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JFK: What The Doctors Saw

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2 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

I am assuming this is the Parkland doctors footage, only re-cut to be more sexy. I have mentioned this before, but I was at a Lancer conference where three of those interviewed in this film spoke, along with James Jenkins and William Newman. NOT ONE of them said the far back of the head was blown out or that the autopsy photos are fakes. In fact the four who said they got a look at the wound ALL said the wound was by the ear, where it is shown in the photos.

Thank you for reminding people about this, Pat. I hope they keep it in mind as they watch several of these doctors embellish/change their stories for the benefit of TV.

Edited by Pat Speer
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10 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

I am in poor health and probably can't withstand another bs siop job on the medical evidence. 

I am assuming this is the Parkland doctors footage, only re-cut to be more sexy. I have mentioned this before, but I was at a Lancer conference where three of those interviewed in this film spoke, along with James Jenkins and William Newman. NOT ONE of them said the far back of the head was blown out or that the autopsy photos are fakes. In fact the four who said they got look at the wound ALL said the wound was by the ear, where it is shown in the photos. (Correction:. Jenkins did express some disagreement with the photos but nevertheless insisted that the back of the skull, while shattered, remained beneath the scalp.)

And yet certain people--pretending to stand in support of the Parkland witnesses--continue to push that the back of the head was missing.

It's a red herring, folks. IF people had spent as much time READING and LEARNING as they had pestering old people into confirming their pet theory, the case would have been re-opened decades ago. But we instead ended up in this divide where people sift through the evidence without actually seeing, and claim the very evidence PROVING more than three shots were fired must be fake...because because because...

You rely on a handful of the Parkland medical personnel because they agree with your position, but you ignore all the rest who do not. You also ignore the non-medical witnesses, such as Clint Hill, who got an up-close, prolonged look at the large head wound three times. You ignore all the autopsy witnesses who said there was a large right-rear defect, and you rely on the few autopsy witnesses who went along with the autopsy photos.

Incredibly, you even argue that the autopsy brain photos are authentic, even though they show only 1-2 ounces of missing brain matter, a virtually undamaged cerebellum (yet Finck said there was "extensive damage" to the cerebellum), and an undamaged right-rear occipital lobe (a physical impossibility unless the EOP bullet entered at a downward angle of about 65 degrees).

WC apologists frequently cite your rejection of the large right-rear defect and your rejection of the historic OD evidence of the alteration of the autopsy skull x-rays.  I can't count how many times in other forums I've had WC defenders cite your arguments on the medical evidence.

Your conspiracy theory is so watered down, so heavily qualified, and so convoluted that it's almost as problematic as the lone-gunman theory.

Edited by Michael Griffith
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22 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

I just finished watching it. This is an outstanding production with great archival footage galore with high quality films and photos galore. It is a combination of 2013 AND 2023 video. More commentary to follow; I give it an A-plus.




I'll be the leader and go ahead and remind you to do the right thing.This is not a PPV so,it would be amazing to find this show on your Youtube channel  😉

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This is excellent.  Everyone should watch it.  Far and away the best thing I've ever seen on the medical evidence, which does include the expert opinions of the Dallas doctors of what they observed.

I'm sure Cliff will note, as I did, they didn't show JFK's shirt and coat, which they should have.  But it is cram packed full of important statements.  Plus, by showing clips of JFK and Jackie, the motorcade it kept the statements tied into what was happening at the time, keeping the interest of the audience.

Where it's at and of course the timing is important.  Paramount is still hot from Yellowstone and now Bass Reeves and more.

I had looked it back up on this thread to get the title right and asked my wife if she wanted to watch it.  Sure (another JFK show ?, she is interested, but).  Bing from my laptop, a facebook message from one of my daughters.  Have you watched this?  It's really good so far.

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On 11/15/2023 at 1:28 PM, Michael Crane said:

I'll be the leader and go ahead and remind you to do the right thing.This is not a PPV so,it would be amazing to find this show on your Youtube channel  😉

LOL---I would but major copyright violation.  :)

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