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Who was Pierre Laffite?

Ron Bulman

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On 12/26/2023 at 11:09 PM, Ron Bulman said:

No, I can't but I can tell you where to look and which references I think are most relevant.  You can take it from there.

A Terrible Mistake has 32 pages of end notes for the 826 page book.  They are not numbered.  I've read some authors prefer not to interrupt the flow of their work with reference numbers scattered throughout the text, same thing about (end of) page notes.  All three of Hank's books are done this way.  The end notes are separated by chapter and the notes themselves in general relate to a given chapter in chronological order but many often do not state specifically what they relate to in the text.

That said, the Laffite recruited QJ/WIN to assassinate Lumumba quote is from Book II, Brainwashing to LSD, Chapter 8 on Assassinations.  Subtitles in it start with Who Was QJ/WIN, Boris T. Pash and Assassinations, then Lt. Col. Lucien Conein but the relevant quote is from Attempts to Assassinate Castro.

The first reference possibly related to this in the end notes regard Senator Gary Hart's involvement in the Church Committee and his attempt to meet with QJ/WIN in Amsterdam.  Albarelli contacted Hart about this in 2202.  Hart responded.  QJ/WIN didn't show.

The next entry/possibility is:  QJ/WIN file and notes, National Security Archives, Washington, D.C.

"unpublished 1987 article by Stephen J. Rivele entitled "Three Contracts, Who Is QJ/WIN?  National Reporter Vol. 10 No. 3, Spring 1987; "The Plot to Kill Lumumba: The Corsican Connection."  by Rivele, Vol. 10-11, No. 4-1, Fall 1987.

FBI files and dossier on Sam "Momo" Giancana, 1936-1975; FBI files and dossier on Santo Trafficante, Jr. 1950-1973, FNI files on Jean-Pierre Laffite, FBI and FBN files on John Maples Spiritto, 1958-1961.

CIA memorandum for the record, Subject: Report on the Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro, by J.S. Earman, Inspector General, 23 May1967.

A one time free dig Greg.  If you distrust Hank, believe him naive or inept, that he was easily deceived, buy the book, read the references, research their origin.  You can get a copy on Amazon for $11.  It has great reviews.

A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of... by Albarelli Jr., H. P. (amazon.com)



Going back to this I think this is important from the prologue of ATM.  "In addition, I have attempted diligently to verify each, and every fact presented in this book.  When I distrusted documents, or found them questionable or less than credible, I did not rely on them."  Hank Albarelli, pg. 10.

A fuller context to my earlier quote from pgs. 342-344.  "Apparently, Gottlieb came through for Guinn because in March 1961 Roselli passed a packet of lethal pills to Trafficante.  Trafficante promptly passed the pills to Orta, but Orta backed out . . . Harvey was less than happy Orta had backed out, but Roselli sad that Trafficante knew at least two other contacts in Cuba, who would move things forward.  One was Tony Varona, a doctor who headed a Cuban anti-Castro group and who had family ties to the largest casino in Cuba.  According to the CIA Report, "the Executive Action program [as placed under Harvey] came to be known as ZR/RIFLE."  It's principle asset, as we know from above, was QJ/WIN, who was recruited earlier by Jean-Pierre Laffite [known primarily as "Pierre"] for the planned assassination of Lumumba in the Congo.  That operation was to be run byy Agency official Justin O'Connell, who reportedly "made a survey of the scene [and] decided he wanted no part in an assassination attempt, and asked to be released - which Bissell granted."

Laffite was reportedly in the Congo in the weeks before Lumumba's assassination.  Gottlieb himself reportedly showed up a few days before with poison.  Neither were needed when Lumumba was turned over to his enemies and murdered.

More to this story and others previously mentioned, then there is more to Laffite and Martino as mentioned, as well as his advising Lucien Conien and even more.

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On 12/25/2023 at 2:12 PM, Paul Brancato said:

Hard to imagine Lafitte working at the coffee company

@Paul Brancato Out of curisuosity, why is that?  In Hank's own words (and can you think of any reason he would make this up?), I had learned through my Olson research that Pierre and his family lived in New Orleans during the 1960s and that Pierre had been briefly employed by the William Reily Coffee Company where alleged JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald had also briefly worked in May and June 1963. 

Lafitte was known as a master of disguises. As Ron points out, Lafitte was under cover as bell captain at the Statler Hilton in 1953. Hank shared an incident where Lafitte served as a waiter whose customers one evening included James Angleton who failed to recognize his friend Pierre in disguise. His staff at Plimsoll Club in the late 1960s only knew him as Chef Jean Martin, an engaging boss who hosted Sunday afternoon soirees at his home in Gretna. 

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Somewhat of an aside here, though it comes from ATM and does relate to the future development of MKULTRA which Laffite did play roles in. You will see the name that caught my attention.

". . . February 3, 1939.  Dr. Ryoichi Naito, an assistant to Dr. Shiro Ishii - head of Japan's secret germ warfare program (a story within itself) - visited the Manhattan offices of  the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and asked for samples of the yellow fever virus stored there for use in vaccinations.  The institute refused the request, but Dr. Naito repeatedly returned, harassing Rockefeller Institute scientists with questions about the virus.

During one of Naito's uninvited visits, scientists were stunned to hear him brag that he had recently spent eighteen months at the Robert Koch institute in Berlin.  At the time, the Koch institute, a renowned research facility, was a hub for Nazi biological research."

The Koch institute?  The Koch name is not as unusual as say, Bulman, but it's not Smith or Jones either.  

It's still there.  He was the father of modern bacteriology.

Robert Koch Institute - Wikipedia

The Robert Koch Institute – A Historical Overview (rki.de)

I wonder where the Oil Koch brothers of Kansas ancestors emigrated from?

It does note somewhere in the above that after the start of the third reich they had to let all the Jew's working there go.

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From A.J. Weberman




In 1957 Bernard Fensterwald left the State Department and was hired by Senator Thomas C. Hennings (Dem.-MO) as an investigator for the Senate Committee on Constitutional Rights. In 1957, with his mother, Fensterwald visited the Soviet Union. In 1957 the FBI stated, "Fensterwald has gone out of his way to be helpful." On May 14, 1957, Fensterwald contacted Louis B. Nichols of the FBI. Senator Henning had been asked to introduce legislation to block the deportation of Pierre LaFitte. (LaFitte was mentioned in Ovid Demaris' Green Felt Junge, a book about Las Vegas gambling interests). "I told Fensterwald that this, of course, was a matter for the Immigration Service and on a purely personal and confidential basis the Senator should be exceedingly cautious before he got out on a limb; that if he inquired into LaFittes background he would find an extensive record; and that under no circumstances would the Bureau support LaFitte. I told him officially, of course, we could not take a position but that, personally, we would hate to see some friend embarrassed and he should be very cautious. Fensterwald stated that was enough for him. (Paragraph deleted)" [FBI 66-18621-269] In 1959 Fensterwald was the Subject of an applicant-type inquiry conducted by the FBI.

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23 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:


Somewhat of an aside here, though it comes from ATM and does relate to the future development of MKULTRA which Laffite did play roles in. You will see the name that caught my attention.

". . . February 3, 1939.  Dr. Ryoichi Naito, an assistant to Dr. Shiro Ishii - head of Japan's secret germ warfare program (a story within itself) - visited the Manhattan offices of  the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and asked for samples of the yellow fever virus stored there for use in vaccinations.  The institute refused the request, but Dr. Naito repeatedly returned, harassing Rockefeller Institute scientists with questions about the virus.

During one of Naito's uninvited visits, scientists were stunned to hear him brag that he had recently spent eighteen months at the Robert Koch institute in Berlin.  At the time, the Koch institute, a renowned research facility, was a hub for Nazi biological research."

The Koch institute?  The Koch name is not as unusual as say, Bulman, but it's not Smith or Jones either.  

It's still there.  He was the father of modern bacteriology.

Robert Koch Institute - Wikipedia

The Robert Koch Institute – A Historical Overview (rki.de)

I wonder where the Oil Koch brothers of Kansas ancestors emigrated from?

It does note somewhere in the above that after the start of the third reich they had to let all the Jew's working there go.

Fred Sr., a co-founder of the John Birch Society was born in Quannah, Southeast of Amarillo. He was descended from Dutch immigrants who invested in the Forth Worth and Denver Railway.  The acorns didn't fall far from the tree:

Dutch investors were heavily involved in several railroad lines in the North Texas area, including the Fort Worth and Denver Railway Company, which had spawned Quanah in 1887 and owned just about all the land in town. County records show Harry provided advertising services and worked directly for the Fort Worth and Denver for nearly 20 years, sometimes receiving payment in the form of land transferred directly from the legendary railroad builder Grenville M. Dodge, who helped lay the Union Pacific and more than a dozen other lines across the country. . . .

. . . The implication of his editorializing was simple enough: railroads are good to their workers; it’s the strikers who are greedy, thankless ingrates. It was a total inversion of reality, and a textbook example of a public relations technique that proved to work wonders—and still does.

There is even a good chance Harry Koch participated in a bit of old-fashioned astroturfing in the 1930s, when a suspicious publication called “QA&P Employee’s Magazine” suddenly sprang into existence. Supposedly created and published independently of management by employees in order to “create a closer relationship among the employees, to make them feel more like one big family and to arouse an enthusiasm for more earnestness and sincerity in our work for the road,” the magazine was a big hit with QA&P brass, who “enthusiastically supported the venture.” One of the magazine’s special Christmas issues was so flattering that it made the QA&P’s president “nearly burst with pride.” The publication was also a big hit with the general business community, generating fan mail from top executives from around the country.

There is even a good chance Harry Koch participated in a bit of old-fashioned astroturfing in the 1930s, when a suspicious publication called “QA&P Employee’s Magazine” suddenly sprang into existence. Supposedly created and published independently of management by employees in order to “create a closer relationship among the employees, to make them feel more like one big family and to arouse an enthusiasm for more earnestness and sincerity in our work for the road,” the magazine was a big hit with QA&P brass, who “enthusiastically supported the venture.” One of the magazine’s special Christmas issues was so flattering that it made the QA&P’s president “nearly burst with pride.” The publication was also a big hit with the general business community, generating fan mail from top executives from around the country. . . .

In 1935, Koch published a bizarre editorial about a rumor that spread “among Quanah’s colored population that the Tribune-Chiefcontained a request from the government that every man past sixty should report as an applicant for an old age pension” that soon had “every elderly negro in town” cramming into Tribune-Chief‘s offices. It was proof positive that African-Americans, who had been depicted in the paper as “partly civilized” and unable to observe “laws made by and for white people,” were clearly already scheming to tap into the programs. . . .


But the constant fear mongering and red baiting was just another calculated public relations technique, used selectively against political enemies.

What few of his readers knew was that at the same time Harry screamed about the Red Menace, his youngest son, Fredrick C. Koch, was in the Soviet Union working for the Bolsheviks, building refineries, training Communist engineers and laying down the foundation of Soviet oil infrastructure. Fred even hosted a delegation of Soviet planners in his company headquarters in Wichita, Kansas. Fred’s Soviet contract to build 15 refineries personally netted him $500,000, a huge sum of money in the 1930s, but he continued his father’s cynical red menace attack strategy, and took it to a whole new level after he became one of the founders of the far-rightwing John Birch Society, which tried to convince the American people that unions, colored people, Jews, homosexuals, President Kennedy and even Dwight D. Eisenhower were all Soviet agents plotting to overthrow the U.S. through higher taxes and safety net programs.


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Here we go, thanks for the link, Leslie.  German . . . Doctors.

HARRY KOCH WAS BORN in Holland in 1867 to a wealthy German-Dutch family of merchants, farmers and doctors. 

I never knew they settled in/came from Quanah.  I was through there a few months ago on my way further N/W, been through there several times in younger years.  Now it makes sense why Fred would buy the even more desolate and remote Matador ranch in Motley county S/W of Quanah.  Also, the part I recently read from Killers of the Flower Moon, about, I believe it was Fred, crossing the Red River near Quanah to swindle Indians out of their mineral (Oil) rights.

Guess I should get back to Pierre here, there is plenty more to tell about him as you know better than I.  What was that quote of Renee on Dallas, something about oil making things run smoother?

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John Martino.  Many here know the name.  If not, all should read Larry Hancock's seminal work, Someone Would Have Talked.  

Someone Would Have Talked by Hancock, Larry (amazon.com)

Born in New Jersy.  An electronics guy for Santo Trafficante in Cuba at his casinos.  Arrested when reentering Cuba after Castro took over.  Reportedly Jean Pierre Laffite went to visit him in prison and knew him for seven years previously.  "When he goes to Texas, they're going to kill him."  More tomorrow.

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Based on my conversations with Martino's sons and his fathers remarks to his family, Martino was actually a bitter enemy of Trafficante who he blamed for his arrest and imprisonment in Cuba.  The actually names of the gamblers Martino worked for are called out in my book. He was not arrested for reentering Cuba but rather was still working in Cuba after the revolution and was arrested for trying to help get Cubans out of Cuba...arrested along with his son. His relevant friends and connections circa 1963 to the extent that I could vet them are called out in the 2010 edition of the book as is his role in organizing TILT, which I believe to be what brought him peripherally into the circle of those involved in the Dallas attack. 

Some of Martino's own words - per his family - may be found here.



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5 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Based on my conversations with Martino's sons and his fathers remarks to his family, Martino was actually a bitter enemy of Trafficante who he blamed for his arrest and imprisonment in Cuba.  The actually names of the gamblers Martino worked for are called out in my book. He was not arrested for reentering Cuba but rather was still working in Cuba after the revolution and was arrested for trying to help get Cubans out of Cuba...arrested along with his son. His relevant friends and connections circa 1963 to the extent that I could vet them are called out in the 2010 edition of the book as is his role in organizing TILT, which I believe to be what brought him peripherally into the circle of those involved in the Dallas attack. 

Some of Martino's own words - per his family - may be found here.



Larry, what Hotel/Casino did Martino work at? Was it the Riviera? I'm trying to put him and Diaz-Garcia together.

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12 minutes ago, David Boylan said:

Larry, what Hotel/Casino did Martino work at? Was it the Riviera? I'm trying to put him and Diaz-Garcia together.

David, not to step on Larry's toes but I've just been re reading in SWHT about Martino.  It was the Deauville.  ". . . in 1956 traveled  to Havana, at the invitation of Allen Roth. Roth was involved in management and operation of the Deauville Hotel and Casino that was leased to Roth by Santo Trafficante Jr. and Everisto Garcia."   . . . "Two of John Martino's co-workers at the Deauville were R.D. Matthews and Louis McWillie."

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David, there is so much conflicting info about Diaz Garcia - much of it from Escalante - that the facts are vague.  He had been a member of the Cuban Restaurant Workers Union, which suggests had had been a regular Casino employee at some point.  In 1963 he was recently arrived in the US, with his wife.  According to the FBI he was a long time revolutionary but associated with the old guard Prio factions and with people like Norman Rothman. 

All in all he does not seem the type to have come into much contact with Martino given that Martino's jobs in the casinos were "technical",  primarily involving the equipment.  Perhaps the most interesting thing is that he was reportedly associated with Commandos L, where he might have come involved mission wise with some of our favorite names.  In that event any connection may have come through mutual associates in 1963 rather than previously.

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Thanks Ron and Larry. I've seen HDG's jobs as chief of security detail (59-60) at the Riviera, cashier (63,) and restaurant worker. He was of great interest to the CIA due to his connection to EFIGENIO AMEIJIERAS. EA was one of the big six (Item 4 A) that the CIA was counting on to overthrow Castro as part of the AMLASH project. Carl Jenkins and Manuel Artime did not much care for him though.

I've come to the conclusion that if he was involved, it would have been through Carlos Zarraga. Zarraga and HDG went back a long way to pre-Castro Cuba as members of the old UIR. Zarraga (AMOT-133) de-briefed HDG in September 1963 after which the CIA assigned him a 201 number. Zarraga, Cuesta and HDG would run infils into Cuba.


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I would agree David, Martino's connections with the action oriented guys came after his casino time, otherwise he would not have been caught trying to smuggle out people himself. And Ed said he purely hated Trafficante afterwards as he thought he or his people had turned him in for trying to run his own thing inside Cuba without actually being part of the approved (read paying a percentage)  activities. He traditionally had enjoyed his role as a "technician", running his own scams (especially technical ones as with the race wires on the side).

Diaz Garcia's ties were very  much to the old line guys of pre-revolutionary Cuba, that shows up in the work he got after the assassination, the I've often wondered if Sforza might have been a contact for him in his role as a gambler - that might explain the tie to Morales. 

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You know Larry, that's a good point about Tony Sforza aka Frank Stevens. He was under deep cover as a gambler. Interesting that the Varona mentioned in this document written by Jake Esterline, his handler was Tony Sforza. ( https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=235161) ) mentioned Herminio Diaz Garcia as part of the assassination.

Ref - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=193177#relPageId=2 

MM-761-S is Francisco Varona aka Pancho aka AMCONCERT-1

Edited by David Boylan
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