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Yow! I am imagining a Quantum of Solace motion picture-like scenario, for when the seventy or eighty of the planning board met.

Sidney Gottlieb and Richard Milhous Nixon, planners, but no LBJ?

Having this all down in one place is a big help.

Maybe I can get a vegetable garden in this year.

I feel a haiku coming on.



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Impressive, comprehensive, super command of resources, up there with John Simkin’s  Spartacus list. Just  gone midnight here in Australia…will sleep on it before any substantive comment, but thanks and my humble congratulations.

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, George Govus said:

Yow! I am imagining a Quantum of Solace motion picture-like scenario, for when the seventy or eighty of the planning board met.

Sidney Gottlieb and Richard Milhous Nixon, planners, but no LBJ?

Having this all down in one place is a big help.

Maybe I can get a vegetable garden in this year.

I feel a haiku coming on.






But I did include about two dozen of LBJ's close contacts in the military industrial complex.


LBJ was a whore to the war-machine, but was not in control, by any stretch of the imagination...


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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7 hours ago, David McLean said:

Impressive, comprehensive, super command of resources, up there with John Simkin’s  Spartacus list. Just  gone midnight here in Australia…will sleep on it before any substantive comment, but thanks and my humble congratulations.


I appreciate the comparison to John Simkin's original Spartacus list, as I was inspired by that in the making of this.


As you can see, I've added about fifty new names.


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Posted (edited)
58 minutes ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

So, you're saying they kept things pretty close to the vest........only about a thousand individuals involved? 😂😂😂


Not to rub your face in dog crap, but you obviously have never served in the military and do not know the discipline of following an order without question, and then keeping your big mouth shut about that order until kingdom come.


And you obviously know nothing about military coup d'état's and how you can compartmentalize a series of independent orders in networks of thousands of politically aligned insurgents and conspirators. 


Case in point, the CIA backed coups in Guatemala and Iran, code-named respectively Operation PBSuccess and Operation TP-AJAX, each involved at least three-thousand personnel, hundreds of tons of military hardware to procure, and hundreds of millions of covert finances to accomplish.


I only list about five-hundred hardline fascists.


The murder of President Kennedy was the military overthrow of the concept of legitimate democracy in our time, not a circle-jerk of ten guys in a shaded back alley. 


Please, remove you head out of your rectum, so you may pull the foot out of your mouth.


And maybe try serving in a combat operation (like I have), so you can know what it means to keep a secret at the expense of your own life...


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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31 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:

LBJ was a whore to the war-machine, but was not in control, by any stretch of the imagination...

LBJ started controlling the flow of information regarding whether or not it was a large scale international conspiracy and what could be revealed the very second he was told he had become the president of the United States.

When investigating a crime usually investigators ask themselves first: Cui Bono, who benefits?

As I see it, no single individual on the planet benefited more or quicker from the assassination of JFK than LBJ.

If LBJ was not in control or could not usefully control the investigation, then the conspirators got very, very lucky that the new president could be counted on to assist them 100% in getting away with murdering the previous president.

It's not unreasonable to believe the conspirators did not rely on luck and chance to complete their objective.

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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

It's not unreasonable to believe the conspirators did not rely on luck and chance to complete their objective.


Correct, the conspirators left nothing to chance.


And when it came to LBJ, he was so compromised by his racketeering, insider-trading and sexual exploits, he could not do anything other than keep his mouth shut.


As for the investigation of the JFK murder, that was overseen by John J. McCloy and Allen Welsh Dulles, both brutal fascists, who knew all of LBJ's dirty secrets.


That's not to say LBJ didn't gain the world in exchange for selling out to the devil.


All it required on LBJ's part was to do nothing, smile & wave.


Final analysis: LBJ had no background in military coup d'état's, ergo, though he benefited, he did not orchestrate it.


That was a task for men a thousand times more savage and cunning than some yokel good-ole boy up to his neck in graft and impending investigations into his business deals...


...LBJ was not innocent, yes, but he was no puppet master.


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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1 hour ago, Robert Montenegro said:


Not to rub your face in dog crap, but you obviously have never served in the military and do not know the discipline of following an order without question, and then keeping your big mouth shut about that order until kingdom come.


And you obviously know nothing about military coup d'état's and how you can compartmentalize a series of independent orders in networks of thousands of politically aligned insurgents and conspirators. 


Case in point, the CIA backed coups in Guatemala and Iran, code-named respectively Operation PBSuccess and Operation TP-AJAX, each involved at least three-thousand personnel, hundreds of tons of military hardware to procure, and hundreds of millions of covert finances to accomplish.


I only list about five-hundred hardline fascists.


The murder of President Kennedy was the military overthrow of the concept of legitimate democracy in our time, not a circle-jerk of ten guys in a shaded back alley. 


Please, remove you head out of your rectum, so you may pull the foot out of your mouth.


And maybe try serving in a combat operation (like I have), so you can know what it means to keep a secret at the expense of your own life...


A little touchy aren't we? By the way, I do believe in a conspiracy but one not quite as vast as the one you believe in. I made a joke and you went ballistic and called me every name in the book, lol! Can we be civil here?

I have never served in the military in any capacity but I do understand how things work on a need-to-know basis and how each mission is compartmentalized, especially in "wet" operations.

Many individuals were roped into the cover-up under order or threats to their lives or their family. Many were convinced by misguided patriotism to participate with stories of a nuclear war with Russia if the truth came out about any foreign involvement. 

I believe that the inner circle who knew ahead of time plans to assassinate the president was relatively small. Those who actually planned it and worked to make it happen.

No need to go ballistic on everyone who disagrees with you, especially if they make a lighthearted joke. That is how the lone-nutters usually operate.

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

 I made a joke and you went ballistic and called me every name in the book, lol!


I did not call you "...every name in the book...", and I do not appreciate the libelous slander that I called you any insult.


19 minutes ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

I believe that the inner circle who knew ahead of time plans to assassinate the president was relatively small. Those who actually planned it and worked to make it happen.


Considering their were 4.2 billion people on planet Earth in 1963, and I only mention about one-hundred names in the "planning" phase of my post, I would quantify that as a small group of men who knew the inner details of the plot to overthrow the United States of America.


19 minutes ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

No need to go ballistic on everyone who disagrees with you, especially if they make a lighthearted joke. That is how the lone-nutters usually operate.


Consider this for a moment:


I have been researching the topic of military coup d'états for fifteen years now, with a special emphasis on the murder of President Kennedy for eight years.


Perhaps I do not suffer foolishness at this point in my life, and do not appreciate jokes about the murder of the United State's last legitimate President.


So, yes, I am sensitive, and maybe a little "...touchy...", to borrow your descriptor of my normal human response to someone joking about a murder.


If you want to tell jokes, go hit an open-mic improv stage.


Yours truly,


The fatigued, disciplined combat veteran.


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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3 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:


Correct, the conspirators left nothing to chance.


And when it came to LBJ, he was so compromised by his racketeering, insider-trading and sexual exploits, he could not do anything other than keep his mouth shut.


As for the investigation of the JFK murder, that was overseen by John J. McCloy and Allen Welsh Dulles, both brutal fascists, who knew all of LBJ's dirty secrets.


That's not to say LBJ didn't gain the world in exchange for selling out to the devil.


All it required on LBJ's part was to do nothing, smile & wave.


Final analysis: LBJ had no background in military coup d'état's, ergo, though he benefited, he did not orchestrate it.


That was a task for men a thousand times more savage and cunning than some yokel good-ole boy up to his neck in graft and impending investigations into his business deals...


...LBJ was not innocent, yes, but he was no puppet master.


You might benefit from Jeremey Kuzmarov's scholarly article for Covert Action Magazine which indicts Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination: https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/11/22/60-years-after-jfks-death-it-is-more-and-more-apparent-that-kennedy-was-a-victim-of-a-palace-coup-spearheaded-by-vice-president-lyndon-b-johnson/

In my opinion, Lyndon Johnson did not merely orchestrate the JFK assassination, he micromanaged it.

By this time LBJ was a seasoned murderer: see Sam Smithwick in 1952 and the June 3, 1961 Henry Marshall murder which LBJ orchestrated and the Kennedys helped to cover it up for him because a scandal involving LBJ would tar the Kennedy Administration. Henry Marshall: https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmarshallH.htm The Kennedys were, of course, going to get rid of LBJ for the 1964 presidential campaign.

Lyndon Johnson also helped his henchman Malcolm Wallace to beat a murder rap in early 1952. Mac Wallace, enraged over John Kinser's sex with his wife and Josepha Johnson (LBJ's sister), killed Austin golf shop pro John Kinscer on 10/22/1951: https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKwallaceM.htm LBJ and his Austin cronies helped Mac Wallace to beat that rap.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

You might benefit from Jeremey Kuzmarov's scholarly article for Covert Action Magazine which indicts Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination: https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/11/22/60-years-after-jfks-death-it-is-more-and-more-apparent-that-kennedy-was-a-victim-of-a-palace-coup-spearheaded-by-vice-president-lyndon-b-johnson/

In my opinion, Lyndon Johnson did not merely orchestrate the JFK assassination, he micromanaged it.

By this time LBJ was a seasoned murderer: see Sam Smithwick in 1952 and the June 3, 1961 Henry Marshall murder which LBJ orchestrated and the Kennedys helped to cover it up for him because a scandal involving LBJ would tar the Kennedy Administration. Henry Marshall: https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmarshallH.htm The Kennedys were, of course, going to get rid of LBJ for the 1964 presidential campaign.

Lyndon Johnson also helped his henchman Malcolm Wallace to beat a murder rap in early 1952. Mac Wallace, enraged over John Kinser's sex with his wife and Josepha Johnson (LBJ's sister), killed Austin golf shop pro John Kinscer on 10/22/1951: https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKwallaceM.htm LBJ and his Austin cronies helped Mac Wallace to beat that rap.


It is factual (as I pointed out already), that LBJ was a crooked little turd of a human being, but he was in no position to pull off a military coup.


In my opinion (wink-wink), if anyone was in a position to "...micro-manage..." the murder of President Kennedy, it was Allen Welsh Dulles and his group of conspirators.


Ask yourself a fundamental question:


Whose aristocracy pulled the strings of power before the murder of President Kennedy and who controls the corridors of power to this day?


I'll tell you this much, it is not LBJ's gang of good-ole boys running the Safari Club, Operation GLADIO, Bank of Credit and Commerce International, Nugan Hand Bank, Castle Bank & Trust in the Bahamas, Maktab al-Khidamat, Lajnat al-Birr al Islamiah, Al Kifah Refugee Center, or Al Taqwa Bank.


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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Isn't this the cat that said he was going to bail?

I wouldn't have mentioned anything,but you didn't take Jonathan Cohen with you.

Edited by Michael Crane
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38 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

Isn't this the cat that said he was going to bail?

I wouldn't have mentioned anything,but you didn't take Jonathan Cohen with you.


Now I remember why I left.


Thank you.


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