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My appearance on Tucker Carlson

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With control of the House shifting to GOP in 2023, this was an important platform to begin the process of pressing incoming chair of the House Oversight Committee to hold oversight hearing on the failure of the Executive Branch to comply with the JFK Act. I also exposed NBC for its complicity in the coverup by refusing to turn over assassination records to the ARRB. Judge Tunheim discussed this at the MFF press conference on December 6th.


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That was great, Lawrence, I mean, Professor!

Golly, when Tucker is simply listening, and not talking, he looks like he's getting pole-axed. Why is that?

I was curious who's on Oversight and Reform these days.


Lots of names I haven't learned, but clearly a mixed bag.

I found this short article about the incoming chair, Comer.


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Good performance Larry!  I think you took control and could do a longer segment.  I very much appreciate all you have done and from what I've seen, I think you're circulating the issue around well!

The historic photos are good, but not as the foreground!  I'd give you more full screen, but they're all always split screening Tucker with his guest. 

i don't know what I would call that look that Tucker always has on face when he's listening to guests. it's been commented on  a number of times humorously. As simply as I can say. He looks like a guy whose straining------so-------- hard to impress you how intently he is listening!

Thanks again, Larry!

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17 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

With control of the House shifting to GOP in 2023, this was an important platform to begin the process of pressing incoming chair of the House Oversight Committee to hold oversight hearing on the failure of the Executive Branch to comply with the JFK Act. I also exposed NBC for its complicity in the coverup by refusing to turn over assassination records to the ARRB. Judge Tunheim discussed this at the MFF press conference on December 6th.


This is good exposure, since Fox News has the largest audience of any of the cable TV networks. Bravo to Tucker Carlson for having you on. 

I'm sure that Tucker's stance is distressing to fellow Fox News analyst Sean Hannity. Hannity is a decent and sincere neocon, but he swallows the lone-gunman myth hook, line, and sinker. 

I still can't believe that Fox lets Mark Fuhrman have his own show on Fox Nation. I get that people can repent and change and turn over new leaves in life, and perhaps Fuhrman has done so. However, he's never publicly admitted and apologized for his brutalization of certain black suspects when he was with the LAPD, nor has he confessed to planting evidence in the OJ Simpson case. I think Fuhrman should have done some serious jail time for his crimes, and I would never even consider giving him his own show until he confessed his crimes. 


Edited by Michael Griffith
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