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Did somebody try to blow up Harrison Livingstone's car?

Micah Mileto

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Harrison Livingstone wrote in a letter to Harold Weisberg, dated 9/20/1988: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/L Disk/Livingstone Harrison Edward/Item 032.pdf


I'm sorry that it is so difficult for you to write, and I know how it must torture you to be so incapacitated. My problem since birth is that I don't breath very well, and I have constant difficulty either breathing or from the damn drugs I use to control very severe asthma. I had some relatively normal years thanks to the new inhalators, but now I have developed a hypersensitivity to them and high blood pressure as a result. That means one more damn drug to take, and it doesn't always work. Plus, I have to have my beer, and that complicates things even more.


I just want to assure you of something. I don't think that I could ever be accused of taking someone else's research and calling it my own. I went to extraordinary lengths to give credit to others from the time when I began writing this book in 1979. In fact, it was just rejected once again by Random House on the basis that I relied on secondary sources. At times I did that only to give credit to the people who dug so much out. Unfortunately I may be faulted at times where I relied on a secondary source who used someone else's work, or I did not go to their sources often enough.


That was because I was up in the Maine woods with no heat, no sanitation, no water etc, writing in winter on a table so cold that my hand would freeze from the coldness of the tabletop in the shelter where I was hiding out. I had only a few materials with me.


My original research primarily dealt with my interviews of the doctors regarding the autopsy photos and whether or not they showed the wounds. I organized the Sun and the Globe on that, after I first talked to the doctors, and received their research as a result (which was a miracle.) the Sun sent me to Dallas and then stranded me there at Penn Jones' house. Penn and I drove to the airport to pick up Steve Parks and a Maryland State's Attorney, and they weren't on the plane. Becoming suspicious of the whole deal, Penn threw me out. Both of us talked to them in Baltimore earlier in the day and they said they were leaving for the airport.


I spent a frantic weekend calling everyone in Baltimore trying to find them. Later Parks explained that a fuel truck hit his plane on the runway and they were trapped in it for three hours. He said that it then suddenly took off and they got as far as Houston, but had missed their connecting flight to Dallas. He said he forgot to bring Penn's number with him to call us and tell us what happened. They stayed in Houston for the weekend, scared. He said that he felt that what happened to the plane was not an accident. But he did not tell me any of this for several months.


Meanwhile I went quite nuts. I had no money. We were all to have flown together to Dallas the week before and he had me come down to the City Room with my bag, and when I got there he said he wasn't going until the following week, but that I was to go on ahead, and handed me the cash to pay for the reservation he made. I got scared and hesitated. I waited two days or so then took a bus without telling anyone. I got there, and with some money Phil Berrigan had given me, was able to hang on a week and ultimately interview the doctors, after staying in a rat hole hotel.


This has been exactly how my life has gone since I was in the Peace Corps when JFK was still alive and I discovered my PC group was a military intelligence operation, and I quit, personally telling Ted K. about it, asking him to tell his brother.


Secretly, the Sun sent another reporter the week I talked to the doctors, and he corroborated what I found out, but I did not learn this for weeks. During that time I became terrified after I found my car tampered with when I returned and I had lost the shelter where I was staying. Previously there was an attempt to blow up my car. Finally Parks published what he knew in Nov 1979 in the article "The Bullets Also Affected Our Confidence" which was his way of saying that both he and the States Attorney (a young woman) were frightened. He had gone to college with a boy who became a middle level CIA functionaire, and the night I proposed the Dallas trip, he revealed the whole plan to this guy over the phone while I was taking a piss in his apartment. I overheard the talk. Parks was an "est" person, which I feel was a form of mind control, and I think his friend had control over him. I think Parks figured out, what happened when he wrote his article.


But the Sun guy (Jeff Price) then went with Groden to interview Perry and Perry strongly denounced the autopsy photos.




Who tried to blow up Livingstone's freakin' car???



I also tried to quickly search through the archive.org versions of High Treason and High Treason 2, and can't find any mention of this incident.



Edited by Micah Mileto
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21 minutes ago, Micah Mileto said:

Who tried to blow up Livingstone's freakin' car???

I also tried to quickly search through the archive.org versions of High Treason and High Treason 2, and can't find any mention of this incident.

Probably because it never happened? Livingstone was also openly hostile to Wesiberg in highly paranoid letters written to him a few years prior to this, and he later started peddling a bunch of absolute nonsense about Mary Ferrell being a long-term, paid disinformation agent ...

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Boy that is an interesting letter, especially about the Peace Corps.

Gary Aguilar told me the same thing which he found out in one of his visits to Central America doing pro bono work for peasants.

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Harrison Livingstone lived here on the Monterey Peninsula for a time.

I had seen a couple photos of him from somewhere ( there was an article about him published in our local Monterey Herald newspaper ) and I believe I saw him in person around that time.

I was walking out of the Monterey city library one day. Entering and leaving required walking through a narrow 30 to 40 foot long shared traffic corridor.

In this corridor was an old wooden shelf mounted pay phone.

I noticed a fellow using this and nervously looking around while doing so.

I thought this person was Livingstone. For some naive reason I stopped and stared at him longer than I should have.

When he noticed me doing so he really went into anxiety mode. Animatedly darting his eyes and looking at me with an almost angry "what are you staring at" glare.

I cannot say "for sure" it was HL however, at the time I thought it was.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Its too bad he was so eccentric in his personality.

I mean no one could get along with him for a long time e.g. Groden.

Some of his work was actually pretty decent.  In fact, when I was doing my attack on Bugliosi, David Mantik recommended I read one of  Harry's books on the medical evidence.  But some of his stuff was really bad, like Killing the Truth which was based on Rothermel who was suspected of being a CIA agent.


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Secondly, a 6-11-80 article on Livingstone by Maureen Williams found in the Bangor Daily News suggests Livingstone was not a healthy camper. I know this seems a cheap shot, but stick with me here. This article was on Livingstone at a time virtually no one knew who he was, written in his local paper. The article, it follows, was his idea, or at least written with his full cooperation. And yet, look what it reveals: "The federal government has stipulated that certain sensitive material concerning the investigation of the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963 cannot be released to the public and media until the year 2039. One man who claims to be living in secrecy and fear for his life in eastern Maine, claims to have gotten some of that material through an underground source with connections in the Pentagon. Harrison Edward Livingstone, one of hundreds of private citizens who are involved in researching the assassination, carries his completed but rough manuscript of his book with him wherever he goes...He has kept on the move in recent years in several states, because he said he believes he's a 'hunted man.' In one of those states, he says, his car was fitted with an explosive device. In July 1979, a plane was to carry a team of reporters of the Baltimore Sun to Dallas, where they were to rendezvous with Livingstone. The plane was accidentally rammed by a jet fuel delivery truck on the airport apron. Livingstone says this was no accident. The incident caused the occupants to be confined in the plane for three hours, but what is stranger is that neither the newspaper or Livingstone could locate the investigative team for two days. In July and November 1979, the Baltimore Sun published two stories, containing purported new information and a lot of speculation, which Livingstone claims to have stimulated. 'But nobody read it...the wire services probably didn't pick it up, and one of the stories ran on a Sunday features page,' Livingstone said. Livingstone is convinced that some of the government's official autopsy photographs have been forged by an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency so they would be consistent with the so-called 'single-bullet, single-gunman' theory. Livingstone said that on July 30, 1979, he traveled to Dallas where he interviewed various physicians who attended the dying president at Parkland Hospital. In tape-recorded and transcribed interviews, Livingstone said, medical doctors Adolph Giesecke, Robert McClelland, Malcolm Perry, Charles Baxter, Fouad Bashour, Jacqueline Hunt, and Marion Jenkins, indicate that the official government photo shown them may have been fake, because it shows an entrance wound in the occipital-parietal section of the president's head. Livingstone says they all told him that when the president was wheeled into Parkland's emergency room for initial medical treatment, the wound they saw in the back of his head looked like an exit wound...Robert Groden of Hopelawn, N.J., a photographic consultant to the House Assassinations Committee, said 'My visual inspection of the autopsy photos and X-rays reveals evidence of forgery in four of the photographs..."

Edited by Micah Mileto
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Like I said, Harry was a tough guy to get along with.

But I still think he did some valuable work.

Does VInce have his files?

Where are they going to?  Baylor I hope.

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Harrison L. wasn't the only JFK researcher feeling threatened.

There is a video of John Judge speaking to a large group ( in Canada and which I will try to find and post a link to) and who worked off and on with Mae Brussell.

He related how he felt Brussell was indeed followed and tracked.

Directly across from Brussell's Carmel, California home a new home was built during her last year or two of broadcasting from there. Judge said that there were an unusually high  number of contractors coming and going from the building site from what Brussell could tell.

After the home was finished, it sat apparently empty from the time of it's completed construction to when Brussell walked over to the front door and knocked, hoping to ask for some sugar from whomever might be inside. 

Of course no one answered the door.

Brussell then looked through some windows ( I presume partially curtained ) and saw no furniture. Just loads of electronic equipment.

3 days after Mae Brussell passed away...this new but never occupied home burnt to the ground!

And the local newspapers ( again I assume the Carmel Pine Cone and Monterey Herald ) never reported a cause or ownership information or any typical fire department investigation report.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Like I said, Harry was a tough guy to get along with.

But I still think he did some valuable work.

Does VInce have his files?

Where are they going to?  Baylor I hope.

Bart Kamp and Malcolm Blunt have Harry's files, but I (also) have several amazing videos: Harry Livingstone - Dealey Plaza UK


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Thanks for all that VInce, now i have to stay home for 2-3 nights to watch it all.

What are Bart and Malcolm going to do with Harry's files?

I know Malcolm has his own online archive.

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