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What has been your unique contribution to JFK assassination research?

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On 4/25/2023 at 8:00 AM, Chris Bristow said:

 I would love to make an Earth shaking discovery and blow the case wide open but that is a long shot. However I think I have been able to make some minor Corrections to the official record. I posted a topic recently that had a few hundred views and no responses. Either people thought it was  a strong case and just  assimilated the simple and maybe boring fact, or it sounded nuts and didn't deserve any scrutiny.

For at least 50 years  the popular opinion held that Altgens 6 was taken while he was standing in the street. It very much looks that way at the bottom of the frame but he was actually standing further back at the curb.

The uncropped version inserted on the map below shows his line of sight to the southwest corner of the Daltex and that line of sight travels over the grass on Elm and over Charles Brehms arms. The line of sight passing over the grass,  is unequivocal proof that he could not have been standing in the street. Both the Roberdeau map and overhead images of the Plaza corroborate each other. If he had been standing in the street the line of sight from the  Daltex would come nowhere near the grass. It would have to have been 2 ft into the street to reach Altgens. If you tried to run a line of sight from his theorized position in the street and over the grass719669396_altgens6mappingFINALlow.thumb.jpg.1297811caf00c41dcda1e5e0bf2a2a03.jpg it would miss the Daltex by 30 ft. In correcting this you can still maintain the lines of sight to the TSB,  you just have to extend them a little farther west and south to the curb. This is the only way to reconcile all the lines of sight.

 It's interesting we had it wrong all this time but it has no real impact. Although I did hear a couple famous researchers the other day theorizing that Mary Moormon could have been in the street because Altgens was, and he got out of the way in time. I think most of us know she was never in the street but they based their assumption on the misinformation about Altgens position.

 The line over the grass is proof enough but we also know exactly where Charles Brehm  was because we can triangulate him from Zapruder., Nix and Muchmore's films.  Brehm's alignment to the corner of the Datex building provides further concrete evidence that Altgens could not have taken the photo from several feet out into the street.


This was useful. I thought Altgens was out on the street. Now I know better.

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4 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

Thank you Marjan. Yes it is convincing testimony that there are no "dents that appear bullet-like" on the light signal itself, however Max Holland's proposal appears to be that the bullet hit somewhere on the metal mast, which this witness cannot give information concerning (not that you claimed that, what you claimed you delivered). 


Holland (2016) said that Oswald's shot-1 ricocheted off the support arm of the overhead signals some inches beyond the guy rod coupler (at about pseudo-Z103).

Donahue (1992) said that Oswald's shot-1 ricocheted off the pavement behind the jfklimo at about Z189.

Rynkiewicz (2021) said that Oswald's shot-1 ricocheted off a guy rod some inches before the coupler (&/or possibly also ricocheted off the main support arm) at about pseudo-Z105.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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1 hour ago, Gerry Down said:

These are interesting discoveries. Have you compiled them into a video or essay where people can see all these in the one place? I'm sure lots of people would like to see them. I've never seen Hoffman or Romack in any of the films and I'd imagine alot of people on here haven't either. If these discoveries are scattered across various forum threads people are not as likely to see them. Worse, someone could see them at a future date and claim them as their own discoveries. You should consider setting up a YouTube channel and posting all these items on there so that in future people are aware you were the one to discover them.

Most of that stuff is posted in the jfkassassinationforum mainly in threads started by myself, & can be searched. [If u want i would be happy to steer u to the best threads][actually they are all best].

Yes -- i could make a website for my JFK stuff (minus the comments of dullards, usually off-topic, designed to bury my work).

I suppose that discovery priority aint very important. When i started to look into jfk stuff i was already the world authority re the aether (mainly re the Michelson Morley Miller MMMX (interferometer experiments)).

And since i have been looking into jfk stuff i have recently become the world authority re electricity on a wire.

And i am the world authority on relativistic time dilation (ticking dilation).

And the world authority on a couple of other areas that are actually unknown to everyone (how advanced is that) LOL. 

I am alone in explaining the chain fountain (everyone else is wrong) -- a minor matter (about 30 minutes of thinking) -- compared to years of thinking re aether & re MMMXs & re elekticity on a wire -- & months of thinking on jfk stuff (a pleasant detour)(genius needs a break occasionally).


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6 hours ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

And since i have been looking into jfk stuff i have recently become the world authority re electricity on a wire.

Ohm I god!

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7 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

Ohm I god!

Ohm -- LOL -- thats very clever.

Its the standard unit of resistance (R) for a wire.

Also the standard unit for impedance (Z) of the space around a wire. 

Farady & Heaviside in the old days told us that there is no such thing as so-called electrons making so-called electricity.

Forrest Bishop & Ivor Catt are the modern experts re Heaviside's Energy Current.

Then in 2021 i came along & i finally solved the nature of energy current (& metals)(& conductors).

I discovered Elekticity on a wire.

Elekticity is made by Elektons (photons) hugging the surface of metals (conductors).

Funny -- i first became aware of elektons & elekticity after being criticized by Harry Ricker -- he gave me a clue.

And then i found the final missing key re elekticity after once again being criticized by Harry Ricker.

So, i welkum criticizm  -- whether its the jfk saga or elekticity -- one strike & a theory is out.

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21 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

I don't follow your point on Z312. I looked and it is as you say, the post on the left side of the presidential limousine is forward of the post on the right side. But why does that mean the limousine is "crooked" in the street instead of simply slightly forward from Zapruder's vantage point in filming at Z312 as the limousine passes. Naturally when the limousine passes Zapruder the posts are going to look that way. How does Z312 prove the limousine was "crooked"? Thanks.

The position of the limo on Elm is so well documented by Nix, Z, and Muchmore that we can place it within a couple inches. What we see of the limo in 312 would relate to frame 302, about a 7 ft difference in the position of the limo. We also know right where Z was on the pedestal and so the only other option is that the limo had to be turned. If the film was altered then Anything Goes.

The vanishing point lines through the limo include the two rear antenna, the back of JFK seat, the crossbar, the two window posts and the top of the windshield. They all verify the angle of the limo to Z. If the limo had been straight the zero point or vertical Point Vanishing line would be right at JFK. But that line is at the windshield and  also shows the limo was about six degrees crooked in the street. That shifted the zero point line about 7 ft forward from JFK to the windshield. All in all I don't think there's any other option possible.

Although Nix and  Muchmore can really nail down the location of the limo they are less accurate than the Z film when it comes to that six degree angle. They seem to confirm it but only within about 3°.

Edited by Chris Bristow
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My latest find (from old forums) is that Earle Brown on the rail bridge said that the "whole motorcade" stopped on the on-ramp (access ramp) for praps 30 seconds. This would have been after the jfklimo had passed under the Stemmens overpass.


And this is confirmed by Hoffman -- probly the only worthwhile contribution from Hoffman -- & which confirms that he was there (on Stemmens).

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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I revealed that the museum has made a 2019 copy of the Bronson frames -- much better than the well known 2017 copy.

The museum will not make the 2019 frames public -- but the museum might allow restricted pencil & paper viewing for certain researchers if lucky.

The superior 2019 frames will further confirm that Hickey shot jfk -- in fact one small public part-frame has already confirmed that Hickey shot jfk (pointed out by myself).

The inferior 2017 frames show that Hickey shot jfk (as pointed out by myself) -- but the 2019 will confirm (one small peek at one small part of one small frame has as i said already confirmed).

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On 4/27/2023 at 4:44 PM, Pete Mellor said:

Ohm I god!

Wattage is he?

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27 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

Wattage is he?

U need to change your interest in the jfk assassination to the jfk accidental homicide. Animal rights, & environment -- good.


My (1) elekton elekticity (on a wire) duznt rule out the 2 other kinds -- namely (2) elektron flow/drift elektricity in a wire -- & (3) electron flow electricity on a wire.

(1) acts at the speed of light along a wire -- (2) acts slowly (& probly weakly) -- & (3) acts very slowly (& probly weakly).  

As u can see we have elektons elektrons & electrons -- three kinds of charge -- & three kinds of current (in or on wires).


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20 minutes ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

U need to change your interest in the jfk assassination to the jfk accidental homicide. Animal rights, & environment -- good.


My (1) elekton elekticity (on a wire) duznt rule out the 2 other kinds -- namely (2) elektron flow/drift elektricity in a wire -- & (3) electron flow electricity on a wire.

(1) acts at the speed of light along a wire -- (2) acts slowly (& probly weakly) -- & (3) acts very slowly (& probly weakly).  

As u can see we have elektons elektrons & electrons -- three kinds of charge -- & three kinds of current (in or on wires).



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3 hours ago, John Cotter said:


Are u questioning the jfk accidental homicide or elektons (or both)?

I can guide u to my comments/postings on forums re both if u like.

Search this forum &  search the jfkassassination forum for Hickey.

Search the eevblog forum for elekticity.

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54 minutes ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

Are u questioning the jfk accidental homicide or elektons (or both)?

I can guide u to my comments/postings on forums re both if u like.

Search this forum &  search the jfkassassination forum for Hickey.

Search the EEV blog forum for elekticity.

It’s ok, Marjan.

On a slightly more serious note, I sent an email to the FBI field office in Dallas 12 days ago on April 17th about the JFK assassination.

I sent it there because it appears that FBI HQ in Washington has no email address accessible to the public and I couldn’t find an email address for the FBI Director or the US Attorney General.

Only two email addresses were displayed on the FBI Dallas office website, the email addresses of its two public affairs officers, Melinda Urbina and another woman whose name I forget.

I sent my email to Ms Urbina. Not only have I received no response, but both of the aforementioned email addresses seem to have been removed from the website, so I can’t follow my email up.

Apparently, they didn’t even go to the trouble of flim-flamming me.  That’s surely a novel approach to public service.

The text of the email is as follows: 

to murbina@fbi.gov

Melinda Urbina

Public Affairs Officer

Federal Bureau of Investigation


Dear Ms Urbina,

I am sending you this email about the assassination of President John F Kennedy (JFKA) in Dallas, Texas, on 22nd November 1963, because it seems the Federal Bureau of Investigation has no central email address.

The video linked below shows, inter alia, lawyer and author Mark Lane talking to witnesses of the JFKA who describe evidence of JFK being shot from the “grassy knoll” area of Dealey Plaza, Dallas, instead of or, in addition to, being shot from the Texas Schoolbook Depository building and possibly other locations.

These witnesses include S.M. Holland, Richard Dodd, Buell Wesley Frazier, James Leon Simmons, James Tague, Orville Nix, Charles Brehm, Bill Newman, J.C. Price, Lee Bowers, Jean Hill, Phil Willis, Marilyn Willis, Linda Willis, Malcolm Summers, Buell Wesley Frazier, James Chaney and Mary Ann Moorman.

Some of these witnesses say they reported what they saw to the Dallas Police and/or the FBI but they were never called to testify to the Warren Commission.

The testimony of these witnesses constitutes proof that there was a conspiracy involved in the JFKA. In addition to this proof there is an accumulation of circumstantial evidence which also proves that there was such a conspiracy.

In view of this proof, please advise as to what actions, if any, the FBI or any other US government agency has taken to bring the conspirators who assassinated President Kennedy to justice.


Yours sincerely,

John Cotter.



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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

It’s ok, Marjan.

On a slightly more serious note, I sent an email to the FBI field office in Dallas 12 days ago on April 17th about the JFK assassination.

I sent it there because it appears that FBI HQ in Washington has no email address accessible to the public and I couldn’t find an email address for the FBI Director or the US Attorney General.

Only two email addresses were displayed on the FBI Dallas office website, the email addresses of its two public affairs officers, Melinda Urbina and another woman whose name I forget.

I sent my email to Ms Urbina. Not only have I received no response, but both of the aforementioned email addresses seem to have been removed from the website, so I can’t follow my email up.

Apparently, they didn’t even go to the trouble of flim-flamming me.  That’s surely a novel approach to public service.

The text of the email is as follows: 

to murbina@fbi.gov

Melinda Urbina

Public Affairs Officer

Federal Bureau of Investigation


Dear Ms Urbina,

I am sending you this email about the assassination of President John F Kennedy (JFKA) in Dallas, Texas, on 22nd November 1963, because it seems the Federal Bureau of Investigation has no central email address.

The video linked below shows, inter alia, lawyer and author Mark Lane talking to witnesses of the JFKA who describe evidence of JFK being shot from the “grassy knoll” area of Dealey Plaza, Dallas, instead of or, in addition to, being shot from the Texas Schoolbook Depository building and possibly other locations.

These witnesses include S.M. Holland, Richard Dodd, Buell Wesley Frazier, James Leon Simmons, James Tague, Orville Nix, Charles Brehm, Bill Newman, J.C. Price, Lee Bowers, Jean Hill, Phil Willis, Marilyn Willis, Linda Willis, Malcolm Summers, Buell Wesley Frazier, James Chaney and Mary Ann Moorman.

Some of these witnesses say they reported what they saw to the Dallas Police and/or the FBI but they were never called to testify to the Warren Commission.

The testimony of these witnesses constitutes proof that there was a conspiracy involved in the JFKA. In addition to this proof there is an accumulation of circumstantial evidence which also proves that there was such a conspiracy.

In view of this proof, please advise as to what actions, if any, the FBI or any other US government agency has taken to bring the conspirators who assassinated President Kennedy to justice.


Yours sincerely,

John Cotter.



Grassy knoll bang witnesses & smoke witnesses & shooter witnesses etc are all wrong -- there was no shot from the knoll or fence or carpark etc.

Or in some cases the witnesses might be ok but the interpretation of what witnesses said aint ok.


Let us look at one -- say Holland.

A guy standing next to Holland said that there was no smoke near the fence. U list "thinking" as one of your interests. I think that i believe "A guy" -- & i think that Holland was an idiot.

Holland (& his mates) rushed into the carpark within seconds of the shooting. But we see film of Holland (& his mates) still standing on the triple underpass (soon after the shooting).

Also, why did Holland fail to admit that after (eventually) rushing into the carpark, he (& his mates), after a few minutes, all rushed back & stood exactly where they started, as can be seen in photos etc (many minutes after the shooting).

I could go on & on & on & on & on.

I am ok with the witnesses -- but some members here have faulty BS meters.

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You say you're ok with the witnesses, but you also say they are idiots or lying. Perhaps you need to take up thinking as a hobby. 

If you did, you might see that the issue here is the behaviour of the FBI - though there's nothing new about that.



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