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The black blob in the Zapruder film.

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50 minutes ago, Charles Blackmon said:

Other than the predictable "If I were the evil conspirators I would not do it that way."

I often hear them say "prove it" even when people like Gerald Ford & Regis Blahut get their hand caught in the cookie jar they refuse to acknowledge it.The Katzenbach memo is no exception.

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4 minutes ago, Micah Mileto said:

What do you think Regis was doing?

Opening safes.


Edited by Michael Crane
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12 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

No, but I mean what possible role in the cover-up do you suppose Regis could have had at such a late date? We already have the military inventory and Cark panel on the autopsy photos by then.

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15 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

That blacked out area is what the husband and wife team of the Wilkinsons has been hunting down for years on end.

They are making a documentary about it.


Didn't you say earlier that you heard a different version of the "Zapruder film substituted in the 2000's" accusation?

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Talk about an awkward position, when unless one is willing to believe the Zapruder film was altered after 2009, the filmmakers themselves are openly admit that it looks like a shadow, even though the whole point of their project is that to claim it doesn't look like a shadow.

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I'll take a look at the video later tonight Micah since it's so long.

The point about Regis is Lone Nutters Micah,they are quick to say prove it & won't believe that our wonderful Government & it's agencies would do such a thing.

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13 minutes ago, Micah Mileto said:

Talk about an awkward position, when unless one is willing to believe the Zapruder film was altered after 2009, the filmmakers themselves are openly admit that it looks like a shadow, even though the whole point of their project is that to claim it doesn't look like a shadow.

I was under the impression & thought that I read that Zapruder said that he filmed the turn onto Elm Street?

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17 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Hasn't this been in the works for years? A decade or more? Couldn't one assume that if they truly found evidence of alteration, the whole world would know by now?

the world does, that's what happens when nutters fall asleep at the wheel -- every 1964 WCR critic in the USofA, Canada, Australia, New Zeland, India, Russia, Asia, Cuba, South America, Africa, So, Africa, Israel... etal.

There is not one blind supporter (LHO did it all by his lonesome) of the 1964 WCR conclusions that can put forth a scenario as to what happened in Dealey Plaza 11/22/63. And, not one 1964 WCR conclusion supporter will debate old and new case evidence... nor even CITE known case evidence...

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Jonathan Cohen writes:


Hasn't this been in the works for years? A decade or more? Couldn't one assume that if they truly found evidence of alteration, the whole world would know by now?

If there really exists indisputable proof of alteration to such a crucial piece of evidence in what is perhaps the world's most famous real-life murder mystery, it would of course be front-page news.

But there obviously isn't any such proof. At least, not yet. I mean, the proof might turn up tomorrow, or next year. If we all believe strongly enough, the proof will arrive! Don't lose hope! Believe!

It reminds me of a 'the end of the world is nigh' cult. Some charlatan predicts that the world will end on a particular date. That date comes and goes, and the world doesn't end. Ah, no, what I actually meant was that the world will end on this other date, some time in the future. The new date comes and goes, and the world still doesn't end. So the charlatan makes a new prediction. And the cycle continues.

The Zapruder film shows Mary Moorman standing in the street! That means it's a fake! What's that? Someone got their measurements wrong, and the film doesn't actually show her standing in the street? Ah, but look at Marilyn Sitzman! She's standing in front of Zapruder! That proves the film is a fake! What's that? I've been looking at a poor-quality copy? Well, look at the woman in the brown coat! It changes colour! And that other woman is suddenly seven feet tall! And that car over there is back to front! The cycle continues, one empty claim after another.

I suppose there's still a chance that this never-ending Wilkinson project might produce the goods, one day. But you'd think a decade or more should be plenty of time to find whatever there is to find in one or two frames of an 8mm home movie.

The worrying thing is that they might actually make a film about their project, and the film might get some publicity, and the general public might discover that the 'head blob' is actually (surprise, surprise!) nothing more than a shadow or an artefact of the photographic process, and the reputation of lone-nut critics takes a battering.

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21 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

No, but I mean what possible role in the cover-up do you suppose Regis could have had at such a late date? We already have the military inventory and Cark panel on the autopsy photos by then.

There is no telling what was in that safe besides the autopsy photos.There was plenty of planted,forged,stolen & altered evidence in the case.Regis/CIA had no business in the contents of that safe.

"The Post, quoting informed sources, reported that the most sensitive files of the House Assassinations Committee had been rifled last summer and fingerprints on them traced to a CIA liason officer assigned to the committee."


Edited by Michael Crane
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19 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

Talk about an awkward position, when unless one is willing to believe the Zapruder film was altered after 2009, the filmmakers themselves are openly admit that it looks like a shadow, even though the whole point of their project is that to claim it doesn't look like a shadow.

A circular shadow that remains on the same spot on the head even as the head and car move? What object would have cast a circular shadow? How does the shadow remain over the right-rear part of the head even when JFK moves and turns his head? 

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4 hours ago, Michael Crane said:

There is no telling what was in that safe besides the autopsy photos.The was plenty of planted,forged,stolen & altered evidence in the case.Regis/CIA had no business in the contents of that safe.

"The Post, quoting informed sources, reported that the most sensitive files of the House Assassinations Committee had been rifled last summer and fingerprints on them traced to a CIA liason officer assigned to the committee."


There was an investigation into this. Nothing was missing. The only thing touched was the autopsy photos. As I recall these were copies and not the originals. No one familiar with the photos, moreover, such as Groden, noticed any changes in the photos after the Blahut incident.  

It appears, then, that someone left the safe open and Blahut was just curious. Now, he may have been asked by a superior to figure out what was shown in the pictures and if the CIA should be worried about any upcoming revelations. But he denied any such thing. 

Edited by Pat Speer
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