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Did somebody try to blow up Harrison Livingstone's car?

Micah Mileto

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Can somebody explain some of this 10/11/1988 letter from Livingstone to Weisberg? https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 054/mode/2up


[...] I was often writing in the woods living in a tent or bare shelted without even heat in winter, and certainly no library. I lived in a car for years.



Once I went to Dallas and Earl Goz arranged for me to spend the night with a hoody guy who said he was a medical photgrapher at one of the hospitals there. I went home with him and he took out a revolver and put it on the table and sat there all night talking at me. I was dogged tired and very afraid but tried to pretend nothing was wrong. I finally laid down about 4 AM and pretended to sleep. I had no sleep that night. [...]



I experienced many threats along the way but it never detered me either. Two weeks ago I was assaulted outside my house and I believe I would have been killed had not my screams for the police brought them. I am badly battered now, and worried that I may have permanent damage to my kidney or back. I was repeatedly kicked as I lay on the ground. He was much bigger than me, and had been sitting outside my house for months. He looked like a cop to me and I felt like I was being surveilled.    


This had a bad effect on me and came just as one more deal with the book fell through, creating great dispair in me. I left the next day for my cousin's place in Greenwich, where she took care of me. I have no medical care.      


I've had a lot of violence and threats. Once I was going to speak on the radio in San Francisco and men called the station right up to air time and tried to stop it. We could see them outside with walky talkies all up and down the street. Cubans. They had approached me at a book fair there in the previous days and threatened me. Not long after that a federal employee whom I knew very well tried to blow up my car with me in it. I had worked with him in the Forest Service in Big Sur, and he had been a Navy Seal. That forest was surrounded by a big military reservation and I imagine he was under cover in the FS watching things, as they were conducting laser experiments there, shooting cows from airplanes, etc. The squirrels got them back and undermined their battlefield so badly that it screwed up operations. One could see the writing on the wall in terms of competence, when they couldn't handle that.      


I have had a terrible year trying to get this book out. I had two acute anxiety blocks today when I couldn't handle things. Groden caused one of them. He really can do nothing to get the book out, so I have to do it all. He has paniced me in the past. Got me into trouble, in fact. But we all have faults.   


In 1971 my publisher told me "You will never be published again. We can play pretty rough." I never got over it, and they not only prevented me from going on with my career and developing as an author, but they ruined my life. Many things were done to me. I went quite crazy. There were many beatings. Much violence. I thought that had ended when I came here, but now it has started again. I became my own worst enemy too, and it has been a nightmare. I have a three volume work called The Nightmare, which is about all of this, though it is very rough.   


Since writing the above, I learned that the Canadian publisher I first spoke to about the book in 1982, will publish it as best as they can, by January. When it happens, I'll believe it.


Edited by Micah Mileto
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https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 079/page/n1/mode/2up


[...] They made the pics to make things easier if evidence had to be produced to buttress the official investigation of one assassin. They made mistakes in that, perhaps even deliberately. Making them incompatible and showing them privately to many people years ago let the smart money know that everything was in control, and where the plot came from.


My family is one of the hundred most powerful in the world, and I can tell you that that is how it works. This country has a long history of faking evidence [...]


What is Livingstone talking about here? Why was Livingstone living in an ice shack and complaining about being broke, if his family was "one of the hundred most powerful in the world"?

Edited by Micah Mileto
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Can anybody who knows about Harold Weisberg explain this letter he wrote?


https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 150/


I do believe Weisberg was openly plotting to get Livingtone sent to a mental hospital just for (basically) claiming to be tight with law enforcement. If this is the correct interpretation of this letter, then I feel like I have no choice but to say that Weisberg was an unforgivably bad person.

Edited by Micah Mileto
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5 minutes ago, Micah Mileto said:

Livingstone alleged that Robert Groden falsely accused him of being a convicted child molester: https://archive.org/details/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/nsia-LivingstoneHarrisonEdward/Livingstone Harrison Edward 168/mode/2up

This is not a surprise. If you walk up to Groden on the knoll today he will tell you that Livingstone behaved inappropriately around young girls, and that this was a factor in their parting ways after High Treason.

I have been privileged to meet a lot of researchers who got their start in the 80's or before, and I don't recall any of them saying they thought Livingstone was a stable individual who got a bad rap. On the contrary, most all have personal anecdotes as to his instability. 

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2 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

This is not a surprise. If you walk up to Groden on the knoll today he will tell you that Livingstone behaved inappropriately around young girls, and that this was a factor in their parting ways after High Treason.

I have been privileged to meet a lot of researchers who got their start in the 80's or before, and I don't recall any of them saying they thought Livingstone was a stable individual who got a bad rap. On the contrary, most all have personal anecdotes as to his instability. 

Interesting insight Pat, it dovetails with some other accounts I've read.  Though I do think some of his research is valuable.  

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5 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

I do believe Weisberg was openly plotting to get Livingtone sent to a mental hospital just for (basically) claiming to be tight with law enforcement. If this is the correct interpretation of this letter, then I feel like I have no choice but to say that Weisberg was an unforgivably bad person.

You are profoundly incorrect. Livingstone sent a series of deranged and threatening letters to the then-80-year-old Weisberg during this period of time, so I hardly blame him for being concerned about his safety and referring the matter to the authorities. Livingstone also made absurd accusations and threats toward Mary Ferrell around the time of "JFK." On a larger level, I'm not quite sure what your point is in posting all of this correspondence, especially when you seem unfamiliar with the context. What are you hoping to learn or achieve? Haven't you yet seen enough to know that Livingstone was deeply troubled?

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17 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

You are profoundly incorrect. Livingstone sent a series of deranged and threatening letters to the then-80-year-old Weisberg during this period of time, so I hardly blame him for being concerned about his safety and referring the matter to the authorities. Livingstone also made absurd accusations and threats toward Mary Ferrell around the time of "JFK." On a larger level, I'm not quite sure what your point is in posting all of this correspondence, especially when you seem unfamiliar with the context. What are you hoping to learn or achieve? Haven't you yet seen enough to know that Livingstone was deeply troubled?

I don't care. It wasn't worth it. Weisberg should be remembered as a bad person.


Although I should add that I also despise people who peruse legal action over slander or intellectual property violations, two more things that I think should be legal.

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5 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

I don't care. It wasn't worth it. Weisberg should be remembered as a bad person.

You "don't care" that Livingstone threatened and harassed Weisberg, and you then claim Weisberg "should be remembered as a bad person" for protecting himself? What on earth are you talking about? What's wrong with you?

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18 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:


Weisberg conspired to send Livingstone to a mental hospital. Weisberg is especially evil for trying to add that detail, to what could have been a simple phone call to the Police. And even then, I think that some forms of threats and harassment should be legal. Every political ideology is violent, and civility is a two-player game of pretend.

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11 minutes ago, Micah Mileto said:

Weisberg conspired to send Livingstone to a mental hospital. Weisberg is especially evil for trying to add that detail, to what could have been a simple phone call to the Police. And even then, I think that some form of threats and harassment should be legal. Every political ideology is violent, and civility is a two-player game of pretend.

Wow. Stunning. Beyond the fact that you appear to be breathtakingly clueless about the actual human beings involved here, many of whom I knew personally, frequently corresponded with, and saw in action at research symposiums, I have zero interest in debating this subject with someone who believes "some form of threats and harassment should be legal." Please go peddle that nonsense somewhere else.

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