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Sandy Larsen

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Is it o.k. to post Kafkaesque fiction here?

Does it contribute in any meaningful way to our understanding of political reality?

My Golf Outing With Donald Trump
I was so angry about Donald Trump securing the 2024 GOP nomination for the Presidency on Super Tuesday, March 5, 2024, that I was experiencing chest pain for several hours on Wednesday, and wondered if it might be angina pectoris. (My uncle died of a heart attack when he was three years younger than I am at present.)

In any event, I fell into a fitful sleep Wednesday night, then woke this morning from a dream that was so funny I couldn't stop laughing. Carl Jung wrote about “integrative” dreams that tend to facilitate psychic healing. Oddly, I rarely remember my dreams nowadays and, when I do, they are usually some veiled foreshadowing of senility-- I'm lost in a strange neighborhood or haven't completed forms required for some important task, etc.

I should mention that I recently read Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis and The Trial for a Great Courses series called, Meeting the Challenge of Great Literature. The "great" course is taught by an old, white-haired professor at Brown University whom I knew about 50 years ago, when he had curly brown hair.

So, here is my Kafkaesque tale.

I flew from New York to Michigan with Donald Trump, to play golf, on a dark stormy night. I was wearing my expensive blue, worsted wool suit, similar to the one Trump always wears. We both got soaked by the rain while walking to the pro shop to check in for our round of golf. (In reality, my blue worsted wool suit was eaten by moths a few years ago, and I had to throw it out.)

As it turned out, the pro shop for the golf course was located in a K-Mart. It took a while for Donald Trump and I to find the kiosk in the K-Mart where we could check in for the golf course. It was late at night and they were short staffed.

Trump and I had to rent golf clubs, and the only sets available were used, out-dated clubs, including cheap aluminum drivers and putters. Trump also insisted on renting or buying some dry golf attire, but I decided to save some money and wear my damp suit.

Shortly afterward, Trump and I rendezvoused outside of the K-Mart, at a helipad, where we were going to board and ride a helicopter to the Michigan island where the golf course was located.

He was dressed in a checkered, 1970s-style polyester leisure suit and a large, black-and-white checkered hat similar to the Australian military hats worn at Gallipoli-- the ones that fold up on one side and have a chin strap. His polyester golf pants were far too tight around his waist and legs, and they were also too short. He looked absolutely ridiculous, and he was very cross about the ridiculous hat and the ill-fitting, polyester golf clothes. I struggled to suppress a laugh.

We finally boarded a helicopter and flew, in the dark, to the island where the golf course was located. But, when we arrived at the island, rather than landing at the golf course, or being greeted by a limo, we had to board a crowded, public shuttle bus-- like a large van. Trump and I had to sit in the back row, and we had very little leg room.

The van kept stopping at intersections in a working-class neighborhood, and people were exiting and boarding the van near strip malls and run down houses.  It looked suspiciously like my childhood neighborhood.

Trump was visibly annoyed by the plebians and poverty, and he looked so utterly ridiculous in his Australian hat and leisure suit that I finally couldn't help laughing out loud. My laughter infuriated him, but I couldn't stifle it. His grumpiness only increased my mirth.

I finally said, “Hey, don't worry so much about how you look!  It's not that important!  No one is going to see you out here anyway!”

Then he became sullen and silent, refusing to talk or look at me.

As we drove on silently through the rainy night, I suddenly wondered how in the hell we were supposed to play golf in the dark.

Then I woke up. I felt good. No chest pain.


Denver, Colorado

March 7, 2024

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19 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

I watched about 5 minutes of Britt's response.

It was like watching a bad audition to drama school acting class.

When she got to the fake crying part, I had to go to the bathroom and be physically ill.

Steve Thomas

Defnitely Steve, a great tribute to what bad acting can do . All you need to watch is a 22 second sement here. 2:22-2:44 when she goes throigh a manic transformation from a giggly schoolgirl intoxicated with the American Dream to  then say the Anerican Dream has become a nightmare. The conscious manipulation is so transparent.throughout this.







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On 3/7/2024 at 6:47 PM, Sandy Larsen said:

I cannot believe my eyes... Doug is now resorting to posting pro-Hamas propaganda!


Sandy, what the hell's a matter with you?  So Doug can't even mentionan isolated Hamas act of kindness while I've never  heard you mention even once that 30,000 mostly innocent men, women  and children have have been slaughtered, and we've been supplying them weapons ?

Come on!!  Besides if it makes you feel better, they can be  just protecting their bargaining chips.

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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Sandy, what the hell's a matter with you?


What the hell is the matter with YOU? And Doug?

The graphic Doug posted is obviously designed to serve as propaganda for antisemitic terrorist organization Hamas.

Just look at who produced the graphic, MintPress News. According to Wikipedia:

MintPress News publishes disinformation and antisemitic conspiracy theories, according to researchers at Rutgers University and others.


3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

So Doug can't even mentionan isolated Hamas act of kindness ...


That wasn't an act of kindness. That was an act of terrorists protecting their bargaining chip. THE ONE THEY KIDNAPPED AND HELD HOSTAGE FOR FIVE MONTHS. (Not to mention killing her husband and daughter!)

And it's not like the IDF was intentionally trying to kill the hostages. Though that is the feeling MintPress News wants its readers to get.

Anyway, in answer your question, Doug can mention anything he wants. And I can respond anyway I want. I have no sympathy for terrorists.


3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

...while I've never  heard you mention even once that 30,000 mostly innocent men, women  and children have have been slaughtered, and we've been supplying them weapons ?


I've commented on it multiple times and condemned it. And I've never disagreed with anybody who has done the same.


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2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

That wasn't an act of kindness. That was an act of of a terrorist protecting his bargaining chip. THE ONE HE HAS KIDNAPPED AND HELD FOR FIVE MONTHS.


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Biden  did greatly exceed my expectations. Which was pretty easy to do for the public at large as all he had to do was show up alive for them! The first 5 - 7 minutes were fantastic, starting with WWll, and then first with enemies from without (Putin invasion of Ukraine)then enemies from within., 1/6 insurgence, though I think he should have also mentioned all he the other efforts with fake electors and directly divvy into some of Mike Johnson's attempts to defraud the election without mentioning him directly.  Now he's got to keep it up!

One great propaganda point the Dems could use, but it wouldn't be fair, but still you know the Repubs would use it in a heartbeat is to pan the Republican reaction on the floor when Biden said:

Biden:And make clear –political violence

has absolutely no place in America!

History is watching.


I went to FOX and they were squealing that Biden was "angry",   Awwww, Sorry but after 3 years of trying to use rhetoric to bring the country together, Fox and Maga country only responded by calling  Biden the most evil President in the history of the country! This was the wrong tack by Biden and their reaction never surprised me. I even think the appointment of Merrick Garland was sort of second time middle of the road appointment that we're suffering for now.  Hopefully justice can still be done in a timely manner. Our system is ridiculous if a President can get in office and pardon himself from so many crimes!

I may be wrong, but I don't think there are going to be debates now, I think they'll put in a unreasonable  effort in negotiating  and blame one another for it not happening.

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Katie Britt’s false linkage of a sex-trafficking case to Joe Biden

by Glenn Kessler

March 9, 2024

The Facts

Britt’s account of Romero’s experience was a centerpiece of her rebuttal to Biden’s address. The way Britt sets up the story, there is no indication that she is talking about a woman who was working in brothels in Mexico during the George W. Bush administration. This is how the passage unfolds.

She first blames Biden for the surge of migrants at the border.

Then she says she visited the border shortly after she took office. That would be 2023.

At length, she details the story of an unnamed victim that she says she met on her trip. The implication is that the woman recently crossed the border — because of “sex trafficking by the cartels.”

She strongly suggests that her abuse took place in the United States: “We wouldn’t be okay with this happening in a Third World country. This is the United States of America, and it is past time, in my opinion, that we start acting like it.”

She ends by reinforcing that such alleged trafficking is Biden’s fault: “President Biden’s border policies are a disgrace.”

But Biden has nothing to do with Romero’s story. As she testified nine years ago, her mother threw her out of her house at age 12 and she “fell prey to a professional pimp.” She says she then spent the next four years in brothels before a regular client helped her escape when she was 16 years old. There is no indication in her story that drug cartels were involved, though Britt said that in the State of the Union response and has made a similar claim on at least one other occasion. Romero was never trafficked to the United States; instead, she says many men who paid to have sex with her were “foreigners visiting my city looking to have sexual interactions with minors like me.”

The Pinocchio Test

In a high-profile speech like this, a politician should not mislead voters with emotionally charged language. Romero’s story is tragic and may be evocative of other Mexican girls trapped in the sex trade in that country. But she was not trafficked across the border — and her story has nothing to do with Biden. Britt’s failure to make that clear earns her Four Pinocchios.

Four Pinocchios


Last Edit: less than a minute ago by DrSchadenfreude

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Edited by W. Niederhut
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