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A Biden question

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For reasons unknown Biden has further delayed full disclosure of JFK records. It is frustrating but also ridiculous. What difference to National Security can a short delay make? What work can the intelligence agencies do now that they couldn't do before?

I wondered if anyone saw this as a positive development? What if the delay is a political one? A calculation that complete disclosure, of dramatic information, should be prepared for, and carefully timed.

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51 minutes ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

For reasons unknown Biden has further delayed full disclosure of JFK records. It is frustrating but also ridiculous. What difference to National Security can a short delay make? What work can the intelligence agencies do now that they couldn't do before?

I wondered if anyone saw this as a positive development? What if the delay is a political one? A calculation that complete disclosure, of dramatic information, should be prepared for, and carefully timed.

As extreme as it sounds, the MSM, social media and tv/film creates the average persons sense of reality. If they are to release them, you’d probably want multiple distractions that seem more important or a series of distractions. Perhaps a more serious Russia provocation would work. And MSM to only lightly cover the JFK thing, playing it down as much as possible. It also wouldn’t be inconceivable that something could be manufactured in those docs that is more distracting that what we are looking for. 

There may be clues in those docs that point toward the CIA or JCS but, they’ll be nothing so conclusive that can’t be spun or misrepresented in the media IMO. I can’t think of any serious reasons why Angleton and co. would have kept any record and I am certain he’d have meticulously read through as much as possible, destroying any clues. 

I hope the result is better than this. I’ll say it again; the JFKA is like a thread on a garment, if you pull on it and the truth comes out regarding JFK, the rest unravels. MLK, RFK, a Nixon Coup, Iran Contra, and dare I mentioned more recent events that have changed the course of foreign policy and history. Things even more morally reprehensible. That’s what they are really avoiding and people are alive who took part in more recent events. If you give the public one win, they’ll push for the rest. 


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1 hour ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

For reasons unknown Biden has further delayed full disclosure of JFK records. It is frustrating but also ridiculous. What difference to National Security can a short delay make? What work can the intelligence agencies do now that they couldn't do before?

I wondered if anyone saw this as a positive development? What if the delay is a political one? A calculation that complete disclosure, of dramatic information, should be prepared for, and carefully timed.

I can imagine there are reasons for redactions still and maybe withholding a few documents. We have agreements with third parties (I believe the UK is one) that prohibits disclosure of information they have provided without their permission. The law in other countries is often times different than ours regarding disclosure of national security information. Other odds and ends may be justified but the vast majority of the remaining files probably aren't.

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Eddy- Biden's role was basically to add his signature to the executive memorandum. Based on my FOIA litigation involving the Trump postponements, the NSC coordinated the response and drafted the order which was then reviewed by White House counsel, NARA and the agencies.  The NSC would have advised Biden why the documents should be postponed and he, like Trump, was going to disagree with claims of harm to national security.

The agencies do not think they have to comply with the JFK Act. There is no ARRB to hold their hands to the fire. In fact, the CIA talking points to its secret media briefing basically claimed the records being withheld were not really assassination records-- even though the ARRB ruled they were back in the 1990s.  

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Can we just admit it?

The law is being broken, both in spirit and in letter of the law.  And that is what I think we should be accenting.

All the records should have been released without redactions in 2017.  There was no excuse for not doing it, except one: Trump, the guy who was going to clean up the swamp, caved to the CIA and FBI.  Only the president could have stopped it, and he did.  That was breaking the spirit of the law.

Trump then broke the letter of the law.  He did not provide explanations for each document he was going to withhold, as he was required to do.  He got in contact with the DOJ and they formed something called the Gannon Memo, named after Curtis Gannon.. This did two things, it allowed for a group withholding, and it also brought in NARA as an  excuse for non disclosure. To anyone interested, this was a transformation of the law.  And it was this transformation which set the stage for Trump's 2 delays, one of six months and one of three years.

But if that was not bad enough, this was:  many of the documents being released were still redacted.  So in addition to breaking the law, this last was sort of like giving the middle finger to the critical community.  "So there buddy, not only are we not giving you the docs, the ones we are giving you are in redacted form!"

When I got the redacted batch in 2017 that is just what I thought.  These guys are breaking the law.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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What law mandates that Micah?

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5 hours ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

For reasons unknown Biden has further delayed full disclosure of JFK records. It is frustrating but also ridiculous. What difference to National Security can a short delay make? What work can the intelligence agencies do now that they couldn't do before?

I wondered if anyone saw this as a positive development? What if the delay is a political one? A calculation that complete disclosure, of dramatic information, should be prepared for, and carefully timed.


I am disappointed that Biden is not being held personally responsible for suppressing records that under law are supposed to opened. And any other records anywhere relating to the JFKA for that matter. 

Trump should have been held personally responsible, and racked over the coals back then (2017) by Carlson. 

If I read L. Schnapf correctly, the NSA has some penultimate authority, and then Biden. I suppose CIA Director William Burns is in the mix as an adviser to the President. 

Does anyone even know the name of the NSA director? I had to look it up: Paul Nakasone.

Nakasone, after 60 years, told Biden to keep the records secret. Biden saluted.

Paul Nakasone could be a board member of Smithsonian for all the coverage he has received regarding the JFK Records Act. 

IMHO, Biden looks like a senile weakling. Trump looked like a blackmailed con artist. 

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I am very grateful for the considered responses above but I don't think anyone has concluded, to my satisfaction, why we now have a short delay. Am I right that Biden will still be in office when the delay finishes? That sets up Carlson perfectly, and ties Biden more closely to 'Deep state' association, IF he allows continued non-disclosure. The Trump delay made more political sense. 

Mr Schnapf, do you know anything about how the length of delay was determined?

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I try to avoid "Opinion masquerading as News" shows, on both sides of the aisle, so have barely dipped my toe in the Tucker trough over this.

Has he at any point condemned Trump for having withheld all the stuff that Biden just released? Because if so, that would encourage me slightly more than most of his usual polemic.

It's great that anyone with his profile is saying all this, but what good does it do if he is singing to the choir? Unless it is picked up by someone of similar standing on the other side, such as Rachel Maddow (she seems to love a good conspiracy...) or Chris whatsisname... or Avi thingummy... the one who quotes rap stars all the time... (I'm sorry... I'm British, they all start to blend together...)... it will simply be seen by most people as a partisan attack on whoever Carlson is pointing at. And as a result, in this instance, the LEFT (who, ironically, one would expect to be most on board with this whole thing...) will simply fall in line and attempt to fight back against anything Carlson says.

That's what both sides have been engineered to do since.... well... probably around 1963.

If the LAW said this stuff should have been out by X, Y, or Z date, and it wasn't, then surely there needs to be legal justification for non compliance. Otherwise isn't there is an opportunity for a well constructed civil case to be brought against the Law breakers? (Again, as a Brit, one of the endearing things we think about our estranged cousins in the colonies is that you love a good lawsuit, especially one that's served on your government!)

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