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MAINSTREAM vs MAGA COOLER - For those who want to challenge the other side.

Sandy Larsen

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Just now, W. Niederhut said:


     Robert Morrow's familiarity with Roger Stone is extremely interesting, IMO.

     I'm still curious about Roger Stone's claim (in Nixon's Secrets) that LBJ and Nixon had a three-hour private meeting in Dallas on November 21, 1963.

     Because of Robert Morrow's history with Roger Stone, I'm wondering if Robert has any information about the alleged LBJ/Nixon meeting-- which is, obviously relevant for the JFK assassination.

     That story aroused my curiosity, since LBJ and Nixon occupied the White House for the next ten years after 11/22/63.

That LBJ-Nixon meeting that Roger Stone talks about never happened. Roger Stone, as usual, just made it up. There are some things in his LBJ book that I think he utterly fabricated. Which is too bad because I put some good material in his book.

Remember, Roger Stone could not care less about the truth. It will use the truth if it serves his purposes and he will totally lie about anything anytime.

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On 4/24/2024 at 5:31 PM, James DiEugenio said:

No Ron, it does not look like him, as I have seen close up pictures of Cruz back then.

Trump really wanted to accent this phony story by the way, he actually mentioned it on TV.

Richard, can you provide a source for him being on the route working for IBM, and then running away to Canada.?



"I was working for IBM in Dallas...I saw the motorcade pass about 15 minutes before it happened."

As for fleeing to Canada, I used the prejudicial verb "to flee." He would probably say that he moved to Canada. I forget the source for that, but recollection is that he moved his family to Canada some short time after the assassination. And then, inexplicably, his son, a man of no known talents other than being a master debater, became a United States senator. It's a mystery wrapped up in an enigma or something.

Edited by Richard Bertolino
needed to say more
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I recall searching Raphael Cruz Sr's background.

After fighting Castro's men as a young man, he was captured and arrested. He escaped and made a harrowing journey out of Cuba and made it to Texas, with maybe just a few dollars in his pockets.

Cruz Sr. settled in Texas. He started working as a dishwasher, yet , showing much ambition got into college there and graduated in 1963.

I believe he then left Texas and settled briefly in New Orleans for several months. Again, in 1963.

Cruz Sr. was the exact same age as Lee Harvey Oswald ( 24 ) in 1963, being born in 1939.

Cruz Sr. coincidently lived in New Orleans during Oswald's time there, specifically during Oswald's leaflet passing ventures and his public shoving match with Carlos Bringuier in August of 1963.

Cruz Sr. married a Canadian woman (Ted Cruz's mother? ) ... correct?

Here's what I always found curious. Cruz Sr. was extremely active in Cuban ex-patriot group affairs in Texas. He spoke frequently at their meetings and gatherings. Recounting his anti-Castro fighting and harrowing escape to the U.S. Ostensibly to help attain funding for these groups in their anti-Castro activities.

When he moves to New Orleans in 1963 however, there is nothing to show him being active in any Cuban affairs...at all. He goes from being extremely active in the Cuban Jure activity in Texas. Speaking often. Yet, in a city packed with hot-headed Cuban anti-Castro groups he doesn't interact with any of them at all?

I recall there being a "black hole" in this New Orleans part of Raphael Cruz Sr.'s biography. Nothing about his time in New Orleans in 1963.

Common sense would suggest Cuban affairs political activist in Texas Cruz. Sr. must have at least kept up to some degree on the activity of all this Cuban anti-Castro group activity in Cuban ex-pat packed New Orleans.

He surely knew who Carlos Bringuier was. He certainly knew of Oswald as Oswald made the NO papers and actually appeared on NO radio and even TV due to his downtown leaflet passing and fight with Bringuier.

Cruz sr. has never been asked about his 1963 time in New Orleans. And whether he knew of or was involved in anyway with the many anti-Castro groups there? Or if he had seen or heard anything about Lee Harvey Oswald in his time there which again was when Oswald was there.

My guess is that Cruz Sr. was involved with one or more of our intelligence agencies at some point in his life. To what degree and starting at what age I could not say.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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And, btw, Rafael Cruz, after the assassination, became rich in the oil business:

Cruz ran a company called R.B. Cruz and Associates, which provided computer-driven seismic maps to the oil industry, which the big oil firms would buy and then use to begin to drill. (https://www.cnn.com/2016/01/30/politics/ted-cruz-canada-rafael-eleanor-calgary/index.html)


The timing of things here seems to indicate that Cruz moved to Canada circa 1970, but I don't know. And then, of course, he moved in to the religion business.

Edited by Richard Bertolino
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This thread about the historic Trump hush money trial, Rafael Cruz, and the National Enquirer got buried in obscurity here, but here's an update from today's hearing.  It sounds like Trump also relied on David Pecker to sabotage Ben Carson during the 2016 Republican primaries.

Hope Hicks: Trump called Enquirer hit job on Ben Carson campaign 'Pulitzer worthy'

Donald Trump trial live updates: Hope Hicks breaks down in tears and says ex-president 'really valued' Melania's opinion | Daily Mail Online

May 3, 2024

Hope Hicks tells the trial the fake National Enquirer story about Ben Carson's 'medical malpractice' was worthy of a Pulitzer Prize.

The communications aide was describing calls between Donald Trump and the magazine’s publisher David Pecker.

Hicks said Trump congratulated Pecker on the ‘great reporting’.

She also heard the former president praise Pecker for the story linking Ted Cruz’s father to Lee Harvey Oswald, the gunman who assassinated JFK.

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I looked into Ted "Raphael" Cruz's father's background story for a few days years ago.

Raphael Cruz Sr.

What I read was that Cruz Sr. was extremely politically involved in Texas ( giving talks to several anti-Castro groups ), telling about his life and death risking Castro fighting in Cuba as a teenager and his eventual escape from a Castro jail to then journeying to America with just a few dollars in his pocket. And how he went from washing dishes to graduating from a Texas college.

In 1963 however, he got married and left Texas and moved to New Orleans in mid-1963.

And he didn't move out of New Orleans until after Lee Oswald left there.

I'll go back and see if I have these points correct.

However, if Cruz Sr. was living in New Orleans at the same time as Oswald he would have surely read and heard about Oswald due to the press there covering Oswald's leaflet passing, fight with Carlos Bringuier, and even interviewing Oswald and actually broadcasting a one-on-one debate between Oswald and Bringuier!

Bringuier was a top leader in the anti-Castro movement in New Orleans.

Every Cuban in N.O. had to have known who he was.

Cruz Sr. had to have known him or of him. Cruz Sr. was very active in the Anti-Castro movement in Texas just before he left there to move to New Orleans.

So, we are to believe Cruz Sr. just completely dropped out of any anti-Castro political activity when he moved to Anti-Castro hot activity central N.O.?

As politically hot as Miami?

Cruz Sr. was the exact same age as Oswald - 24.

What information I could find on Raphael Cruz Sr's life up until his move to New Orleans was decently substantive and documented, however, there seemed to be a "black hole" with absolutely no information offered about his time in New Orleans.

Curious indeed.

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