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Congressional MAGA extremists to form faux "Church Committee"

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2 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Not to discuss the JFKA.

Fact: Thomas Massie and Tucker are both Russian propagandists. Proven. Not even open for debate.

They have no interest in solving the JFKA, they are looking to hurt the United States and those that protect democracy. Your Twitter account appears to be an echo chamber for the same authoritarian talking points.

How about we talk about how those that hate the U.S. and democracy are weaponizing the JFKA for their own anti-American agenda. hmm?


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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

I am surprised by the reaction here to this committee. There are some well-founded, valid concerns about the weaponization and conduct of the FBI and the Justice Department that need to be investigated and corrected. I would think that members of this community, of all people, would be concerned about the worrying, arguably illegal conduct of elements of the JD and the FBI over the last six years.

I wonder if they will worry about the Mutual Defense Agreements the former President entered into to coordinate stories and offer incentives to witnesses to not cooperate? Somehow, I doubt that will happen.

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@Matt Allison you're polluting this thread with your DNC talking points and turning this thread into a political debate. You might comments might as well be from a Bot because they are like a programmed message. Let's elevate this   

Massie and Carlson are American citizens. they consider themselves patriots. They dont work for our country's enemies. they disagree with the democratic leaders and policies.  

You can certainly be suspicious of Massie's motives but instead of polluting this thread with your hatred,  how about suspending your disbelief and see what happens. Maybe-just maybe- our behind the scenes work will surprise you.

If you guys continue to spout your political animus, I'm going to leave this thread and provide updates on our JFK Records work to another platform. This conversation is really turning too ugly for me.      

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Not to discuss the JFKA.

Fact: Thomas Massie and Tucker are both Russian propagandists. Proven. Not even open for debate.

They have no interest in solving the JFKA, they are looking to hurt the United States and those that protect democracy. Your Twitter account appears to be an echo chamber for the same authoritarian talking points.

How about we talk about how those that hate the U.S. and democracy are weaponizing the JFKA for their own anti-American agenda. hmm?

Switch the TV/MSM off for a few hours, Matt. It isn’t doing your mental health any good, and it certainly isn’t benefitting the forum. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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1 minute ago, Charles Blackmon said:

If the "good guys" like Lawrence leave, we will know why.

There are a few sacred cows on this forum that embody the Pareto distribution or 80-20 rule. A small percentage do more than the rest combined. They add so much value because they have dedicated so much of their time and lives to solving the JFKA. These people are generally educated, rational, logical thinkers. It’s a tragedy if any one of these guys leaves. We should do all that we can to keep them. 

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Nothing triggers MAGA/Kremlin-types like cold, harsh reality.

Once again, the Republicans aren't investigating the JFKA. 

Why are you pretending that they are?

They are "investigating" the investigators because these people were under congressional subpoena and ignored them to try and escape from their sedition; they asked for pre-emptive Presidential pardons for their crimes. You think I'm going to stop pointing that out? I'm not.

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@Matt Allison  Open your mind. Yes- the committee is not currently contemplating investigating the JFK Act. We are going to try to use this opportunity to try to get the committee to commit resources to doing a Hart/Schweiker project. If they agree to do that, then i dont care what the rest of the committee does.  

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2 hours ago, Charles Blackmon said:

If the "good guys" like Lawrence leave, we will know why.

Yes, I sure hope that Lawrence Schnapf doesn't move to 4Chan or McAdams.edu.

It would be a big loss for the Education Forum.

Perhaps we loony libs need to stop criticizing Fox News and the GOP Sedition Caucus... 🤥

Personally, I appreciate Mr. Schnapf's efforts to win the release of the JFK records, and Tucker Carlson's unusual honesty recently about the JFK assassination case.

If only Tucker Carlson had spoken up in October of 2017, when Fox was functioning as an arm of the Trump administration!


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19 minutes ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Yes- the committee is not currently contemplating investigating the JFK Act.


20 minutes ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

We are going to try to use this opportunity to try to get the committee to commit resources to doing a Hart/Schweiker project.

That's a nice idea, but there isn't any indication whatsoever such a thing will happen, no matter what you've been told.

Once again, how am I supposed to justify my interest in solving the treason of 60 years without being just as committed to justice for the treason surrounding the 2020 election?

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@Matt Allison I understand your concerns about the 2020 election but to answer your question,  you are going to have to find some way to  compartmentalize your concerns about the JFK assassination from the 2020 election. If you cant, please dont work out your angst here. I'm really getting tired of responding to your sour posts . It is beginning to resemble mental masturbation.  

The committee members have not been selected. I am currently planting seeds with influential people on the GOP side and then hopefully watering them. If we can get a Hart/Schweiker style investigation out of this subcommittee, I wont care what the rest of the committee does.  The JFK assassination is more important to me. Besides, we just had a January 6th committee report that DOJ still needs to digest. 

For everybody else, I am going to continue my efforts on trying to get a Hart/Schweiker investigation. I'm hoping to be able to get another TV appearance to promote this idea. stay tuned.       


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3 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@Matt Allison I understand your concerns about the 2020 election but to answer your question,  you are going to have to find some way to  compartmentalize your concerns about the JFK assassination from the 2020 election. If you cant, please dont work out your angst here. I'm really getting tired of responding to your sour posts . It is beginning to resemble mental masturbation.  

The committee members have not been selected. I am currently planting seeds with influential people on the GOP side and then hopefully watering them. If we can get a Hart/Schweiker style investigation out of this subcommittee, I wont care what the rest of the committee does.  The JFK assassination is more important to me. Besides, we just had a January 6th committee report that DOJ still needs to digest. 

For everybody else, I am going to continue my efforts on trying to get a Hart/Schweiker investigation. I'm hoping to be able to get another TV appearance to promote this idea. stay tuned.       


Hell, if they can dig up the massive amount of missing files and transcripts from the actual Hart/Schweiker investigation I’m all for it. 

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8 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@Michael Griffith Since the GOP is calling this a new Church Committee, I'm working on trying to get them to form a Hart-Schweiker group like we had with the Church Committee that could focus on the JFK Act.  stay tuned.  


I wish you the best of success in your efforts. 

I hope that partisan sentiments can be banked long enough to allow for an objective and hard-hitting (and long overdue) review of the national security state. 

I suspect both parties will bridle when the truth "looks bad for our party."

I hope Massie, at that point, can prevail. 

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