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Sandy Larsen

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2 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Just a sample of Juan Cole's anti-Israel anti-American propaganda. (He hates American support for Israel.)


From today's Wall Street Journal article on its poll:

Title of article: Sympathy for Palestinians Grows as War Drags On
"Do you think Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip in response to the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas have gone too far, not gone far enough, or been just right?"
Gone too far: 42%
Been about right?: 24%
Not gone far enough: 19%
Don't know/refused: 15%
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1 minute ago, Douglas Caddy said:

From New York Times subtitle to its article on the court's ruling: The justices ruled that the 14th Amendment did not allow states to bar the former president from the ballot. The justices gave different reasons, but the decision was unanimous.


     I just read two good, scholarly articles on this subject at The Conversation.

Supreme Court says only Congress can bar a candidate, like Trump, from the presidency for insurrection − 3 essential reads (theconversation.com)

The Constitution sets some limits on the people’s choices for president - but the Supreme Court rules it’s unconstitutional for state governments to decide on Trump’s qualifications (theconversation.com)

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2 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

From today's Wall Street Journal article on its poll:

Title of article: Sympathy for Palestinians Grows as War Drags On
"Do you think Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip in response to the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas have gone too far, not gone far enough, or been just right?"
Gone too far: 42%
Been about right?: 24%
Not gone far enough: 19%
Don't know/refused: 15%


Notice that the poll asks if Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip have gone too far. Not if American's actions or Biden's actions have gone too far.

The Gazan genocide is Netanyahu's, not Biden's.


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The RW nut jobs on the SC have gone completely rogue; today they re-wrote the 14th Amendment and said only Congress can bar someone from running for office. The 14th Amendment doesn't mention Congress anywhere.

These are elderly zealots with nothing to lose; they answer to no one, they could drop dead from cardiac arrest at any time, and they could not care less about the Constitution they swore to uphold. They are enemies of the state.

Edited by Matt Allison
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51 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

The RW nut jobs on the SC have gone completely rogue; today they re-wrote the 14th Amendment and said only Congress can bar someone from running for office. The 14th Amendment doesn't mention Congress anywhere.

These are elderly zealots with nothing to lose; they answer to no one, they could drop dead from cardiac arrest at any time, and they could not care less about the Constitution they swore to uphold. They are enemies of the state.


     The three liberal justices on the SCOTUS have, apparently, disagreed with the scope of the ruling as you point out.

     The majority ruling has rendered the Insurrectionist Clause of the 14th Amendment unenforceable, except by an act of Congress.

     Rather odd, really.  Why is it that the SCOTUS, itself, can't rule that an insurrectionist is ineligible for public office, based on the Constitutional clause in the 14th Amendment?

Supreme Court's liberal justices fault scope of Trump 14th Amendment decision - ABC News (go.com)

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9 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Expect to see Biden come out fighting beginning with his State of the Union address.



That has been Biden's strategy all along. First to befriend Netanyahu and gain his ear. The to try and get Netanyahu to reduce collateral killings as much as possible. And finally to demand payback from Israel in the form of their support (or at least tolerance) of two states.

Biden has been working behind the scenes for several weeks now trying to get a humanitarian ceasefire. Netanyahu has barely budged and that is why Biden has ordered humanitarian airdrops.


Sandy, That has been Biden's strategy all along. First to befriend Netanyahu and gain his ear. The to try and get Netanyahu to reduce collateral killings as much as possible.

Sort of, But Biden has been friends with Bibi for decades. Sort of political friends, which was an asset.

Speaking for myself,

For those us who wanted a cease fire  by November and as I said in my posts at the time, knew that this would come to months of devastation , mass murder and genocide, and  knew Biden couldn't stop  it if he wanted to without paying a huge political loss in an election year that could very well end his political career in November with a loss to Trump, as there would as no political will in the U.S. to support Biden in that effort until we got the Sandys on board, by that I mean the everyday decent folk.  heh heh  a joke!

 I knew it was inevitable that eventually the American public after watching months of genocide and starvation in Gaza,  would lose their appetite for backing Israel, and the  good, humanitarian instincts would come to the fore. I was hoping it would start coming with the New Year, and have been continually  disappointed with U.S. public response.  But it appears now that it is coming and any  Democrat Peace candidate will no longer be pummeled to death by Republican hawks. As there is no longer any fear among them that Israel can't prevail, which was always obvious to me.

For me, the script that was written for Biden,  couldn't give him anything more than a "C" in his handling of this  because he just didn't have the support at the beginning, to stop the catastrophe , and that "C' is only if he can seize this moment,  and engineer a 2 state solution. Then history will remember Biden as doing what no other President could do since the end of World War 2 and he will be remembered as a Great President. Because in the end, history will rationalize all the senseless death, destruction and suffering as a means to an  end leading to a free Palestinian State.

Part of my "C' is also because I wonder if Biden was at first naive, even  with all his Intelligence  that he couldn't see the disaster coming that I could see. But I suppose it's academic  because as I said he didn't have the popular support to stop it anyway.  But if he's not successful at going for the brass ring , and going full bore for a 2 state solution and bringing peace to the region, then he'll be remembered as a Bozo, who had a lot of naive faith that he could temper Netanyahoo that he couldn't back up with anything and will have ended up just further plummeting America's reputation as the world's premiere superpower.


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Alito and Thomas want to retire, but will only be allowed to do so under a Republican administration.

Therefore they are going to do whatever they can to to help Trump.



Edited by Matt Allison
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The New York Times is facing backlash over its coverage of Donald Trump and the 2024 election (msn.com)

8 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Alito and Thomas want to retire, but will only be allowed to do so under a Republican administration.

Therefore they are going to do whatever they can to to help Trump.

8 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Alito and Thomas want to retire, but will only be allowed to do so under a Republican administration.

Therefore they are going to do whatever they can to to help Trump.



     I've been reading up on this issue overnight.  The 5-4 SCOTUS ruling (by Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch) that only Congress can enforce Article 3 of the 14th Amendment doesn't pass the sniff test.

     The specific language of the 14th Amendment indicates that the statutes (including the Insurrection Clause) are self-executing-- i.e., not requiring Congressional legislation for implementation.

     Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch just pulled a fast one on the American people.

     The best article that I have read about the dissenting opinion by Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson is at Slate.

The Supreme Court’s unanimous Trump ballot ruling is actually a 5–4 disaster. (slate.com)

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Dictator Trump says he will give cops immunity to look at names and "take out" the "bad ones" (video)

by Carla Sinclair 4:09 pm Mon Mar 4, 2024



"Dictator Trump told Newsmax about his big plans to order mass deportations on Day One. Not only that, he will give police full immunity so that they can simply look at a person's name and decide whether or not to "take them out."

"Day One, we have no choice," Trump said on The Chris Salcedo Show over the phone today. "And we'll start with the bad ones."

"And you know who knows who they are?" he asked. "Local police. Local police have to be given back their authority and they have to be given back their respect and immunity. We're going to give them the immunity. And they know by the first name, the middle name and the last name, and they will take them out, and they will— we will get them out."

Besides checking a person's last name, how Trump will determine which folks are the "bad ones" isn't clear. But in the end it won't matter. The good ones will be next.

NEWSMAX: Will you order mass deportations if you win the White House?

TRUMP: Oh, day one. We have no choice. And we'll start with the bad ones. “

Video: pic.twitter.com/7Ixwj1xJaN


Steve Thomas

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And now Time publishes an op-ed by University of Chicago Law Professor Aziz Huq.

There appears to be a growing scholarly consensus that Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch are corrupt.

They are trying to shield Trump from consequences for his J6 insurrection.

The Supreme Court's Confused Ruling on the Trump Ballot Case | TIME

Edited by W. Niederhut
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