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Texas Theater: Fill in the blank!


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Damn, your right Bill.  I didn't google the address, just the TT and went east from there to the first building that looked like the shoe store entrance Brewer described.  The glass displays on each side before you get to the recessed door. 

The Parlor Barbershop I showed the view from is at 219 W Jefferson.  Three business further West than Liz Bridal at 213.  I.E., it's three business further East from the Texas Theater.  Meaning Brewer had an even further away view than the one I linked.  He definitely couldn't see the ticket booth from there much less Harvey or Lee go in the theater.

 Texas Theatre - Google Maps

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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Damn, your right Bill.  I didn't google the address, just the TT and went east from there to the first building that looked like the shoe store entrance Brewer described.  The glass displays on each side before you get to the recessed door. 

The Parlor Barbershop I showed the view from is at 219 W Jefferson.  Three business further West than Liz Bridal at 213.  I.E., it's three business further East from the Texas Theater.  Meaning Brewer had an even further away view than the one I linked.  He definitely couldn't see the ticket booth from there much less Harvey or Lee go in the theater.

 Texas Theatre - Google Maps


"Damn, your right Bill."


Nah, not really.  It's more like you were simply wrong (again).


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Again, Brewer didn't say that he could see the ticket booth.  He said that the ticket booth was flush with the other store fronts which lined the sidewalk and this location would allow him to see anyone who was at the front of the booth purchasing the ticket.


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On 2/13/2023 at 7:04 PM, David Von Pein said:

IMO, Oswald's "Assassination Plan" (if we can call it that) has all the earmarks of being a virtually last-minute plan with no advanced thought at all of any escape plan. I think that's obvious by just examining the things he did on both Nov. 21 and 22.

A few other thoughts [via a 2015 discussion]....

"Lee Oswald might just have been winging it. (Who knows.) His assassination plan, as we know, was practically done at the last minute. I think he was probably extremely surprised that he was actually able to have that 6th floor of the TSBD all to himself long enough to get the job done and fire those three shots at JFK --- because given all the obstacles and potential witnesses that could have caused him to abort his assassination efforts, I just don't see how Oswald's state of mind on the morning of November 22nd could have been anything other than this one ----

"Since I'm not on a suicide mission today, and since so many things could happen that could cause me to change my mind about pulling the trigger on the President (including the weather and the actions of other people in the building), I'm not too confident of being able to pull this assassination off. If I'm able to do it, fine. But if not, that's fine too."

Now, given such a mindset leading up to 12:30 PM on 11/22/63, it's quite possible that Lee hadn't put any thought at all (or very little thought) into what he would do afterward. Therefore, after he did the dirty deed and was able to escape the building, his mindset could very well have been --- "Gee, what the f**k do I do now?!" "
-- DVP; March 1, 2015


Edited by David Von Pein
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On 2/14/2023 at 7:10 AM, Lance Payette said:



On 2/14/2023 at 7:36 AM, Lance Payette said:


I, for one, am very disappointed to see that Lance Payette has decided to intentionally delete every single one of his 375 EF Forum posts that he has written since re-joining the forum on December 12, 2022.

Oh Lance....why did you feel it necessary to do this? I can understand how you could get frustrated with all the B.S. posted by the conspiracy theorists here. But why would you want to just wipe out all of your previous posts? I don't understand that part of your sudden departure from the forum.

It's all the more disappointing because Lance had written some very good posts during the last two months when he was here. Posts that were filled with some excellent research and also filled with large doses of rational thinking as well as common sense (IMO). And now he's decided to wipe all of that out in a heartbeat. What a shame.

I wish Lance well in the future, but I sure wish he hadn't thought it necessary to deprive any future EF "lurkers" of the many top-flight posts he had written over the last couple of months (including the thread-starting post in this very thread).


Fortunately, however, many of Lance's full posts have been quoted by other EF members via the "quote box" feature, so many (or even most) of Lance's lengthy posts probably do still survive here at the forum simply because they will pop up in the Quote Box of someone else's posts. And that's how I was able to retrieve the thread-starting post from this thread (seen below). (Another way to retrieve old/deleted posts, of course, is The Wayback Machine at Archive.org. It comes in very handy at times.)



Edited by David Von Pein
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12 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

I, for one, am very disappointed to see that Lance Payette has decided to intentionally delete every single one of his 375 EF Forum posts that he has written since re-joining the forum on December 12, 2022.

Me too. Can anyone (perhaps a mod) shed any light on what may have caused this?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/16/2023 at 1:25 PM, David Von Pein said:

I, for one, am very disappointed to see that Lance Payette has decided to intentionally delete every single one of his 375 EF Forum posts that he has written since re-joining the forum on December 12, 2022.

Agreed. What I would like to see Lance do is start a website (there are free options available) where his work could be available to all in a permanent format. Or, he could write a book. Either way he has some valuable contributions to make IMO.

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On 2/15/2023 at 8:45 PM, Ron Bulman said:

You can still kind of see the Texas Theater sign sticking up in the distance, I can't make out the marquee though.

211 Jefferson Blvd - Google Maps


Just like it was in 1963 on that Nov day, the ticket booth is set back into the theater entrance and would be impossible for anyone to see someone entering the theater, and/or paying for a ticket, from the sidewalk in either direction


Liz Bridal at 213 W Jefferson was where Hardy shoes was... Theater was 231 W Jefferson.  The above is a view from the recessed shoe store to the Theater.

Brewer's story (which was actually forwarded by Tommy Rowe, who moved into Ruby's apartment after his arrest) is complete crap just like the rest of the WC evidence...

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