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The RFK Jr. Presidential Campaign

James DiEugenio

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On 11/2/2023 at 5:46 PM, Denny Zartman said:

This post is not appropriate for this section. Had Ben Cole posted it, it would be moved and he would have received a temporary ban.



My apologies for taking so long to respond. I was unavailable yesterday.

Let me first correct a common misconception among members, and that is that Ben was penalized for creating political threads. That is not the case. While it is true that we moved those threads to the Political Discussions board, we did not penalize Ben for creating them. What we penalized Ben for was spamming the JFKA board with them. At least one time, the spam was RFK related.

That said, it is certainly a fair question as to why I am allowing this thread to remain here... so far. There are two reasons:

  1. While it is true this topic isn't directly related to the JFKA, it is about a well-known member of our community... one who has even appeared in a JFKA documentary testifying for our side. And it is about something major happening in his life that could theoretically affect our efforts.

    If something major happens to a forum member, it is not unusual for someone to create a thread here that makes the other members aware of it. An obvious example being when a member dies.
  2. It used to be that (limited) political threads were allowed on the main JFKA board. The problem with that was they usually ended up in a brawl. The admin team solved the problem by prohibiting those threads.

    An alternative solution recently occurred to me, and that is to allow political threads, but make it a forum rule that a member shall not say anything negative about any political party or any politician. Any member caught doing so would be subject to being penalized.

    Note that I haven't discussed this idea with the other administrators. I am just trying it out on this thread.


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Just checked into this thread for the first time 20 minutes ago.

Anything to do with RFK Jr. and his efforts to run for president has been a conundrum for me.

I do think allowing discussion of RFK Jr. on the thread is very valid when the discussion revolves around RFK Jr's views on the JFKA and RFKA.

He grew up physically right there in their presence.

When RFK is your father and JFK a close relationship uncle...of course you would have some uniquely interesting insights regards their lives and deaths that are relevantly worthy in the context of our forum's main focus and charter.

Especially when RFK Jr. believes both deaths involved conspiracies.

Yet, as of now, I can't get a comfortably informed handle on RFK's true over-all political beliefs and agenda motivations in his aggressive effort to make a serious run for President. 

I have read some very general background information regards RFK's life and political, social, business and even personal interests and involvements.

In several areas I can't figure the guy out.

I do think if he garners enough poll numbers and becomes a true third-party candidate it will only hurt the Democrats.

There are still enough liberal democrat baby boomer generation voters who were enamored by JFK and RFK in the 60's and who may still be inclined to vote again for a "Kennedy."

However, voters back then who didn't like Kennedy will still not vote for one.

And no true Trump voter in today's world is going to cross over to vote for a half/democrat at all imo.

These article writers and TV and radio right wing commentators proposing that a RFK Jr. candidacy will hurt Trump are initiating a psychological twist trick ( psyop ) to fool naive democrats and independents who don't like or even hate Trump into falling for that false reality.

Oh wow, if I vote for RFK Jr. it will hurt Trump!

No, it's the opposite.

Trump world would love for RFK Jr. to run. For the reason I state.

Ralph Nader's 2 million vote pull from the Democrats in 2,000 was damaging in that his releasing those two million votes and encouraging his voters to instead vote for the democrats may have helped Al Gore in 2 to 3 states electorally.

George Bush senior lost the 1992 election to Clinton for one main reason ... Ross Perot. Perot garnered 19% of the vote!

And the fact is, Perot got 22% of the white vote. 16% of the Hispanic vote and only "6%" of the black vote in 1992.

Perot's main vote base were Bush voters...not democratic party voters.

RFK Jr. could get close to Perot's vote support.

Younger voters are so turned off to the current two-party system. They'd vote for Brittany Spears if she was the alternative to the two old geezers leading the polls right now.

RFK Jr. would garner a significant percentage of that age group imo.

Also, 70 year old RFK Jr. is the virile "young'un" in such a scenario.

Laughable as that reality is.

RFK would open the files?

I've said many times over the years that I believe there are no files that will ever reveal anything that would counter the Warren Commission findings. Or implicate any of our own intelligence agencies in any nefarious way to the JFK and RFK assassinations.

They've all been destroyed I believe.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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RFK Jr. is the most outspoken second generation Kennedy regards not just his father's and JFK's assassinations, but their being conspiracy events. And being domestically born as well.

I don't recall reading or hearing about any 2nd generation Kennedy ever publicly engaging in this subject at all.

RFK Jr. has been just ripped by several of his family members for this reason and now, others.

I have always wondered why the 2nd generation Kennedy clan could be so polar opposite in this area of their patriarchal history. Has RFK Jr. written about this huge family chasm?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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RFK Jr. Would Halt Infectious Disease Research

November 4, 2023 at 10:44 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told a conference that if he is elected president, he would have the National Institutes of Health move away from covering infectious disease outbreaks like Covid and measles, NBC News reports.

Said Kennedy: “I’m gonna say to NIH scientists, God bless you all. Thank you for public service. We’re going to give infectious disease a break for about eight years.”

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I wanted to make this board a calendar for RFK Jr Events?

And how about this one: "And who would disagree with opening the files anyway? Even LNer's want the files open!"

OMG, are you for real? Has everyone on this board missed what Trump and Biden did with the JFK Act.?

We are now in 2023.  The ARRB closed down in 1998.  In other words, in a quarter century all the files have still not been declassified.

Does anyone think that RFK would not at least try and do that?

IMO, this is one of the reasons the MSM does not like him and is giving him a bad press.  Plus the fact he appeared in Stone's film.  And he did well.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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Let us not forget, Morley says that one of the closed files relating to Johannides is this:

George was getting SI, special intelligence, in the summer of 1963.

Just what was that SI about?

Will the CIA release it?  And why have then not done it so far? 

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Why is Biden denying Secret Service protection to RFK Jr.?

"Just last week, an intruder was arrested twice after trying to break into the LA home of Kennedy and his wife Cheryl Hines, both of whom were inside at the time.

With regard to that break-in attempt — where the intruder was arrested, booked, released and then went right back to the Kennedy home to try and break in again — The Hill headlined its story 'Cheryl Hines slams Biden for not providing RFK Jr. security detail.'"



You think a message is being sent to RFK2?

As in, "Dude, you are not going to make it to the finish line." 

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Thanks to Lori for bringing this issue up and talking about it on this forum.

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9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I wanted to make this board a calendar for RFK Jr Events?

Yes Jim, you started a thread announcing the next RFK Speech. You don't remember?


9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

And how about this one: "And who would disagree with opening the files anyway? Even LNer's want the files open!"

In context Ben and I were loosely talking about forum decorum.  I was in essence saying that I've heard no LNer's here on the forum say they oppose the release of the files back in 2017 or now.

Jim: Does anyone think that RFK would not at least try and do that?

Of course he would,  but things are happening in the present.This is probably the heaviest decade since the 60's. We got 2 wars going on.

If RFK could, I'd say the results would be, Sorry no "smoking gun" of Tucker lore. The LNer's would crow. But some inquisitive  researchers might find some more leads to look into.

Jim: IMO, this is one of the reasons the MSM does not like him and is giving him a bad press.  Plus the fact he appeared in Stone's film.  And he did well.

Now you're veering into politics. But a number of us told you at the beginning this would happen. I don't think Stone"s film had much to do with it. He's really treated no differently than any other popular name recognition candidate who would have that vaccine baggage after a pandemic. Many people see RK as too loose on that front, and are concerned. W's article supports that. "We’re going to give infectious disease a break for about eight years.” Most people see that as radical!

Most of this is result of his own doing. As a candidate, there was a way he could have mitigated it, but he chose to get stubborn and waste precious minutes acting  as if he was a teenager fiercely defending his Senior Class Science Project. Then later, so ineptly, he allows himself to get chided and played by the right. 

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RFK Jr.’s donor data reveals his 2024 threat

A POLITICO analysis of his donor base reveals a lot about who is powering this unconventional candidate.

A POLITICO analysis of campaign finance records also shows that Kennedy’s bid has drawn millions of dollars from donors who kept their wallets shut in the last two presidential elections, suggesting he is activating people who have been turned off by what major parties have been offering.


I suspect this is true. People are washing their hands of the two major parties.  Institutionalized graft and ineffectiveness is not appealing. 


Politico is regarded as a CIA mouthpiece by JFKA researcher Dick Russell. 

They led this story with this paragraph:

"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is collecting checks from past Donald Trump donors at a much higher rate than former Joe Biden contributors, a sign the independent presidential hopeful may pull more from the Republican electorate than Democratic voters."

Op Mock has been painting RFK2 as a vaccine nut, a sexual cad, a white supremacist, a Trump surrogate.  


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41 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


RFK Jr.’s donor data reveals his 2024 threat

A POLITICO analysis of his donor base reveals a lot about who is powering this unconventional candidate.

A POLITICO analysis of campaign finance records also shows that Kennedy’s bid has drawn millions of dollars from donors who kept their wallets shut in the last two presidential elections, suggesting he is activating people who have been turned off by what major parties have been offering.


I suspect this is true. People are washing their hands of the two major parties.  Institutionalized graft and ineffectiveness is not appealing. 


Politico is regarded as a CIA mouthpiece by JFKA researcher Dick Russell. 

They led this story with this paragraph:

"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is collecting checks from past Donald Trump donors at a much higher rate than former Joe Biden contributors, a sign the independent presidential hopeful may pull more from the Republican electorate than Democratic voters."

Op Mock has been painting RFK2 as a vaccine nut, a sexual cad, a white supremacist, a Trump surrogate.  


If RFK Jr. hopes to attract moderate Dems, he will need to explain why he's comfortable taking money, nay bit-coin from Patrick Byrne who is infamous for having had a romantic engagement with alleged Russian spy Maria Butina*, Tim Mellon of the Mellon banking/oil dynasty, and numerous other big hitter Libertarians. 

Among the high-dollar, or better said high-bit-coin donors, Byrne — a not yet indicted but likely individual #20 in the list of co-conspirators in the Georgia RICO case — attended the chaotic Oval Office meeting on December 18*; is it possible he's also an indicted but unnamed co-conspirator in Jack Smith's insurrection case against Trump in DC?


NRA Was 'Foreign Asset' To Russia Ahead of 2016, New Senate Report Reveals

September 27, 201910:01 AM ET, Heard on  All Things Considered By Tim Mak
The National Rifle Association acted as a "foreign asset" for Russia in the period leading up to the 2016 election, according to a new investigation unveiled Friday by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.
Drawing on contemporaneous emails and private interviews, an 18-month probe by the Senate Finance Committee's Democratic staff found that the NRA underwrote political access for Russian nationals Maria Butina and Alexander Torshin more than previously known — even though the two had declared their ties to the Kremlin. . . . 


**Trump’s Georgia case lists 30 unindicted co-conspirators: What we know

. . .  pushing the suggestions at the meeting alongside Giuliani and Powell were Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, and Byrne, the former CEO of Overstock.Attorneys for Byrne and Flynn did not return requests for comment.


@Benjamin Cole if you have citations to indicate Butina has been exonerated, or that Byrne didn't lie when he claimed the FBI set him up with her, please provide. 

@Benjamin Cole As a side note, help me understand: you consider Politico a CIA mouthpiece because Dick Russell says it is, but you reject the Pierre Lafitte datebook in spite of Dick's limited analysis in support of its authenticity?  

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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47 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

If RFK Jr. hopes to attract moderate Dems, he will need to explain why he's comfortable taking money, nay bit-coin from Patrick Byrne who is infamous for having had a romantic engagement with alleged Russian spy Maria Butina*, Tim Mellon of the Mellon banking/oil dynasty, and numerous other big hitter Libertarians. 

Among the high-dollar, or better said high-bit-coin donors, Byrne — a not yet indicted but likely individual #20 in the list of co-conspirators in the Georgia RICO case — attended the chaotic Oval Office meeting on December 18*; is it possible he's also an indicted but unnamed co-conspirator in Jack Smith's insurrection case against Trump in DC?


NRA Was 'Foreign Asset' To Russia Ahead of 2016, New Senate Report Reveals

September 27, 201910:01 AM ET, Heard on  All Things Considered By Tim Mak
The National Rifle Association acted as a "foreign asset" for Russia in the period leading up to the 2016 election, according to a new investigation unveiled Friday by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.
Drawing on contemporaneous emails and private interviews, an 18-month probe by the Senate Finance Committee's Democratic staff found that the NRA underwrote political access for Russian nationals Maria Butina and Alexander Torshin more than previously known — even though the two had declared their ties to the Kremlin. . . . 


**Trump’s Georgia case lists 30 unindicted co-conspirators: What we know

. . .  pushing the suggestions at the meeting alongside Giuliani and Powell were Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, and Byrne, the former CEO of Overstock.Attorneys for Byrne and Flynn did not return requests for comment.


@Benjamin Cole if you have citations to indicate Butina has been exonerated, or that Byrne didn't lie when he claimed the FBI set him up with her, please provide. 

@Benjamin Cole As a side note, help me understand: you consider Politico a CIA mouthpiece because Dick Russell says it is, but you reject the Pierre Lafitte datebook in spite of Dick's limited analysis in support of its authenticity?  

As we have been instructed to avoid "politicking" in the EF-JFKA, I will refrain from discussions in that area.  

I will say beware of Op Mock ops to make you believe RFK2 is linked to "the far right."

Dick Russell's well-documented and informed exposes on which formerly alt-left media organizations have been co-opted is worth reading and thinking about.  I advise all EF-JFKA'ers to read Russell's articles. 

This is Part I of Russell's report, and from there you can find Part II.


As you say, Russell gave a very limited review of the authenticity of the purported Laffite datebook. 

I place no credence in the Laffite datebook. 

I gather Russell is a RFK2 backer. 

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34 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

As we have been instructed to avoid "politicking" in the EF-JFKA, I will refrain from discussions in that area.  

I will say beware of Op Mock ops to make you believe RFK2 is linked to "the far right."

Dick Russell's well-documented and informed exposes on which formerly alt-left media organizations have been co-opted is worth reading and thinking about.  I advise all EF-JFKA'ers to read Russell's articles. 

This is Part I of Russell's report, and from there you can find Part II.


As you say, Russell gave a very limited review of the authenticity of the purported Laffite datebook. 

I place no credence in the Laffite datebook. 

I gather Russell is a RFK2 backer. 

Can you speak directly to the issue RFK Jr.'s donors, specifically Byrne and Mellon, that should cause a degree of concern? The Mellon family wealth is a direct result of toxic capitalism. Their oil interests contributed to the very environmental crisis Kennedy has spent decades addressing. Further, accepting significant money - in crypto currency no less - from at least one individual who participated in meetings to scheme the overthrow of our Constitutional government is disturbing. 

RFK Jr. touted bitcoin but said he wasn’t an investor. Financial records show otherwise


After CNBC made multiple attempts to get a comment, the Kennedy campaign said hours after the publication of this story that “the investments were not his, but his wife’s. He is not involved in her investment decisions.” The campaign did not say for how long Hines held the bitcoin investment or when she purchased the asset.

Later Friday, however, a campaign representative sent a new statement, saying the bitcoin investment is indeed Kennedy’s. “I was mistaken in my last communication. Mr. Kennedy does hold a bitcoin investment, but it came later. At the time of the bitcoin speech he had no cryptocurrency holdings,” the representative said.

Before the Kennedy campaign commented, CREW’s Canter said the ownership is certainly current as of June 30, when he filed his disclosure. “Under a traditional conflict of interest analysis, Hines’ financial interests are imputed to him,” Canter said.

“I’m really concerned that he’s speaking at this conference, touting this investment to potential voters while the family has a history of owning bitcoin. It’s like he could do the same thing for Procter and Gamble,” she added. “There’s no difference in my mind from a conflicts perspective.”

After Kennedy’s appearance in May at the Miami conference, CNBC inquired whether Kennedy had any crypto holdings. “Mr. Kennedy has no crypto holdings,” a spokeswoman for the campaign said at the time.

Kennedy said at the conference that if he were to become president he would “make sure that your right to hold and use bitcoin is inviolable.”



(Regarding Dick, whom I admire and respect (and perhaps I should take this debate to another thread): his limited analysis runs some 1600 words and is actually quite detailed; maybe those whose knowledge of the Kennedy case is limited automatically fail to recognize the significance. Dick closes with, In summary, it is possible from this datebook to piece together many things about the assassination that could be merely educated guesses until now. I believe, presuming the datebook is verified as having been written by Lafitte in 1963, that this constitutes probably the strongest evidence that has ever come to light of a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy.  I'm trying to understand the logic of your appeal to authority argument that Politico is an intel-agency media operation because Dick said so but your same authority argument can't be applied to the Lafitte datebook.)

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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1 minute ago, Leslie Sharp said:

You might ask Dick if he couched it as a "limited review." It is actually quite detailed. Perhaps those whose knowledge of the Kennedy case is limited can't recognize the significance.  I'm asking whether your straw man argument that Politico is an agency outlet because Dick said so 

Dick Russell's observations regarding Politico can be verified, checked out. You can read Politico and draw your own conclusions. 

Politico (stylized in all caps), known originally as The Politico, is a Washington metropolitan area, U.S., based politics focused newspaper company owned since 2021 by German publisher Axel Springer SE. It covers politics and policy in the United States and internationally.

In sharp contrast, nothing in or about the Laffite datebook can be verified. 

Unfortunately, there it stands.





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