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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Gov. Newsom's choice to replace Senator Feinstein is so controversial and weird that it calls into question his judgment in seeking the Democratic nomination for President.


Laphonza Butler's Non-California Residence Raises Questions (newsweek.com)

Hyeahh, I hope Newsome was aware of that. Otherwise that was kind of a dumb mistake. But I don't think that really matters.  Both RFK and Hillary Clinton moved their residence to New York to run for Senate.

But it's a standby position. He can't appoint Adam Schiff, Katie Porter and Barbara Lee,  because they are all running for Feinstein's seat in 2024. It's probably meant to foster new talent and not cause displacement of an acting Congressman that you then again would have to replace with someone else.

If there wasn't this knee jerk tendency to fill it with a minority, I think Jackie Speier who recently retired after serving in the house for many decades probably would have been a  good emeritus appointment for a year, even though the title isn't the same, it does represent an honorary  promotion of achievement.

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15% Say They Would Back Third Party Candidate

October 2, 2023 at 12:25 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 

A new NBC News poll finds that almost 15% of registered voters said that they will vote for a third party or independent candidate if given the option in 2024.

However, the test did not include candidate names or information about them.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

A new NBC News poll finds that almost 15% of registered voters said that they will vote for a third party or independent candidate if given the option in 2024.

That poll should tell you how worthless polls now are, W. :

When given five options, 39% of voters said they would vote for Trump, 36% said they would vote for Biden, 5% said they would vote for a Libertarian candidate, 5% said they would vote for a No Labels candidate and 4% said they would vote for a Green Party candidate.

I really can't stress this enough, America is not going to vote for the destruction of their own country by putting Donald Trump back in the WH. He is a criminal and a clown.

I'll also repeat what I've said before: since the one instance of Donald Trump winning an election in 2016, 30 million new Gen Z voters have entered the mix.

The media needs a political horserace for ratings, and will create whatever poll necessary to get people either outraged or wetting the bed.

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Interesting Leslie, they have Trump up by 2 on Biden and with RK as a third party, Biden and Trump  are a dead heat. I disagree with Matt that all polls are bs, but it depends on the polls and in general, I don't think they're very useful now, because I think if everyone voted today, Biden would win, not Trump. This far away from election, some people tend to voice their feelings about what's going on in the moment in their  lives. 

What was learned in 2022, is that the Independents went strong for the Democrats despite having strong complaints about the economy and the  newfound inflation, and although I have heard more recently Biden is slipping slightly with independents., there is strong anti Trump sentiment among independents.

Asking the question if the public is satisfied with either candidate is sort of a bogus question, because 1) it's quite possible a considerable number of people surveyed won't vote, and that likelihood increases the more dissatisfied with the candidates, the voters are. And 2) when voters are confronted with their only 2 choices, as they so often are, they vote for one of them.





Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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David Kirkpatrick for The New Yorker walks us through the actual mechanisms employed by extreme conservatives to seize control of the US judiciary to advance their undemocratic agenda. For instance:

' . . . A growing number of Blackstone*[see comments] alumni have clerked for federal judges, and, inevitably, their terms as clerks sometimes have included A.D.F. [Alliance Defending Freedom] cases. More than sixty Blackstone alumni are currently clerking on federal courts, including eighteen on appeals courts. The alumnus who is now clerking for the federal district court in Amarillo will next year clerk for the circuit court based in Atlanta, where A.D.F. is defending an Alabama ban on gender-transition treatment for minors. And the two alumni who clerked for Barrett and Alito last session helped them weigh both the 303 Creative case and a Justice Department request to stay the mifepristone ban. (The Court granted the stay—mifepristone remains available for now—but Alito wrote a memorably vituperative dissent.)



*The program is named for Sir William Blackstone (1723-1780), a contemporary of the framers of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence. An English judge who went on to become the first Vinerian professor of law at Oxford University, Blackstone is best known for his Commentaries on the Laws of England. . . . Blackstone’s influence on American law can hardly be overstated. His writings trained nearly every American lawyer until the mid-19th century. Unfortunately, his influence and the Christian worldview have since been virtually eradicated from American law schools. For this reason, Alliance Defending Freedom named its prestigious law student program the Blackstone Legal Fellowship, representing a new generation of lawyers, men and women of Christian conviction, passion, and intelligence, being equipped to serve as leaders within the legal culture, proposed by Blackstone’s vision of the law to foster legal systems that fully protect our God-given rights. https://adflegal.org/training/blackstone
Training - Blackstone Legal Fellowship
Training - Blackstone Legal Fellowship


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Bail bondsman down in Georgia, accused of tampering with voting machines, Scott Hall, has pled guilty and has said he will testify that Sydney Powell was behind the whole vote tampering thing.

Former NYC Police Commissioner, and Rudy Giuliani henchman, Bernie Kerik, has said that he won't testify against Donald Trump, but if he is given immunity, will testify against Sydney Powell.

It looks like Sydney is going to be thrown to the wolves.

There will be pressure now for Ms. Powell to cut her own deal.

Only Meadows and Trump are higher up the food chain.

Steve Thomas

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From an article in today's Washington Post:


Inside the meeting, Democratic leaders showed a video of McCarthy on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, in which he attempted to blame Democrats for wanting to shut down the government. The charge was a misrepresentation of the events of the past several weeks, when House Republicans were unable to fund the government with only Republican support. All but one House Democrat voted for the eventual short-term government funding bill.


Democrats inside the room were “outraged” at seeing McCarthy trying to blame them, according to Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.).

“His performance was a very clarifying event for Democrats,” said Connolly, who added he will vote to remove McCarthy.

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Paul Krugman on "Why MAGA Wants to Betray the Ukraine":




From the article: The answer is, unfortunately, obvious. Whatever Republican hard-liners may say, they want Putin to win. They view the Putin regime’s cruelty and repression as admirable features that America should emulate. They support a wannabe dictator at home and are sympathetic to actual dictators abroad.
So pay no attention to all those complaints about how much we’re spending in Ukraine. They aren’t justified by the actual cost of aid, and the people claiming to be worried about the cost don’t really care about the money. What they are, basically, is enemies of democracy, both abroad and at home.


Edited by Douglas Caddy
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On 10/2/2023 at 11:19 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

Hyeahh, I hope Newsome was aware of that. Otherwise that was kind of a dumb mistake. But I don't think that really matters.  Both RFK and Hillary Clinton moved their residence to New York to run for Senate.

But it's a standby position. He can't appoint Adam Schiff, Katie Porter and Barbara Lee,  because they are all running for Feinstein's seat in 2024. It's probably meant to foster new talent and not cause displacement of an acting Congressman that you then again would have to replace with someone else.

If there wasn't this knee jerk tendency to fill it with a minority, I think Jackie Speier who recently retired after serving in the house for many decades probably would have been a  good emeritus appointment for a year, even though the title isn't the same, it does represent an honorary  promotion of achievement.

I reacted too soon in making a rash assessment on Gov. Newsom's appointment. This was because I so much wanted Rep. 

Adam Schiff be appointed. The New York Times today has an article on the many merits of Newsom's decision. Now I see the wisdom in it.

My hope is that next year Schiff will be elected the Senate in the general election.

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Doug, This is a real unique situation because now. They have 3 very good candidates , Adam Schiff, Katie Porter and Barbara Lee( who in case others don't know was the only person to vote against going into Afghanistan after 911, whatever you may think of that) all in the same race to fill Diane Feinstein's seat.

I think Adam Schiff , with his high profile leadership in the Trump impeachments and 1/6 will probably win. Which is great and I'd be very satisfied with, But I do also like Katie Porter.

Jamie Dimond, head of JP Morgan Chase is considered a rock star among the corporate CEO's and the Wall Street waits with bated breathe at his every comment. This is priceless!


Doug, I've seen a few mentions in videos of Pee Wee Herman from you. I was a big fan, having first seen him  on David Letterman in the early 80's. My Daughter also loved him. When she was 6, we went to see him. Because of connections I had to the SF comedy scene , we were able to go back stage and meet him! He was dressed normally in a t-shirt and jeans didn't  act in character when we met him, but was very cool to her! A memory for the rest of our lives!

These are all the clips from his appearances on Letterman in the early 80's. He was an incredible talent! IMO






Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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6 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I reacted too soon in making a rash assessment on Gov. Newsom's appointment. This was because I so much wanted Rep. 

Adam Schiff be appointed. The New York Times today has an article on the many merits of Newsom's decision. Now I see the wisdom in it.

My hope is that next year Schiff will be elected the Senate in the general election.

Hear, hear!

I was very impressed by Adam Schiff's commentaries during the Nunes Memo scam and the Congressional J6 hearings.

Schiff would be a great U.S. Senator, and, perhaps, more.

That said, I don't know much about the other Senate candidates, nor do I live in California.


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