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Sandy Larsen

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Here's hoping.

I was thinking about this subject the other day, and the fact that LBJ announced in late March of 1968 that he would not seek re-election.

There's still plenty of time for Biden to retire and allow some younger Democrats to vie for the nomination.

Biden is the greatest president in modern times. However, I am 85 and I know how quickly one's health can change after age 80. Hopefully, Biden will bow out and, as you say, let younger Democrats vie for the nomination.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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For Ron Bulman-- apropos of our discussion of the recent Texas heat wave and increasing utility bills...

Rising Temperatures mean more Air Conditioning and Electricity Use: Rooftop Solar is the perfect Solution (juancole.com)

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12 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Biden's in way better condition than FDR was when he ran again in 1944.

Him dropping out would also make for an awkward situation with his VP Kamala Harris.

Who, fwiw, is perfectly capable of being a fantastic POTUS.

Which is is why I think it's fine to roll with Joe... :)

Biden ‘too old to run’ again, nearly three-quarters say: poll | The Hill

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Trump’s co-defendants are already starting to turn against him
There’s a nascent courtroom strategy by some people close to Donald Trump: Heap blame on the former president.

https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/05/trump-cases-defendants-flipping-00113910he finger-pointing among Donald Trump’s inner circle has begun.

And as his four criminal cases march toward trials, some of his aides, allies and co-defendants are pointing at the former president.

In court documents and hearings, lawyers for people in Trump’s orbit — both high-level advisers and lesser known associates — are starting to reveal glimmers of a tried-and-true strategy in cases with many defendants: Portray yourself as a hapless pawn while piling blame on the apparent kingpin.

It’s a strategy that could sharpen as the Georgia case moves closer to a jury. The case includes numerous defendants with much smaller alleged roles than those of Trump or his top aides. If a jury primarily blames Trump for the events that played out in the aftermath of the 2020 election, the lower-profile co-defendants may seem less culpable by comparison.

“Strategically speaking, if you are one of the lesser important players, you would definitely want to be in the same trial with Donald Trump. All of the focus is going to be on him,” said Scott Weinberg, a Florida-based attorney who represented one of the Oath Keepers in a high-profile trial stemming from the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. “They don’t want the little guys, they want Trump. You’re always compared to who you’re next to.”

The three GOP activists all posed as pro-Trump presidential electors, signing documents claiming they were Georgia’s legitimate electors even though Biden won the state. In legal filings seeking to transfer their prosecutions into federal court, they all indicated that they took that step at Trump’s “direction.”

Another criminal defense attorney who closely watches the Trump proceedings posited another motive for those seeking to pin Trump with responsibility for the actions they took: Trump is likely to make a sweeping claim of executive immunity against all the charges.

“Eventually, Trump is going to assert broad presidential immunity and everyone else is going to ride under his authority,” said the attorney, William Shipley.

John Lauro, Trump’s attorney in the federal election case, signaled recently that he intends to  file just such a sweeping immunity claim to attempt to derail the charges."

Steve Thomas

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Surprise, surprise, not really, that Patrick would do this.  But why?  Paxton has already said he wouldn't testify, his lawyer said so in July.  If he didn't and the prosecution called him to and he refused, he would be in contempt?

The impartial Patrick is on his side, he, Paxton and the Governor just want this all to go away.  It threatens the current power structure, a rebellion from within.  Splitting the party.  Trouble is, it's now national news.  Given the evidence all widely known now if they don't convict the whole country will know the whole Texas republican party is as corrupt as the state AG.  They have sh*t in their own mess kit.  Now, if they don't sh*t and geg off the pot, they're screwed.

I can see the National Enquirer.  Paxton walked a block away from his house to catch the uber under a different name to get to his girlfriends apartment for a tryst, set up by a donor in another name.  So his State Senator wife wouldn't know.  The same donor who refurbished their kitchen for free, and hired his girlfriend to his company in Austin, because of the heavy traffic on I-35 to see her in San Antonio.  The same donor he used his office to defend.  Illegally.

Dan Patrick rules in favor of suspended Texas AG Ken Paxton in first major move of impeachment trial (msn.com)

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