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"CIA killed JFK without a doubt" -- Jack Dorsey

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17 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:


Holy falangismo, Batman!

With that rouges gallery on the board of directors, it's like News Corporation is a front for international fascism.

Reichsminister Goebbels would be proud.

FOX should change it's bumper music to Horst-Wessel-Lied...



       I think the Fox/MAGA Horst Wessel is Ashli Babbitt, although, to my knowledge, Ted Nugent hasn't written a MAGA anthem about her yet.  🙄


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4 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


       I think the Fox/MAGA Horst Wessel is Ashli Babbitt, although, to my knowledge, Ted Nugent hasn't written a MAGA anthem about her yet.  🙄


sorry to interrupt, but I was just searching  for a theme song for News Corp! You may be on to something.

How "deep" is the ocean came to mind, but I wouldn't do that to Ella.  

Maybe Willy could write it, ala "Wag the Dog"?

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58 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

sorry to interrupt, but I was just searching  for a theme song for News Corp! You may be on to something.

How "deep" is the ocean came to mind, but I wouldn't do that to Ella.  

Maybe Willy could write it, ala "Wag the Dog"?

I wonder if someone in the MAGA-verse has already written a song extolling Ashli Babbitt.

She laid down her life to destroy American democracy for Il Douche and his MAGA Storm Troopers.

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29 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

I wonder if someone in the MAGA-verse has already written a song extolling Ashli Babbitt.

She laid down her life to destroy American democracy for Il Douche and his MAGA Storm Troopers.

min. 1:25


@Robert Montenegro
Yup, the Mannerbund.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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On 7/8/2023 at 5:56 PM, Robert Montenegro said:


Can I get an amen?

Merriam-Webster defines government as, "...small group of persons holding simultaneously the principal political executive offices of a nation or other political unit and being responsible for the direction and supervision of public affairs..."

Uhh, correct me if I am wrong, but what do an unelected bunch of fascist goons for hire operating under a criminal spotting program called "QJWIN," whose actions are being protected under the cover of a highly illegal communications intercept program called "ZRRIFLE," who are paid off by a group of non-aligned, supranationalist captains of industry called "ZRAWARD"—uhh, what the Hell does all of that skullduggery have to do with men and women holding political office of a nation or supervising pubic affairs?!

The international fascist slime that assaulted our democratic processes were not elected officials or public servants.

They were self-serving excrement, obsessed with disrupting social order thru narcoterrorism & coup d'états, gang-raping the environment, protecting war-criminals, and promoting Malthusian ideals of eugenics and scientific racism.

Central Intelligence Agency is not the United States government—at least it shouldn't be...

I agree with your sentiments.

People who are worried about Trump overturning democracy---are barking at a bonsai tree in a redwood forest of anti-democratic state intel agencies and globalist corporate elites, who run both parties.

This does not make Trump a nice guy. In fact, I think he is a deeply flawed individual.  

But Trump? Trump came to DC with zero institutional power, no true party affiliations and no allies---in fact, the intel agencies were openly aligned against him, as were both establishment parties---and Trump left the Washington the same way. His only power comes direct from voters---a fascinating idea actually.

Yet to this day, and (incredibly!) in this forum, there are those hysterically shrieking about Trump. Not the Deep State. 

Again, I plan to vote for RFK Jr. Trump is not my cup of tea. 

But unless one has jumbo-size partisan blinders on, Trump is Trump, a sui generis

RM: keep up your investigations into the true threats to democracy. I think I am on the way to becoming a fan. 


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56 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I agree with your sentiments.



Hey, great news, Ben!  You agree with Leslie and Robert Montenegro's critique of Trump and Rupert Murdoch's Fox/MAGA fascism in the U.S.

I'm relieved to hear that you're finally getting in touch with reality, and admitting that the Trump cult has white nationalist/fascist characteristics.

But do you still believe Tucker Carlson's claim that Trump's J6 attack on the U.S. Congress was a Deep State "patriot purge" op?

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@Leslie Sharp said;


Dorsey's "world leader exception" suggests he's more inclined toward authority than democracy.  "Until 2021, Dorsey applied "world leader" exceptions that enabled President Donald Trump to post content on Twitter that would normally be removed or generate sanctions per the platform's rules.

Don't forget the lizard boy, quote from:


Facebook and Twitter said the world leader exemption would no longer apply to Trump once he left office.


And who are the guys who should censor world leaders ... the real world leaders? Who are they? Some Schwabs and Gates' and Zucks? Who are they to tell me what I should think and what not. The danger is not exemptions. On the contrary: The danger comes from governments playing god by deplatforming you and punishing you for thoughtcrimes. I do not need a 1984. IMO there are two possibilities for the US in 2024: RFK jr is your next president and the JFKA riddle will be solved and there will be an end of US warmongering all over the world or something will happening to RFK jr and then the US country will go to hell. It will not go to hell with RFK jr as your next president and it will not go to hell with Trump as your next president. It will go to hell with every other candidate as far as I can see. Trump and RFK jr are very different characters but they have more in common as one can imagine. Both men have the capability to turn the US and it's so called deep state upside down and put an end to the cancer of secrecy surrounding world events like the JFKA (Which IMO was a US -Sowjet joint venture and related to the Khrushchev disempowerment in Oct 1964)  and the Covid-outbreak.  (Which was obviously a US-China joint venture in one way or another.) 

Trump and RFK jr are brave men risking their lives, like JFK and RFK were risking their lives. Deep state is in a crisis. He is fighting for his life. He is about to put Trump in jail and trying to character-assassinate RFK jr in a range never seen before ... let's assume Mr Deep State will not succeed and Trump will be republican nominee for president and RFK jr democratic nominee for president and let's think the unthinkable, a Trump-Kennedy ticket with Trump managing foreign policy and Kennedy managing domestic policy  ... science fiction? Who knows. Not me. 😉




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51 minutes ago, Karl Kinaski said:


Trump and RFK jr are brave men risking their lives, like JFK and RFK were risking their lives. Deep state is in a crisis. He is fighting for his life. He is about to put Trump in jail and trying to character-assassinate RFK jr in a range never seen before ... let's assume Mr Deep State will not succeed and Trump will be republican nominee for president and RFK jr democratic nominee for president and let's think the unthinkable, a Trump-Kennedy ticket with Trump managing foreign policy and Kennedy managing domestic policy  ... science fiction? Who knows. Not me. 😉




Huh?  Trump is risking his life?

What planet are you living on, Karl?

Trump has committed multiple serious crimes against the U.S. government and the public-- for his own benefit.

And he and his Minister of Trumpaganda, Rupert Murdoch, have been pushing false M$M narratives since 2017-- blaming the "Deep State" for Trump's crimes.

Trump "managing foreign policy?" 

So, you approve of Trump insulting our EU allies and NATO, as ordered by his KGB handler, Vlad Putin?

And Trump taking bribes from the Saudis to green light the genocide in Yemen? 

Withdrawing from the international Iran Nuclear Disarmament Treaty and assassinating Soleimani?

Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords?

Trump taking bribes from Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer, to abandon traditional U.S. mediation of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?

Everything Trump has ever done has been motivated by greed and self interest.

He even violated U.S. policy goals in Ukraine in an attempt to extort dishonest, personal political favors from Zelensky.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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8 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Huh?  Trump is risking his life?

What planet are you living on, Karl?

Trump has committed multiple serious crimes against the U.S. government and the public-- for his own benefit.

And he and his Minister of Trumpaganda, Rupert Murdoch, have been pushing false M$M narratives since 2017-- blaming the "Deep State" for Trump's crimes.

Trump "managing foreign policy?" 

So, you approve of Trump insulting our EU allies and NATO, as ordered by his KGB handler, Vlad Putin?

And Trump taking bribes from the Saudis to green light the genocide in Yemen? 

Withdrawing from the international Iran Nuclear Disarmament Treaty and assassinating Soleimani?

Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords?

Trump taking bribes from Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer, to abandon traditional U.S. mediation of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?

Everything Trump has ever done has been motivated by greed and self interest.

He even violated U.S. policy goals in Ukraine in an attempt to extort dishonest, personal political favors from Zelensky.

Karl is probably an Trump supporter

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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I agree with your sentiments.

People who are worried about Trump overturning democracy---are barking at a bonsai tree in a redwood forest of anti-democratic state intel agencies and globalist corporate elites, who run both parties.

This does not make Trump a nice guy. In fact, I think he is a deeply flawed individual.  

But Trump? Trump came to DC with zero institutional power, no true party affiliations and no allies---in fact, the intel agencies were openly aligned against him, as were both establishment parties---and Trump left the Washington the same way. His only power comes direct from voters---a fascinating idea actually.

Yet to this day, and (incredibly!) in this forum, there are those hysterically shrieking about Trump. Not the Deep State. 

Again, I plan to vote for RFK Jr. Trump is not my cup of tea. 

But unless one has jumbo-size partisan blinders on, Trump is Trump, a sui generis

RM: keep up your investigations into the true threats to democracy. I think I am on the way to becoming a fan. 


Wait... So Trump being bad messes with your worldview where the REAL bad guys are unseen bureaucrats?

I'm sorry to mess with your fantasy. But when you study human nature and American politics in tandem it's INCREDIBLY clear the largest threat to Democracy in the U.S. from day one, has been an Imperial Presidency--where a President feels he is a king, and can violate the law willy-nilly, and overturn elections, etc. 

Trump has been the founders' worst nightmare, not Allen Dulles, nor Richard Helms, nor J. Edgar Hoover. Those men could be fired, and the first two were, essentially. One of the key points about Watergate which is missed by those anxious to paint Nixon as a victim is that the Plumbers unit was formed because J. Edgar Hoover--freaklin' Hoover!!!--wasn't corrupt enough for Nixon's tastes. I mean, Mark Felt may have been a total tool in most every respect, but he was sickened by the FBI's being turned into a finger puppet of Nixon's--in the form of L. Pat Gray--and decided to do something about it. Long live Deep Throat! And if that is what you'd like us too fear (Deep Throat=Deep State or some such thing), Long live the Deep State!


Edited by Pat Speer
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@Calvin Ye, said: Karl is probably an Trump supporter.

LOL. Since I am an European it wouldn't make much sense to support any of your politicians. But I confess I like Trump and his big mouth. He has wit. He is entertaining. The way he won his debates with Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton was blockbuster cinema. (At one time Jeb debating Trump praised his mother and Trump said: "She should run". - That's the way you kill an opponent. 

And I like RFK jr for entering the arena where his father and his uncle died... this is nearly a suicidal act. And I like it. RFK is an WDC insider who knows how big biz has hijacked politics... What he will do is restore the thing called Administration as an corrective to big biz ending Washingtons role as uncritical collaborator. 

Lot of "like" here... but I should ad that RFK jr said words to the effect that he appreciates that Trump likes him... it was RFK who made then President Trump aware of potential side effects of the so called covid vaccines and that he should investigate that aspect.. but the next day the self proclaimed health Guru Bill Gates came along and persuaded Trump not to investigate the aspect of side effects.  A  partisan battle between the two men RFK jr and Trump would be of no avail. 

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@Pat Speer said, quote:


Trump has been the founders' worst nightmare, not Allen Dulles, nor Richard Helms, nor J. Edgar Hoover.

Well at least Trump managed to spare the world a proxy war in Ukraine which already killed 300 000 young men on both sides. Those men are fighting a cruel  Stalingrad-like war in the cities from house to house and a trench war on the countryside comparable to the "Westfront" in World War 1. They are dying in the trenches in a stalemate. 

This pointless Ukraine-war started when after Biden's election NATO slammed the door in Putin's face. The US Deep State, Biden, NATO and some brainless politicians in Brussels elected by nobody  wanted that war and Putin gave it them. 






Edited by Karl Kinaski
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2 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

@Leslie Sharp said;

Don't forget the lizard boy, quote from:


And who are the guys who should censor world leaders ... the real world leaders? Who are they? Some Schwabs and Gates' and Zucks? Who are they to tell me what I should think and what not. The danger is not exemptions. On the contrary: The danger comes from governments playing god by deplatforming you and punishing you for thoughtcrimes. I do not need a 1984. IMO there are two possibilities for the US in 2024: RFK jr is your next president and the JFKA riddle will be solved and there will be an end of US warmongering all over the world or something will happening to RFK jr and then the US country will go to hell. It will not go to hell with RFK jr as your next president and it will not go to hell with Trump as your next president. It will go to hell with every other candidate as far as I can see. Trump and RFK jr are very different characters but they have more in common as one can imagine. Both men have the capability to turn the US and it's so called deep state upside down and put an end to the cancer of secrecy surrounding world events like the JFKA (Which IMO was a US -Sowjet joint venture and related to the Khrushchev disempowerment in Oct 1964)  and the Covid-outbreak.  (Which was obviously a US-China joint venture in one way or another.) 

Trump and RFK jr are brave men risking their lives, like JFK and RFK were risking their lives. Deep state is in a crisis. He is fighting for his life. He is about to put Trump in jail and trying to character-assassinate RFK jr in a range never seen before ... let's assume Mr Deep State will not succeed and Trump will be republican nominee for president and RFK jr democratic nominee for president and let's think the unthinkable, a Trump-Kennedy ticket with Trump managing foreign policy and Kennedy managing domestic policy  ... science fiction? Who knows. Not me. 😉




in a range never seen before

That pretty much sums it up. You're fully integrated into the Trump Brain.

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On 7/8/2023 at 1:44 AM, Leslie Sharp said:

This, coming from a man who for five years enabled Trump to sow lies and discontent in his effort to bring down a constitutional government?

Dorsey's "world leader exception" suggests he's more inclined toward authority than democracy.  "Until 2021, Dorsey applied "world leader" exceptions that enabled President Donald Trump to post content on Twitter that would normally be removed or generate sanctions per the platform's rules."

And shouldn't he and RFK Jr. be more measured, and precise, when discussing the assassination in Dallas, particularly in this volatile political climate?  

"Your GOVERNMENT Killed Your President in 1963" is tantamount to yelling fire in the theatre in these times.

Spiked it. Good job.

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