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USAF COL. Prouty, Operation BLOODSTONE, SS-Obersturmbannführer Skorzeny, & the murder of President Kennedy...

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It was not a false narrative at all Robert.

There are at least four witnesses who I referred to in my article on this issue.

And they all support what Fletcher was saying.  This includes a note that he had from someone up in San Antonio.

There should have been some kind of MI support, since as Palamara has shown, this was a common enough occurrence.  And that was provable but the ARRB and Wray chose not to accept it.  But VInce has produced pictures of it in more than one location for Kennedy.

This was a chimera that the ARRB fell for.  And in that article, and in other references I note there, the offer was made.  And people were surprised that it was not taken up. One of the witnesses was right in the room that weekend when the recriminations were being made up in San Antonio as to why they were not there.

Its very unbecoming of you, in the light of this evidence, to say that somehow what Fletcher said was false.  And to say that in such absolute and rather stark and ugly terms.

The idea that the whole Secret Service failure that day was a matter of lack of sleep and late hours at the Cellar, this is, to be kind, a rather incomplete chronicle that VInce Palamara would disagree with in the harshest terms.  As he, and Horne, have shown that the route was changed, the formations of the cycles were changed, and at least one man was called off the rear of the limo. Why anyone would leave all that out is really kind of puzzling.

Whether the supplement from San Antonio would have prevented what happened there from occurring is something we will probably never know.  But there is no doubt that it was part of that failure,  and that the ARRB tried to conceal it and smear Prouty over it.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

It was not a false narrative at all Robert.

There are at least four witnesses who I referred to in my article on this issue.

And they all support what Fletcher was saying.  This includes a note that he had from someone up in San Antonio.

There should have been some kind of MI support, since as Palamara has shown, this was a common enough occurrence.  And that was provable but the ARRB and Wray chose not to accept it.  But VInce has produced pictures of it in more than one location for Kennedy.

This was a chimera that the ARRB fell for.  And in that article, and in other references I note there, the offer was made.  And people were surprised that it was not taken up. One of the witnesses was right in the room that weekend when the recriminations were being made up in San Antonio as to why they were not there.

Its very unbecoming of you, in the light of this evidence, to say that somehow what Fletcher said was false.  And to say that in such absolute and rather stark and ugly terms.

The idea that the whole Secret Service failure that day was a matter of lack of sleep and late hours at the Cellar, this is, to be kind, a rather incomplete chronicle that VInce Palamara would disagree with in the harshest terms.  As he, and Horne, have shown that the route was changed, the formations of the cycles were changed, and at least one man was called off the rear of the limo. Why anyone would leave all that out is really kind of puzzling.

Whether the supplement from San Antonio would have prevented what happened there from occurring is something we will probably never know.  But there is no doubt that it was part of that failure,  and that the ARRB tried to conceal it and smear Prouty over it.


In any case, this information about the Secret Service is a gargantuan divergence from the original purpose of this post, which has nothing to do with the USSS protection teams surrounding the President on 22 November 1963, but COL. Prouty's admissions to repurposing and rearming WWII fascist émigré networks and grafting them to US military intelligence.

I stress again, I am attempting to uncover not the consistencies of what COL. Prouty said, but the glaring omissions in his special operations service record that he, on only three occasions, by my count, set surface to the light.

And man, did those admissions stink to high-heaven, especially since we now have strong indications who the "...mechanics...", as COL. Prouty dubbed them, really were.

Not anti-Castro operatives with bazookas.

Not mafia goons with switchblades. 

Not a bunch of toothless, hick, good-ol'-boys with their daddy's flint-lock.

It was fascist émigré commandos, from within and without, the US special operations community, and their handlers.        

Edited by Robert Montenegro
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You are doing very interesting and important work. 

I had no idea the extent to which the CIA rescued Nazis from justice.

I have little difficulty the hired Nazis then told the CIA whatever it wanted to hear---that aspect of human intel has not changed and never will. 

However, the actual perps of the JFK could have been another and much smaller group, possibly more along the lines of Cuban-CIA assets. 



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18 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Once this sinks in at Ed forum, I'll provide additional research related to Col. Prouty's controversial association with the Willis Carto Liberty Lobby and how those associations reveal the likelihood of ongoing containment. 


Well, Leslie, I've been thru the ringer here, you wanna give a brother a break and tap in?


I would like to point out to everyone else who is not Leslie, that this post is called:


"USAF COL. Prouty, Operation BLOODSTONE, SS-Obersturmbannführer Skorzeny, & the murder of President Kennedy..."


This post is not called "The Article I Wrote About the Bad Shake Prouty Got from ARRB..."

This post is not called "Let's Talk About the Secret Service Being Worthy of A Military Firing Squad..."

This post is not called "Let's Defend the Legacy of Our Golden-Calf, COL. Prouty...

This post is not called "How to Snap Back with Non-Sequitur & Win Augments with Diversionary Tactics..."

This post is not called "I'm Not A Real Researcher, & I have Nothing Constructive to Add to this Post, What's for Lunch...


I want a real discourse with the evidence that I presented.


So be educated, free thinkers, and discuss the evidence I presented.


If that cannot happen, then I guess we are all unworthy of even mentioning President Kennedy's name, and it's a good thing he was murdered, because we, as human beings that did not perish in a thermonuclear catastrophe, do not even deserve the man's legacy.

And that is what President Kennedy did three times during his thousand days in office!

He prevented a global holocaust three timesonce when the Joint Chiefs sought his approval for first-strike attacks on hundreds of millions of innocent human beings in the USSR & China, once during the Checkpoint Charlie Incident, and once during the Missile Crisisand I'd like to know why he had to do that, and what global forces of fascism were at play, and I think COL. Prouty was being diversionary with his service record...


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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Prouty was instructed to assemble planes and travel to Syria to pick up a large group of released POWs from Roumania. Intermingled with these men, as Prouty observed, were German agents, also being moved out under American cover. He discussed this experience several times in his writing and interviews.  I cannot see how the Syrian experience or his later recollection of such amounts to an admission to a direct role in “repurposing and rearming WWII fascist émigré networks”.

As far as I can tell, Prouty never mentioned an RJ Smith when talking of his wartime experiences. Prouty was a VIP pilot in North Africa in 1943-45 - on what basis do you determine he was instead directly involved In the fascist relocation programs other than the Syrian experience?

Prouty’s job as military liaison to the CIA necessarily put him in contact with programs utilizing these fascist emigre and stay-behind networks and that is what he is talking about when quoted in Simpson’s book.That does not mean Prouty was personally involved or responsible for the programs themselves - in fact they were long up and running when Prouty assumed the liaison position in the mid-1950s.  I don’t see how this position leads to the claim: “COL. Prouty was front-and-center in the utilization of Nazi émigrés within US Army Special Forces”

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3 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

Prouty was instructed to assemble planes and travel to Syria to pick up a large group of released POWs from Roumania. Intermingled with these men, as Prouty observed, were German agents, also being moved out under American cover. He discussed this experience several times in his writing and interviews.  I cannot see how the Syrian experience or his later recollection of such amounts to an admission to a direct role in “repurposing and rearming WWII fascist émigré networks”.

As far as I can tell, Prouty never mentioned an RJ Smith when talking of his wartime experiences. Prouty was a VIP pilot in North Africa in 1943-45 - on what basis do you determine he was instead directly involved In the fascist relocation programs other than the Syrian experience?

Prouty’s job as military liaison to the CIA necessarily put him in contact with programs utilizing these fascist emigre and stay-behind networks and that is what he is talking about when quoted in Simpson’s book.That does not mean Prouty was personally involved or responsible for the programs themselves - in fact they were long up and running when Prouty assumed the liaison position in the mid-1950s.  I don’t see how this position leads to the claim: “COL. Prouty was front-and-center in the utilization of Nazi émigrés within US Army Special Forces”


Once again, I suggest you go back and read "Understanding Special Operations and their impact on the Vietnam War Era: 1989 Interview with L. Fletcher Prouty Colonel USAF (Retired)" by David T. Ratcliffe.


The following is COL. Prouty talking about some of the missions he was involved with as a member of Air Transport Command, United States Army Air Corps:




"...The interesting thing about that was, once we got into the air, I realized that some of my passengers were not these American pilots. They were men from the Balkans. In fact, we were talking, and then later on I learned they were people who had been selected by the OSS in the Balkans for special evacuation before the Soviet armies arrived. Because they were Nazi intelligence officers, and (for some reason) our own OSS wanted to get them out of there. This puzzled us a little bit, but we weren't in the political business so we didn't ask too many questions. But I've done a lot of thinking since then, especially since the publication of this book Blowback and others, that shows we exfiltrated thousands of ex-Nazis out of Germany for various reasons after WWII..."




Here is a link to the information I am presenting:


Read it in it's entirety, please...


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6 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

Prouty was instructed to assemble planes and travel to Syria to pick up a large group of released POWs from Roumania. Intermingled with these men, as Prouty observed, were German agents, also being moved out under American cover. He discussed this experience several times in his writing and interviews.  I cannot see how the Syrian experience or his later recollection of such amounts to an admission to a direct role in “repurposing and rearming WWII fascist émigré networks”.

As far as I can tell, Prouty never mentioned an RJ Smith when talking of his wartime experiences. Prouty was a VIP pilot in North Africa in 1943-45 - on what basis do you determine he was instead directly involved In the fascist relocation programs other than the Syrian experience?

Prouty’s job as military liaison to the CIA necessarily put him in contact with programs utilizing these fascist emigre and stay-behind networks and that is what he is talking about when quoted in Simpson’s book.That does not mean Prouty was personally involved or responsible for the programs themselves - in fact they were long up and running when Prouty assumed the liaison position in the mid-1950s.  I don’t see how this position leads to the claim: “COL. Prouty was front-and-center in the utilization of Nazi émigrés within US Army Special Forces”


Then read the book by Christopher Simpson called, Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Destructive Impact on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy

Prouty is literally quoted throughout the book about WWII fascist émigré commando networks he supported as senior aide to the United States Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. Hoyt Sanford Vandenberg, who was formerly the Director of Central Intelligence.

Please, read Christopher Simpson's interview with COL. Prouty, in it's entirety... 

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53 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


You are doing very interesting and important work. 

I had no idea the extent to which the CIA rescued Nazis from justice.

I have little difficulty the hired Nazis then told the CIA whatever it wanted to hear---that aspect of human intel has not changed and never will. 

However, the actual perps of the JFK could have been another and much smaller group, possibly more along the lines of Cuban-CIA assets. 




Thank you for the kind remarks, nice to see a little civility on this forum.

As far as books are concerned with the topic of Nazi war criminals fleeing into the arms of the US special operations community, I would like to point out three that I reference in my own research constantly:

  • "The Old Boys: The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA," by Burton Hersh
  • "Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Destructive Impact on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy," by Christopher Simpson
  • "The Darkest Sides of Politics, I: Postwar Fascism, Covert Operations, and Terrorism," By Jeffrey M. Bale

Of course there are literally tens of thousands of documents in the CIA's own archive related to the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act:


There is a reason James Jesus Angleton was simultaneously the Chief of Counterintelligence for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1954 to 1975 and CIA Chief of the Israeli Desk.

It is because Angleton was feeding the elements of Israeli intelligence that were legitimately hunting functionaries of the Holocaust false data, in order to keep those Nazi mass-murders fighting the Soviets!     

Of course, before Angleton was Chief of counterintelligence, feeding the Israelis false narratives concerning Nazi war criminals they were looking for, Angleton was helping set-up fascist émigré commando networks as Chief of Staff A of the CIA's Office of Special Operations.

Émigré commando networks that failed miserably, because Angleton's counterpart in British Intelligence was a Soviet mole:

Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby.

Of course, it wasn't because Philby was a communist.

MI6 operative Philby was a member of an organization called "World Federation for the Relief of the Victims of German Fascism."

Philby hated the Nazis and hated Western Intelligence for using them.

That why I scoff at NSA officer Maj. John M. Newman and his book on the Angleton's Soviet mole hunt.

Angleton was the man selling out his WWII combat veteran countrymen, one protected Nazi at a time...

Edited by Robert Montenegro
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38 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:


Once again, I suggest you go back and read "Understanding Special Operations and their impact on the Vietnam War Era: 1989 Interview with L. Fletcher Prouty Colonel USAF (Retired)" by David T. Ratcliffe.


The following is COL. Prouty talking about some of the missions he was involved with as a member of Air Transport Command, United States Army Air Corps:




"...The interesting thing about that was, once we got into the air, I realized that some of my passengers were not these American pilots. They were men from the Balkans. In fact, we were talking, and then later on I learned they were people who had been selected by the OSS in the Balkans for special evacuation before the Soviet armies arrived. Because they were Nazi intelligence officers, and (for some reason) our own OSS wanted to get them out of there. This puzzled us a little bit, but we weren't in the political business so we didn't ask too many questions. But I've done a lot of thinking since then, especially since the publication of this book Blowback and others, that shows we exfiltrated thousands of ex-Nazis out of Germany for various reasons after WWII..."




Here is a link to the information I am presenting:


Read it in it's entirety, please...


I am entirely familiar with both Ratcliffe’s book and Simpson’s.

I do not recall any portion of either which involves a Prouty “admission” of having a “direct role” with these fascist emigre and stay-behind networks. The Syrian experience was incidental - he did not know ahead of time the Germans were being moved as well. In the 1950s, Prouty was aware of the basic outlines of the CIA’s programs in Eastern Europe, but such awareness does not translate into being “front-and-center in the utilization of Nazi émigrés within US Army Special Forces”. That suggests an active direct engagement specifically with that program, which the job description of the liaison position is not consistent with.

This is what you have so far claimed:

Prouty said he created “a network of Nazi commandos and assassins”

Prouty admitted to being “ a driving force behind creation of the United States Army’s “Special Forces” units”

Prouty “was front-and-center in the utilization of Nazi émigrés within US Army Special Forces”


I don’t see any of those claims supported by the quotes you provide. Also, Prouty was working in academic environments in 1947-48 when you seem to infer he was directly involved with  Vanderburg and Operation Bloodstone.

It appears you might be attributing the word “we” - which Prouty uses in those quotes -  to refer to him (Prouty) personally instead of, as I would read it, “we” meaning the United States.

Prouty was not “right-wing”. That is a fundamental error in this line of approach.

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1 hour ago, Robert Montenegro said:


In any case, this information about the Secret Service is a gargantuan divergence from the original purpose of this post, which has nothing to do with the USSS protection teams surrounding the President on 22 November 1963, but COL. Prouty's admissions to repurposing and rearming WWII fascist émigré networks and grafting them to US military intelligence.

I stress again, I am attempting to uncover not the consistencies of what COL. Prouty said, but the glaring omissions in his special operations service record that he, on only three occasions, by my count, set surface to the light.

And man, did those admissions stink to high-heaven, especially since we now have strong indications who the "...mechanics...", as COL. Prouty dubbed them, really were.

Not anti-Castro operatives with bazookas.

Not mafia goons with switchblades. 

Not a bunch of toothless, hick, good-ol'-boys with their daddy's flint-lock.

It was fascist émigré commandos, from within and without, the US special operations community, and their handlers.        


     You never answered any of the key questions I posted in response to your lead posts here this morning.

     You have simply rephrased and repeated your illogical, dubious theses about Prouty.

     1)  You have accused Prouty of some sort of unacknowledged complicity in the JFK assassination op-- apparently with the Operation Paper Clip Nazis he was tasked by his superiors with transporting to the U.S. after WWII.

      Unanswered question for Montenegro #1

1)  If Prouty had been involved in the JFK assassination op, why would he have contacted investigators like Jim Garrison (and Oliver Stone) to debunk the WCR/Lone Nut narrative?  That makes no sense.

      Unanswered question for Montenegro #2

2)  What relationship/involvement did Skorzeny and the CIA Operation Paper Clip Nazis have with the CIA/Anti-Castro Cubans who have been implicated in the JFK assassination op by the research of Larry Hancock, et.al.?

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31 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     You never answered any of the key questions I posted in response to your lead posts here this morning.

     You have simply rephrased and repeated your illogical, dubious theses about Prouty.

     1)  You have accused Prouty of some sort of unacknowledged complicity in the JFK assassination op-- apparently with the Operation Paper Clip Nazis he was tasked by his superiors with transporting to the U.S. after WWII.

      Unanswered question for Montenegro #1

1)  If Prouty had been involved in the JFK assassination op, why would he have contacted investigators like Jim Garrison (and Oliver Stone) to debunk the WCR/Lone Nut narrative?  That makes no sense.

      Unanswered question for Montenegro #2

2)  What relationship/involvement did Skorzeny and the CIA Operation Paper Clip Nazis have with the CIA/Anti-Castro Cubans who have been implicated in the JFK assassination op by the research of Larry Hancock, et.al.?


1. I did not say COL. Prouty was involved with Operation PAPERCLIP—COL. Prouty said he was involved in Operation BLOODSTONE.

2. I never claimed anywhere in this post that COL. Prouty was involved in the murder of President Kennedy—I said he was involved in a limited hangout that may have concerned his own, unpublished, service record, based off his own comments he made over the years.

3. I would start with Eloy Gutiérrez Menoyo, co-founder of the anti-Castro Cuban terrorist organization Alpha-66, his claims that he was a US double agent for something called the "Directoire Iberique de Liberation," and that he worked with herr Skorzeny and move on from there—I will stress once again, I am not talking about Operation PAPERCLIP, I am talking about Operation BLOODSTONE.

Do your own homework, your own thinking, draw your own conclusions.

But we must, as researchers, have all of the facts, or at least have to nerve to ask questions when we identify a hidden variable.

And Operation BLOOSTONE and COL. Prouty's own admissions that he partook in it is enough for me to start asking questions.

Now if you don't mind, I have a concert to attend.

Gotta get my monthly mosh-pit on and punk out!

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1 hour ago, Robert Montenegro said:



I never claimed anywhere in this post that COL. Prouty was involved in the murder of President Kennedy—I said he was involved in a limited hangout that may have concerned his own, unpublished, service record, based off his own comments he made over the years.



    What you said in your lead post on this thread is that you believed that Prouty knew who "the real murderers of President Kennedy were," and may have "taken that information to his grave" -- implying that Prouty was, at least, complicit in a cover up.  That's quite defamatory.

   But, if true, why would Prouty have gone to such lengths to debunk the WCR narrative (in his contacts with Garrison and Oliver Stone?)

   The theory makes no sense.


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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


    What you said in your lead post on this thread is that you believed that Prouty knew who "the real murderers of President Kennedy were," and may have "taken that information to his grave" -- implying that Prouty was, at least, complicit in a cover up.  That's quite defamatory.

   But, if true, why would Prouty have gone to such lengths to debunk the WCR narrative (in his contacts with Garrison and Oliver Stone?)

   The theory makes no sense.


I don’t think it took guts to debunk the WC narrative. So many went before him. As I asked in an earlier post, what info did he give Garrison other than an overview of why, and the general nature of the conspiracy? I believe him. I dare say most of us do, and are grateful that someone articulated it, someone with military credibility. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t a limited hangout. Why haven’t we at least considered that possibility?
But here we are, still trying to convince everyone that the WC was wrong, that Oswald was a Patsy. Aren’t you ready for something more? 
Can we talk about Operation Bloodstone? I may have heard of it before, but knew no details. Robert was astounded to see Prouty associated with it. The way I see it, for the sake of exploration, why don’t we forget Prouty for a moment and see if we can draw some links between Bloodstone and US Special forces. Were Nazis and some of their Allies in Europe, East or West, cleaned up, given new identities, and incorporated into our military structures? We accepted long ago that we did that for scientists, German and Japanese, and some pretty horrible ones too. But when it comes to our military operations, from Gladio stay behinds, to ZR projects, to just plain changing names and providing cover for SS, Gestapo agents, we seem to be unwilling to clearly look at the evidence. I’ve been fighting this nearly alone here for years. Robert comes along, zealously 24/7 deep diving into documents and books and putting things together in a new way, and you all attack his research, nearly every time. I’d like to see some cooperation. Get rid of your personal sacred cows and get on board. No one has to be right all the time. This isn’t a damned competition, says the idealist in me, but a chance to put our heads together. How many times have I been told, when mentioning Nazi connections, to move on? Why, in this particular case, do people roll their eyes? Maybe some of you think - hey, I know all that, but our CIA was in charge so who cares? Others think why look any further than the Cuban exiles for shooters? Nevermind that JMWAVE was staffed at top levels with operatives who cut their teeth in post war Germany working for, or at least with, Reinhardt Gehlen. Nevermind that Skorzeny, for one, appears in many more documents than I could discover, and I looked - for months. 
If Robert is onto something we have been ignorant of, or feel uncomfortable with, or think is a rabbit hole - whatever your objections - we will never know unless we give him a thorough listen. When your buttons get pushed, try to focus on the subject at hand. Shoot the messenger strategy doesn’t do anyone any good. 
I very much want to hear from Jim D and Larry Hancock in particular about their points of view, regardless of whether there is an intersection with events on the ground in Dallas, with CIA and military recruitment and yes, protection of Nazis and other far right Europeans who aided Germany beginning after the war. And I know there are many other document researchers among us here. I want to know what you think about this. 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


    What you said in your lead post on this thread is that you believed that Prouty knew who "the real murderers of President Kennedy were," and may have "taken that information to his grave" -- implying that Prouty was, at least, complicit in a cover up.  That's quite defamatory.

   But, if true, why would Prouty have gone to such lengths to debunk the WCR narrative (in his contacts with Garrison and Oliver Stone?)

   The theory makes no sense.



Once again, I am only quoting COL. Prouty's first-hand insights into Operation BLOODSTONE, where he makes quite a few references to his operational, personal knowledge of those commando teams.

Not to mention from 1955 to 1963, he is the commander of the CIA's focal-point network—an officer in-charge supporting special operations, providing arms, equipment and cover for said commando networks.

May I ask who you think was participating in Operation GLADIO, or anyone of the CIA-sponsored coups that took place while COL. Prouty was arming & supplying CIA covert ops from 1955 to 1963?

The Vienna Boys Choir?

Or fascist functionaries of the Holocaust. 

Once again, as far as defamatory content is concerned, why don't you bring that up with any one of the persons on this post who have accused me of sloth, unfounded theories, or slander?

That is defamation, as I am being spoken to directly. Not speculation based on actual interviews that COL. Prouty authorized for print.

Once again, I have only utilized direct quotes from COL. Prouty, where he conveys personal knowledge of Operation BLOOTSTONE.


I ask again, does anyone have anything revelatory to add to the theorem I have presented here?


If not, please refrain from attacking me on a personal level.   


Thank you.


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I don’t think it took guts to debunk the WC narrative. So many went before him. As I asked in an earlier post, what info did he give Garrison other than an overview of why, and the general nature of the conspiracy? I believe him. I dare say most of us do, and are grateful that someone articulated it, someone with military credibility. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t a limited hangout. Why haven’t we at least considered that possibility?
But here we are, still trying to convince everyone that the WC was wrong, that Oswald was a Patsy. Aren’t you ready for something more? 
Can we talk about Operation Bloodstone? I may have heard of it before, but knew no details. Robert was astounded to see Prouty associated with it. The way I see it, for the sake of exploration, why don’t we forget Prouty for a moment and see if we can draw some links between Bloodstone and US Special forces. Were Nazis and some of their Allies in Europe, East or West, cleaned up, given new identities, and incorporated into our military structures? We accepted long ago that we did that for scientists, German and Japanese, and some pretty horrible ones too. But when it comes to our military operations, from Gladio stay behinds, to ZR projects, to just plain changing names and providing cover for SS, Gestapo agents, we seem to be unwilling to clearly look at the evidence. I’ve been fighting this nearly alone here for years. Robert comes along, zealously 24/7 deep diving into documents and books and putting things together in a new way, and you all attack his research, nearly every time. I’d like to see some cooperation. Get rid of your personal sacred cows and get on board. No one has to be right all the time. This isn’t a damned competition, says the idealist in me, but a chance to put our heads together. How many times have I been told, when mentioning Nazi connections, to move on? Why, in this particular case, do people roll their eyes? Maybe some of you think - hey, I know all that, but our CIA was in charge so who cares? Others think why look any further than the Cuban exiles for shooters? Nevermind that JMWAVE was staffed at top levels with operatives who cut their teeth in post war Germany working for, or at least with, Reinhardt Gehlen. Nevermind that Skorzeny, for one, appears in many more documents than I could discover, and I looked - for months. 
If Robert is onto something we have been ignorant of, or feel uncomfortable with, or think is a rabbit hole - whatever your objections - we will never know unless we give him a thorough listen. When your buttons get pushed, try to focus on the subject at hand. Shoot the messenger strategy doesn’t do anyone any good. 
I very much want to hear from Jim D and Larry Hancock in particular about their points of view, regardless of whether there is an intersection with events on the ground in Dallas, with CIA and military recruitment and yes, protection of Nazis and other far right Europeans who aided Germany beginning after the war. And I know there are many other document researchers among us here. I want to know what you think about this. 

PB--I am keeping an open mind. 

Moreover, anyone reading primary docs deserves a tip of the hat. 

My pet theory is the JFKA was a very small conspiracy in terms of participants, possibly only CIA assets (including LHO), although there may have been assistance and manipulation from higher up--and who knows, that could have been someone in the Nazi network. 

Whether that then becomes a Nazi plot JFKA could be a matter of semantics. 

It would be nice if the Puppet-Dictator-in-Chief release all the JFK records, that might shine a light on the topic. 


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