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Sandy Larsen

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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Who is W?

W Niederhut, who I've considered a friend for some time now.  I was kidding him about having attended the same university as Hunt.

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7 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

W Niederhut, who I've considered a friend for some time now.  I was kidding him about having attended the same university as Hunt.

Yes, not to be confused with Dubya Bush.

As for Biden confusing Macron with Mitterand and Merkel with Kohl, we have a serious problem.

This is no time for necro-diplomacy.

Biden needs to step down, but he probably won't.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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So, it sounds like the SCOTUS isn't really focusing on the basic issue of whether Trump should be ineligible for public office, on the basis of the Insurrection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

Instead, they are focusing on the somewhat peripheral issue of a state's right to invoke the 14th.

A cop out for Uncle Clarence Thomas and Boofer Brett.

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From an article today in The Guardian newspaper:

Special counsel worried jurors would see Biden 'as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory'

Special counsel Robert Hur wrote that he was concerned jurors would not believe that Joe Biden “willfully” kept classified documents, and that was one of the reasons why he does not think the president should face charges.

“We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” Hur writes.

“Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him – by then a former president well into his eighties – of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

Hur wrote that: “Mr. Biden’s memory was significantly limited, both during his recorded interviews with the ghostwriter in 2017, and in his interview with our office in 2023. And his cooperation with our investigation, including by reporting to the government that the Afghanistan documents were in his Delaware garage, will likely convince some jurors that he made an innocent mistake, rather than acting willfully – that is, with intent to break the law – as the statute requires.”

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Joe Biden is one of the best presidents we've ever had. His economic policies prevented a sure COVID deep-recession, and we've had a "soft landing" from high interest rates that resulted from the stimulus. The budget deficit dropped by $1.7 trillion since taking office. Record high economic growth, record job growth and low unemployment. Record high stock markets. Huge infrastructure bill. Great job countering Putin and getting European support for Ukraine. Now fighting aggressive Iranian-backed Shiite militias.

Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President - NewRepublic.com


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Yep. Biden will be remembered as one of the greats.

And that awful Trump sycophant Robert Hur never should have been chosen to be a SP in a Biden case, good lord.

Merrick Garland's choices while AG have been a disappointment in a number of respects.

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Sandy & Matt,

    The belief that Biden has been an effective President, for the most part,* isn't inconsistent with a belief that he needs to retire in January of 2025.  He is experiencing significant cognitive deficits.

     A wise man should know when to call it quits.

  * I've made no secret of the fact that I have disagreed, since October, with Biden's support for Netanyahu's bombing of Gaza.  Biden, himself, now seems to recognize his mistake, and the risk of being drawn into the longstanding Israeli/Neocon plan to engage the U.S. in a war with Iran.

     There are reports that Biden has recently referred to Netanyahu, accurately, as, "a bad f-ing guy."


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W, I tend to follow the old saying "If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it."

Biden's decades of experience have enabled him to draft an excellent team around him; maybe not perfect, but they've had innumerable big crises thrown at them and have navigated well. The Presidency is a team effort, and I like this team a lot.

With regard to Netanyahu, Biden is 100% done with Bibi's BS. He's just trying to work through this heinous situation gracefully.

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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

W, I tend to follow the old saying "If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it."

Biden's decades of experience have enabled him to draft an excellent team around him; maybe not perfect, but they've had innumerable big crises thrown at them and have navigated well. The Presidency is a team effort, and I like this team a lot.

With regard to Netanyahu, Biden is 100% done with Bibi's BS. He's just trying to work through this heinous situation gracefully.

Yet again, I totally agree.  Biden's choices are not his alone, the Team is running the show and have been since the start.  In my opinion the Team has made great choices amid an onslaught of issues.  Biden's dealings with Netanyahu have been a navigation through perilous waters.

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Increasingly cultish Trump rallies aim to shield him with 'armor of God'

by Travis Gettys February 9, 2024



“Donald Trump's rally speeches have evolved since he left office under the cloud of Jan. 6 and now conspicuously blend evangelical Christian themes with QAnon conspiracy theories.

The former president follows the same script for rallies, making a quick stop at a local eatery to bask in the attention of supporters assembled by his team as a local pastor warms up the crowd with an "opening prayer" tying together conspiratorial themes with religious fervor, wrote attorney Ron Filipowski for The Daily Beast.

"Even though there are different pastors giving these prayers at each rally, the theme generally remains the same — that there are dark, satanic, sinister forces who have taken over the government behind the scenes (the Deep State), and these forces are threatened by the only man capable of defeating them — Donald Trump," wrote Filipowski, who has watched every Trump rally, interview and speech since January 2021. "Attendees are then typically asked to pray to put a 'hedge of protection' around Trump and his family, or to 'put the Armor of God' on him to safeguard him, because the agents of the Deep State will stop at nothing to destroy him."

After suggesting the former president was in mortal danger from his enemies, the pastors then make that case that he was chosen by God as the only individual who could defeat these sinister forces, and they underline Trump's suggestion that he should accumulate autocratic powers to destroy the Deep State.

"He has been anointed by God for the task, and they often compare him to King David in this respect," Filipowski wrote. "The faithful are told the monumental task Trump is about to undertake on behalf of God cannot be accomplished by any other person because nobody else is willing to do what must be done."

Trump rallies then conclude with QAnon theme music, and many of the gathered fanatics hold up one finger as a symbol of the conspiratorial cult's slogan, “Where We Go One, We Go All."

"Whether moderate swing voters who tend to pay attention later in the election cycle will recoil at the idea that Trump is presenting himself as the second coming of King David," Filipowski wrote, "this messianic messaging clearly appeals to the fanatics who attend Trump’s rallies."”


Tent revivals.

I wonder if they start speaking in tongues and start prying with snakes and stuff.

Steve Thomas




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5 hours ago, Paul Bacon said:

Yet again, I totally agree.  Biden's choices are not his alone, the Team is running the show and have been since the start.  In my opinion the Team has made great choices amid an onslaught of issues.  Biden's dealings with Netanyahu have been a navigation through perilous waters.

Pat & Matt,

      Overall, the Biden team has done good work, but I have serious doubts about how Blinken has handled Biden's historic Gaza debacle.   And, obviously, many foreign service people in the U.S. State Department (and Georgetown grad, Douglas Caddy) share my concerns.

      As I mentioned, Biden, himself, has recently recognized his blunders in backing Netanyahu's Gaza genocide.

      The recent attacks on U.S. troops throughout the Middle East (and on the U.S. Beirut embassy) are a direct consequence of Biden's grossly misguided collusion in Netanyahu's Gaza genocide.

      I sympathize with the Democratic impulse to circle the wagons around Biden -- given the dire threat of a second Trump Presidency-- but I also wish that wiser consultants (Obama? Axelrod?) could convince Biden to step down and let Gavin Newsome carry the 2024 torch.

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