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Dale Myers Article on Mark Lane

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11 hours ago, Michael Crane said:

When you're dead, you don't know that you're dead.

It's the same way when you're stupid.

MC, I must respectfully disagree with your first proposition "when you're dead, you don't know your dead."

Since most of us forum members haven't yet died ... how would we know?

Now, regards your second proposition "It's the same way when you are stupid."

That is a profound truism. And it reminds me of something similar my wife frequently imparts to me ..."stupid is as stupid does."

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29 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

MC, I must respectfully disagree with your first proposition "when you're dead, you don't know your dead."

Since most of us forum members haven't yet died ... how would we know?

Now, regards your second proposition "It's the same way when you are stupid."

That is a profound truism. And it reminds me of something similar my wife frequently imparts to me ..."stupid is as stupid does."

Perhaps It's possible that you might have missed what I said.You said.....we haven't died yet,how would we know" and I say,that you don't know when you're dead.

Edited by Michael Crane
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1 hour ago, Michael Crane said:

Perhaps It's possible that you might have missed what I said.

You said..."we haven't died yet, how would we know?" and I say that you don't know when you're dead.

According to revered psychic sources Tyler Henry, John Edward, Theresa Caputo, James Van Praagh and others...the deceased persons they communicate with all know they are dead.

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

MC, I must respectfully disagree with your first proposition "when you're dead, you don't know your dead."

Since most of us forum members haven't yet died ... how would we know?


Technically I've died twice but it appears to be the same as when you're unconscious only usually more permanent lol. 

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33 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

According to revered psychic sources Tyler Henry, John Edward, Theresa Caputo, James Van Praagh and others...the deceased persons they communicate with all know they are dead.

I have a funny meme that that saying is attached to.I tried to post it,but got a message saying that it's too big,so I just typed the words.

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What many people do not know about Dale Myers--and his comrade Gus Russo--is that they were both in the Commission critic camp for years on end.  

Here is an example by the estimable John Kelin.


Geez, does Dale mention anything about communists pushing this angle in this interview?  

When I first wrote about this in my book long critique of Bugliosi's crappy Reclaiming History, I also revealed that Myers was a ghostwriter on that book.  But I also said that one would never know about his critical past from reading that rather voluminous volume.  Bugliosi used all kinds of insults and invective that were spat out with vigor against the critical community.  But somehow Myers' St Paul type conversion went unacknowledged and unscathed.  Very convenient for Vince was it not?

Myers replied to this issue by using four words, "you grow, you know."

The problem with this is simple:  the mass of evidence that has been declassified in the last nearly three decades does not support what he and Bugliosi were attempting to state. This is why I was able to write a rather long and detailed book assailing that effort.  In many ways its rather sickening to examine.  For example what Vince did with the Ruby polygraph would get him thrown out of any law school class, and he would be up for discipline hearings if he had done it in court. It was an utter disgrace what he did to Doug Horne and his work on whatever happened to JFK's brain.  That was just pure camouflage to hide the real issues on that point. And since then the evidence has just gotten stronger on the issue. Did Kennedy's brain really end up at the AFIP? 


But yet Myers still thinks he achieved something with his cooperation on that book.  Even though he and Vince had a falling out over how he would be accredited. To the point his name was taken off the thing completely.  Vince does credit his writing help in the acknowledgements.  (p. 1515)

My overall point is this: when I wrote about this phenomenon, the switch of Russo and Myers--I pointed out a parallel.  That was David Horowitz.  Horowitz was a former editor of the late, great Ramparts magazine.  But he and Peter Collier  later decided to drop out and write American biographies of famous families like the Fords.  They then came out in support of Reagan. Horowitz then got rich by being an attack dog on the left.  And I mean a vicious one.

This reminds me of what Myers is doing.  Forgetting his past with a completeness that is astonishing--"you grow, you know"-- he now says this was all part of a fifth column type movement.  Hmm, was Jim Garrison part of that?  Was Sylvia Meagher part of that ? Was Epstein?  Was Weisberg? Was Saturday Evening Post when they put Thompson's book on the cover? Was Warren Hinckle?  Ramparts did at least three cover stories on the JFK case. They had a circulation of about 250,000 and were sold on every major newstand in America.

But this is the kind of hack work Myers--Mr. Single Bullet Fact-- does today.  Like the late Gary Mack, one can only guess that it is fueled by a hatred of what he once was.



Edited by James DiEugenio
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In a CIA memo from the Chief of the New Orleans office, Lloyd Ray, to the Director of the DCS, Ray expressed his belief that the Garrison investigation was credible.  After Garrison interviewed Carlos Bringuier on February 1st., 1967, Bringuier immediately requested an interview with Hunter Leake of the New Orleans CIA office.  Bringuier informed Leake on February 2nd., that Garrison was conducting his own investigation of Oswald's role in President Kennedy's assassination and warned of the "communist propaganda" being spread that Oswald was "a pawn in a plot by U.S. rightist elements."  Ray writes, "We believe that there is some truth in the allegation of the Garrison investigation and that the matter is under a discreet and sensitive investigation by the FBI.

HSCA staff council Jonathan Blackmer authored a memorandum.  Blackmer was the lead council for Team 3, the HSCA team responsible for the New Orleans and Cuban angles of the investigation.  Blackmer concluded in his memo,

"We have reason to believe Shaw was heavily involved in the anti-Castro efforts in New Orleans in the 1960's and was possibly one of the high level planners or 'cut out' to the planners of the assassination."

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5 hours ago, Marcus Fuller said:


Technically I've died twice but it appears to be the same as when you're unconscious only usually more permanent lol. 


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I think I talked about this Pete on BOR last week.

See, Blackmer was one of the lawyers who was hired by Sprague and Tanenbaum.  (His father was the actor Sydney Blackmer)

He was the lead lawyer on New Orleans, overseeing the inquiry begun by Tanenbaum.  Tanenbaum was interested in that whole scene down there.

The first team sent there was Blackmer, L. J. Delsa and Bob Buras.

And man did they get a lot of results.  The first time that Delphine Roberts began to talk was in her second interview with Buras.  She would not with either Garrison or in the first interview with Bob. And they also began to try and pinpoint the timing of the Clinton/Jackson incident.

When Sprague and Tanenbaum left, that was it for that team in New Orleans. They were all shifted out or even suspended.

Blackmer would not even talk bout this experience later in his life..

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My eyes were naturally drawn to the passages mentioning my home country, and there were a few typos and other peculiarities.

1) Typos (can happen with casual copying from pdfs)

  • "Elstrabladet" = Ekstra Bladet
  • "Berlingske-Tidende" = Berlingske Tidende
  • "Lolland-Palsters Polketidemic" = Lolland-Falsters Folketidende
  • "Mykning P." = Nykøbing F.

2) Redundancy (repeatedly referring to the same person as a "known communist")

  • "a known Danish Communist, Jorgen Theilgaard Jacobsen"
  • "Jorgen Jacobsen, a known Communist"
  • "Jorgen Jacobsen, the known Communist"

Note: Jørgen Jacobsen quit the DKP in 1956.

3) Currency conversion gone wrong

  • "2500 D.kr. ($35.24 USD)"
  • "5000 D.kr. ($70.49 USD)"

Different inflation calculators will give you slightly different results, but 1 DKK in 1965 seems to correspond to roughly 1.70 USD in today's currency.

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11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I think I talked about this Pete on BOR last week.

Ha! Didn't know that James, serendipity.

11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

When Sprague and Tanenbaum left, that was it for that team in New Orleans.

& along came Blakey.

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On 11/6/2023 at 11:00 AM, W. Tracy Parnell said:

What a sad piece of propaganda. FYI, Bobby Kennedy and Jackie privately told the Soviets, through their good friend William Walton, that he believed that JFK had been killed by a "right-wing conspiracy." Surely not even Dale Myers would accuse Bobby and Jackie of having been socialists or Soviet apologists.

You might read Lane's last book, Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK. He acknowledged and condemned the suppression of human rights that occurred in the Soviet Union and in its Eastern Bloc satellites.

Although we, very sadly, have a few researchers in this forum and elsewhere who admittedly peddle Communist propaganda (or something very close to it), they do not speak for or represent all researchers. Jim Marrs was certainly no socialist or radical leftist. Anthony Summers is no ultra-liberal. Nor is David Kaiser. Nor is Roger Stone. Nor is G. Robert Blakey. Nor is Gary Cornwell. Nor was Henry Hurt. Nor was Craig Roberts. Nor am I. 


Edited by Michael Griffith
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