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Sydney Wilkinson's 6k Copy of NARA's "Forensic Version" of the Zapruder Film

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7 hours ago, Keven Hofeling said:

NEW, "Director's Cut" of French Zapruder Film Documentary "L'image 313" Now Up on YouTube!'



This isn't the documentary we've recently heard about, is it, using the high-definition color log-scale scans?

I thought that one was going to include comments made by Hollywood type film professionals.


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29 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:



This isn't the documentary we've recently heard about, is it, using the high-definition color log-scale scans?

I thought that one was going to include comments made by Hollywood type film professionals.


No, it's not. The French documentary just has some of Sidney Wilkinson's stills, and the additional segment of the Dino Brugioni interview.

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I viewed the YouTube video once, very casually, and was a bit underwhelmed. When you paused it at (say) 317, the quality was clearly inferior to the scan that has been posted. This is a down-sampled version, right?


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On 2/24/2024 at 6:07 PM, Keven Hofeling said:

Dino Brugioni Commenting on Z-313 and Z-317 -- Heretofore Unseen Footage From Doug Horne Interview

'NEW, "Director's Cut" of French Zapruder Film Documentary "L'image 313" Now Up on YouTube!'
insidethearrb | November 22nd, 2023 | https://insidethearrb.livejournal.com/21743.html
My 60th Birthday
November 22nd, 2023

Greetings, on this sad 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination.

America experienced a coup d'etat in 1963; the galactic center of the plot was in the Pentagon, and those angry men, the true power and impetus behind the conspiracy, were aided and abetted by willing handmaidens in the CIA (and some private sector individuals, one of them a former government official). Kennedy was murdered by his enemies---plural. The causes were his refusal to bomb and invade Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and his subsequent attempts to end the Cold War---which included not only detente with the USSR, but withdrawal from Vietnam by 1965, and his secret attempts in the fall of 1963 to pursue a rapprochement with Castro's Cuba.

I am proud to announce that the NEW, Second Edit, or "Director's Cut," if you will, of the French documentary released back on October 18th, is now UP on YouTube.

HERE IS THE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZed8cNAu10

There are almost 8 minutes of new material added to this interesting documentary, directed by Yannick Rolandeau, and edited by his collaborator, Theo Bonaccio.

For those of you who have not read my original posting about this film, I will simply say that it is about the Zapruder film's diverted chain of custody the weekend following JFK's assassination---and what happened to the film during its diversion on Saturday evening, 11/23, from Chicago to the CIA in Washington D.C.; then on to Kodak Headquarters in Rochester, N.Y. on Sunday morning, 11/24, where the film was modified using visual special effects, and edited; then back to the CIA in Washington, D.C. late on Sunday night, 11/24.

The new material added to this "Director's Cut" of L'image 313 is of two types:

-good images of some of the high resolution Hollywood scans of the Zapruder film (digitally scanned at both 2K and 6K resolution), clearly showing evidence of alteration; and

-new video footage, that the world has not yet publicly seen, of the world's foremost imagery analyst, NPIC's Dino Brugioni, as he views some of the Hollywood scans, and as he views the Zapruder film as a motion picture for the first time since he saw the unaltered film on November 23, 1963.

I highly encourage all of you to watch this new, improved version of Yannick Rolandeau's film.

We can honor the 35th President not only by studying his policies and actions during his administration---understanding the key decisions he made and their context---but we can also honor him by not succumbing to the continuing lies told about his assassination, and by uncovering different elements of the U.S. government coverup. This French documentary is an important new part of that effort. END

The French documentary is excellent.  It is a bit disorienting trying to follow the English subtitles and the film itself, but well worth the effort.

It may not be from Ms. Wilkinson's archive frames but this is still the clearest version I've ever seen, and it seems fuller.  I don't recall seeing the full sequence of Hill on the back bumper step, Jackie climbing on to the trunk and retrieving the piece of JFK's brain or skull, which can be seen plainly here, then getting back into the back seat.

Then Dino Brugioni, starting about 22:20.  1975, the President's Commission, (Ford) investigation, CIA.  Dino told his new boss at NPIC he still had one set of the briefing boards in a safe.  His new Director blew up.  GD, why the hell do you have them, get rid of them.  He "took them to the in-house courier service, told them to wrap it and send it to the director's office.

Did he have them sent to his boss? The very director that told him to get rid of them?

The only other Director I can think of would be of the CIA, at that time George Herbert Walker Bush.

27:48 Never noticed the Umbrella sticking up by the sign as JFK comes out from behind it.  Again, clear here.

Life pictures = McMahon/Hunter, Saturday night.  I.E. Brugioni worked with the original film Friday night.  His briefing boards caused the need for alteration, Hawkeyeworks, the need for a new set of boards to brief most in the Government and Media.  Which gave us the Life pictures.  

The WCA included Zapruder, Clint Murchison, Harold Dryhole Byrd (TSBD), Judge Sarah Hughes, AF-1 Oath of Office LBJ (in essence appointed by him).  George De Mohrenschildt, George Herbert Walker Bush, and Harlson Lafyette Hunt, the richest man in the world at the time. 

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2 hours ago, Mark Ulrik said:

I viewed the YouTube video once, very casually, and was a bit underwhelmed. When you paused it at (say) 317, the quality was clearly inferior to the scan that has been posted. This is a down-sampled version, right?



I would think it's a compressed MPEG. The original scans are far too big to download and play in a browser.

But MPEGs, like JPEGs, should still look quite good when not zoomed in. Unless they were excessively compressed.


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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

I would think it's a compressed MPEG. The original scans are far too big to download and play in a browser.

But MPEGs, like JPEGs, should still look quite good when not zoomed in. Unless they were excessively compressed.

I think the deleted version may have been a little better than this one, but without the grainy texture evident in the scans.


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The "new" Brugioni interview footage Doug Horne provided to us was Dino and Doug sitting in front of the laptop where Dino was pointing out anomolies as the Z film rolled.  I found it interesting to hear Dino telling Doug that there was a lot more going on in the film he originally saw than what is shown on the extant film from the time after the head shot all the way to the underpass.

We've heard testimony from some, of activity around the limosene immediately following the "head shot", for instance SS men swarming (my word) toward the limo, which is not in the extant film.


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1 hour ago, Michael Crane said:

Hey now,the black blob isn't going up that high in the pic above.

Pat Speer any comments?

I forgot to mention that it's frame 313 in the comparison pic. A true blob enthusiast would probably have picked 317.

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