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Nixon and the assassination.

Cory Santos

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8 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

I didn't think he was.


I am surprised you did not know this    




Edited by Cory Santos
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1 hour ago, Cory Santos said:

You're a little mixed up, Cory. I was talking about George Bush, not Nixon.

And, btw, that first article you linked to above is wrong when it says no President has driven through Dealey Plaza since 1963. Gerald Ford did, in 1976. (See photo below.)


Edited by David Von Pein
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On 12/23/2023 at 1:39 AM, Robert Morrow said:

Unlike LBJ who was immediately blaming a “communist” for the JFK assassination at 1:20 - 1:26PM long before Oswald's arrest (see Malcolm Kilduff), Richard Nixon’s first comments were that a “right-wing nut” had killed JFK


Although Lee Harvey Oswald would not be charged with the president’s murder until 2:30 the following morning, J. Edgar Hoover had already decided that Oswald was guilty. Late that afternoon former Vice-President Richard Nixon had called the FBI director and, getting right through, had asked, “What happened? Was it one of the right-wing nuts?”

        “No,” Hoover replied, “It was a Communist.”


[Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets, p. 542]

[accidentally hit "submit" too many times. please delete this]

Edited by S.T. Patrick
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On 12/23/2023 at 1:39 AM, Robert Morrow said:

Unlike LBJ who was immediately blaming a “communist” for the JFK assassination at 1:20 - 1:26PM long before Oswald's arrest (see Malcolm Kilduff), Richard Nixon’s first comments were that a “right-wing nut” had killed JFK


Although Lee Harvey Oswald would not be charged with the president’s murder until 2:30 the following morning, J. Edgar Hoover had already decided that Oswald was guilty. Late that afternoon former Vice-President Richard Nixon had called the FBI director and, getting right through, had asked, “What happened? Was it one of the right-wing nuts?”

        “No,” Hoover replied, “It was a Communist.”


[Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets, p. 542]

I think many would assume Nixon would want to draw attention AWAY from it even potentially being "one of the right-wing nuts," as he called them. I guess this shows, at the very least, that things, as always, are a bit more nuanced than the simple caricatures some have wanted to be true. I've long been skeptical that Nixon knew, as some have claimed. Then again, some believe he still knew about the second Watergate burglary in June 1972. Some will say that the phone call to Hoover was an attempt to give himself plausible deniability, feigning some semblance of shock and a complete lack of knowledge about who it could have been. But they need Nixon to have known, because they decided long ago that their own theory needs him to know. I think this call, at its base, gives more evidence, however, to the idea that he did not have foreknowledge.  I do believe, however, that this began a lifelong fascination for Nixon about the case. The "Bay of Pigs thing," as Haldeman called it. Between 11/22/63 and 1969, Nixon seems to have asked around quite a bit and held many conversations off the record about the case. He wasn't the only one. 

Edited by S.T. Patrick
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17 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

This thread is about Nixon.  I didn't mean to de rail it but both he and Bush were there that day.

The misleading response you posted from him to Mrs. Hansen in 1979 is the disinfo.  I'd guess we don't have her letter asking him where he was on 11/22/63 but if she's asking in general, why?  Would she liked to have known if he was in Dallas that day?  Is that a logical assumption, given JFK was assassinated there that day?

This really is important Dave. 

He remembers being in Tyler to give a speech (while running for congress, a race he lost).  He remembers the horror of realizing it actually happened.  He remembers the similar reaction of others.  But when asked previously he couldn't remember where he was that day.  He, being a politician in Texas at the time running for office.  While virtually every U S  Citizen of school age and above did remember where they were when they first heard the news.

Yet in his response to Mrs. Hansen he chooses to omit the fact that he Woke Up in Dallas that morning then at some point went to Tyler for a speech and photo op in Tyler shortly after the assassination.  Nor does his selective memory note that after the speech/photo op he was flown back to Dallas on either Zeppa or Ulmer's plane to rendezvous with a flight out of Love Field home to Houston that afternoon. 

See Russ Baker's Family of Secrets for starters.  In particular, Barbara's letter to her friend.  

Barbara's note mentions she was with Dan Ulmer's wife, does it not?  Are you saying Barbara later sowed disinformation that they were in Tyler that morning and that Joe Zeppa (Delta Drilling, core element of the Skorzeny - Meadows Madrid scheme since 1952) flew she and George into Dallas to catch a flight to Houston?   She even goes as far as describing a delay at Love Field while Air Force II took off. I'm genuinely interested in this apparent contradiction which continues to surface periodically.

Al Ulmer who planned to go into business with MC COS Win Scott and a group of retired intel agents including several from MI6 was also in Tyler that week with his brother and wife. 1-1/2 degree of separation from Mexico City is awfully close. 

Zeppa, along with Jack Crichton and Al Meadows and a number of Tyler area oilmen had revived their 1950s collaboration involving Otto Skorzeny in Madrid to launch a Houston-based petroleum scheme which garnered Skorzeny's enthusiasm (and participation under the radar?) in early 1963. Meadows and a delegation of independent oilmen from Texas had been in Madrid in October 1963 where he received a medal from Franco's energy czar. Is it unreasonable that all reunited with Otto Skorzeny on the occasion?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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17 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

This thread is about Nixon.  I didn't mean to de rail it but both he and Bush were there that day.

The misleading response you posted from him to Mrs. Hansen in 1979 is the disinfo.  I'd guess we don't have her letter asking him where he was on 11/22/63 but if she's asking in general, why?  Would she liked to have known if he was in Dallas that day?  Is that a logical assumption, given JFK was assassinated there that day?

This really is important Dave. 

He remembers being in Tyler to give a speech (while running for congress, a race he lost).  He remembers the horror of realizing it actually happened.  He remembers the similar reaction of others.  But when asked previously he couldn't remember where he was that day.  He, being a politician in Texas at the time running for office.  While virtually every U S  Citizen of school age and above did remember where they were when they first heard the news.

Yet in his response to Mrs. Hansen he chooses to omit the fact that he Woke Up in Dallas that morning then at some point went to Tyler for a speech and photo op in Tyler shortly after the assassination.  Nor does his selective memory note that after the speech/photo op he was flown back to Dallas on either Zeppa or Ulmer's plane to rendezvous with a flight out of Love Field home to Houston that afternoon. 

See Russ Baker's Family of Secrets for starters.  In particular, Barbara's letter to her friend.  


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2 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Barbara's note mentions she was with Dan Ulmer's wife, does it not?  Are you saying Barbara later sewed disinformation that they were in Tyler that morning and that Joe Zeppa (Delta Drilling, core element of the Skorzeny - Meadows Madrid scheme since 1952) flew she and George into Dallas to catch a flight to Houston?   She even goes as far as describing a delay at Love Field while Air Force II took off. I'm genuinely interested in this apparent contradiction which continues to surface periodically.



      Russ Baker talks about this subject in detail in Family of Secrets.

      Barbara Bush claimed (in her autobiography, if I recall correctly) that she had written a rather elaborate, detailed letter to her young children on 11/22/63, describing the remarkably convoluted history of her alleged itinerary with Poppy on 11/22/63.

      But Baker highlighted a number of strange anomalies about the "legendary" letter.  For one thing, she and Poppy returned to Houston that evening.  Why write a detailed letter to her kids about the day?

     Additionally, the diction and Jane Austen-like formality of the letter to young Jeb, Neil, et.al. was rather odd, considering their age and the fact that she was their mother.  As Joseph McBride and I (and the forum) discussed a few years ago, George W. Bush would have been 17 at the time, and he was either at Andover, or on Thanksgiving break in Dallas with Poppy and Mommy-- not at home in Houston.

       I have long wondered if Dubya Bush ever made any public statements about where he was on 11/22/63.

       Some people have even wondered if young Dubya Bush was in Dealey Plaza.  (photo below)


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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


      Russ Baker talks about this subject in detail in Family of Secrets.

      Barbara Bush claimed (in her autobiography, if I recall correctly) that she had written a rather elaborate, detailed letter to her young children on 11/22/63, describing the remarkably convoluted history of her alleged itinerary with Poppy on 11/22/63.

      But Baker highlighted a number of strange anomalies about the "legendary" letter.  For one thing, she and Poppy returned to Houston that evening.  Why write a detailed letter to her kids about the day?

     Additionally, the diction and Jane Austen-like formality of the letter to young Jeb, Neil, et.al. was rather odd, considering their age and the fact that she was their mother.  As Joseph McBride and I (and the forum) discussed a few years ago, George W. Bush would have been 17 at the time, and he was either at Andover, or on Thanksgiving break in Dallas with Poppy and Mommy-- not at home in Houston.

       I have long wondered if Dubya Bush ever made any public statements about where he was on 11/22/63.

       Some people have even wondered if young Dubya Bush was in Dealey Plaza.  (photo below)


@W. Niederhut  I happen to be intimately familiar with this episode because Russ contacted me after reading several of my posts on Jeff Morley's jfkfacts which included identification of the various business and personal connections between Joe Zeppa of Delta Drilling and Lone Star Steel and Ulmer/Bush. Russ assumed I was privy to his research when in fact I stumbled across Zeppa long before he published and "did my own" research.  A friendly exchange with Russ ensued which led to him staying in my home for an extended period during which time I organized his book signing at a local independent book store in Santa Fe.  We pulled in approx. 60 Santa Feans.

I agree Barbara's note is Jane-Austin-esque, and had I not been familiar with the significance of Zeppa and especially at the time Lone Star Steel whose board included one Prez or CEO from each of four of Dallas' largest banks and one in Wichita Falls — and Zeppa's position on small board of Petroleum Reserves (with a representative from ITEK who worked for Cerro mining whose chairman was ambassador to Belgium in the lead up to Lumumba's murder*) with offices at the International Building in Manhattan where Dulles occupied an office following his 'retirement' — I wouldn't have considered Barbara's note as possibly legitimate. It was only when Albarelli contacted me that I realized just how important this research might be .... how it "fit" into what he had uncovered.  Include the dense corporate/intel history with Al Ulmer's history in the agency including his post in Madrid while Otto Skorzeny set up shop, I consider it irresponsible to write off that note without solid evidence they weren't actually and deliberately in Tyler for an alibi, other than the reverse rationale being posited here?

Seems to me though that I recall seeing a photograph to argue they were in Dallas on the 21st??   Maybe @Ron Bulman remembers it?   

*Jack Crichton, pivotal to the Skorzeny-Meadows scheme along with Zeppa, was a leading member of The American Friends of Katanga Freedom Fighters. There is sufficient reason to consider Otto Skorzeny as QJ.WIN played a role in the Lumumba murder; Pierre Lafitte is known to have been in and out of the Congo during the period as well.

[Further HIGH STRANGENESS AND SYNCHRONICITY, some fifty years after the assassination, my spouse was in the Plaza with Oscar, our beloved Irish Wolfhound who caught the attention of a smartly dressed couple from East Texas.  They said they were going home to begin their search for a wolfie.  He mentioned I was from Texas as well and asked their names.  He (the guy) said he was the son of Joe Zeppa.  He passed away a couple of years later.]

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


      Russ Baker talks about this subject in detail in Family of Secrets.

      Barbara Bush claimed (in her autobiography, if I recall correctly) that she had written a rather elaborate, detailed letter to her young children on 11/22/63, describing the remarkably convoluted history of her alleged itinerary with Poppy on 11/22/63.

      But Baker highlighted a number of strange anomalies about the "legendary" letter.  For one thing, she and Poppy returned to Houston that evening.  Why write a detailed letter to her kids about the day?

     Additionally, the diction and Jane Austen-like formality of the letter to young Jeb, Neil, et.al. was rather odd, considering their age and the fact that she was their mother.  As Joseph McBride and I (and the forum) discussed a few years ago, George W. Bush would have been 17 at the time, and he was either at Andover, or on Thanksgiving break in Dallas with Poppy and Mommy-- not at home in Houston.

       I have long wondered if Dubya Bush ever made any public statements about where he was on 11/22/63.

       Some people have even wondered if young Dubya Bush was in Dealey Plaza.  (photo below)


Another strange and long buried coincidence, Dubya went to school in Midland with Billy Lord — not the same class but within a couple of years — who sailed from New Orleans on the SS Lykes line with Oswald.  Somewhere there is a photo of a classmate of theirs from Midland — sitting on the curb with George de Mohrenshcildt (with his Airedale terrier) in front of deM's Travis street condo. (fifteen years later I was living in the same block on Travis.) This reinforces the tightly integrated nature of the independent oil cabal in Texas. 

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2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@Cory Santos Cory, let me know if you would prefer I launch an independent thread related to this recent exchange focused on GHWBush whereabouts on 11.22.63.  I don't mean to hijack Nixon!  🙂

No it’s fine.  

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6 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

You're a little mixed up, Cory. I was talking about George Bush, not Nixon.

And, btw, that first article you linked to above is wrong when it says no President has driven through Dealey Plaza since 1963. Gerald Ford did, in 1976. (See photo below.)


Dallas morning news article I thought addressed this.  
Also, coincidence?   Lol, I think not.   

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