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The Right Wing attacks JFK

Gil Jesus

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11 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



You are way off base.

I read Kathy's replies to your posts and she was very respectful. She didn't exhibit any political bias or political anything else. You are assuming it's political only because you perceive you're not getting your way, after which you discovered that she leans politically left.

Well guess what, pal. I just happen to agree with your side of the issue... and I'm even further to the left than Kathy!

Furthermore, Kathy has already communicated to the other moderators regarding this issue and gave the reasoning behind the way she feels about it. What she said makes sense and had not one whit of political bias in it. Not one whit.

(I didn't even know that Kathy is left-leaning till I saw her reply to your post above.)


No Sandy after my last and first interaction from Kathy was this 

I made a complaint about another member harassing another member over a liberal political issue that has nothing to do with the topic of JFK and his assassination. I stated Cohen's harassment of Gil in addition to my public post about the issue. The MOD Kathy reads the thread and chooses to not say anything to Jonathan instead says that Larry is wrong for asking Gil to not criticize politicians while he is trying to build a coalition in congress for the files release. This is quite problematic especially since I was told by someone else on this forum that they also made a complaint about Jonathan Cohens behavior toward Gil. Sorry this is very problematic and not the only time Kathy has let her political biased get in the way. She moved the Trump thread when a conservative member was posting too much. 

I would have been happy with a mod doing their job and telling Jonathan to stop harassing Gil and give him a warning. But since my last interaction with Kathy is was her calling me Kooky and than not following up on a similar related topic, I know she is bias and I don't no longer have respect for her as a mod especially when there was a clear case of harassment and she passed the buck to Larry. But since that is really too much to ask of our partisan Mod team, I for sure will not be contributing financially.. Thanks 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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14 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Again, any disciplinary action is done by the agreement of all four of the Admins. I am only one of the four. We are currently in discussion. This is the way we have always done it.

My concern which I penned is what Mr Schnapf had voiced. I asked permission to post my feelings in regard to the matter.It has nothing to do with political bias at all, but everything to do with him worrying his endeavors may be impeded. I would've done the same for anyone else. I do not see how that is unreasonable.  I think he is in earnest.

If you do not wish to contribute further, that is fine.  I certainly wouldn't if I felt  the forum biased, either.



Cohen's 12/26/2022 at 7:40 PM post was off-topic, so I'll let the Admin decide on that.   Now... I'm not saying I'm supporting Gil's religious ideas, but he is entitled to believe what he wants.  But there is no need to mix it in topics here,  that's what happened some time ago, it will turn bad in a hurry, the Admin. could have intervened back then.  Sometimes that's ok, it would only draw more attention... It's not always easy...

On topic, if one needs a coalition to achieve something, just watch your integrity like you would watch over your cash when going in business with a partner. Plain logic.   When people start questioning a certain partnership, don't ignore them, just give them an honest reply, shouldn't cause any problems IMO

Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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42 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

No Sandy after my last and first interaction from Kathy was this 



The topic "The inevitable end result of the last 56 years" is special in that there is no specific topic and the ad hominem rules are relaxed some. I think of it as the office water cooler where employees hang out and relax.

Members are free to report ad hominem attacks, but I think they'd have to be pretty bad for anything to happen.

Kathy didn't even call you a kook. She just said you had a kooky idea.

You've been posting there regularly for quite a while. Haven't you noticed the mild ad hominem attacks?


42 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

I made a complaint about another member harassing another member over a liberal political issue that has nothing to do with the topic of JFK and his assassination. I stated Cohen's harassment of Gil in addition to my public post about the issue. The MOD Kathy reads the thread and chooses to not say anything to Jonathan instead says that Larry is wrong for asking Gil to not criticize politicians while he is trying to build a coalition in congress for the files release.


You reported Jonathan Cohen's post to the mods, which is the right thing to do. That complaint is currently under review by the admin staff. I believe Kathy told you that. In the meantime she posted her own opinion.

Kathy's opinion has nothing to do with the other admins/moderators. I just read it again. She's concerned with left/right squabbles and how they might adversely affect Larry's efforts.


42 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

This is quite problematic especially since I was told by someone else on this forum that they also made a complaint about Jonathan Cohens behavior toward Gil. Sorry this is very problematic and not the only time Kathy has let her political biased get in the way.


Kathy didn't do anything to get in the way of your complaint against Jonathan. That case is still under consideration.


42 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

She moved the Trump thread when a conservative member was posting too much.


The reason she moved the Trump threads to another part of the Forum is because they're off topic. They have nothing to do with the JFK assassination.


42 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

I would have been happy with a mod doing their job and telling Jonathan to stop harassing Gil and give him a warning. But since my last interaction with Kathy is was her calling me Kooky and than not following up on a similar related topic, I know she is bias and I don't no longer have respect for her as a mod especially when there was a clear case of harassment and she passed the buck to Larry. But since that is really too much to ask of our partisan Mod team, I for sure will not be contributing financially.. Thanks 


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This escalation is troubling. Matt - I like your posts. I also like Kathy’s. I think she and the other moderators do a good job here. I don’t understand what troubles you so much about her responses. I’m glad btw that you complained about Jonathan Cohen. Let the process unfold. 
it’s better to cast a wide net. Ad hominem attacks aren’t useful, and they are divisive. If I posted my take on Christianity here it would undoubtedly ruffle feathers. So I don’t. It’s rude to attack someone for their beliefs. 
take a deep breath Matt. You’re not under attack.

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This is surely a misunderstanding. On multiple threads Cohen has been trolling Gil, over something Gil said that was indelicate. Cohen is now chasing Gil from thread to thread, over something that has zero to do with the JFKA. Whilst we all go off topic at times, and many debates can fall in to ad hominem, this is something different, it’s persistent and serves no purpose in the forum context. In the mods favour, this is pro Bono work, which we all appreciate you doing. I think Matthew is 100% correct to raise the issue, a load of us are bored of the passive aggressive repetition of it.  I have never really chatted with Gil or Cohen but, I do think Gil adds a lot of value / interesting content to the forum and this is detracting from it. 

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My advice to everyone is to cool down and let the moderators do what they have to do. Sometimes these things take time especially when multiple moderators are involved. We may not find out what they did, but if the harrassment stops, you'll know their actions were successful. We can agree to disagree as ladies and gentlemen and be civil about it. Please remember that stalking and harrassment are unacceptable behaviors in any community.

As for me, I put Mr. Cohen on "Ignore" sometime back so I wouldn't be tempted to respond to his attacks. Since this forum is a debate on the JFKA and his postings have nothing to do with it, I'm not interested in debating his posts.

Thank you to the members who saw a wrong and reported it.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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I spent the first 22 years of my life worrying about if people liked me or not. Once I ended that concern, I accomplished much more. Maybe if it was required to check your Ego's at the door, we could finally solve this mystery.

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