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Sandy Larsen

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White men can't jump, but my Yugoslavian homeboy, Nikola Jokic, can really pass and shoot.

He started out as a water polo player in Serbia.

Now Jokic, an improbable two-time NBA MVP, is going up against the legendary LeBron James and the L.A. Lakers in the NBA Western Finals.

So far, there's good news and bad news for Denver fans.

The good news is that the Nuggets are up 1-0 in the Western championship series against L.A.

The bad news is that they won a squeaker against L.A., at altitude, last night.  They could still lose 1-4.


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Editorial: GOP chief wants to make Kansas ‘hostile’ to push out ‘bad people’ he disagrees with

The Kansas City Star



“The nonprofit Kansas Reflector this week reported on a newly revealed recording of Adam Peters, the Ellis County GOP chairman, who during a March 2 meeting in Hutchinson made plain his desire to purge the state of any Kansan who doesn’t subscribe to his conservative beliefs. He railed against the “degradation” of society caused by so-called “critical theory,” which he blamed for crime, suicide and racial strife.

His solution? Harassment.

“If you can make it hostile to that group of people, that small sliver of society, and have them move elsewhere, that does a huge amount to shut this down,” Peters said, according to the Reflector’s Sherman Smith. “It’s both sides of it: You need to attract the good people here, and you also need to make it clear to the bad people, this isn’t gonna go well for you.”

Ominously, he also offered a suggestion of violence."

“You know,” Peters reportedly said, “if we look in scripture, there was a time when the nation of Israel had to take up arms in defense of themselves.”

If you get rid of black people, there wouldn’t be any “racial strife” See?

Now, if we could do the same thing with all these liberals and women and gay people and young people, and books, we’d be doing OK.

Welcome to 1860.

Steve Thomas


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55 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

Editorial: GOP chief wants to make Kansas ‘hostile’ to push out ‘bad people’ he disagrees with

The Kansas City Star



“The nonprofit Kansas Reflector this week reported on a newly revealed recording of Adam Peters, the Ellis County GOP chairman, who during a March 2 meeting in Hutchinson made plain his desire to purge the state of any Kansan who doesn’t subscribe to his conservative beliefs. He railed against the “degradation” of society caused by so-called “critical theory,” which he blamed for crime, suicide and racial strife.

His solution? Harassment.

“If you can make it hostile to that group of people, that small sliver of society, and have them move elsewhere, that does a huge amount to shut this down,” Peters said, according to the Reflector’s Sherman Smith. “It’s both sides of it: You need to attract the good people here, and you also need to make it clear to the bad people, this isn’t gonna go well for you.”

Ominously, he also offered a suggestion of violence."

“You know,” Peters reportedly said, “if we look in scripture, there was a time when the nation of Israel had to take up arms in defense of themselves.”

If you get rid of black people, there wouldn’t be any “racial strife” See?

Now, if we could do the same thing with all these liberals and women and gay people and young people, and books, we’d be doing OK.

Welcome to 1860.

Steve Thomas



     No doubt, Kansas has been a "Republican" stronghold since the days of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, but what's strange about these recent developments is that "Bleeding" Kansas was an original epicenter of Abolitionism in the 1850s.   

     The Jayhawkers in Lawrence, Kansas were among the first U.S. citizens to wage war against slavery.

      More evidence here of the post-Civil Rights era GOP becoming aligned with the former Confederacy.

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DeSantis is building a public record of odious Florida legislation and regulation that will come back to haunt him as he runs for president. Independent voters will ask, "Do we want this power-crazy guy as our President?"

Woke virology? Ron DeSantis finds another thing to ban in Florida - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (thebulletin.org)

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Campaign slogan: Is DeSantis going to destroy your company like he is doing to Disney? You job may be in danger if he ever gets national power as president.

Disney cancels $1 billion development project in Orlando — costing Florida 2,000 jobs - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Lauren Boebert's divorce helps explain a surge in misogynist rhetoric: columnist
By Gideon Rubin May 18, 2023, 
 "Marcotte writes that Boebert’s divorce is a “window into an aspect of red state life that hasn't been much discussed, one which is likely fueling the ugly surge in misogynist rhetoric and policy being pushed by Republicans, especially the men.”
“The dark little secret of red state life is there's a lot of Lauren Boeberts out there: Conservative women who disavow feminism, but, when given a shot at more independence for themselves, gladly use hard-won rights like divorce and abortion. Republican men are getting increasingly angry about even this minor loss of control over women.”
This “minor” loss of control appears have had a major impact on America’s political dynamics in recent years, Marcotte contends, noting that a “sexual predator is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. Abortion bans keep getting passed, despite being wildly unpopular. And now there's even a GOP push to make it harder for people — mostly women — to file for divorce.”

Steve Thomas

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A very frightening period': MAGA Republicans threaten librarians with prison time
By Alex Henderson, AlterNet May 18, 2023, 


Kepp 'em barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen. That's what I say.
As for the boys, the mill needs workers.
Don't let 'em read. If you teach 'em to read, they get uppity.

Steve Thomas


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The Gospel of Trumpism

May 19, 2023 at 9:54 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 55 Comments

“Roger Stone has been in and out of Donald Trump’s orbit for more than four decades. But since Trump commuted his three-year prison sentence for lying to federal investigators, the self-proclaimed specialist in political ‘dirty tricks’ had been preaching the gospel of Trumpism to the former president’s most fervent religious supporters,” Yahoo News reports.

Said Stone: “I am a soldier in the army of the Lord.”

“Stone has been using more explicitly religious language over the past few years, especially when attending the Reawaken America tour events that mix evangelical church services with speeches promoting Qanon conspiracy theories and Trumpism.”

“The events combine a devotion to Trump with an apocalyptic religious view of politics.”


Roger Stone-- A Trump Soldier in the Army of the Lord

The Many Looks of Roger Stone

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What’s next, rainbow uniforms?’: Republican suggests defunding US Army over Pride celebrations

By David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement May 19, 2023,


"U.S. Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) is demanding the Dept. of Defense rescind a memo authorizing LGBTQ Pride celebrations on military installations, and says Congress should defund America’s Armed Forces if it refuses.”


"If DOD doesn’t put a stop to these kinds of divisive – and frankly embarrassing – DOD events, Republicans should pull support for this year’s [National Defense Authorization Act].”


“Calling to defund the U.S. Armed Forces is in keeping with Congressman Roy’s previous acts. Earlier this year he called to defund the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security.

In 2021 Rep. Roy became the lone Congressman to block a 5-month overdue disaster aid relief bill, saying it was “fine” that migrant children are dying at the border.”.


Steve Thomas

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