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Excellent! I just received the 120-minute version of what I thought was only a 90-minute version of a major 2021 UK JFK assassination documentary that I participated in, and which has been shown several times in 2021, 2022 and 2023 (UK/England, Australia, etc.). EXTENDED FOOTAGE OF MY INTERVIEW I did not have [27 minutes and 14 seconds, over three times as long as my original edit, based on the 90-minute version]! Like the short version I already had [which clocked in at 8 minutes and 43 seconds], this edit is MINUS all the lone-nut stuff from Philip Shenon, etc. :13 Roy Kellerman :45 (me) about Secret Service in general, Kellerman in particular 2:10 (me) June 1963 Civil Rights speech/ JFK "We're heading to nut country" (right wing/dangerous city for Kennedy) 3:30 (me) crowds/Love Field- Kellerman, agents 4:30 (me) drinking incident/9 agents 5:10 (me) bubble top (including great films) 6:30 (me) Love Field/agents 7:50 (me) vehicles in motorcade 8:20 (me) buildings not guarded- contrast with Tampa 11/18/63 9:15 (me) agents surround limo during unscheduled impromptu stop during route. 9:50 [from the newly released files] anonymous caller to US embassy re: "big news" 10:10 (me) [Hosty-shocked at how exposed the Kennedys are] buildings not guarded, agents not on/near rear of limo, motorcycles depleted, no bubble top- "Kennedy was a sitting duck" 11:10 (me) Main/Houston/Elm- "violation of Secret Service protocol and common sense" 12:00 (me) vast majority of Dealey Plaza witnesses thought first shot was a firecracker or motorcycle backfire 12:30 (me) Kellerman: "Lawson, this is Kellerman- we've been hit." 13:30 Jackie: "My God, they've shot his head off." 14:40 Kellerman: "flurry of shells." 14:50 single bullet theory- Dr. Cyril Wecht criticizes. 15:50 Jackie: "He's dead- they've killed him." 16:00 (me) Kennedy was "DOA" [dead on arrival] 18:05 FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover closes case very early- Dr. Cyril Wecht criticizes. 19:15 Dr. Cyril Wecht 23:55 (me and Dr. Cyril Wecht) re: autopsy + Kellerman- back of heads gone 25:30 Dr. Cyril Wecht- JFK shot from the front and the rear 26:05 (me) Kellerman/agents- failed; Kellerman believed there was a conspiracy/ June Kellerman

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Had a look. I took a series of nice screenprints at 3 or 4 parts of the footage. One of Queen Mary with Hickey sitting hi up. One with Queen Mary with Powers standing hi up. One with jfklimo when it was passing a bus (where can i find the original). Worst bit of the whole footage -- Dr Wecht as usual, re his objection to the SBT -- crickey what an idiot.

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Vince,  this was broadcast on U.K. Ch.5 just a couple of weeks ago.  As JFK assassination documentaries go, I thought this was one of the better produced and informative productions, apart from, like you say, the rubbish from Philip Shenon.

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