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"Was Oswald an Agent of the CIA?" Where is it?

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4 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

I was just reminded by some programmed “congratulation” that I’ve spent a week here, a week’s vacation of some sort from the real world of sanity and rationality. In my pretty considerable involvement with conspiracy communities of all sorts, sometimes as a participant and over the last couple of decades mostly as an observer, the JFKA conspiracy community is the single most obsessive and delusional of the bunch. It really is. This is just an observation - I have no axe to grind, no emotional attachment to any of them.

Are you actually under the illusion that all the effort of which you’re all so proud has accomplished something of value? What? Has one history text been changed, one peer-reviewed history journal even taken notice of your efforts? Oh, the “polls” – yes, the public, the same clods who are intrigued by other nonsense now have dark suspicions about the JFKA because they’ve been fed nothing but conspiracy nonsense for nearly 60 years. Whoopee.

It's all mental masturbation. The JFKA assassination has been solved. There will never be a smoking gun, a conspiracy-confirming bombshell, because one doesn’t exist. Conspiracy World will always be a funhouse of delusion – dark speculation based on supposedly missing documents, ambiguous documents, and tellers of tall tales. You grasp at any straw and always will. The bombshell revelation will forever be “out there,” dangling in front of you like a carrot, for as long as a conspiracy community exists.

It's truly almost identical to a religious or quasi-religious cult. No facts can ever dent the convictions of a cult. Like some people do, I broke free of the cult years ago. Communities like this are to me now nothing more than a source of intellectual exercise and amusement; at least I admit it up-front. But at my age, they aren’t worth more than a week of my time here and there.

I’m sure most of you are sincere, but you’re sincerely delusional. Obsessions can be healthy, but this one isn't.

(One has to wonder: If Lance is so uncivil, non-substantive, yada, yada, yada, why does he upset you so much? Why have you spent so much of your time jousting with him, hurling childish insults and non sequiturs like tantrum-throwing kindergartners? Why is that, hmmmm? The fact that you have done this tells Lance he's proved his point. It's a cult, pure and simple.)

Just because you refrained from hysterics and profanity, that doesn't make this post a civil response. Instead, it's more of a "celebration" of your self-acknowledged superior mental prowess over those whose interpretations of the evidence differ from your own.

I come to the JFK assassination discussion as an agnostic. I believe that there is enough information that is either hidden or yet unknown to prevent someone with an open mind from coming to a definitive conclusion as to whether or not there was a conspiracy in the assassination of JFK. Since I'm not a "true believer" in your LN conclusions, you would lump me together with your "cult," which you denigrate ceaselessly.

It seems to me that your sole purpose on this forum is to insult anyone who isn't a LNer. If that is the major purpose in your life, you've done that. You accomplished your goal. Now move along and rest on your "laurels"...preferably elsewhere. Your work here, it seems, is finished. Anything more you could post here would be simply self-congratulatory, and quite boring to those of us who come here to learn. 

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7 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

I was just reminded by some programmed “congratulation” that I’ve spent a week here, a week’s vacation of some sort from the real world of sanity and rationality. In my pretty considerable involvement with conspiracy communities of all sorts, sometimes as a participant and over the last couple of decades mostly as an observer, the JFKA conspiracy community is the single most obsessive and delusional of the bunch. It really is. This is just an observation - I have no axe to grind, no emotional attachment to any of them.

Are you actually under the illusion that all the effort of which you’re all so proud has accomplished something of value? What? Has one history text been changed, one peer-reviewed history journal even taken notice of your efforts? Oh, the “polls” – yes, the public, the same clods who are intrigued by other nonsense now have dark suspicions about the JFKA because they’ve been fed nothing but conspiracy nonsense for nearly 60 years. Whoopee.

It's all mental masturbation. The JFKA assassination has been solved. There will never be a smoking gun, a conspiracy-confirming bombshell, because one doesn’t exist. Conspiracy World will always be a funhouse of delusion – dark speculation based on supposedly missing documents, ambiguous documents, and tellers of tall tales. You grasp at any straw and always will. The bombshell revelation will forever be “out there,” dangling in front of you like a carrot, for as long as a conspiracy community exists.

It's truly almost identical to a religious or quasi-religious cult. No facts can ever dent the convictions of a cult. Like some people do, I broke free of the cult years ago. Communities like this are to me now nothing more than a source of intellectual exercise and amusement; at least I admit it up-front. But at my age, they aren’t worth more than a week of my time here and there.

I’m sure most of you are sincere, but you’re sincerely delusional. Obsessions can be healthy, but this one isn't.

(One has to wonder: If Lance is so uncivil, non-substantive, yada, yada, yada, why does he upset you so much? Why have you spent so much of your time jousting with him, hurling childish insults and non sequiturs like tantrum-throwing kindergartners? Why is that, hmmmm? The fact that you have done this tells Lance he's proved his point. It's a cult, pure and simple.)

What a waste of time, huh? You could have been looking for those ten people in Arizona who can count to ten! Or maybe you tried and gave up?

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On 12/20/2022 at 10:58 PM, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks Gentlemen.  But I will be dealing with Lance soon.

I am hard at work on my essay about Gus Russo.  I figured it would be poetic to go after both Dale M and Gus, the two guys who brought us the SIngle Bullet Fact in short order.

But once that is done,Lancie, the guy who accepts awards for doing nothing is going to be up at bat.


Edited by Lance Payette
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I made a mistake and looked at the drug consultant's post and this list of rather obtuse and  ignorant questions.

Its clear that Eddie is referring to separate documents.

One would be the Mexico CIty report, the other would be the whole question about Oswald and the CIA.

Danny and Eddy worked on the former as supervised by Goldsmith.   It does not appear they worked on the latter, at least in its final form, also supervised by Goldsmith.

As far as I can tell, neither did Wolf. 

This is all really important.  Lance would not understand the difference of course.  But I do.  And that is why I will be doing an essay on this.  

BTW, if you look at this thread, I did not describe the report on Oswald and the CIA.  Because I had not seen it., I was expecting it to be a part of the Lopez Report.  But it seems that it was not and was dealt with separately by Goldsmith. And I cannot help but wonder why the references to it in the Lopez Report were later diminished as pointed out by Robin.

Hey Lance, did you figure out yet how Kennedy's brain weighed more than the average?  Or is that just part of UFOlogy? 

Back on ignore Lancie.


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31 minutes ago, Lance Payette said:

Some people like me and JFK just have really large brains?

Since I'm not really into this sort of stuff, I'll defer to Fred Litwin: "JFK Revisited" Misleads on the Weight of JFK's Brain (onthetrailofdelusion.com).

Lance, DiEugenio is fixated on this goofy brain business. He repeats it ad nauseam. It's all part of his "Conspiracy Story Telling" side-hustle business to promote conspiracy theories. Sadly, there are folks on this forum who actually believe him. If you go to his K&K website, he has a lot of "Harvey & Lee" authors, including one of his latest on Paul Gregory, James Norwood. 

Armstrong's "Harvey and Lee" book is pure crackpottery. No wonder Malcolm Blount split the sheets with Armstrong when he went off into this complete nonsensical fantasy. 

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1 hour ago, Charles Blackmon said:

And that was after over half the brain was vaporized by the head shot.

I was really glad we got that stuff in, and by three very good and knowledgeable sources on the issue.

Especially to have a practicing neurologist on camera to say that. 

Its even better in the book, JFK Revisited.

It  seems to me to be a  formidable problem for the other side.

Along with the accompanying problems of why the brain was not weighed that night, and why it was not dissected.

In a gunshot homicide this would be just about SOP.

BTW, one of my favorite interviews was Henry Lee, the famous criminalist.  In the book, when he describes the head shot coming in R to L , and then it emerges L to R  And Oliver asks him, what kind of angle would that be and Henry  says, "Ninety degrees."  Nice look on his face at that moment.


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On 12/31/2022 at 2:00 PM, Steve Roe said:

Lance, DiEugenio is fixated on this goofy brain business. He repeats it ad nauseam. It's all part of his "Conspiracy Story Telling" side-hustle business to promote conspiracy theories. Sadly, there are folks on this forum who actually believe him. If you go to his K&K website, he has a lot of "Harvey & Lee" authors, including one of his latest on Paul Gregory, James Norwood. 

Armstrong's "Harvey and Lee" book is pure crackpottery. No wonder Malcolm Blount split the sheets with Armstrong when he went off into this complete nonsensical fantasy. 


Edited by Lance Payette
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1 hour ago, Lance Payette said:

It's also what I call the "Oh, yeah, what about THIS?" technique, whereby a flummoxed CTer introduces some completely off-topic challenge solely for purposes of distraction.

You're really not very good at this are you? Here's your post on the topic of Oswald and the CIA:


I was just reminded by some programmed “congratulation” that I’ve spent a week here, a week’s vacation of some sort from the real world of sanity and rationality. In my pretty considerable involvement with conspiracy communities of all sorts, sometimes as a participant and over the last couple of decades mostly as an observer, the JFKA conspiracy community is the single most obsessive and delusional of the bunch. It really is. This is just an observation - I have no axe to grind, no emotional attachment to any of them.

Are you actually under the illusion that all the effort of which you’re all so proud has accomplished something of value? What? Has one history text been changed, one peer-reviewed history journal even taken notice of your efforts? Oh, the “polls” – yes, the public, the same clods who are intrigued by other nonsense now have dark suspicions about the JFKA because they’ve been fed nothing but conspiracy nonsense for nearly 60 years. Whoopee.

It's all mental masturbation. The JFKA assassination has been solved. There will never be a smoking gun, a conspiracy-confirming bombshell, because one doesn’t exist. Conspiracy World will always be a funhouse of delusion – dark speculation based on supposedly missing documents, ambiguous documents, and tellers of tall tales. You grasp at any straw and always will. The bombshell revelation will forever be “out there,” dangling in front of you like a carrot, for as long as a conspiracy community exists.

It's truly almost identical to a religious or quasi-religious cult. No facts can ever dent the convictions of a cult. Like some people do, I broke free of the cult years ago. Communities like this are to me now nothing more than a source of intellectual exercise and amusement; at least I admit it up-front. But at my age, they aren’t worth more than a week of my time here and there.

I’m sure most of you are sincere, but you’re sincerely delusional. Obsessions can be healthy, but this one isn't.

(One has to wonder: If Lance is so uncivil, non-substantive, yada, yada, yada, why does he upset you so much? Why have you spent so much of your time jousting with him, hurling childish insults and non sequiturs like tantrum-throwing kindergartners? Why is that, hmmmm? The fact that you have done this tells Lance he's proved his point. It's a cult, pure and simple.)

While you're looking for the ten people who can count in Arizona maybe you can find somebody who can help you spell too? Or is that the J Walker typing hahaha?

You could go tr011 at the home instead of here you know.

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Thanks Bob.  

For an attorney Lance somehow does not have an ability to follow an argument.  Very unusual for a lawyer.

Lance was doing his usual throwing mud against the wall saying that there was no smoking gun, that it was all mental masturbation.

I produced proven data, testimony under oath..  All about a key question of evidence.  Perhaps the most crucial aspect there is.

I knew he would not be able to reply.  But Lance does not even know when he has been shown up, that is how mono maniacal the guy is. And so like the gassy, pretentious, blowhard he is, he simply does not confront it.

Hey I would not either if I were him.

But that is why he reminds me of Don Quixote.  He just rattles on and on as people like Jeff Morley, Larry Schnapf, Tucker Carlson and Rachel Maddow are asking intelligent questions about the case. Lance just dog whistles on ignoring the almost impossible data about JFK's brain weighing more than the average when in fact his brain was being blasted all over Dealey Plaza--it hit Hargis so hard that he thought he was struck by. a bullet. 

But that's OK Lance, we know who you are now. A guy who consults on admissible evidence in drug cases and fakes like he does not see the problem in the JFK case. This joker is wild.



Edited by James DiEugenio
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On 12/31/2022 at 4:52 PM, Bob Ness said:

You're really not very good at this are you? Here's your post on the topic of Oswald and the CIA:

While you're looking for the ten people who can count in Arizona maybe you can find somebody who can help you spell too? Or is that the J Walker typing hahaha?

You could go tr011 at the home instead of here you know.


On 1/1/2023 at 4:16 AM, James DiEugenio said:

I knew he would not be able to reply.  But Lance does not even know when he has been shown up, that is how mono maniacal the guy is. And so like the gassy, pretentious, blowhard he is, he simply does not confront it.


On 12/31/2022 at 1:17 PM, Lance Payette said:

Since I'm not really into this sort of stuff, I'll defer to Fred Litwin: "JFK Revisited" Misleads on the Weight of JFK's Brain (onthetrailofdelusion.com).

Edited by Lance Payette
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17 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Well what's your explanation for the brain weighing more than average after having a large chunk of it blown out?


Read Fred Litwin's article on the brain in Lance's post. That explains it in a logical and reasonable manner. 

But more importantly, as Lance as pointed out......what's the deal with Bethesda embedded cover up conspirators with a mundane brain weight? This gets to the heart and soul of just how far does this crazy conspiracy go? Do you really think there were secret cover-up artists at Bethesda? 

If you do believe that, then you have the biggest well-oiled conspiracy known to man. I don't think Cecil B. DeMille could imagine a "Cast of Thousands" like Stone/DiEugenio do. There must have been a Pre-Assassination meeting somewhere to get everyone in sync. Perhaps they held it at the Orange Bowl. 

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