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VICTORY for the credibility of Parkland nurse Audrey Bell

Micah Mileto

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You know Pat...if you blow that puppy dog up big enough...It looks like you could see a bullet entrance in the temple.

Good call on the red stuff.For whatever reason,I was thinking that it would be bone color.

Edited by Michael Crane
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I think this thread has been quite a good investigation into the views of Pat Speer. There are people on the forum who disagree with his views on the large hole location. I disagree with him.

If you prefer the location shown in the multiple witness photos above ( I do) then in my view you have to accept an uncomfortable truth, the Z film has been altered. 

Is there anyone willing to make a case the film is genuine, but Pat is incorrect as to wound location?

Edited by Eddy Bainbridge
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16 hours ago, Pat Speer said:


I wrote what is essentially a book on this, Michael. And you are correct if your point is that 6.5 mm FMJ bullets don't leave small entrances an inch or two away from huge exits. And yet the size of the exit is undisputed--witnesses at both Parkland and Bethesda described a huge exit. Well, this led many a researcher to muse that hunting ammunition or AR-15 ammunition was used. But my research led me down a different road. All clues, in fact, point to a bullet's clipping the top of the head at an angle, and creating a tangential wound of both entrance and exit,

This convoluted explanation is an example of the reason you are a dream come true for WC apologists, and the reason they cite you so often. You are a non-conspiracy "conspiracy theorist."  

Most of the people who saw the exit wound said it was in the back of the head. A number of them specified that it was in the right occipital-parietal area. Several doctors who saw the wound said the wound exposed a badly damaged cerebellum. 

Your explanation requires us to believe that all of those witnesses were not just mistaken but badly mistaken, that they couldn't tell the difference between a wound that included part of the occiput and a wound in the top of the head that was above the right ear.

Clint Hill stared at the wound for several minutes as he lay on the back of the limo on the way to Parkland. He saw the wound again hours later at the autopsy. He insisted the wound was in the back of the head, in the right-rear area of the head.

Nurse Diana Bowron packed the exit wound with gauze. Mortician Tom Robinson reassembled the skull after the autopsy. Both said the large wound was in the back of the head. 

Nurse Margaret Henchliffe helped prepare JFK's body for placement in the casket. She got a prolonged look at the large head wound. She noted that while she was helping to prepare the body for the coffin, she had the opportunity to examine the head wound "more closely." She said the wound was in "the back of the head." She added that "there was no flap of scalp on the right, neither was there a laceration pointing toward the right." She also reported that "most of the brain was missing."

But according to you, these two nurses who got a prolonged look at the large head wound, and who even handled the head, mistook a large wound that was above the right ear for a wound in the back of the head. And according to you, Nurse Henchliffe was just "mistaken," or lying, when she said she saw no flap on the right side and no laceration that pointed toward the right, and that most of the brain was missing.

Saundra Spencer explained to the ARRB that the autopsy photo that you keep citing was taken after the autopsy, after the skull had been reassembled. But she was "mistaken," too, right?

with the small entrance by the eop representing a second wound.

But you know that you can't accept the EOP entry wound if you accept the autopsy brain photos. The brain photos categorically destroy the EOP entry site. The HSCA FPP hammered the autopsy doctors on this point, and they had no answer for it. A bullet entering at the EOP could not have missed the cerebellum, nor the rear aspects of the occipital lobe, but in the brain photos those areas are undamaged. Something has to give. Either you abandon the EOP site or you acknowledge that the autopsy brain photos cannot be photos of JFK's brain.

Edited by Michael Griffith
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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

I wrote what is essentially a book on this, Michael. And you are correct if your point is that 6.5 mm FMJ bullets don't leave small entrances an inch or two away from huge exits. And yet the size of the exit is undisputed--witnesses at both Parkland and Bethesda described a huge exit. Well, this led many a researcher to muse that hunting ammunition or AR-15 ammunition was used. But my research led me down a different road. All clues, in fact, point to a bullet's clipping the top of the head at an angle, and creating a tangential wound of both entrance and exit,

This convoluted explanation is an example of the reason you are a dream come true for WC apologists, and the reason they cite you so often. You are a non-conspiracy "conspiracy theorist."  

Most of the people who saw the exit wound said it was in the back of the head. A number of them specified that it was in the right occipital-parietal area. Several doctors who saw the wound said the wound exposed a badly damaged cerebellum. 

Your explanation requires us to believe that all of those witnesses were not just mistaken but badly mistaken, that they couldn't tell the difference between a wound that included part of the occiput and a wound in the top of the head that was above the right ear.

Clint Hill stared at the wound for several minutes as he lay on the back of the limo on the way to Parkland. He saw the wound again hours later at the autopsy. He insisted the wound was in the back of the head, in the right-rear area of the head.

Nurse Diana Bowron packed the exit wound with gauze. Mortician Tom Robinson reassembled the skull after the autopsy. Both said the large wound was in the back of the head. 

Nurse Margaret Henchliffe helped prepare JFK's body for placement in the casket. She got a prolonged look at the large head wound. She noted that while she was helping to prepare the body for the coffin, she had the opportunity to examine the head wound "more closely." She said the wound was in "the back of the head." She added that "there was no flap of scalp on the right, neither was there a laceration pointing toward the right." She also reported that "most of the brain was missing."

But according to you, these two nurses who got a prolonged look at the large head wound, and who even handled the head, mistook a large wound that was above the right ear for a wound in the back of the head. And according to you, Nurse Henchliffe was just "mistaken," or lying, when she said she saw no flap on the right side and no laceration that pointed toward the right, and that most of the brain was missing.

Saundra Spencer explained to the ARRB that the autopsy photo that you keep citing was taken after the autopsy, after the skull had been reassembled. But she was "mistaken," too, right?

with the small entrance by the eop representing a second wound.

But you know that you can't accept the EOP entry wound if you accept the autopsy brain photos. The brain photos categorically destroy the EOP entry site. The HSCA FPP hammered the autopsy doctors on this point, and they had no answer for it. A bullet entering at the EOP could not have missed the cerebellum, nor the rear aspects of the occipital lobe, but in the brain photos those areas are undamaged. Something has to give. Either you abandon the EOP site or you acknowledge that the autopsy brain photos cannot be photos of JFK's brain.

All this is answered on my website.

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23 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Showing the Zapruder film for the 8,550th time again but in regards to the actual JFK head wounds I ask that you go back to the very basic real time visual evidence and ask you to describe what "you" see?

In the micro-second of the head shot I see a huge blowout of skull and scalp close to but just above and to the right of JFK's right-side ear!

A major section of scalp and skull starting from just above the ear and continuing to a right-side temporal area.

A huge piece blowout.

I see this exploded out piece coming off as a "flap" of hair and bone. A flap that remained attached to JFK's skull.

In the Z film one can easily see the pink spray cloud emanating from this blowout as well as the pink matter exposed underneath by the blowout.

It is all brightly illuminated in the direct noon time sun. You can even see a "glistening" from all the blood and fluid that was just underneath the blown off skull.

Now, how this upper right side skull blowout connects to or in any way contradicts a rear occipital blowout I cannot say. 

I do wonder however, if Jackie Kennedy may have pulled up the blown out "flap" on JFK's upper right-side head, to try to piece back together her husband's skull?

What I see in the bright pink, bloody spray right of the ear blowout Z film footage confuses me.

I my opinion it seems so obvious as to my blown off flap and it's location description being correct.

Closest Dealey Plaza grassy knoll sidewalk bystander witness Bill Newman ( 15 feet away when the head shot occurred ) always described a much more upper right side of the skull blow out wound as I do.

He said something like "we seen his ear blowed off." Which was specifically inaccurate upon close visual study, but was still far from describing a much farther back right rear blowout.

Clint Hill described a large blowout hole farther back from JFK's right ear and with a large amount of brain matter missing from it's interior. And Hill was just inches away from JFK's head?

Does anyone else here see the JFK skull flap blowout as I describe and it's just above but to the right of JFK's right side ear temporal location upon looking closely at the Z film below?

And I have to assume that at least some of the Parkland doctors eventually viewed the Z film. If they did, they would clearly see this major brain matter exposing skull flap blow out above JFK's right ear, right? I would have liked to have viewed the Z film with them and asked them what they think they were seeing in regards to it?





Wonder if one of our resident forum members who knows how to technically effect still frames of videos could get a close up of the one or two Z film ones that clearly depicts the upper right side JFK skull blowout flap as I described in my post above?

It's clear to me but still so small in the view finder I could understand skeptics saying it's too hard to prove what exactly those frames show.

A lot to ask of someone else's time and effort I know. 


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It's my belief that the plotters once they seen the film,wanted the wound to appear as though a bullet had come from behind,and wanted the damage to appear as it was at the front (instead of the back) You know...exit holes are bigger.

That is why you see the black blob.The black blob hides any entries or damage.

Notice the damage and the plotters trying to sell us on a top & side wound (Ida Dox drawings)

Kind of hard to sell the public that a single bullet entrance wound is 4X4 inches.


Edited by Michael Crane
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1 hour ago, Michael Crane said:

It's my belief that the plotters once they seen the film,wanted the wound to appear as though a bullet had come from behind,and wanted the damage to appear as it was at the front (instead of the back) You know...exit holes are bigger.

That is why you see the black blob.The black blob hides any entries or damage.

Notice the damage and the plotters trying to sell us on a top & side wound (Ida Dox drawings)

Kind of hard to sell the public that a single bullet entrance wound is 4X4 inches.


My chapter digging in the dirt reports on a months-long study of wound ballistics, for the Carcano and similar rifles. I have discussed these findings with some of the most famous researches and they either agree or pretend to agree with my conclusions. In short, the large wound was either the exit of a different bullet than was found in the limo, or the entrance and exit of a bullet entering tangentially--at an angle--as first proposed by Dr. Clark.


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4 hours ago, Michael Crane said:

Maybe they can try from these images.Once again,I got hit with the file being too big.




Thank you Michael Crane!

Does that look like a back of skull ( occipital ) blowout?

This close up shows a powerful explosion of blood and matter emanating from an area above and slightly to the right of JFK's right-side ear.

To me anyway.

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34 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Thank you Michael Crane!

Does that look like a back of skull ( occipital ) blowout?

This close up shows a powerful explosion of blood and matter emanating from an area above and slightly to the right of JFK's right-side ear.

To me anyway.

You're welcome boss.

That doesn't look anywhere close to the back of the head.

I for one,believe that the Zapruder film has been tampered with (and especially around let's say....275 to I don't know 350?400? anyways...after the head explosion.

I also believe that since the Zapruder film doesn't appear to show the limo slowing down.

I don't care,I'm going with the damage reported at Parkland.

To me,all that other stuff is what happened after Parkland (AND AT DIFFERENT TIMES)

IIRC,even James Jenkins said that he does not remember the flap.He did not deny it,he just said that it must of been closed.I'll have to listen to it again.I got 4 videos of him and I'm sort of confused right now.

Edited by Michael Crane
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I always wondered why there wasn't more of a flap about the flap.

Now, notice in the enlarged flap blowout pics you posted MC ( all 3 ) how SS agent limo driver Will Greer is turned fully around and looking "directly" at JFK all during the head shot hit and skull explosion.

He told the Warren Commission he turned back around before this.

These film clips prove otherwise.

Also, you don't turn your head and upper body 180 degrees and look in back of yourself while driving a 6 to 7,000 pound moving vehicle without letting up on the gas pedal. Greer did just that. 

Hence the limo almost stopping right before the JFK head shot.

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