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Hitler's Favorite Banker Hjalmar Schacht: 11:30 meet [Old] Warsaw ( + Hotel) with T. and Hjalmar / Ilse - Get $ — November 7, 1963

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 Steve, no I cannot do that- I do not have the Kross book.  The foonotes in "Coup in Dallas"  go from p. 587 to page 642.  Paul, I hear you.  My investment in my time is reading / understanding " Coup in Dallas"  , not the Kross book.   I have no opinion of the Kross book.  

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4 hours ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

As i said i dont want to debate anything about the war (or the holocaust)(or the Nuremberg or Dachau or Berlin trials etc).

But i have zero tolerance for krappynomicysts & their krappynomix -- eg idiots like Schacht.

Re the jfk saga -- i solved the whole thing (ie what happened in Dealey Plaza on that day) in late 2022 -- but i do glance at the forums -- there have been a number of revelations etc by some very clever members.

But revelations karnt of course change what [i said] happened in Dealey Plaza -- what [i said] happened being 100% true.

This present thread is i think about some kind of conspiracy, & it might be 100% true -- but it wont of course change what [i said] happened in Dealey Plaza.

Apologies if I've overlooked your summation of what happened in Dealey, Marjan.  Is it available on EF or elsewhere?

It seems you're attempting to redirect the focus of this discussion from the series of significant revelations germane to the assassination in Dallas — specifically that Ilse Skorzeny and Hjalmar Schacht were at the Old Warsaw restaurant in the Maple/Oak Lawn neighborhood of Dallas on November 7, discussing $ with a character we are persuaded was Tracy Barnes — to whether or not Hjalmar Schacht was an astute banker.  Am I mistaken? 

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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4 hours ago, Chuck Schwartz said:

 Steve, no I cannot do that- I do not have the Kross book.  The foonotes in "Coup in Dallas"  go from p. 587 to page 642.  Paul, I hear you.  My investment in my time is reading / understanding " Coup in Dallas"  , not the Kross book.   I have no opinion of the Kross book.  

Chuck, I'm at a disadvantage. Has Steve commented on this thread?

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2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Apologies if I've overlooked your summation of what happened in Dealey, Marjan.  Is it available on EF or elsewhere?

It seems you're attempting to redirect the focus of this discussion from the series of significant revelations germane to the assassination in Dallas — specifically that Ilse Skorzeny and Hjalmar Schacht were at the Old Warsaw restaurant in the Maple/Oak Lawn neighborhood of Dallas on November 7, discussing $ with a character we are persuaded was Tracy Barnes — to whether or not Hjalmar Schacht was an astute banker.  Am I mistaken? 

I am ok with revelations about possible conspiracies -- but i doubt that any conspiracy affected who shot who in Dealey Plaza.

Who shot who has been explained by myself -- Hickey shot jfk (search for hickey on this forum).

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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8 hours ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

e the jfk saga -- i solved the whole thing (ie what happened in Dealey Plaza on that day) in late 2022 -- but i do glance at the forums -- there have been a number of revelations etc by some very clever members.

But revelations karnt of course change what [i said] happened in Dealey Plaza -- what [i said] happened being 100% true.


Where can we read about your version of JFK assasination?

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4 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:


Where can we read about your version of JFK assasination?

If u search hickey on this forum u get about 500 hits -- have a look at my comments.

Or -- click on my face -- & read my over 200 comments.

Not one iota of my theory will ever need changing imo -- it is perfect.

I solved the jfk saga in late 2020 -- however some minor points had to be changed in late 2022 -- & now my theory is perfect imo.

If u can find a problem with my theory then my theory is out -- one strike and every/any theory is out.

It was an accidental homicide, not an assassination.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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53 minutes ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

If u search hickey on this forum u get about 500 hits -- have a look at my comments.

Or -- click on my face -- & read my over 200 comments.

Not one iota of my theory will ever need changing imo -- it is perfect.

I solved the jfk saga in late 2020 -- however some minor points had to be changed in late 2022 -- & now my theory is perfect imo.

If u can find a problem with my theory then my theory is out -- one strike and every/any theory is out.

It was an accidental homicide, not an assassination.

Wow, bold statements Marjan.

If multiple people clicked on MY face I think I would have something to say about it….

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11 minutes ago, Sean Coleman said:

Wow, bold statements Marjan.

If multiple people clicked on MY face I think I would have something to say about it….


And yes a bold statement.

U will not find one iota of error or wrong in any aspect of my ending of the endless puzzle.

I dont want to pollute this present thread (any longer than i already have) -- so if u find any problem with any of my postings on any threads here please bring it to my attention.

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It’s clear now that the path to who actually financed the Dallas plot likely begins — and possibly ends — with the banker long-considered one of the brightest minds in world-banking, Hjalmar Schacht, operating in league with those who permitted him to resume his financial career instead of going to prison (or worse) as a convicted N(a)-zi criminal. . . .


Hjalmar Schacht is the key to determining how exactly the bulk of the funds for Lancelot Project flowed. As referenced above, it was likely through the banking black hole of Otto Skorzeny’s business partner, Algur Meadows, executive of Howard Corp, the off-the-books account derived from West Texas Crude lodged in Republic National Bank of Dallas. [ever mindful that RNB was the regional correspondent bank for Chase Manhattan)


Highlights from Carl Oglesby’s essay, The Secret Treaty of Fort Hunt 


. . . Key National Socialist companies needed to be relicensed outside Germany in order to escape the reach of war-reparations claims.  And tens of thousands of N(a)-zi war criminals, almost all of them members of the SS, needed help to escape Germany and safely regroup in foreign colonies capable of providing security and livelihoods . . . 


. . .  from minutes of an August 10, 1944, meeting at the Hotel Maison Rouge in Strasbourg … The N(a)-zi Party is ready to supply large amounts of money to those industrialists who contribute to the post-war organization abroad. In return, the Party demands all financial reserves which have already been transferred abroad or may later be transferred, so that after the defeat a strong new Reich can be built.


The N-azi expert in this area was Hitler’s one-time financial genius and Minister of the Economy, Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, available to Bormann even thought he was in prison on suspicion of involvement in the anti-Hitler coup of 1944. According to a U.S. Treasury Department report of 1945, at least 750 enterprises financed by the N-azi party had set up outside Germany by the end of the war. These firms were capable of generating an annual income of approximately $30 million, all of it available to N(a)-zi causes.  It was Schacht’s ability to finesse the legalities of licensing and ownership that brought this situation about.[note: are these 750 enterprises distinct from the hundreds that fell under the umbrella of World Commerce Corporation and/or SOFINDUS?]


Organizing the physical removal of the N-azis’ material assets and the escape of SS personnel were the tasks of the hulking Otto Skorzeny, simultaneously an officer of the SS, the Gestapo and the Waffen SS as well as Hitler’s “favorite commando.”  Skorzeny worked closely with Bormann and Schacht in transporting the N-azi assets to safety outside Europe and in creating a network of SS escape routes (“rat lines”) that led from all over Germany to the Bavarian city of Memmingen, then to Rome, then by sea to a number of N-azi retreat colonies set up in the global south.


The international organization created to accommodate Bormann’s plans is most often called “The Odessa,” a German acronym for Organization of Veterans of the SS.  It has remained active as shadowy presence since the war and may indeed constitute N(a)zism’s most notable organizational achievement.  But we must understand that none of Bormann’s, Skorzeny’s, and Schacht’s well-laid plans would have stood the least chance of success had it not been for a final component of their organization, one not usually associated with the Odessa at all but very possibly the linchpin of the entire project.


Enter Gehlen...


This final element of the Odessa was the so-called Gehlen Organizaiton (the Org), the N(a)zi intelligence system that sold itself to the U.S. at the end of the war . . . 

. . . The Gehlen Org substantially pre-empted the CIA’s civilian character before it was ever born.  The CIA was born to be rocked in the Gehlen’s cradle.  It remained dependent on the Org even when the Org turned into the BND. Thus, whatever the CIA was from the standpoint of the law, it remained from the standpoint of practical intelligence collection a front for a house of N(a)zi spies.


The Org was not merely military, which is bad, not merely foreign, which is much worse, and not merely N(a)zis, which is intolerable; it was not even professionally committed to the security of the U.S. and Western Europe.  It was committed exclusively to the security of the Odessa.  All the Gehlen Org ever wanted the U.S. to be was anti-communist, the more militantly so the better.  It never cared in the least for the security of the United States, its Constitution or its democratic tradition. 


It is not the point of this essay that there would have been no Cold War if the Odessa had not wanted it and had not been able, through the naive collaboration of the American military Right, to place Gehlen and his network in a position that ought to have been occupied by a descendant of the OSS. But it was precisely because the world was so volatile and confusing as of the transition from World War II to peacetime that the U.S. needed to see it, as Donovan put it in his plaintive appeal to Truman in the summer of 1945, “through American eyes.”  No (Na)zi eyes however bright, could see it for us without deceiving us and leading us to the betrayal of our own national character. 


. . .the key point that comes crashing through the practical and moral confusion about this matter, once one sees that Gehlen’s Organization was an arm of the Odessa, is that, whether it was ethical or not, the U.S. did not pick up a Gift Horse in Gehlen at all; it picked up a Trojan Horse.

. . . The unconditional surrender the Germans made to the Allied command at the little red schoolhouse in Reims was the surrender only of the Germany armed services.  It was not the surrender of the hard SS core of the N-azi Party.  The SS did not surrender, unconditionally or otherwise, and thus N-azism itself did not surrender.  The SS chose rather, to seek other means of continuing the war while the right wing of the United States military establishment, through fears and secret passions and a naïveté of its own, chose to facilitate that choice.  The history that we have lived through since then stands witness to the consequence. 


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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On 4/15/2023 at 8:14 PM, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

Re the jfk saga -- i solved the whole thing (ie what happened in Dealey Plaza on that day) in late 2022 -- but i do glance at the forums -- there have been a number of revelations etc by some very clever members.

You solved the whole thing by claiming Secret Service agent George Hickey killed President Kennedy ... a notion debunked by literally every available piece of physical and eyewitness testimony? OK then...

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5 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

You solved the whole thing by claiming Secret Service agent George Hickey killed President Kennedy ... a notion debunked by literally every available piece of physical and eyewitness testimony? OK then...

Yes, but let’s hope Marjan leaves your statement unanswered, because this thread is not about Hickey, it’s about Schacht.

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6 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

You solved the whole thing by claiming Secret Service agent George Hickey killed President Kennedy ... a notion debunked by literally every available piece of physical and eyewitness testimony? OK then...

U can see some of the arguments re hickey if u search this forum for hickey (look for my comments).

But i think that there are better photos & arguments if u search the jfkassassinationforum (look for my comments).

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41 minutes ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

U can see some of the arguments re hickey if u search this forum for hickey (look for my comments).

But i think that there are better photos & arguments if u search the jfkassassinationforum (look for my comments).

I've read your version of what happened and I find it to be both completely, utterly absurd, and lacking any hard evidence whatsoever. But sure, you solved the case, so I guess we can all go home now?

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