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Did Jack Ruby expect to get a suspended sentence?

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There was a history in Texas of people committing murder in the heat of the moment and only being given a suspended sentence for it. One such example is that of Mac Wallace. In Texas in 1951 Wallace suspected his wife was having an affair with the manager of a local pitch and putt golf course. Wallace went to the golf course and shot the manager five times killing him. Even though Wallace was convicted of the murder the jury recommended only a five-year suspended sentence. The result was Wallace walked free from court even though he was convicted of the murder.

Jack Ruby who was part of the seedier side of Dallas may well have heard of similar cases of someone committing murder and only being given a suspended sentence or even just a short sentence. This could have emboldened Ruby into killing Oswald thinking he would become famous for the murder but serve very little, if any at all, prison time.

Can you think of any other high profile cases in Dallas or Texas which might have influenced Ruby into thinking he might get off relatively easy if he did murder Oswald?

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2 hours ago, Gerry Down said:



 "Even though Wallace was convicted of the murder    >>> the jury <<< recommended only a five-year suspended sentence. The result was Wallace walked free from court even though he was convicted of the murder."

The jury recommended the suspended sentence?

I thought the jury decided on a long prison sentence?

I thought it was "the Judge" who gave Wallace a suspended sentence.

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15 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

The jury recommended the suspended sentence?

I thought the jury decided on a long prison sentence?

I thought it was "the Judge" who gave Wallace a suspended sentence.


He got a suspended sentence anyway.

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23 minutes ago, Charles Blackmon said:

Lets see.. Oswald murders JFK "so he will be famous". Ruby murders Oswald " so he will be famous".

Whats with all these guys taking shortcuts to fame 🙄


You could ask Mark Chapman.

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JR was likely told he would be a hero, he wouldn't be convicted, well defended.  As part of his order to assassinate Oswald.  I think he questioned it.  Hence the two day stalking, likely calling the DPD, FBI and Sherriff's office early in the morning of the 24th warning them "they" would kill him.  JMO.

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If Ruby was the caller to the DPD, SHERIFF AND FBI just hours before the transfer of Oswald, where he was giving them a heavy warning tip ( with insider info ) about Oswald's safety, obviously he was trying to get them to change their transfer plans.

Or perhaps tighten up Oswald's security so he couldn't penetrate it?

Either way, it sounds as if he was trying to get out of the job.

My guess is that someone who Ruby knew really could and would whack him or his family had that much of a fear hold on him. Marcello? The entire cabal of highest Mafia godfathers?

It was Oswald or Ruby and maybe even Ruby's cherished sister Eva?

If there was anyone Ruby truly feared it was the much higher ups in the mob.

When they said to Ruby, fly to Cuba and give a message to Santos Trafficante being held in a Castro jail there...he went.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Ruby told Karen "Little Lynn" Carlin he had to do some business in downtown Dallas that Sunday morning anyway, so he would take care of sending her $25 via Western Union when he did so.

What was the other business he had to do downtown that quiet Sunday morning? He never said anything about such again?

Karen "Little Lynn" Carlin's WC testimony:

Mr. Hubert:

Well, the fact of the matter is, the phone records show--I don't have them before me, but the phone records show it was about that time. Could you just tell us the gist of the conversation with Jack on that occasion.


Well, Jack answered the telephone. And I told him who it was, and he said, "Yes, well," and I said, "I have called, Jack, to try to get some money, because the rent is due and I need some money for groceries, and you told me to call."
And he said, "How much will you need?" And I said--I'll ask my husband, and then I said about "$25."
Mr. Hubert. Your husband was in the room with you?
Mrs. CARLIN. Yes. He was in the part of the front part of the house. And he said,

"Well, I have to go downtown anyway, so I will send it to you by Western Union."

And he asked me what name to send it in, and I told him, "Karen Bennett."

Edited by Joe Bauer
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I think Ruby was led to believe that he would get a light sentence, at the most. I think he began to reveal his knowledge of the conspiracy because he was shocked and angered by his conviction and subsequent death sentence and because he feared the new trial he'd been granted would still end with a conviction and with at least serious jail time. 

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After 59 years of general interest, and 7 or 8 years of more specific interest and study ( light but at least more than the average person ) of the JFKA, mostly generated through this forum, I have concluded one finding with certainty:

Armed Jack Ruby had inside help in getting into the DPD parking garage and being able to get within inches of Oswald to blow his guts out.

And I don't think Oswald being ridiculously wide open from the front in that perp walk just feet away from the press crush and Jack Ruby was simple negligence.

If I had to list one aspect of the JFKA story as the strongest indicator of a conspiracy, it would be Oswald's murder right inside the Dallas Police Department's own building under circumstances so impossibly improbable they defy all logical explanations other than Ruby getting inside help in doing this deed.

The absolute "worst" possible scenario in destroying any chance for the American people to know the truth about the JFK assassination was the quick elimination of the one person/suspect that could provide it.

Ruby killing Oswald and the deliberate lack of any serious federal government ( and MSM as well ) investigation of Ruby's access to do it, was one of the greatest injustices ever perpetrated upon America.

I could cite another 100 JFKA related side stories that bolster my final conclusion of a conspiracy in the JFKA.

The Sylvia Odio Oswald story and dozens more just add even more heavy weight cement to my personal JFKA conspiracy belief foundation.

But Oswald's murder right inside the DPD building while he was supposedly under the tightest suspect security measures ever initiated in the DPD history trumps them all in my final conspiracy conclusion take.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Was the 1951 Mac Wallace murder trial a well-known trial in Texas at the time?

And therefore Jack Ruby was likely to have heard of it?

Jack Ruby moved to Dallas in 1947 and so he would have been in the state when the Mac Wallace trial was going on. But of course if it was only a little-known trial, then Jack Ruby might not have heard of it and consequently not have heard of the fact that the murderer was only given a suspended sentence. 

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20 hours ago, Gerry Down said:

Was the 1951 Mac Wallace murder trial a well-known trial in Texas at the time?

And therefore Jack Ruby was likely to have heard of it?

Jack Ruby moved to Dallas in 1947 and so he would have been in the state when the Mac Wallace trial was going on. But of course if it was only a little-known trial, then Jack Ruby might not have heard of it and consequently not have heard of the fact that the murderer was only given a suspended sentence. 

My guess is that Jack Ruby knew very little about the Wallace trial if at all.

I believe Ruby knew he was going to be able to get to Oswald. With help from a few DPD friends.

Look, probably most all members of the DPD wanted Oswald dead. For his killing of one of their own.

DPD officer and Oswald death walk escort Jim Leavelle shared this sentiment many times in countless interviews in his later life.

He had no compunction stating he was much more upset and concerned about Oswald killing one of his own than Oswald killing Kennedy.

This deeper hatred of Oswald for killing Tippit reasonably suggest they ( members of the DPD ) didn't want Oswald to be provided a trial and maybe even get less than the death penalty "if" he was found guilty.

How to exact their vengeful justice on the Dallas PD cop killer Oswald with certainty? 

Get him before any trial.

If all the security around you wants you dead...brother, you're in trouble.

People forget Ruby being ordered by the big mob boys to do something quite extraordinary in his trips to Cuba.

Orders you do not say no to.

This also showed that Ruby did indeed have connections to the highest rungs of Mob. Not as an equal at all, but as someone tasked to do important duties when needed.

It would be no surprise to learn of other larger Mob interest activities Ruby may have been involved in from time to time.

Running guns? Running drugs? Running prostitutes? Bag man when needed?

Any time Ruby went to New Orleans you can be sure it was not without the knowledge and permission of Carlos Marcello's organization.

Seth Kantor in his book "Who Was Jack Ruby" proved that Ruby did have contact with Marcello's network from time to time.

And Campisi and Civello were totally connected to, if not under the authority of  Marcello.

Ruby acting on mob orders to do Oswald is not a far-fetched theory when one sees documentation that Ruby had done some heavy jobs ( even occasionally ) for them in the past.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Armed Jack Ruby had inside help in getting into the DPD parking garage and being able to get within inches of Oswald to blow his guts out.

And I don't think Oswald being ridiculously wide open from the front in that perp walk just feet away from the press crush and Jack Ruby was simple negligence.


Numerous authors have claimed that LHO recognized Ruby, based on a change in his facial expression, as he was perp walked to his death. 

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2 hours ago, Norman T. Field said:

Numerous authors have claimed that LHO recognized Ruby, based on a change in his facial expression, as he was perp walked to his death. 

Oswald seemed so naive about how much his physical safety was threatened.

The Dallas police assigned to protect him wanted him dead.

He didn't know this?

He didn't know that he was one of the most threatened persons in American history?

He seemed calmly unworried from what I could see watching him walked to the transfer car. I watched it all live on national TV.

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