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Lisa Pease on RFK on Fox LA.

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Here is Part 3:  


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Hard to believe that a local Fox affiliate would put this up, it is essentially a long form about the true circumstances of RFK's death.

Plus they filled it out with pictures and illustrations.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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On 1/28/2024 at 4:44 PM, Steve Roe said:

DiEugenio's introduction to Pease's RFK book: 

This book makes a quantum leap forward, in both the explication of the crime and the cover-up. Lisa Pease has found new evidence that is too abundant to list here. Some of it no one even knew existed. Some of it surprised even someone as jaded as myself. On one key item, she called me up at night and told me to come down to the library she was at to see it. It was so exculpatory of Sirhan that she thought it would soon disappear, and if so she needed someone to bear witness. I will not try to summarize the case presented here, but I will say this: if Sirhan ever got a new trial, this book could be used to set him free. I doubt a prosecutor would even bring a case once he examined its contents. Former California Attorney General and now Senator Kamala Harris would have been humiliated in court. Which explains why she resisted reopening the case.

Pease, Lis. A Lie Too Big to Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (p. xxi). Feral House. Kindle Edition.

Question for Jim.

What was the key item that Lisa found at the Library and that she was worried would disappear?

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Film of the extra bullet holes in the pantry.

(I should note that  Shane said he had seen this already.)

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13 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Film of the extra bullet holes in the pantry.

(I should note that  Shane said he had seen this already.)

Really interesting.  I’ve been watching the videos and Lisa does an outstanding job with her presentation.

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She knows that case as well if not better than anyone.

Although have to read the John Hunt book, did not even know it was out.

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On 1/30/2024 at 10:58 AM, James DiEugenio said:

Here is Part 2 for you:


Interesting points in part 2 I noted.

1:38 "Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and bidding of the all highest?"  Quote and picture of George Hunter White of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, FBI and CIA.

8:37 Oswald firing Blanks, hypnotized, to the world.

19:00 Dr. Daniel Brown, probing Sirhan's mind, finding truths.

25:00 Dr. William Bryan of LA and hypnotism.

30:00 on, Hoover/FBI, GHWB.

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In one of the first two parts Lisa mentions the attempted assassination plot against Jimmy Carter in L.A. in ‘79 by Raymond Lee Harvey and Osvaldo Espinosa Ortiz.

Were either of these guys ever tracked down and interviewed by journalists or researchers, and are either of them still alive.  Apparently, Harvey would be 79-80 now.  Also, was it ever confirmed that those were their real names?  A google search didn’t reveal much.

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Is that not an incredible episode?

I mean that could not be a a coincidence.

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Is that not an incredible episode?

I mean that could not be a a coincidence.

Exactly.  I work for a police department in a major city and the thought of not following up on every piece of evidence and every lead is unthinkable these days.  You would be risking your job, if not criminal prosecution, if a LEO tried to cover up a crime.  The accountability, oversight and scrutiny is almost too much to handle.  I’ve seen officers from my own department get sentenced to prison time, with witnesses from the department testifying against the officer.  Keep in mind, I believe this is a good thing when the officer has committed a criminal act.

That said, there are multiple obituaries for “Raymond Lee Harvey” individuals and none of them fit the match for the subject involved in the 1979 incident.  It is hard to imagine that the LAPD had these guys detained and did not do their due diligence and find their true identities before releasing them.

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Lowenstein was a Yale educated lawyer who started and ran the Dump Johnson movement.

He tried to get RFK to run against LBJ but Bobby turned him down.

So he went to McCarthy.  Contrary to popular belief, Bobby changed his mind before the New Hampshire primary.  It was probably due to Tet.

After RFK was killed, Lowenstein became one of the first high profile advocates that there was a conspiracy involved.

He wrote an article, IIRC, in Saturday Review that got some attention.


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I'd like to say.  I know we have a separate topic on RFK.  I think if we keep his son and politics out of it, this thread should be sustained, as others on such have been moved, for good reason.

That said, here is a very informative thread on the subject.  I'll start it out with a quote from I believe, a friend.

I got the book for Christmas and am reading ...  Lisa is a great researcher and investigator, and ties many points together in a credible manner.    I've read quite a bit about RFK and all the loose ends - and many good authors that preceded her - but Lisa puts another dimension onto the story.  Like getting a graduate education in the story.  

Its actually quite sad, almost depressing, to understand what happened to RFK and our country in June 1968.  I had just graduated from high school, and there was great hope that Bobby would lead the country out of the mess that was Vietnam, widespread racial tensions and questionable politicians.  He seemed a candidate of the people (all people) and someone who had moral courage and would put the country on the right path.  What a loss ... and then we got Ricard Nixon for the next 6 years.  It breaks my heart to read about what happened to him, and how brazen and brash the plotters were, including the coverup and intimidation for years to come.  

Many of my age and era lost faith in politics, government, and the ability to effect change.  Not sure the country ever quite recovered.       

Here is the thread link.


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The Bobby Kennedy of 1968 made his brother look like a moderate.

A good book on this is The Revolution of Robert Kennedy by John Bohrer.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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