distress and money.  If Cheryl Abbate had been attacked or killed, both Marquette and McAdams would have been held liable for tens of millions.

This is the kind of person Roe wishes to exalt.  It figures.




Yeah, I have no idea how this constitutes “gloating”. It’s pretty normal to reflect on someone’s professional misconduct when they die, especially if it was something egregious like the Marquette incident.   

Steve is usually a bit more subdued than this weird thread started about me, and I’m legitimately confused how he could miss the mark so badly on literally everything I said and not even get my name right. If he’s so bothered by criticism of Myers he should tell Myers to join the forum and defend his own work. I doubt Myers is capable of complying with the forum rules, but throwing a tantrum and lobbing vicious insults at anyone he disagrees with from the safety of his blog while others do his bidding is not a good look - and it damages the credibility of the entire lone assassin community. 

I think it’s worth repeating that earlier this week, Steve was feigning outrage at the lack of moderator intervention for your use of words like “clowns” and “bozos” yet here he is calling you a “despicable human being”. If that doesn’t violate the forum rule against insults I’m not quite sure what does.

Edited by Tom Gram
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7 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

Steve, I hate to do this, but I’m gonna have to request a source on this “unbiased researcher” business. I’ve never said that I was unbiased. I’ve literally said the exact opposite on this forum - I’m pretty sure more than once. If you’re referring to my statement that I judge arguments on merit, that’s true. But my interpretations of the evidence are as clouded by bias as anyone else here. It’s inescapable. I just try to be aware of it the best I can. 

Regarding my comments about Myers and the Holan residency issue, I never said I reject 100% the possibility that the Holans moved to Patton St. before the assassination. I actually said the opposite, that the evidence suggests it’s very possible. However, as I argued in that thread, repeatedly, the evidence doesn’t come anywhere close to establishing unambiguous proof. You might disagree, but if we’re limiting the discussion to Myers’ article I think I have a pretty good case on this one. If I see any evidence that changes my mind you’ll be the first to know.

On to misquote number three. I never once mentioned Morris Brownlow, and I’m pretty sure my only reference to the claims of Doris Holan was in response to Greg D. I’ve never even read Doris Holan’s statements. My argument was based strictly on the questionable evidence put forth in Myers’ article for the move occurring prior to the assassination. I have no idea where you’re getting this stuff about Brownlow. 

I pick on Myers because the freakouts on his blog make him sound like a child. How is anyone new to the case with any shred of investigative talent supposed to take that sort of thing seriously? If you want to prevent the development of conspiracy-oriented bias tell Myers to tone down his online rants. 

I know your reading comprehension is a lot better than this, so I’m not quite sure how you came up with any of this stuff. Is this really deserving of it’s own thread, a triple misquote and an irrelevant video?

You seem to want me to pick apart the arguments and/or ridicule the behavior of Jim D. like I do with Myers. If Jim starts posting on K&K the same type of invective drivel that Myers does on his blog I’m all over it. If Jim was really “gloating” over McAdams’ death I don’t support him doing that. Is that what you’re looking for? Is it really worth my time to get mixed up in your feud when there’s someone as fun to criticize as Dale Myers - with his insult extravaganzas, condescension, and unwillingness to discuss his own research? I don’t think so. 

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that calling someone a “despicable human being” probably violates the forum’s rule against insults. Didn’t you just accuse Jim a few days ago of breaking the forum rules for using words like “clowns” and “disinfo agents”? 

Also you spelled my name wrong. 

1. Tom, I apologize for misspelling your name. I will correct it. (I have a friend in Houston that spells his name with 2 M's, oversight my fault). 

2. Regarding your "unbias" researcher remark, I was giving you credit for looking at issues without bias, credibly. Now that you explain yourself, I accept your honest explanation. 

3. Regarding your issue with Dale Myers on his website using "invective drivel", after years of being attacked/smeared by conspiracy theorists over the Tippit murder, SBT, etc., I can understand his anger. What really matters is the truth. So that being said, you can go directly to his website and post your questions regarding the Holan address and it will be his choice whether to answer. I can't speak for him and will not tell him to tone down his rhetoric. Likewise, I don't expect you to instruct DiEugenio to quit insulting DVP, Bill Brown, Greg Doudna and others. 

4. Your comment about insulting DiEugenio over his McAdams death is noted. I will change it to "despicable human behavior". That is my opinion of Mr. DiEugenio's actions which were disrespectful within 24 hours of McAdams' death. As you can see DiEugenio stands by his comments. I don't recall anyone on my side of the argument making similar remarks on the recent death of Vincent Salandria and other noted conspiracy advocates. There are members here that knew McAdams as well as those on the Conspiracy side. Not only DiEugenio, but there were also others that couldn't control themselves gloating over McAdams' death with false innuendos. DiEugenio never tried to show decor, respect and some sense of moral responsibility to allow time to past for those friends and family grieving over his death. That's reprehensible behavior in my book. There are some noted conspiracy folks here on this forum that did not engage on this "pissing on McAdams' grave" act, and I commend them. 

5. Regarding the Brownlow video, I take note that you never brought up the Brownlow-Pulte claim. Fair enough. 

All that being said, Tom Gram (I spelled it right this time), in your opinion did Oswald murder Officer Tippit?

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  • Steve Roe changed the title to To Tom Gram, the "unbiased" researcher who disputes Dale Myers
4 minutes ago, Steve Roe said:

Regarding your issue with Dale Myers on his website using "invective drivel", after years of being attacked/smeared by conspiracy theorists over the Tippit murder, SBT, etc., I can understand his anger.

I think Myers has lost patience with the conspiracy people and I can understand it and empathize with it. Does it diminish his arguments when he responds to these people in a way they take offense to? Perhaps, but a person can only take so much.

6 minutes ago, Steve Roe said:

Your comment about insulting DiEugenio over his McAdams death is noted. I will change it to "despicable human behavior".

There was absolutely no reason for anyone to post some of the remarks that certain individuals did after John's death. If you don't like the person, just don't say anything. That's what I did when Mark Lane died for example.

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6 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

I think Myers has lost patience with the conspiracy people and I can understand it and empathize with it. Does it diminish his arguments when he responds to these people in a way they take offense to? Perhaps, but a person can only take so much.

There was absolutely no reason for anyone to post some of the remarks that certain individuals did after John's death. If you don't like the person, just don't say anything. That's what I did when Mark Lane died for example.

I agree Tracy, thanks. 

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Thanks for the fair reply Steve. I can see why you’d be upset by Jim calling McAdams an “intellectual thug”. I also understand why Jim might feel like he needed to stick up for the woman harmed in the Marquette incident after reading the obituary. The timing might have have not been ideal but by the standard you’re applying to Jim I don’t think it’s unreasonable to describe McAdams’ actions in that incident as “despicable human behavior”. McAdams was heavily criticized by his colleagues for using his “power as a tenured professor to orchestrate an online campaign to harass and intimidate a specific student” and “jeopardizing the entire mission of the University” - so if writing something in poor taste is grounds for despicability I think McAdams qualifies. 

My opinion on the Tippit shooting is that the evidence is ambiguous. A lot of the questions I’ve seen are valid, from the fingerprints on the car to the lineups to the way the DPD handled the alleged murder weapon. I don’t think there’s enough evidence to declare Oswald innocent, but I think the case is still worthy of the scrutiny it gets 60 years later. 

That’s how I approach this sort of thing in general, and its why I empathize a lot more with the critics than I do with lone assassin theorists. Most of the lone assassin literature I’ve read reflects a much heavier bias IMO due to its complete rejection of ambiguity and frequent ridicule of those who acknowledge it, and that’s just not how I conduct research. Am I guilty of actively looking for holes in the case and evidence that points away from Oswald’s guilt? Absolutely, but that’s really just because I can. The investigations were inadequate, countless questions are still unanswered, and the declassified record is so massive that it’s still possible find something new on the JFK case in 2022.

If NARA complies with Biden’s order to digitize the entire ARC I bet we’ll see the biggest leap forward in the collective understanding of the case since the ARRB. Critical, enormous document collections like the FBI field office files and HSCA numbered files have never been online, and outside of the government only a handful of obsessives have ever even seen that stuff. In spite of this fact, Dale Myers has actively discouraged and insulted anyone interested in studying the case - and I think that’s abhorrent considering how much material there is that essentially no one has ever looked at. That’s a big part of why I give him a hard time. I’m skeptical in general of appeals to authority, but when someone appeals to themself and tries to discourage anyone from verifying their work my trust and respect for that person plummets pretty quickly.

Edited by Tom Gram
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Roe is unbelievable, and I have to read this stuff when someone else posts it:


As you can see DiEugenio stands by his comments. I don't recall anyone on my side of the argument making similar remarks on the recent death of Vincent Salandria and other noted conspiracy advocates.


Did VInce Salandria ever place in danger the life of a student teacher in Philadelphia, where he was a lawyer for the school district?  Did he ever demean and ridicule her and then publicize it so that it became an almost cause celebre in the rightwing echo chamber?  Did Vince then force the district to assign a body guard to her for protective purposes since she was getting ugly threats to her health?  Did Vince then literally force the young teacher to flee the city under physical threats to her well being, in order to find a position and begin a new life elsewhere?


This is what Roe leaves out.  So there is no comparison at all. Since Vince would never do something as professionally ugly as what McAdams did. And which Roe wants to ignore to install his phony parallel.

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1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

If NARA complies with Biden’s order to digitize the entire ARC I bet we’ll see the biggest leap forward in the collective understanding of the case since the ARRB. Critical, enormous document collections like the FBI field office files and HSCA numbered files have never been online, and outside of the government only a handful of obsessives have ever even seen that stuff. In spite of this fact, Dale Myers has actively discouraged and insulted anyone interested in studying the case - and I think that’s abhorrent considering how much material there is that essentially no one has ever looked at. That’s a big part of why I give him a hard time. I’m skeptical in general of appeals to authority, but when someone appeals to themself and tries to discourage anyone from verifying their work my trust and respect for that person plummets pretty quickly.

I think you are badly misinformed about the remaining documents that the MFF filed the lawsuit against Biden. The only WIF (withheld in full) documents are primarily tax records, a total of 515 records. Those were exempted from the JFK Act. The MFF lawsuit is about the "redactions" in already released documents. The documents have already been released for viewing, it's the redactions in those documents that is covered in the lawsuit. 

I'm for the release of the redactions, and most likely Biden will comply, in my opinion. 

Dale Myers is not discouraging people to research, that's just crazy. A couple of years ago with another researcher, we discovered the magazine that Oswald ordered his murder weapon revolver out of. It was a long-time mystery for researchers, and we presented it to him. It was solid proof. He does have an open mind, but I can tell you from experience, he's extremely meticulous and verifies everything down to the nth degree. Mr. Myers is not a sloppy researcher, such as DiEugenio and his ilk.  The Destiny Betrayed film is a good example poor research chock full of provable errors. 

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