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Did the Plotters View RFK's Murder of Marilyn Monroe as Justification for Killing JFK?

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So, if I understand correctly -

The motive for JFK's murder was not:

  • Joint Chiefs' opposition to a possible end of the Cold War
  • A CIA coup based on above & JFK's reaching out to Castro
  • Rogue CIA revenge
  • Bay of Pigs revenge by Anti-Castro Cubans
  • Right-wing action agains JFK's Civil Rights policies
  • Right-wing Oil millionaires backing a plot to get a more pro-Oil Industry president
  • LBJ plotting a coup to avoid prison
  • A lone nut wanting to be 'famous'
  • 2 or more lone nuts - only 1 wanting to be famous
  • or some combination of the above
  • or something else

But the actual motive of the plotters was to avenge Marilyn Monroe's death which they assumed was brought about by RFK?  And they believed that the best way to do this was to murder JFK? - not RFK & possibly Peter Lawford?  Because it's less risky to murder the President?

Who knew? 

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7 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

So, if I understand correctly -

The motive for JFK's murder was not:

  • Joint Chiefs' opposition to a possible end of the Cold War
  • A CIA coup based on above & JFK's reaching out to Castro
  • Rogue CIA revenge
  • Bay of Pigs revenge by Anti-Castro Cubans
  • Right-wing action agains JFK's Civil Rights policies
  • Right-wing Oil millionaires backing a plot to get a more pro-Oil Industry president
  • LBJ plotting a coup to avoid prison
  • A lone nut wanting to be 'famous'
  • 2 or more lone nuts - only 1 wanting to be famous
  • or some combination of the above
  • or something else

But the actual motive of the plotters was to avenge Marilyn Monroe's death which they assumed was brought about by RFK?  And they believed that the best way to do this was to murder JFK? - not RFK & possibly Peter Lawford?  Because it's less risky to murder the President?

Who knew? 

No, you don't "understand correctly." You have either somehow misread the original post and follow-up posts or you are deliberately misrepresenting them. No one is saying that RFK's murder of Marilyn Monroe was the plotters' "actual motive." I have not even cited it as a "motive." I've said that when they learned of the murder, they viewed it as justification for an act they were already contemplating or as an excuse to carry out their desire to have him killed. 

No one has said the plotters killed JFK to "avenge" Marilyn's murder. I'm sure they couldn't have cared less about Marily Monroe or whether she lived or died. They saw her murder as an excuse/justification for their conspiracy to kill JFK. 

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7 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

No, you don't "understand correctly." You have either somehow misread the original post and follow-up posts or you are deliberately misrepresenting them. No one is saying that RFK's murder of Marilyn Monroe was the plotters' "actual motive." I have not even cited it as a "motive." I've said that when they learned of the murder, they viewed it as justification for an act they were already contemplating or as an excuse to carry out their desire to have him killed. 

No one has said the plotters killed JFK to "avenge" Marilyn's murder. I'm sure they couldn't have cared less about Marily Monroe or whether she lived or died. They saw her murder as an excuse/justification for their conspiracy to kill JFK. 

So then, something like - they were all sitting around a table and decided to kill JFK and then one of them asked 'How are we gonna justify this?'

They all thought for a while and then one of them jumps up says - 'I've got it - RFK killed Marilyn'?

Something like that?

Say the plotters were the Cubans for example - the Bay of Pigs revenge wouldn't justify the murder but Marilyn's death would?

Like that?

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30 minutes ago, Bill Fite said:

So then, something like - they were all sitting around a table and decided to kill JFK and then one of them asked 'How are we gonna justify this?'

They all thought for a while and then one of them jumps up says - 'I've got it - RFK killed Marilyn'?

Something like that?

Say the plotters were the Cubans for example - the Bay of Pigs revenge wouldn't justify the murder but Marilyn's death would?

Like that?

Yeah, you bet. First, you misrepresented what I said about the role that RFK's murder of Marilyn Monroe played in the plotters' actions, and you confused justification with motive. Now, you're using a juvenile strawman argument.

In your rush to post silly polemic, I guess it did not occur to you that those plotters who were anti-Castro Cubans would have naturally had a direct, personal reason for being angry about the Bay of Pigs and for wanting revenge for it, but they would have had no reason to have such feelings about Marilyn Monroe's murder. 

When people post here, they assume a minimal level of understanding and maturity on the part of readers. Obviously, as I've said many times in this forum, the plotters, as well as those who carried out the plotters' plans, did not all have the same motives for wanting JFK dead, nor did they all use the same excuses/reasons to justify their actions. 

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Bill, all I can say to your posts on this thread and on Mike's other off the wall thread about Vietnam is:



Edited by James DiEugenio
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/30/2023 at 2:07 PM, Sandy Larsen said:


Okay. And likewise, you should google something like "wtc controlled demolition" to learn what really happened on 9/11.



You said that family members have revealed that JFK was a serial adulterer. To which I replied that I would take their words seriously.

So what happened to them? Don't exist, eh?

As I said, I wouldn't trust the word of the mistresses themselves, but for kicks and giggles I checked those four out. Here's what I discovered:

Mary Pinchot Meyer:  According to the Wikipedia article on her, "More than ten years after Pinchot Meyer's death, rumors of her affair with Kennedy began to circulate." Gee, it took a decade for that rumor to begin. Regardless, National Enquirer and Washington Post "confirmed" the affair (whatever that is supposed to mean) to the satisfaction of the Wikipedia editors. So I guess maybe that affair really took place. (Or maybe not. I'd like to see how the affair was confirmed.)

Ellen Rometsch:  According to the Wikipedia article on her, Rometsch was allegedly an East German spy who "was widely thought in some Washington journalism circles to have been a mistress of President John F. Kennedy. However, the FBI never turned up 'any solid evidence' that Rometsch was a spy or that she had relations with President Kennedy." No evidence.

Mimi Alford:  According to the Wikipedia article on her, "Mimi Alford is an American woman who allegedly had an affair with President John F. Kennedy while she served as an intern in the White House press office between 1962 and 1963." Allegedly.

Judith Exner:  According to the Wikipedia article on her, "[David] Powers ... stated that Kennedy never had an affair with Exner. Never.


Here you go regarding Meyer.  


You can also read this


All fake or forged right?

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Cory :

This was JFK writing to her on White House stationary?


Edited by James DiEugenio
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7 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Even if it is authentic, one mistress is a far cry from "serial adulterer."

Keep looking Cory...


Lol neither of you will say if it is authentic or not.  Ok. Will you admit that your post I cited wherein you cited Wikipedia is therefore incorrect as to Meyer?  Are you now admitting he had an affair with her?
How can you claim you researched the Meyer issue when you knew nothing about this letter?    
You stated:

As I said, I wouldn't trust the word of the mistresses themselves, but for kicks and giggles I checked those four out. Here's what I discovered:


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Yes, and the whole MM/Kennedy trust fund for her mother  was also  deemed authentic and that also sold for literally hundreds of thousands over a long period of time. And Sy Hersh used it to get more money out of ABC.


Then  the letter from Bobby's sister that was supposed to mean MM and RFK were having an affair and the whole family knew about?  Turned out to be a tongue in cheek jest.. 

Then the "Peter" that MM referred to who you said was Lawford, but it was not.

Oh my aching back.

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5 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Yes, and the whole MM/Kennedy trust fund for her mother  was also  deemed authentic and that also sold for literally hundreds of thousands over a long period of time. And Sy Hersh used it to get more money out of ABC.


Then  the letter from Bobby's sister that was supposed to mean MM and RFK were having an affair and the whole family knew about?  Turned out to be a tongue in cheek jest.. 

Then the "Peter" that MM referred to who you said was Lawford, but it was not.

Oh my aching back.

Jim so everyone listening understands you, are you saying this letter to Meyer which was auctioned off was a fake?   

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You have no problems citing Evelyn Lincoln when it fits your views but here when it doesn’t you and Sandy discount it.   Odd.  
One of my clients who passed away wasJohn Lear.  One thing he used to tell me was that even confronted with proof most people can’t accept it.  

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