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CNN Smears RFK Jr. as "Quack"--JFK Records Again?

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24 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


Michael Griffith thinks I'm a close minded "ultra liberal."

And all this time I thought I was an intellectually curious M.D. and a rational centrist on the Political Compass rating scale.

I never realized how controversial the scientific method is to many conservatives (and some liberals, apparently) until the COVID pandemic occurred.

Republican opposition to climate change science should have been a clue.


Some experts fear rise in medical misinformation following RFK Jr.'s presidential announcement - ABC News (go.com)

April 12, 2023

When I exposed you to the Political Compass, I actually published my own result. Which was liberal and libertarian. Could you publish your own result, there is a URL. Then we can see just how curious you are. My own opinion is that you are riddled with hypocrisy and respond emotionally to topics. I base that on 2 years + of observing your responses here. I am interested in your result. I expect you to be a ‘collectivist’. 


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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

When I exposed you to the Political Compass, I actually published my own result. Which was liberal and libertarian. Could you publish your own result, there is a URL. Then we can see just how curious you are. My own opinion is that you are riddled with hypocrisy and respond emotionally to topics. I base that on 2 years + of observing your responses here. I am interested in your result. I expect you to be a ‘collectivist’. 


I test left libertarian pretty close to the lower left corner, and progressive left on the Pew Research test. Not surprised. 

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12 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

When I exposed you to the Political Compass, I actually published my own result. Which was liberal and libertarian. Could you publish your own result, there is a URL. Then we can see just how curious you are. My own opinion is that you are riddled with hypocrisy and respond emotionally to topics. I base that on 2 years + of observing your responses here. I am interested in your result. I expect you to be a ‘collectivist’. 


You didn't expose me to the Political Compass, Chris.

I discovered it several years ago, and brought it to the attention of people on a different forum-- in the context of Trumpsters referring to liberals as "far left," etc.

I scored slightly left of dead center, as I stated.

Now, please, stop stalking me on this forum.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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4 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

You didn't expose me to the Political Compass, Chris.

I discovered it several years ago, and brought to the attention of people on a different forum-- in the context of Trumpsters referring to liberals as "far left," etc.

I scored slightly left of dead center, as I stated.

Now, please, stop stalking me on this forum.

Stalking? 😂🤣 As opposed to calling you out on nonsense?! 

Seems like I touched a nerve. You come across as so weak, and ridiculous when you say things like this, William. You are welcome to ‘ignore’, but, its unbecoming of a grown man to act so pathetically. I’ve come across more robust card houses. Your inadvertent comedy continues to entertain. 

Is it possible that your political compass has lost its magnetic north? That you’re drifting like a rudderless ship toward authoritarianism? 

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32 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I test left libertarian pretty close to the lower left corner, and progressive left on the Pew Research test. Not surprised. 

I did post my result - I am about 3 steps left on the liberal side and about 5 steps down to libertarian side. 

Economic Left / Right : -2.75 

Social Libertarian / Authoritarian: -4.36 


The test is flawed, in the fact that there could be more options offered to questions. There could also be different answers depending on context. Its not bad. 

TBH that’s where I would expect you to be, you have conviction to your morals ideals most of the time. I respect that. I think we have a swathe of people whose only mantra is following what they are fed. They don’t know who they are, aside from members of a tribe. 


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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Michael Griffith thinks I'm a close minded "ultra liberal."

You are an ultra-liberal, and you know you are. You have made that crystal clear in virtually very comment you've made on political issues. 

I'm very liberal on a few issues, but you, based on your comments in various threads, appear to be very liberal on all issues. 

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1 hour ago, Michael Griffith said:

You are an ultra-liberal, and you know you are. You have made that crystal clear in virtually very comment you've made on political issues. 

I'm very liberal on a few issues, but you, based on your comments in various threads, appear to be very liberal on all issues. 

I took that Political Compass test several years ago, and I scored very close to dead center.

How about you?  Far right?

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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

I took that Political Compass test several years ago, and I scored very close to dead center.

How about you?  Far right?

The fact that you would suggest I'm far right shows your own extreme bias. No one who is "close to dead center" would say, as you recently did, that the Republican Party has no good ideas. What's interesting is that you said this in response to my statement that both parties have good ideas but that extremists in both parties make it hard to get anything done. 

No rational person who read my occasional political comments would conclude that I'm far right. 

Any test that grades you as a centrist cannot be valid, or else you were not candid in your answers. Anyone can read your previous comments on political issues and see that you are very liberal and that you view those who disagree with you as not just wrong but as the enemy. 

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15 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

The fact that you would suggest I'm far right shows your own extreme bias. No one who is "close to dead center" would say, as you recently did, that the Republican Party has no good ideas. What's interesting is that you said this in response to my statement that both parties have good ideas but that extremists in both parties make it hard to get anything done. 


Hey, I'm all ears.  Please list those "good Republican ideas" for us!

Were you thinking of Trump's signature legislative achievement when the GOP controlled both chambers of Congress in 2017-- the Tax Cuts For Billionaires & Corporations Act of December 2017, which included a rider sabotaging the individual mandate underpinning the Affordable Care Act?

Were you thinking of the Bush/Cheney "Deficits Don't Matter" tax cuts of 2001 and 2003?

The multi-trillion dollar Bush/Cheney "War on Terror?"

Paul Ryan's two GOP House budget bills, after 2010, to abolish Medicare?

Republican sabotage of campaign finance reforms, (Citizens United) gun control, and Roe v. Wade?

Recurrent Republican sabotage of the EPA?

Speak up, Michael!  You're a talker.  Post those "good Republican ideas" for us.

As for locating your position on the Political Compass, I was using basic political geometry.

I scored very close to dead center, and you claimed that I'm "far left" of your position, right?

Ergo, I deduce that you must be somewhere in right field.

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16 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Hey, I'm all ears.  Please list those "good Republican ideas" for us!

Were you thinking of Trump's signature legislative achievement when the GOP controlled both chambers of Congress in 2017-- the Tax Cuts For Billionaires & Corporations Act of December 2017, which included a rider sabotaging the individual mandate underpinning the Affordable Care Act?

Were you thinking of the Bush/Cheney "Deficits Don't Matter" tax cuts of 2001 and 2003?

The multi-trillion dollar Bush/Cheney "War on Terror?"

Paul Ryan's two GOP House budget bills, after 2010, to abolish Medicare?

Republican sabotage of campaign finance reforms, (Citizens United) gun control, and Roe v. Wade?

Recurrent Republican sabotage of the EPA?

Speak up, Michael!  You're a talker.  Post those "good Republican ideas" for us.

As for locating your position on the Political Compass, I was using basic political geometry.

I scored very close to dead center, and you claimed that I'm "far left" of your position, right?

Ergo, I deduce that you must be somewhere in right field.

LOL! And you claim to be a centrist???!!! You just discredited your phony posturing. I guess you just couldn't help yourself because in your mind the Republican Party is the enemy of all that is good. I have my own issues with the GOP (I'm an Independent), but I am willing to acknowledge that they have some good ideas, just as I think the Democrats have some good ideas. 

Anyway, moving on from Niedurhut's partisan polemics, did anyone catch the news that NFL star quarterback Aaron Rodgers appears to have endorsed RFK Jr.? At the very least, Rodgers has given RFK Jr. some free favorable publicity. Rodgers reposted RFK Jr.’s interview with Aubrey Marcus on his Instagram story with muscle and heart emoji.

Aaron Rodgers appears to endorse RFK Jr. for president | Fox News

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21 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:



Before you move on, can you please list some good ideas that Republicans have? I really want to know.


Sandy, are you not placing Michael in a double bind here?

Aren't we supposed to refrain from discussion of party politics per se in this section of the forum?

Edited by John Cotter
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12 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

Aren't we supposed to refrain from discussion of party politics per se in this section of the forum?


I just got here and saw some guys revealing their political leanings, which I found to be interesting. I was about to suggest you guys move on (out of the politics) when I saw Michael Griffith say that both Republicans and Democrats have good ideas. That surprised me because Republicans'' ideas are usually awful.... that is, if your concerns are with average Americans who live paycheck to paycheck. Republicans mostly want to reduce taxes by giving huge tax breaks to the wealthy classes.

My asking Michael this question is not a trick.


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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:



Before you move on, can you please list some good ideas that Republicans have? I really want to know.


      Indeed, Sandy, I'm still waiting for MIchael Griffith to answer my original, non-rhetorical question-- instead of engaging in redundant, nonsensical slurs.


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